A year of newspaper clippings from Homestead’s paper related to members of the Jewish community.

Jews in the News, 1906
A year of newspaper clippings from Homestead’s paper related to members of the Jewish community.

Jews in the News, 1907
A year of newspaper clippings from Homestead’s paper related to members of the Jewish community.

Jews in the News, 1908
A year of newspaper clippings from Homestead’s paper related to members of the Jewish community.

Jews in the News, 1909
A year of newspaper clippings from Homestead’s paper related to members of the Jewish community.

Jews in the News, 1910
A year of newspaper clippings from Homestead’s paper related to members of the Jewish community.

Jews in the News, 1911
A year of newspaper clippings from Homestead’s paper related to members of the Jewish community.

Articles about the Arson of the First Synagogue
These articles and editorials narrate the events surrounding the arson of the first synagogue and the community’s response (it wasn’t good).

Events Leading to the Second Synagogue, May 1911-June 1913
A collection of newspaper articles documenting the events after the arson of the first shul through the groundbreaking for the second.

Jews in the News, 1912
A year of newspaper clippings from Homestead’s paper related to members of the Jewish community.

Purchase of Land for the Second Synagogue
Deed and letter of sale for the purchase of a lot near Tenth Ave. & McClure St.
Jews in the News, 1913
A year of newspaper clippings from Homestead’s paper related to members of the Jewish community.