Announcement of HHC’s 50th anniversary banquet in The Jewish Criterion, 2/11/1944, p. 17.
On March 19 the Rodef Shalom Congregation of Homestead plans to celebrate its Fiftieth Anniversary. A banquet has been arranged to commemorate this occasion. Arrangements have been made for an excellent program of speakers which will include Judge Alexander Cooper. Chairmen of committees are: Louis Fisher, general chairman; Joseph Frank, chairman of arrangements; treasurer, Bernard Stein; publicity chairman, Mrs. J. H. Lombersky; ticket chairman, Mrs. Sam Trachtenberg. Early reservations are requested because of limited space. Tickets are available from Mrs. Sam Trachtenberg, Homestead 1430.

The Jewish Criterion, 2/18/1944
Homestead Rodef Shalom To Celebrate 50th Anniversary
The Rodef Shalom Congregation of Homestead will hold its Fiftieth Anniversary Banquet in the Vestry Room of the synagogue, on Tenth Avenue and McClure Streets, Homestead, on Sunday, March 19, at 6 p.m.
A program of speakers has been planned and a catered dinner will be served. Mrs. Trachtenberg has announced that space is limited and those planning to attend should make their reservations promptly by phoning Homestead 1480.