Newspaper article announcing the synagogue 50th anniversary banquet and instructing how to get tickets.
Author Archive for Homestead Hebrews
Invitation Letter to Fiftieth Anniversary Banquet
An invitation letter from chairman Joseph Frank to the community’s 50th anniversary banquet.
Photo of Homestead Hebrew Congregation, c. 1944
A picture of the synagogue around the time of the community’s 50th anniversary.
Fortieth Anniversary Newspaper Articles
Homestead’s newspaper covered the fortieth anniversary banquet in some detail in its Society section, then the Criterion plagiarized them.
Fortieth Anniversary Banquet Speech
The 1934 version of the synagogue’s history follows the previous versions, but its edits reflect a contemporary agenda.
High Holiday Seating Charts
High Holiday seating charts from 1932, 1937-1939, 1941-1943, 1947, and 1962.
Rabbi Goldberg and the High Holiday Choir
A picture of Rabbi Goldberg and the High Holiday choir he trained, whose quality was much praised.
Thirtieth Anniversary Newspaper Clippings
Announcements and recaps of this important anniversary from local papers.
30th Anniversary Introduction and Poems
Introduction to the history of the congregation and poems for the surviving charter members.
Winkler and Widom Reelection Articles
In 1922 both rabbis were re-elected to their positions with great excitement, but only one would complete his term.
Winkler Arrival Newspaper Clippings
May-Sep. 1921 coverage from Homestead’s paper and Pittsburgh’s Jewish paper of the arrival and installation of Rabbi Winkler.
Rabbi Widom and Cheder Students
A photograph of Rabbi Widom, two of his sons, and other Hebrew school students in the early 1920s.