A few local papers described the first synagogue dedication, reprinting Lasdusky’s speech and summarizing Bernhardt’s.

1902 Synagogue Dedication Speech from Homestead Newspaper
A newspaper article covering the dedication of the 1902 synagogue includes the speech by President Lasdusky.

Jews in the News, 1903
A year of newspaper clippings from Homestead’s paper related to members of the Jewish community.

Paying off the Mortgage on the First Synagogue
A little over a year after the building was dedicated, the congregation paid off its $1,500 mortgage!

Jews in the News, 1904
A year of newspaper clippings from Homestead’s paper related to members of the Jewish community.

Jews in the News, 1905
A year of newspaper clippings from Homestead’s paper related to members of the Jewish community.

Jews in the News, 1906
A year of newspaper clippings from Homestead’s paper related to members of the Jewish community.

Jews in the News, 1907
A year of newspaper clippings from Homestead’s paper related to members of the Jewish community.

Jews in the News, 1908
A year of newspaper clippings from Homestead’s paper related to members of the Jewish community.

Jews in the News, 1909
A year of newspaper clippings from Homestead’s paper related to members of the Jewish community.

Jews in the News, 1910
A year of newspaper clippings from Homestead’s paper related to members of the Jewish community.

Jews in the News, 1911
A year of newspaper clippings from Homestead’s paper related to members of the Jewish community.