Rabbi Joshua Weiss with Sunday School students, c. 1950. (Click on the image to view it full-sized.)
Like the other Sunday school picture I have, I am unable to date this picture. I would guess the other one to be earlier, since there is a curtain on this one bearing a dedication to Anna Leah Hausrath, who died July 29, 1949. The synagogue meeting minutes, which run through the end of 1950, do not mention the dedication of this curtain, so I am unable to use it to narrow down the date. Also unlike the previous picture, this one features Rabbi Weiss, who was rabbi of the synagogue from 1945 through probably 1953, which again, is too open-ended to narrow down the date further.
I also am unable to identify anyone in the picture besides Rabbi Weiss. I think the man in the very back with the glasses and bowtie may be my first cousin, once removed, Dr. Morton Keisler, who was active in the Sunday school as a teacher and, I think, as superintendent. If you recognize anyone in the picture, please post a comment below with your information or contact me!
(My thanks to the Rauh Jewish Archives for permitting me to copy this photograph from their amazing, new site, JewishFamiliesHistory.org. Check out their site — you may find specific information about your Pittsburgh-area family there!)