Over the course of the year the economic conditions in Homestead improved, and the steel industry picked up as well. There was a bit more news about the Jewish community than in previous years, but not as much as I might have hoped, since the formation of the Ladies’ Auxiliary seems to have gone unmentioned.
Liquor licenses
Peddler woes
Merchant woes
Business doings
Personal woes
The Jewish World
Also of Interest
1/20: “The great political battle tomorrow…In the Second ward Harry Haley and Morris Frankel are having a hot fight between themselves for council and both say they are going to do the other fellow, but the general public is not much interested in this contest.”
The Democrats weighed in on the two candidates, “In the Second we have Morris Frankel, the Hebrew clothing vendor, and Harry Haley, the Irish booze dispenser. If success in business is any recommendation both of these gentlemen have the qualifications. Both came to Homestead with but little but a head full of brains and they now rank with the most successful and influential citizens of the borough. Haley and Frankel are or recently were Democrats and whether they have been resolved or converted either would make a good councilman.”
A long article promoting Frankel’s candidacy said, “He is also one of our most liberal and accommodating citizens. Nothing which appeals to his sympathies is too difficult for him to undertake. Always generous to the poor and needy, having sympathy for the poor and oppressed. He is always to be wound (sic?) with the working classes from which he spring.”
And a mock ballot appeared in the paper–surprise, Joseph Lasdusky was running for Judge of Election and Ignatz Grossman and Emil Lebovitz for the Borough Executive Committee!
1/23: The election results were announced. “In the Second ward Harry Haley had everything his own way for council… The fight in this ward was warm. Morris Frankel is putting up a hard fight against overwhelming odds, but Haley’s perfect organization was too much for him.” By a hard fight, they meant…Frankel was contesting the election! He went “to court to enter suit against the election board for conducting the primaries illegally…He said he was not allowed a representative on the the election board and that the board conducted things in a high handed and unlawful manner.” The article below lists the many irregularities. (For what it is worth, the paper predicted such irregularities on the 19th.) “Frankel seems terribly in earnest and if he can make trouble for the board he certainly will do so.” He lost 161-315. Lasdusky lost 96-323, and in a pool of candidates who all received north of 300 votes, Grossman and Lebovitz were the bottom two with 67 and 72 votes respectively. Yikes!
- 2/11: “In an article published February 9th in the Homestead Press, I was accused of breaking a written pledge to the Republican party,” wrote Frankel. (The Homestead Press is a paper which does not survive.) “They broke faith with me as everybody knows…Nothing was too dirty for the Cox crowd to resort to…” (Interestingly, Cox was the one who published an anti-Semitic the previous year.)
- 2/17: Nevertheless, Haley was the Second ward’s Republican candidate, and almost everyone was Republican, so at a political meeting last night in the Second ward for Harry A. Haley, candidate for council in 2nd ward, “among those who made speeches in addition to the candidate were…I.S. Grossman, Max Markowitz…” and many others.
- 2/22: Haley won the general election by 42 votes. The paper noted that the Second ward “was for a time the only Democratic ward in the borough but for the last two years, during a national campaign, turned to the Republican column.”
- 3/7: “Morris Frankel asked John F. Cox in council last night if he was not happier on the night of the Republican primaries than he was at the present time. Frankel is tickled at the gold brick handed John F.” (“Cox crowd is down and out..anti-Cox slate went through last night at the re-organization of council.” It seems Harry A. Haley was the one “whom Cox claims gave him the gold brick.”) I must admit I am not entirely sure what this expression means… I’m not sure if it means getting a raw deal or being swindled?
- 3/10: More election fraud and perjury seems to have occurred in Second ward election. Did it help or hinder Frankel?
- 11/1: As election season geared up again, the Citizens Party,
the local Homestead outsider partythe local affiliate of a state-wide party opposing the Republican nominee (I think), held a mass meeting and parade. The long list of the organization’s vice presidents included: I. Grossman, I.J. Goldston, B. Friedlander, E. Lebovitz, Louis Glick, Joseph Fried, Max Markowitz, and L. Schwartz. While evidence suggests that the Jewish community was mostly aligned with the Republican party at that time, which was well-entrenched in Homestead, it’s interesting that given the opportunity they showed a desire to buck the system.
- 1/20/1905: Article promoting Morris Frankel.
- 1/23/1905: After the election, Frankel contested the results.
- 2/11/1905: Frankel explains why he is contesting the election.
- 1/25: The Business men’s banquet included Philip Cohen (sic?) amongst the 115 guests.
- 2/6: “Mrs. Morris Grinberg, who is chairman of the bazaar of the Hebrew Hospital Aid society of Pittsburg, and who was around getting donations for their coming bazaar which takes place on February 7 and 8, wishes to thank the business people of Homestead for being so generous in contributing to so worthy a cause. The donations were quite large and that will help to build the hospital the coming spring.”
4/18: “Maurace (sic) Moskowitz, the well known physicians of Dickson street, practicing under the name of Dr. Maurice Moss filed a petition yesterday in common pleas court No. 2 to have his name changed from Moskowitz to Morris. He avers that while attending college at Atlanta, Ga., he was known as “Moss,” his name being too long and difficult to remember, and that he graduated under the name and has since used it.”
- 4/25: Mrs. Segelman, the jeweler, donated a dollar to the fun for the annual public school picnic. 5/16: And more! B. Hepps 1.00, Max Markowitz 2.00, Louis Glick .50, Joseph Fried .50, and Hepps & Markowitz .50.
- 4/26: “Wolk, the shoe man at 313 Eighth avenue, Homestead, is offering a pair of $6.00 shoes to any member of the H.L.A.C. [Homestead Library Athletic Club] base ball team that makes the first home run at home grounds.”
- 5/5: Henry and Charles Markowitz and Isaac Marcus were pictured in the paper along with the rest of the Pittsburgh boys’ orchestra, who would soon give a concert in the Music Hall at the Carnegie Library! Other than Frankel’s candidate photograph from his election attempts, this picture is the first of Jews in the newspaper! On 5/10 the full program for the concert was published. Both Isaac Marcus and Henry Markowitz had violin solos! Judging by the other names listed, there were a number of other Jewish boys in the orchestra, too. Not surprising — becoming a violinist was equal to a doctor or a lawyer in the mind of Jewish parents in those days, because in Russia it was the only way kids could get out of the Pale of Settlement (short of conscription).
- 5/11: Homestead was having a May Festival, which included a chorus of 120 children. There had been lots of events like it over the years, but for the first time I recognized names of Jewish kids included: Stella Cohn, Mame Cohn, Grace Grossman, and Ruth Grossman.
- 7/28: The town had a baseball league pitting men of various professions against each other. In a game of the doctors vs. the druggists, one of the druggists was our Emil Lebovitz. On 8/9, Dr. M.H. Moss played for the doctors and Lebovitz again for the druggists.
- 9/25: A family reported by the paper to be destitute received contributions from 53 merchants in the town, including A. Marks, a shirt; Lasdusky‘s, one part of pants; Little Bros., a pair of shoes; Jesse Wolk, a pair of shoes; S. Samuel, a pair of shoes; Mr. Grossman, shirts; S. Mervis, shoes; I.S. Goldston, one pair shoes; Mr. Cohn, $1; Grinberg Bros. dress; Harry Arrons (sic), one pair shoes; Emil Drug Co., two boxes of Soap; M. Lebowitz, stocking; Mr. Schwartz, shirt; and Sam Mervis, 25c.
- 4/4: For the first time in Homestad’s history there were graduating exercise and diplomas awarded to 8th grade graduates.
- 5/18: During the graduation ceremony Isabella Lebovitz did a recitation entitled “Starvoren” (sic? do they mean this?), Max Weiss performed a violin solo, “Cantabile et Bolero,” and Ida Steinberg performed a duet, “Home, Far Away,” with Margaret Smith. (Though only about a third of the graduates performed, all three of the Jewish students did.)
- 5/24: At the school picnic, for the first time Jewish kids won some prizes! In the first ward Hyman Samuels and Willie Haney won the boys’ three-legged race for rooms 5 and 6 (prize: cuff buttons). In the second ward Jennie Markowitz won a dollar in the rooms 3 and 4 girls’ egg and spoon race and Henry Markowitz a fountain pen in the boys’ 100 yard race for rooms 7 and 8. In the fifth ward Ida Steinberg won a shirtwaist set in the girls’ throwing contest for rooms 7 and 8.
- 6/6: Minnie Segelman was re-elected as teacher in the fifth ward. 9/8: She was placed in room 3.
- 9/28: High school football candidates included Segelman and Frankle.
“A saloon is always opposed to a savings bank.” — Samuel Gompers (quoted in the paper on 2/11)
Application season began with much excitement, as the fourth-fifths of the applicants had trust company bonds, which were no longer valid, and no one was sure what to do.
- 2/27: The list of liquor applicants came out — “somewhat larger than last year.” It included: Bernard Hepps, 404 Dickson St.; Isaac Hertz, 545-545 Fith Ave.; Samuel Maranz, 611 Eighth Ave.; and Harry Pollack, 453-455 Fifth Ave.
- 3/14: The list of wholesale applicants came out. It included: Adolph Hepps, 465 Fourth avenue; Louis D. Moskowitz, 206 Sixth ave. (with?) Maurice Markowitz; and Sam W. Schwartz, 100 Eighth avenue. Newly victorious Harry A. Haley was an applicant as well.
- 3/17: Amongst the 1000 remonstrances filed against applicants was one targeting Samuel Maranz. All of the new applicants and many of the old were targeted.
- 4/5: Homestead was reached in the license court at 5 AM the previous day; the session ran 2 hours longer than usual because the court was behind schedule. The person-by-person review went long. “Frank Hammock an old applicant at 530 Heisel street had no trouble nor did Bernard Hepps at 40b (sic) Dickson street. Issak Hertz at 543 Fifth avenue had no difficulty getting through, the three cases being heard in one minute…Samuel Moranz, 611 Eighth avenue, was represented by Attorney Cox and John D. Stahl and Joseph Lasdusky appeared as witnesses. The hearing was short…Harry Pollack, a new applicant at 452-55 Fifth avenue, had Dennis Murray and Fred Boyle as witnesses. He had a short hearing.” (In an unrelated, but interesting note, witnesses favoring certain of the new applicants “testified that more hotels were needed for colored men in Homestead.”)
- 4/14: “Wholesalers Had an Easy Time,” read the headline, describing the events in court the previous day, and yet:
When Morris Frankel, who is applying Clairton, admitted that he owned one licensed house in Homestead (he does?!) and that two other tenants are applicants for retail licenses he brought out a very plain statement from Judge Shafer:
“You are a very poor man to apply for a wholesale license,” the judge said. “For my part I would like to weed out all the wholesalers who own or have an interest in retail places.”
Louis D. Moskowitz and Maurice Markowitz have a license at 206 Sixth avenue, Homestead. There was some trouble over this firm delivering goods at Rankin, a prohibition district.
- 4/20: The liquor license list came out. For retailers, Hepps and Hertz got their licenses renewed, but Maranz and Pollack were refused. For wholesaler, Hepps & Markovitz and Moskowitz & Moskowitz (sic?) got their licenses renewed. (No mention was made of Schwartz — perhaps he dropped out of the process?) Interestingly, the Harry Haley who beat Frankel also got his license renewed, which created an issue for him as a recent change in the rules forbade public office holders from having a license. Not a good month for the guy — two days prior he had an appendectomy, which could be fatal in those days (on 4/19 and 5/8 and 11/2 the paper reported people who died from it!).
- 8/29: There had been complaints all summer about “peddlers who cry their wares on the streets.” After an ordinance was passed, Louis Freedman and two others were arrested.
- 10/13: A runaway street car crashed into three wagons. One belonged to a hucker, Pasek Melinick of 522 Heisel street. “Melinick was driving, but discovered his danger in time to escape the collision by jumping. His wagon was wrecked and his team was crushed between the wagon which it was hauling and…[the one] just in front.”
- 12/22: A mean joke was played on an unnamed Hebrew peddler. Men swapped the wheels of his wagon, and “when the Hebrew went to drive away, the wagon wobbled all over the street to the great amusement of the crowd. That the Hebrew was angry when he saw what was the matter goes without saying. He swore in two or three different languages and wanted to whip the whole crowd.”
- 1/11: N. Swartz got swindled by someone who tricked him into making change for a confederate $100 bill. And then on 1/21 he was robbed outright in “one of the boldest and biggest robberies ever perpetrated in Homestead.” They estimated the value of the stolen goods to be hundreds of dollars. Both articles below.
- 3/1: John Kishe owed money to A. Rosenbaum, a grocer. When we went to collect he asked a constable to join him, since he said that Kishe was a “bad man.” “It turned out…that the grocer was right for Kishe it was alleged picked up a flour can and hit Rosenbaum on his features and deluging him with flour.”
- 3/13: “The most daring case that has ever occurred in Homestead.” A woman stole so much clothing from Lasdusky‘s store and other “that she could have fitted out the family pretty comfortably for the summer.” From Lasdusky she took “one package of flannel, one package of calico, one flannel shirtwaist, three white shirtwaists and one percale shirtwaist.”
- 4/12: “A fire which might have proved disastrous occurred at Lasdusky’s Peoples’ store yesterday afternoon. There is a small gas stove in the trimming department at the rear of the store used for heating irons. When lighted yesterday pieces of muli (sic?) and chiffon were hanging above it…” You can guess the resut. Fortunately, “the loss will not amount to more than $100 which is covered by insurance.”
- 6/23: Headline, “Annie Boat and Andy Boat Steered Into the Wrong Harbor and Met Disaster.” The article, “Two boats drifted into the store of Isadore Gross yesterday and got stranded on a reef of the law.” The boat jokes continued as the article described how Andy stole a pair of pants and Annie hit Gross. Both were held for charges.
- 6/30: W.S.B. Hays, “the coal operator,” sued Max Markowitz for trespassing. The article makes clear that Markowitz did trespass — because during the winter when the road was icy his wagon fell 100′ feet into the ravine, and it took Markowitz and four or five men several attempts to hoist it out, which yes, tore up some of Hays’ young trees. Hays claimed he only sued to stop the rash of trespassing there had lately been on his property. He got $5.
- 7/5: “Engine company No. 1 was called out yesterday morning about 1 o’clock by a fire at Schwartz‘s Surprise store on Eighth avenue near Heisel street. The awning in front of the store had caught fire it is supposed from fireworks of some kind and when the firemen arrived there was considerable of a blaze. The awning and two signs were destroyed and the front of the building damaged slightly. After the arrival of the firemen the fire was quickly extinguished and the damage will not be over $50.”
- 9/21: “A small fire occurred about 1:30 this morning in rear of Grinberg‘s store, corner of Dickson street and Eighth avenue, but was extinguished by Uo (sic) 1 Fire Company before any damage was done. The fire was caused by hot cinders from a bake-oven setting fire to a shed which was partly destroyed before the arrival of the firemen. The loss is very small, nothing being burned but part of the shed.”
- 11/27: “Dr. C.C. Huff made information at noon today against a butcher of Heisel street, named Glick, charging him with selling diseased or impure meat.”
- 11/29: Herman Schoenfield planned to sue McKeesport for $20,000 in damages for false arrest and imprisonment. Apparently he announced a bankrupt sale without taking out the required city license. He claimed the real cause was jealous rivals. Article below.
- 12/2: A different (?) case involving Herman Schoenfield vs. McKeesport — this time because he does not take out a license for transient traders, although he occupied a store there since June and signed a long lease for it. Article below. On the same day, his brother Max Schoenfield was assaulted by a clerk from one of the rival stores as he snuck out the back of his store when a riot broke out in front of the store. The full story is nuts — check out the article below.
- 12/19: The last “merchant woe” of the year is also the most sensational! Mrs. Fannie Pettitt, an employee of Lasdusky‘s People’s store, was arrested for systematically robbing the store over the previous two years. It took four delivery wagons to reclaim all the loot from the attic of her home, and several clerks working an entire day to take an inventory of everything, which was valued between $1500-2000. Two days later, the parents were arrested and charged with receiving stolen goods, since Fannie’s thievings were stored in their attic. Articles below, but you’ll have to wait ’til next year for the resolution.
- 1/27: “Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lasdusky have just returned from a trip to New York and Philadelphia, where they have purchased a new stock of millinery and dry goods for Lasdusky’s People’s store in Eighth avenue.”
- 3/29: “Miss Annie Lasdusky, formerly with Lasdusky’s People’s store has resigned her position and accepted a position as bookkeeper for the Metropolitan Millinery Co, of 729 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg. Joseph Lasdusky of Eighth avenue and Wilian R. Wollkuff are proprietors of the Metropolitan Millinery Company and operate a wholesale and retail establishment at the above place.”
- 3/30: Lasdusky’s spring millinery opening was described in the paper in some detail. “When it comes to spring millinery Lasdusky‘s People’s store is always up-to-date and few will miss the display of the latest and most stylish designs in headgear which will be on display tomorrow and Saturday at their annual spring opening…” More below.
- 5/4: “Joseph Lasdusky of the People’s store has gone to New York to purchase a new stock of millinery. He will be absent a week.” Although there are even more Jewish merchants in Homestead than there were in previous years, the paper just wasn’t taking notice of them anymore in its “Local Briefs” section.
- 5/6: From the Cent-a-Word section: “FOR SALE—Horse, run-about and harness. Morris Markowitz, 206 Sixth avenue.”
- 5/11: “The champion bootblack will be at Wolk’s shoe store tomorrow and Saturday. Let him shine them up.”
- 6/8: “Grinberg Bros., the well known merchants of this place, have purchased the entire stock of their brother, H. Grinberg, who ran a large china store on Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, and are moving it to their ware rooms in this place. The stock consists of over $3,000 worth of china which they will arrange on the shelves in their department store on Eighth avenue above Dickson street and offer to the public at a great reduction. The sale starts next week.”
- 6/22: Half Bros. took out a full page ad for their “Sixth annual anniversary sale,” which would run 4 days.
- 7/9: For the past month there had been articles about Mrs. Ellen Link, a midwife practicing illegally in Homestead, and another Homestead midwife also held for court. Today a long article revealed that Dr. M.H. Moss was the one who charged Mrs. Link! “The charge of illegal practicing medicines was made to stamp out an evil said to exist among the foreign element which has been in vogue here for years and the case is backed by the physicians of the community, who hold that the women who come here from Europe with a certificate to practice midwifery are not competent and besides do not…go before the proper [state] board for examination.” This case was the physicians’ test case. It’s unclear how it was resolved, though three midwives were arrested on 11/10.
- 7/14: “Detectives from Pittsburg were in town this morning looking for a man named H. Grinberg, who was employed by Harry Smith, the sewing machine agent at the corner of Seventh avenue and McClure street, as a sales agent until a few days ago, when he disappeared after having, as it is alleged, defrauded numerous people out of large sums of money…He is a Hebrew of attractive personal appearance dressed in the latest style….The man was a strict Hebrew in religion. He observed Saturday and would not even light a fire on that day.” First of all, is this the same H. Grinberg who sold his stock to our Grinberg brothers? And second, note the description of him — most interesting!
- 8/11: “Morris Grinberg, of the firm of Grinberg Bros Department Store, has gone to New York to purchase a full line of Fall, Winter and Holiday goods. He will be gone about two weeks.” 8/26: “Morris Grinberg, of Grinberg bros., has returned from New York and Philadelphia where he has been for two weeks purchasing an entire line of fall and holiday goods.”
- 9/6: “Dr. H.M. (sic) Moss has moved his office to the Tomcsanyi building corner of Eighth avenue ad Dickson street.”
- 9/8: “Jesse Wolk, of 313 Eighth avenue, has 20 shares of stock in the Homestead Savings Bank and Trust Company for sale.” I never noticed any kind of listing like this one in the paper before. (This bank is one with a few Jewish directors.)
- 9/25: “Little Bros. have remodeled and painted their store and it now presents a very fine appearance it being one of the most attractive stores on Eighth avenue.”
9/27/1905: Because Lasdusky‘s had to close for Rosh Hashana, they began their fall millinery opening earlier than their competitors.
9/29: In a big article about how the fall millinery season has opened, “At Lasdusky’s store, Eighth avenue, the opening has been going on for the last three days and already hundreds have visited the magnificent exposition of hats. Their windows are handsomely arranged with a number of new creations and show that Miss Dodson, the head milliner, who spent four weeks in the east studying the latest ideas and novelties, has not done her work in vain. They have plenty of clerks to show one around and it appears to be a great pleasure for them to do so the prices at this store are right and the invitation is open to all to visit the opening.”
- 1/24: “Samuel Glick, son of Louis Glick, a Dickson street butcher, was seriously injured at 10:30 o’clock in a run-away accident. He drives the wagon for the meat market…the horse started to run away…[and] collided with a telephone pole and young Glick was thrown through the glass window of the wagon. He received several terrible gashes on his face and if one cut had been half an inch lower it would have severed the jugular vein…” (I think this is actually the nephew of Louis Glick. His father, Henry, was also a butcher.)
- 3/2: On top of Frankel’s other issues, “last night about 10:30 a freight car left the track at the northeast corner of Heisel street and plunged into the building owned by Morris Frankel and did considerable damage….tore away considerable of the siding and broke the plate glass window in front. The storm room in front of the building is occupied by I. Miller, as a clothing store, which was closed at the time of the accident. Some of the stock was overturned but not damaged to any great extent. Mr. Frankel, the owner of the building, is the heaviest loser and he says he will look to the railroad company to reimburse him for his losses.”
- 3/31: “Mrs. M.D. Weis, a merchant of Heisel street, and Myer Grinberg, an Eighth avenue and Heisel street merchant, had a hearing before Burgess Ross last evening on the charge of violating a borough ordinance by burning rubbish in the night time. After hearing the evidence n the case the burgess reserved the decision.”
- 4/22: “Last night a dispute arose between four men, Sam Markowitz, Nick Litzvitz, Mike Litzvitz amd Romivitz. The first three men attacked Joe with beer bottles and if it had not been for the interference of the police he would have been beaten to death.” All three were arrested, naturally.
- 6/2: Abraham Skirball received a death notice in the Homestead paper, though he no longer lived there. My research strongly suggests he was the first Jewish person to make Homestead his home. Though the newspaper said he was on the school board in the fall of 1894, there is no other evidence for his involvement in the synagogue, though there is evidence of his social ties to his fellow Homestead Jews.
Former Old Resident Dies
Abraham Skieball (sic), for 23 years a resident and prominent business man of Homestead, died suddenly at his home in Cleveland, where he moved two years ago. He was 50 years of age and is survived by his wife and ten children.
- 6/15: “Lena Lebowitz, of 525 Fourth avenue, is suffering from scarlet fever. The case was reported to the board of health this morning.”
- 7/9: “A couple of weeks ago [Harry] Posner [of Braddock] was married to a sister of Samuel and ex-Policeman Morris Fogel of Homestead. A few days afterward Posner told his bride…he was married and did not know whether his wife was living or dead…Yesterday Mrs. Posner…said it was all a hoax…” While the full story is wacky (you can read it below), the best part is that it confirms that the policeman named Morris Fogel I had been reading about since about early 1903 was our Morris Fogel! How about that?! (And note that a David of Braddock married Samuel’s sister-in-law. Related?)
- 7/19: “Mrs. Morris Grinberg, who has been ill for some time, is improving.”
- 8/7: “R. Jacobson of 530 Dickson street, is suffering from an attack of diphtheria. The case was reported to the board of health this morning.”
- 8/14: “Jacob Bernstein, a Hebrew living on Heisel street, between the railroad tracks, was seriously injured by having the wagon in which he was riding struck by a train on the P.V.&C. railroad track at the crossing near his home on Saturday evening at 6 o’clock. The team was thrown a distance of twenty feet demolishing the wagon and killing the horse. Bernstein sustained three fractures of one of his arms and it is thought he was injured internally. He was sent to the Mercy Hospital. The dead horse lay along the track until this morning when it was finally removed by the railroad employees.”
- 9/13: Eugene Freedman (called Isaac Friedman in the synagogue’s records), son of Julius Friedman, a fifteen year-old boy who moved with his family to Homestead only a couple weeks prior, was hit by a train. The article is below, but it is extremely upsetting to read.
- 9/21: Jacob Steinberg, of Seventh avenue, this place, who has real estate offices on Fourth avenue and Grant street in Pittsburg, was arrested yesterday…It is alleged he perjured himself…denying that he was indebted to the [First National bank of Duquesne, Pa.] in the sum of $500…” Not 100% sure this is our Jacob Steinberg, though (and may not even be the Jacob Steinberg we were tracking, who probably left town before this…).
- 11/27: “I.M. Mervis, of 513 Tammany alley, was seriously injured and had a narrow escape from death by jumping off a street car while it was running at full speed on Eight avenue last night. He wished to get off at Dickson street and as no signal was given to stop at the crossing the car went speeding by…[He] deliberately jumped from the rear platform…[and] alighted on his head and everyone who witnessed the proceeding thought the man was killed…” It was Dr. Moss who treated him. And as crazy as his actions might seem, newspaper articles throughout the years attest that jumping off trains was something commonly done.
- 11/29: “Max Friedman, of Pittsburg, has returned from Denver, Col., where he completed a bit of private detective work that resulted in the securing of a Jewish divorce, for his niece Mrs. Annie Gross of Homestead, and the incarceration in the Colorado penitentiary of her husband, Max, alias Fred Gross, on the charge of bigamy…The divorced wife is a daughter of Lioppold (sic!) Glick a Heisel street butcher and is now making her home with him.” The Grosses married in Hungary 12 years prior. He had worked for Westinghouse prior to deserting her and his four children in Homestead in August, 1903. A year later he married another woman, hence the charges.
- 12/4: “Andy Jubock was arrest Saturday night about 11 o’clock…while trying to enter the rear window of the residence of Louis Moskowitz, the wholesale liquor seller, who lives at 215 Fourth avenue…They supposed that the man was a burglar but to their surprise they prisoner, who was a foreigner, freely confessed that his purpose was to kill Mr. Moskowitz…” Unfortunately the article doesn’t say why!
- 12/23: “The best haul made by a robber in Homestead for a long time was made last by a man who entered the residence of Phillip Cohn at 303, McClure street…” Stolen were Cohn’s coat and pants containing $135 and a gold watch. Full article below…. and the conclusion will have to wait ’til next year.
Surprising to see two different sets of parents’ immigrations announced in the paper!
- 3/2: “Morris Frankel returned home last night from a trip through the mountains in the eastern part of the state. He says he ran against some severe weather but enjoyed the trip very much.” Given the timing, it’s quite possible he was out of town for election day.
- 6/16: “Mrs. M. Marks, wife of the Eighth avenue jeweler, will leave Sunday for New York, from where she will sail Monday for the old country.” 6/20: “Mrs. M. Marks, of Munhall, and her sister Mrs. J.K. Fisher, of Braddock, sail from New York today for Frankford-on-the-Main, Germany, to visit their old home after an absences of 22 years. They will be gone about two months.”
- 6/21: “Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lasdusky, of this place, attended a large Hebrew wedding in Turner hall, Forbes street, Pittsburg, last night.”
- 6/27: “Morris Frankel and wife left today for Cambridge Springs. Mr. Frankel will return Thursday and Mrs. Frankel will remain for two weeks.”
- 6/29: “The mother and father of Jesse Wolk, the Eighth avenue shoe merchant, arrived in Pittsburg from the old country yesterday and will make their home here in the future. Their five sons all preceded them to this country and all reside in the vicinity of Pittsburg.”
7/5: “Morris Frankel, accompanied by his brother-in-law, Sam Ferderber, of Duquesne, will sail for the old country July 15th.” 9/12: “Morris Frankel is home from an extended tour of Europe. While away he visited England, France, Germany, Austria and Hungaria.”
- 7/17: “Arthur M. Grossman is visiting friends and spending his summer vacation at Canal Dover, Ohio.”
- 7/18: “Robert Glueck, of West Homestead, left yesterday morning for Cambridge Springs.”
- 7/31: “H. Schoenfield president of the Schoenfield Clothing Company will leave Saturday for a trip to his old home in the old Country. He will be gone six weeks.” 8/5: “H. Schoenfield, the well known clothing merchant, will leave for New York tomorrow evening and will sail for Europe Wednesday on the steamer Wilhelm der Grosse. He will visit France and Germany and will return in six weeks.” 8/16: “A telegram has been received from Max Schoenfield at Paris telling of his safe arrival there.” 9/1: “Max Schoenfield, the Eighth avenue clothing merchant, sailed from Europe today on his way home from his annual vacation. He is expected to arrive in Homestead next Friday.” 9/12: “Herman Schoenfield arrived home this morning from a visit to his old home in the Old Country. He was gone about six weeks and reports having had a good time.”
- 8/1: “Mrs. Mark Fischel, of 311 Dickson street, will leave Wednesday evening, Aug. 2, for a trip to Europe, where she will visit her parents and her husband’s parents.”
- 8/18: “Mrs. Joseph Lasdusky of Ammon street, with her two sons, Harry and Isadore, left last night on a pleasure trip to New York, where they will spend about a week…” 9/2: “Mrs. Joseph Lasdusky has returned from a visit to New York, Brooklyn and Long Branch.”
- 8/18: “Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Melvis (sic) arrived in New York yesterday morning from Russia. They had a pleasant voyage. They will make their home with their son Harry a well known barber of Dickson street.”
- 9/1: “D.D. Grossman, of Denver, is visiting his brothers, I. and I.S. Grossman…I. Grossman and his bride, nee Miss Esther Ecker, of New York, have returned from their honeymoon and will go to housekeeping in the Brickner building on Fifth avenue.” Front page news the next day was that a stray cow was “arrested.” Welcome to Homestead, Esther!
- 9/7: “David Skirball, of South Sharon, was a Homestead visitor today. Dave is in the shoe business and is doing a little newspaper work on the side.”
- 10/16: “Joe Skirboll, who was formerly in business here, was in Homestead yesterday. He has disposed of his shoe store in Sharon and is now traveling for a shoe house in Pittsburg.”
- 11/23: “Charles Sessenwain, of Montreal, Canada, has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Morris Grinberg, of 436 Twelth avenue, for the past few days.”
- 12/18: “Misses Gussy Levi and Bessie Resa (?) of Pittsburg, were visiting Miss Bessie Seigle, of Dickson stret.”
- 1/25: “An enjoyable birthday party was given by Mr. and Mrs. A. Marcus at their residence on Fourth avenue, Sunday evening, Jan. 22, in honor of their oldest son, Ike, it being his eleventh birthday. The program consisted of songs, games and music, which lasted until late in the night. At 11 o’clock a delicious lunch was served, after which the guests departed wishing Ike many happy birthday. Those present were: Rose Viess, Mamie Cohn, Joe Swartz, Jake Swartz, Ethel Marcus, Joe Geffon, Charlie Markwitz, Julius Cohn, Louis Moranze (sic), Myer Miller, Mamie Jacobson, Harry Jacobson and Sam Jacobson of Pittsburg; Paul Menderowski, Jake Marcus and Joe Viess.”
- 1/26: “Herman Ryave, a merchant of this city (McKeesport), and Miss Mollie Perlstein, of Homestead, popular young Hebrew folk, were united in marriage Tuesday evening in Homestead. The wedding was a large affair and attended by a number of McKeesport people. After a wedding tour in the East the young couple will return to this city to reside. –McKeesport Times”
- 2/14: “The wedding of Alexander Perlstein, of 309 Dickson street and Miss Dora Zivitz, of 1526 Wylie avenue, Pittsburg, has been announced.”
- 2/24: “Mr. and Mrs. H. Moskowitz, of No. 215 Fourth avenue, announce the engagement of their daughter, Esther, to Maurice Markowitz, of Heisel street. Miss Moskowitz is quite popular among a large circle of friends and Mr. Markowitz is a rising young business man, at present engaged in the wholesale liquor business on Sixth avenue. They will be at home to their friends Sunday, March 5th. No cards will be issued.”
- 2/25: “Messrs. B. Hepps and I. Grossman will leave tonight for Washington D.C. and will take in the inauguration of President Roosevelt on March 4th.” My great-grandfather may have been headed there, but not Ignatz… He was actually headed to NYC in order to make the following news item happen:
- 3/3: The engagement of I. Grossman and Miss Esther Ecker of NYC was announced! “The young people only met twice but a correspondence kept up between them ripened into love and they are to be married.” Full article below.
- 4/17: “The engagement of Miss Rosie Kahlman, of Homestead, and David Possner, of Braddock, was announced yesterday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Fogel, 455 Third avenue, in the presence of the bride and groom and their representative families. The occasion was one of more than ordinary interest as it was in conformity to the usual ceremonies of the Jewish people, with whom an engagement is held as sacred as the wedding ceremony and there are few instances of its being broken. Mr. Posser (sic?) presented his bride with a handsome gold watch and the usual engagement ring. The date of the wedding will be announced later.” (Mrs. Fogel’s maiden name was Kalman. Is David of Braddock the brother of the Harry of Braddock who would marry Samuel’s sister in June/July?)
- 5/2: “Samuel Katz, of 560 (?) Dickson street, won a fine Meerscham pipe at a raffle at Arons & Siegle’s pool room, holding ticket 198.”
- 6/8: “Invitations have been issued by Mr. and Mrs. H. Moskowitz, of 215 Fourth avenue, to the marriage of their daughter, Miss Esther Moskowitz, to Maurice Markowitz…It is but recently that the marriage of the sister of the groom, Miss Fannie Markowitz, and Jacob S. Kaufman was performed…on May 23.” Full article below.
- 6/21: “The marriage of…two of the best known young people of the Hebrew race in Homestead, was solemnized yesterday evening at 6:30 o’clock in the Homestead synagogue on Ammon street, Rabbi Newman officiating. The groom was attended by Dr. M.H. Morris (sic) and the bridesmaid was Miss Laura Glueck. Emil Lebowitz, Louis Moskowitz, Joseph Moskowitz and Max Moskowitz acted as ushers…The ceremony was performed in the presence of a large number of friends of the young couple, among whom was Samuel Markowitz, father of the groom, who came all the way from Austria to attend the wedding of his son…” And more below. The couple settled in Braddock.
- 7/11: “Well Know Physician Leads Society Girl of West Homestead to the Altar.” Would you guess from that headline they’re talking about Laura Glueck and Dr. M.H. Moss? “The ceremony was performed by Rev. Newman of Homestead and was followed by a large reception. Marx orchestra was in attendance. Dr. and Mrs. Moss left in the evening for a honeymoon trip and will make their home in Homestead.”
- 12/6: Two Homesteaders, Lewis Kardosh and Miss Saidie Glick, daughter of Leopold Glick, of 427 Heisel street, were married in the synagogue by Rabbi Newman. At least three hundred people attended the reception in the Fifth avenue opera house. They plan to live in Homestead. Interestingly, the article says Lewis works as a machinist at Swissvale, which probably means he worked for Westinghouse (same as the absentee husband of Sadie’s sister, Annie) or at the Carrie Furnace.
- 12/28: A wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Grinberg, 335 Twelfth avenue for Meyer Broudy, Mrs. Grinberg’s brother, and Miss Lizzie Paris, of Pittsburg. Rev. Newman from Homestead and Rabbi Jevitz (Sivitz?) of Pittsburgh co-officiated. Guests came from Homestead, Oakland, New York, Pittsburg, Allegheny, and McKeesport.
- 1/11/1905: A swindle involving a Confederate bill victimized N. Swartz.
- 1/21/1905: An then N. Swartz became the victim of a robbery.
- 3/3/1905: I. Grossman and Esther Ecker got engaged after a months-long correspondence!
- 3/30/1905: Lasdusky’s millinery opening was described in some depth.
- 6/8/1905: Announcement of the Markowitz-Moskowitz wedding.
- 6/21/1905: Report on the Markowitz-Moskowitz wedding.
- 7/9/1905: The Fogel brothers’ new brother-in-law played a cruel joke on their sister.
- 9/13/1905: Eugene Freedman/Isaac Friedman accident
- 11/29/1905: Herman Schoenfield is suing McKeesport for false arrest, part 1
- 11/29/1905: Herman Schoenfield is suing McKeesport for false arrest, part 2
- 12/2/1905: Schoenfield appeals his latest case vs. McKeesport
- 12/2/1905: Max Schoenfield was assaulted during a riot at the McKeesport store
- 12/19: First article about the Pettitt robbery.
- 12/21: Second article about the Pettitt robbery.
- 12/21: Arrest of Pettitt’s parents.
- 12/22/05: The Pettitt parents waived bail. And that’s all for 1905.
- 12/23: Philip Cohn’s house was robbed!
- 1/6: In the “Dates to Remember” section, “Jan. 11 – Homestead Hebrew Club reception in Steenson’s Hall.”
- 1/11: “The principal social event of the winter season among the Hebrews of Homestead is the ball which takes place this evening in Steenson’s hall. This annual event is not only attended by the Jewish society people of Homestead but they come from McKeesport, Braddock, Wilmerding, Pittsburg and every other place in the immediate vicinity…” Full article below.
- 1/12: A review of the ball read in part, “It was a congenial combination of society people from all of these places and was select in the strictest sense of the word…It was not a full dress reception, but some of the costumes of the ladies were very handsome. The Hebrew ladies were all attired in the best of taste and much comment was passed on their elaborate costumes…The Hebrew Club is the select organization among the Hebrew people of town and their receptions, of which this is the first, will be very select…The committee in charge last night consisted of Dr. M.H. Moss, Harry Arons, Ben Troutman and Morris Frankle…The floor managers were Dr. Moss and Harry Arons.” Read the full article below. In the Local Briefs section, “Miss Sadie Samuels and Miss Mary Finberg, of Pittsburg, who attended the Hebrew ball last night are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arons, of Dickson street. Miss Belle Lewis, of Pittsburg, and Samuel Keplan, of McKeesport, attended the reception given by the Hebrew club of Homestead, in Steenson hall last night.”
- 1/13: A new event appeared in the “Dates to Remember” section, “Feb. 14. –Tenth Annual Ball of the Homestead Hebrew congregation Rodef Sholom, Fifth avenue opera house.” But it was gone within the week — did they change their minds?
- 4/18: “Special ‘Home Services’ will be held in each Jewish household tomorrow evening…During the week no utensil, crockery or glassware which was used all year around (sic) can be employed…” More Passover-splaining below.
- 9/15: “The Hebrews of this city are preparing to celebrate several important holidays. The first of these will be New Years, which opens at sunset on September 29 and continues until sunset on the following day. This day will user in, according to the Jewish calendar, the year 5665. October 7 will be observed as Shabbat Cuhve (sic! Shabbat Shuva), and on October 8 comes the Day of Atonement on of the most solemn holidays of the Jewish year.”
9/28: “The fall millinery openings occur tomorrow,” reported the paper, and tomorrow night:
Hebrew New Year Begins
Stores Will Close Tomorrow Evening and Open Again Monday Morning.
The Homestead Hebrews are ready to celebrate their new years, or Rosh Hashanah, which begins tomorrow evening with services in the synagogue of the Rodef Scholem, on Ammon street, at 6 o’clock.
A.J. Newman, pastor of the congregation preach his sermon on Saturday, having for his subject, “The use of Time.” On Sunday he will preach on the “Shofar Trumpet.” Rev. D. Roseberg (sic?), of Camel (sic?), N.J., with a drilled choir will chant the hymns and prayers. All of the Hebrews will close their places of business tomorrow evening and they will remain closed until Monday morning.
- 10/2: The paper published an article (below) about Rosh Hashana in the Ammon street synagogue and the forthcoming Yom Kippur observance.
- 10/9: On Yom Kippur day the holiday was explained. “Just like every other Jewish holiday, Yom Kippur has also a social character. Either in Kol Nidre, or evening, service, the dead are commemorated and gifts are offered for their salvation, a custom which the Reformed liturgy has made a more prominent part of the service.” More weirdness in the article below.
- 10/27: “The Hebrews throughout America are making much of the observance of the 250th anniversary of their settlement in the United States. The anniversary occurs in this year, and the celebrations are to take place on Saturday and Sunday before Thanksgiving day…The Hebrews of Allegheny county are preparing to make the celebration one of the greatest in this section. To this end services will be held in churches (!) and the various Jewish interests are arranging programs in which a number of most prominent men are to take part.” History below, including the amazing statement, “As for America, no community is without one or more Jews of more than local fame.”
- 10/30: An article (below) quoted population information for Jewish communities around the world from the latest edition of the American Jewish Year Book. Apparently then the only countries with more Jews than the U.S. were Russia and Austria-Hungary.
- On 12/1 the paper announced the Rabbi Levy, “the foremost Hebrew scholar in the country” would give a lecture, “The Spirit of Reform in Modern Judaism,” at the Homestead Carnegie library on 12/4. (He was the rabbi of Rodef Shalom in Pittsburgh. On 5/3 the paper noted that they were building “a magnificent temple, built on the lines of the Pantheon.”) The day of the lecture, the paper noted that the occasion was the third annual convention of the town’s United Literary societies. “The address by Rabbi Levy will be one of the best ever heard at the hall,” the article predicted. After his address, the paper deemed it “masterly and erudite. It showed the vast knowledge of the man and also his broad-mindedness. It was by far the most literary address delivered in the Music hall for years past. He was fully appreciated by his audience, which comprised the culture and intellectuality of Homestead and vicinity. There were fully 200 Hebrews present and they were proud of the speaker, one of the best representatives of their race.Separately, the Homestead Hebrew Club feted Rabbi Levy and his wife, though there was likely little religious common ground between the Reform rabbi and the staunchly traditional congregation. “Emil Lebovitz, the Dickson street druggist, was master of ceremonies and introduced the Rabbi and his wife to the guests…Joseph Lasdusky gave a toast to Dr. Levy which was greatly appreciated and Mrs. I. Grossman, president of the Ladies’ Aid society, made appropriate remarks in regard to the work of the society.” Rabbi Levy addressed them on the topic of “the rising generation of Hebrews in America.”
12/6: Christian responses to Rabbi Levy’s address. “Any relating to Jews is, in these times to the cruel massacres in Russia, of all subject the most pertinent and appreciable….Our speaker drew to this annual meeting [of the United Literary Clubs] an element which has scarcely been interested or noticed before by this movement, the worthy Hebrews…That such a man and such an audience could be brought together for an evening in a spirit of candor and charity says much for our times and our land.” And then the rest of this article is… pretty horrendous. (“Converted Jewish rabbi Samuel Freuder” gets name-checked, along with Homestead’s current and previous rabbis.)
- 12/7: At their at the corner of Eighth avenue and Tammany alley, the Hebrew Club elected new officers: Harry Arons, president; Max Gross, vice president; Samuel Mervis, treasurer; Joseph Ladusky, secretary; H. Haupt, B. Hepps, and H. Arons, house committee. “The Hebrew club is a strong organization and is the principal local club of the Hebrew people of this community. It is for the purpose of promoting sociability among the Hebrew people and has been very successful in accomplishing that object. Through the work of the members and officers of this club a large sum of money has been raised to aid their persecuted brothers in Russia.”
1905 was not a good years for the Jews of Russia. Surely the Jewish community of Homestead had better sources than their local paper to track the devastating news, but the point is that these events drew such attention that even the Homestead paper covered them in their extremely limited coverage of international events.
- 3/6: On this day Homestead’s Jewish community beheld a terrible headline in the paper, “Hebrew Slain by Mob. The Russian Government Said to Have Turned Passion Against Them.” The article went on to talk about “anti-Semitic outbreaks” in many places. You can read what they read below.
- 5/10: “Over 100 Hebrews Were Killed. Blood Flowed in Torrents When the Jews Were Massacred by Fanatic Russians,” read the headline. The article (below) continued, “It has been ascertained that there were over 100 victims of the outbreak, on both sides. The attack on the Hebrews was evidently carefully planned and carried out with the tacit consent of the authorities…A fortnight ago Hebrew who had an inkling of the plot applied to the local authorities for protection, stating their fears. They received no answer to their plea. When the rioting begna the police looked on without making a move to prevent the slaughter of the Hebrews…”
- 11/4: This time the headline read, “Hebrews Are Slain. Horrible Outrages in the Russian Cities— A General Massacre.” The article there had a been “a general massacre of Hebrews who have been delivered up to the frantic mobs clamoring for blood and plunder by the authorities. From many points in the Russian empire come the news of horrible outrages committed on the defenseless victims, who are refused protection by the military…”
- 11/13: “At a mass meeting of the Hebrew citizens of Homestead, called by Morris Grinberg, president of the Homestead Hebrew congregation, held in the synagogue on Ammon street yesterday afternoon, over $150 was raised…The synagogue was crowded and much sympathy was expressed for the poor unfortunates who are being driven from their homes and massacred by the Russians…” Full article, including the full list of donations, below. The officers appointed for the fundraising effort were Joseph Lasdusky (president), Morris Grinberg (treasurer), B. Hepps (secretary), and Sam Moranz, M.D. Weis, & B. Glick (trustees). Rabbi Newman, Lasdusky, Weis, and others made speeches.
- 11/16: “The Hebrews of Homestead have already made liberal contributions to the fund in aid of their unfortunate people in Russia but the Gentiles have people in Russia but as yet only a few of the Gentiles have taken an interest in the matter…There will be a meeting of the ladies of the aid committee at the home of Mrs. Harry Feldman on Eighth avenue, to decide on some kind of an entertainment to raise money for the cause.” The list of additional donations is below as well.
- 11/27: “Nearly $300 has been raised in Homestead and sent to New York to be forwarded to the Russian Hebrew sufferers during the past week. The fund was raised by the Homestead Hebrew congregation for that purpose and Jews and Gentiles alike contributed. What sympathy exists for the poor unfortunates was shown one day during the week when a citizen residing on the hill dropped into a store conducted by a local Hebrew and handed a young clerk in charge a $5 bill and told her it was for the sufferage (sic?) fund. He refused to tell his name…” The remainder of the article lists the many contributions, including numerous Jewish and non-Jewish names:Hebrew congregation $25, Hepps & Markovitz $25, M. Markovitz $10, M. Frankel $5, E. Swartz $5, Grinberg Bros. $5, Homestead Zion Society $5, Half Bros $5, Cash $5, Joseph Lasdusky $5, Levi Glick $4 [listed as Louis on 11/13], M. D. Weiss $3, B. Friedlander $3, Jacob Kaufman $3, Max Gross $2, H. Haupt $2, B. Gross $2, Mark Tishel $2, Israel Goldstine $2, B. Glick $2, Rev. J. Newman $2 [A.J. Newman], Joseph Fried $2, J. Prayer $2 [I. Pruger], Mr. and Mrs. Gross $2, Henry Glick $2, Jacobson $2, Samuel Margolius $2, Israel Hertz $2 [Isaac], H. Sabels $1.50, M. Mervis $1.50, S. Grinberg $1, Harry Pollack $1, Israel Weiss $1, B. Hepps $1, I. Samuels $1, Jos. Blumberger $1 [Jac. Bloomburger], Rachel Grinberg $1, Basha Epstine $1, Max Markovitz, Pittsburg $1, Mayor Herman $1 [Hermour], Lewis Gross $1 [Gron], S. Rosenthal $1 [Sam], Alex Hepps $1, B. Swartz $1 [Schwartz], S. Teinholtz $1 [T.], Mr. Saron $1, S. Mervis $1, Aarons $1, Leopold Glick $1, A. Rosenbaum $1, H. Markowitz $1 [Moskowitz], Emil Lebovitz $1, Jacob Steinberg $1, J. Friedlander $1, K. Davis $1, I. S. Grossman $1, N. Iskovitz $1, Samuel Weiss $1, Isadore Bondy 50c [Bonde], Max Kline 50c, A. Marcus $1, N. Swartz $1 [Martin], Morris Friedlander $1, I. Miller $1, M. Scokovitz $1 [Moses Sevkowitz], J. Gross $1, Philip Cohen $1, Joseph Frieman $1 [Jos. Freeman], Sam Morranz $1, Joe Bort $1, S. Hepps $1, Phillip Mehoik $1, Alex Perlstine $1, A. Leokovitz $1, D. Namarosky $1, Lewis Beck $1, Sam Miller $1, Emanuel Marocs $1 [E. Mervis?], Samuel Besmar $1, K. Kaufman $2, I. Grossman $1, M. Marks $1, N.S. Little $1 [11/16 H.L.], Wolk $1 [11/16 J. Wolk], S. Samuel $1 [Samuels], Mrs. Segelman $1, James Cox $1, Ch. Ernstine 50c, Mrs. Huilrum 50c [Heilbrun], Iz Shajevitz 50c, Jacob Grinberg 50c [Brinberg], B. Markovitz 50c, H. Wiseman 50c [Veisman], M. Fogel 50c [Morris], S. Perlstine 50c [Samuel], Lewis Gross 50c, Morris Mervis 50c, M.H. Moss $2, H.H. Engelbert 50c, Max Glick $1, Mrs. F. Petit 50c, Eva Novy 50c, Miss S. Friedman 25c, Annie Lasday 50c, Edna Podson 50c, Sanson $1, Mrs. Lewis Anshel $1, J.M. Molamphy $2, M. McConegly $1, Jacobs $1, Albert Tires $1, Fred Charles $1, George Young $1, P.M. Pembergan 50c, Mr. Fulton 50c, Mrs. Carr 25c, Mrs Vansciver 50c, Mr. Wise 50c, Father Botton $1, Mrs. Swart $1, Mr. Serrers $1, Hutson Dry Goods Co. $3, W. Payne $1, Mrs. Elliot 50c, John B. Jones $1, W. Conroy $1, W. Jackson 50c, McMean 25c, Cash 25c, Cash 50c, Wahlfarth 50c, Agnes Hill 25c, Cora Dorsey 25c, Claude Barton 50c, M.C. Miller $1, Cash 10c, Cash 25c, H.J. O’Donnell 50c, Cash $1, N.H. Kohut 25c, Rev. Horsanyi 50c, J. Sorson 50c, F. Norosky 50c, Albeitz 50c, J.M. Johanson 50c, C.F. Kisenzig 25c, Cacm 50c, M. Wall $1, J. Clyde Miller $1, Nebo Bros. $1, R.R. Ruse 50c, John Forbes $1, Homestead Realty Co., $5, J.J. Paules $1, S. Straus 25c, K.N. McConegly 50c, cash $1, J.J. Cavanaugh 50c, Burgess Ross $5, Mrs. Dr. Bair $1, Mrs. Schackman 25c, Mrs. Friedman 75c.Not included in this final list was a name from 11/13, Mr. Aaron $1 (a duplicate of Aarons?), and one from 11/16, S. Zesman 50c.
- 1/11/1905: Tonight is the ball.
- 1/12/1905: Here is what happened at the ball.
- 3/6/1905: Pogroms in Russia reported in Homestead.
- 4/18/1905: Passover begins tomorrow.
- 5/10/1905: Pogrom in Zhitomir
- 10/2/1905: Rosh Hashan was yesterday, and Yom Kippur will start next Monday.
- 10/9/1905: Yom Kippur began last night.
- 10/27/1905: 250th anniversary of Jews in the U.S.
- 10/30/1905: Choice Miscellany: Jews in the United States
- 11/4/1905: More reports of pogroms
- 11/13: Money raised for Russian Jewry (first part)
- 11/13: Money raised for Russian Jewry (second part)
- 11/16: Additional contributions to Russian Jewry
- 11/27: Complete list of donations to Russian Jewry
- 12/5/1905: Dr. Levy’s Able Address
- 12/5/1905: Reception for Dr. J.L. Levy at Hebrew Club
- 4/18: “Jacob Klein, a foreign banker of Homestead, will erect a handsome three story stone and brick building at Amity street and Sixth avenue, Homestead, the contract for which has been awarded…The P. V. & C. Railroad company is after the two lots…and will likely bring condemnation proceedins (sic) to gain possession of the property before Klein can get started to building.” This is the third such announcement in three years; perhaps if Klein had started earlier, he could have beaten the railroad to the punch!4/25: “Work was begun yesterday in razing the building on Jacob Klein’s property at the corner of Sixth avenue and Amity street, prior to beginning work on a handsome brick structure.”6/1: “The P. V. & C. railroad company will tomorrow commence condemnation proceedings under the right of eminent domain to acquire the Klein property at the corner of Amity street and Sixth avenue…The owner asks $80,000 for it but it is understood that the highest value placed on it by those who are in the real estate business if $20,000. The railroad company having failed to come to terms with the owner, will proceed to acquire it by law…The company owns all the property facing on Sixth avenue between West and Amity streets excepting the Klein property…There was talk some time ago of the owner erecting a six-story building on the property…No improvements made on the property would prevent the railroad company obtaining it if they desire to do so.”12/28: Klein failed, and the railroad company took his property. Shortly after he moved his “Magyer (sic) bank” to a new location on Sixth between Amity and Ann, robbers tried to break into his safe, but failed.
- 9/18: The “Gemulas” congregation of McKeesport dedicated their synagogue. Many Homesteaders likely attended, along with Jews from Pittsburg, Youngstown, and Braddock.
9/25: Emma Goldman… a hairdresser?!
9/25: Now Emma Goldman is a hairdresser…? (Previously the paper said she was off to be a doctor.)
The following Jewish merchants advertised in the paper:
- Half Bros.
- Phillip Cohn
- Segelman’s jewelers
- Wolk’s
- Lasdusky’s People’s Store
- Grinberg Bros. Department Store
- Little’s Shoe Store
- Busy Bee Hive (B. Friedlander)
- M. Marks