For the first time the Jews of Homestead organized Rosh Hashana services, and Homestead’s newspaper covered the event.

Jews in the News, 1894
A year of newspaper clippings from Homestead’s paper related to members of the Jewish community.

The Formation of the Congregation, March-October 1894
These articles trace the formation of the congregation through the steps involved: obtaining a charter, a Torah, a meeting space, and a rabbi.

Rosh Hashana 1894
Rosh Hashana 5655 was the first that Homestead Hebrew Congregation Rodef Schulom celebrated.

Jews in the News, 1895
A year of newspaper clippings from Homestead’s paper related to members of the Jewish community.

Jews in the News, 1899
A year of newspaper clippings from Homestead’s paper related to members of the Jewish community.

Jews in the News, 1900
A year of newspaper clippings from Homestead’s paper related to members of the Jewish community.

Events Leading to the First Synagogue, Jan. 1900-Feb. 1902
A collection of newspaper articles documenting the lead-in to the congregation’s first building.

Jews in the News, 1901
A year of newspaper clippings from Homestead’s paper related to members of the Jewish community.

1901 Cornerstone-Laying Newspaper Articles
The Homestead paper reported on the cornerstone-laying for the first shul on Ammon St.

Preparing for the New Shul, Aug. 1901-Dec. 1901
After the cornerstone laying and before the dedication, many preparations took place that caught the attention of the local paper.

Jews in the News, 1902
A year of newspaper clippings from Homestead’s paper related to members of the Jewish community.