There are five yahrzeit plaques memorializing the deceased members of our community and their loved ones. Two of them were donated during time periods for which few records survive, but for three of them I have been able to find documentation of their origins.

Note the yahrzeit plaques symmetrically arranged, alternating with the stained glass windows. THANK G-D FOR SYMMETRY.
It took more than half a century for the shul to get its first yahrzeit plaque. The process began at the June 1943 board meeting when the son of Sam Rosenthal, who died during his term as the congregation’s treasurer, requested that his mother be permitted to donate a yahrzeit tablet in her husband’s name and reserve spaces for six members of their family. A committee was appointed to discuss the matter, and at the next board meeting they pronounced their verdict that Mrs. Rosenthal’s generous offer had a fatal flaw: lack of symmetry. A month later, “the Secretary was requested to write to Mrs. Sam Rosenthal in regards to her offer of a Yaliszeit (sic) Tablet, advising that the Cong will accept two tablets and place one on each side of the Uren Kodesh, with all necessary electric wire connections. If she wishes to donate one tablet only, the Cong will accept same and place it either in the Vestibule or in the Vestry Room temporary to the time when someone will donate a second Tablet, at which time, the two tablets will then be placed in the synagogue on each side of the Uren Kodesh.”
What happened next is unclear, but the December board meeting minutes mention the donation of not one, but two memorial tablets — the original one from Mrs. Sam Rosenthal and a second one from Mr. Sam Gordon. Problem solved! And better yet, the officers anticipated $1500 from the sale of all the available spaces! At that time both tablets had been received and were ready to be installed, but then there was some sort of hitch — in the March board meeting a “motion was made to see Mr Max Lazar in regards to the tablet, and obtain the parts which are in his possession, to complete the donors names on same.” A month later there was still no decision on when to dedicate the tablets, and perhaps things still continued to drag on, because during the July 1944 board meeting the “sec’y was requested to write a letter to Mrs Sam Rosenthal, assuring her that the Donor plate on the tablet will be attached as soon as the war will be over, during the war no brass is obtainable.” Soon, name plates began to be sold for $50 each.
Two of the names on the Gordon yahrzeit tablet have Jewish stars next to them — the only names so marked on all of the tablets. The meeting minutes record why: In March 1945 the AZA made a contribution of $20 for a name plate in memory of Wilbert Newman, a charter member of the Homestead AZA, and in July, Fred Kaminsky, the advisor of the AZA, made another $20 for a name plate in memory of Milton Jackson. These boys were two of the six Jewish Homesteaders killed in action during WWII (all of their names are listed here). At a later date a plaque was purchased for the third of these boys, Jerome Solomon, but his plaque did not get a Jewish star marker.

The sanctuary c. 1954. Look how ghastly it looks with the unbalanced Averbach tablet. If only some other family would come along to donate another… (source)
The third of the shul’s yahrzeit tablets came up for discussion at the November 1947 board meeting when Victor Averbach, on behalf of his father and other members of his family, expressed their wish to contribute one in memory of “their departed dear one Rachael Averbach.” Little was recorded about the ensuing conversations. This tablet is significantly bigger than the previous two, so they made no demands for a second one and installed just the one at the front of the synagogue. As of April 1949, the wires still hadn’t been connected to it, though in September of 1948 Victor Averbach resigned from the synagogue (not without confirming his family would still get the six plates on the memorial tablet they had presented).
The next time the tablets came up in the meeting minutes was on June 1, 1949, less than a week after the death of the rabbi’s twenty-five year-old daughter, Yetta Weiss. A leader of the Young Lions Club of Young Judea in Munhall, she had made aliyah in December 1948 to work under the auspices of Hechalutz. In late May she died suddenly in Tel Aviv after a short illness, and the congregation decided to place a plaque on the tablet in her memory. The next motion? “Motion made by I. Glick, seconded by Louis Fisher that the Congregation place plaques on the memorial tablet in memory of Rabbi and Mrs. Samuel Widom.” That sad chapter of their history was never far from the minds of those who had lived through it twenty-five years prior…
Not all of the yahrzeits commemorated were people who lived in Homestead. The earliest ones appear to memorialize long-deceased family members of Homesteaders in the shul where they said kaddish for them. One couple who died on the same day in January 1943, Motke and Taube Lipshitz, caught my eye as possibly having been murdered in the Shoah. Unfortunately I am unable to trace them or which Homesteader wished to memorialize them. Update 7/26/2016: I believe they are the parents of Esther Pearlstein, wife of David Pearlstein, whose name appears near theirs. (Esther lived until 1998.)
Every person on all of these plaques has a story. Many of the names are now familiar to me from the individuals and families I’ve been researching since August. Most familiar, of course, are those of my own relatives, all of which are on the fourth tablet, which my grandfather and his siblings gave in memory of their parents probably in the late 1950s. This tablet is the one which brought belated balance to the front of the shul. Given the later dates of all the people it contains, I suspect many of you have close connections to others on this tablet, too — likewise the last tablet, erected by the Zukerman family in January 1985, though no names appeared on it until at least 1993. The five tablets are nearly entirely filled; if any of us wishes to add more names, it won’t be long until someone will need to donate a new one.

Photograph of the destroyed Homestead Hebrew Chapel in Beth Shalom (from 10/17/96 Chronicle). You can make out the melted yahrzeit plaques on either side.
Their present setting in Beth Shalom is much more heimishe. As many of you know, the original plaques were hung in the synagogue’s cozy Homestead Hebrew Chapel, which was created for them and the shul’s ark in ’93 or ’94, but all of these items and other Homestead Judaica were destroyed in the October 1996 fire. Replicas of the original tablets donated by Ed Balis hang on the walls of the rebuilt chapel, which is where Beth Shalom has minyan during the week. It’s this room where people saying kaddish begin to heal. For that reason, a new Pittsburgh friend of mine confessed to me, she had her mother’s yahrzeit plaque added to one of the Homestead tablets, though she had no connection to our community.
The first time I saw these plaques was in September after Shabbat morning services. The research I was doing at the time was focused on the early years when many of these men and women were at their prime, actively shaping the young congregation’s future. It felt to me as though I were skipping ahead to the end of the book, discovering with a shock that all of my favorite characters ended up dead. Such is life. But through these plaques, they are not forgotten.
The pictures of the original tablets were taken in late 1992 or early 1993 by Lockwood Hoehl before the shul was sold. The pictures of the remade tablets were taken by me in September 2014. All of the pictures are viewable below; click on the first one to enter a slideshow with all of them. After the pictures are transcriptions of all of the names and dates. Thank you to Lynn Saul for doing all of these transcriptions — a tremendous amount of tedious work. You can use your web browser to search this page to locate names of your family members. (These transcriptions will also be added to JewishGen’s Memorial Plaques Database to make this information readily findable to genealogists with Homestead ancestry.)
- This yahrzeit tablet was the shul’s first, dedicated by Mrs. Samuel Rosenthal in memory of her husband. The years range from 1895-1973.
- The re-made version of the Rosenthal yahrzeit tablet.
- This yahrzeit tablet was presented by the Jacobson and Gordon families around the same time as the Rosenthal one, since the shul demanded symmetry. The years range from 1912-1946.
- The remade version of the Jacobson-Gordon yahrzeit tablet.
- This large yahrzeit tablet, the third to be installed, was dedicated in memory of Rachel Averbach and her grandchildren Betty Ann Averbach and Milton Jackson, all of whom passed away in the 1940s. The years range from 1884-1979, with the bulk from the 40s and 50s.
- The re-made version of the Averbach yahrzeit tablet that now hangs in Beth Shalom.
- Large yahrzeit tablet dedicated by the children of Bernhardt and Berthe Hepps, my great-grandparents. The years range from 1904-1984, but the bulk are from the late 50s on. Likely this tablet was donated in the late 1950s after Berthe passed away making it the shul’s fourth.
- The re-made version of the Hepps yahrzeit tablet that now hangs in Beth Shalom.
- At the time the synagogue was closed, this yahrzeit tablet, dedicated in 1985 to the memory of Sam and Ida Zukerman by their children, was empty.
- When I viewed the re-made Zukerman yahrzeit tablet at Beth Shalom, it was nearly filled with yahrzeits from 1947 to 2010, with the bulk from the 1980s on.
- Note the yahrzeit tablets symmetrically arranged, alternating with the stained glass windows.
- The picture shows the Averbach yahrzeit tablet on the left side of the front wall of the synagogue.
- This picture shows the Hepps yahrzeit tablet on the right side of the front wall of the synagogue.
Rosenthal Tablet
Top: Rodef Shalom Homestead Hebrew Congregation
Bottom: Present in Memory of My Beloved Husband by Mrs. Samuel Rosenthal
Left column:
Last name | First name | Hebrew name | Date of death | Hebrew date of death | Notes |
Moskowitz | Henry | Chayim ben Shmuel | April 7, 1912 | 20 Nisan 5672 | |
Moskowitz | Hannah | Chaya bas David Nachman | January 27, 1937 | 15 Shevat 5697 | |
Schwartz | Herman S. | Yehoshua Tzvi ben Yosef Chayim | May 29, 1927 | 26 Iyar 5687 | |
Schwartz | Rose | Raizel bat Chayim | February 19, 1944 | 25 Shevat 5704 | |
Moss | Louis D. | Aryeh David ben Chayim | December 10, 1933 | 22 Kislev 5694 | |
Moss | Joseph W. | Yosef ben Chayim | March 8, 1940 | 28 Adar (I) 5700 | |
Farkas | Florence | Feigeh Roza bat Meir | February 8, 1973 | 6 Adar (I) 5733 | |
Markowitz | Sam | Yosef Shmuel ben Levi | April 23, 1937 | 12 Iyar 5697 | |
Markowitz | Lena | Liba bat Avraham | July 18, 1935 | 17 Tammuz 5795 | |
Green | Jacob | Yakov ben Chayim | October 31, 1943 | 2 Cheshvan 5704 | |
Lang | Mollie | Malke bat Yosef | May 26, 1914 | 1 Sivan 5674 | |
Lang | Hyman | Tsvi Hirsch ben Michal | January 29, 1921 | 9 Shevat 5681 | Hebrew and English dates don’t match; not sure which one is off |
Lang | Robert H. | Reuven ben Tsvi | July 2, 1945 | 21 Tamuz 5705 | |
RESERVED | |||||
Lang | Albert | Avraham ben Tsvi | September 23, 1945 | 16 Tishrei 5706 |
Right column:
Rosenthal | Sam | Shalom ben Dov | February 23, 1943 | 18 Adar I 5703 | |
Rosenthal | Bertha | Bryna Hinda bat Chayim | October 30, 1953 | 21 Marcheshvan 5714 | |
Rosenthal | Anna | Channah bat Shalom | December 17, 1924 | 20 Kislev 5685 | |
Rosenthal | Fishel | Fishel ben Shalom | September 11, 1913 | 9 Elul 5673 | |
Lembersky | Chayem | Chayim ben Eliyahu | November 5, 1918 | 1 Kislev 5678 | Secular dates matches cemetery; Hebrew date should be 1 Kislev 5679 |
Lembersky | Leah | Leah bat Nachum Yehudah | August 6, 1926 | 26 Av 5686 | |
Lembersky | Bertha | Brinah Hindah bat Michael | September 27, 1943 | 27 Elul 5703 | |
Lembersky | Elyk | Eliyahu ben Chayim | June 24, 1962 | 23 Sivan 5722 | |
Lewinter | William | Zev ben Shlomo | September 4, 1921 | 1 Elul 5681 | |
Adler | Nathan Louis | Nachum Lev ben David | January 25, 1914 | 27 Tevet 5674 | |
Adler | Mary Kreine | Miriam Kreine bat Avraham Aba | May 11, 1916 | 8 Iyar 5676 | |
Burechson | Bear | Dov ben Tsvi | March 31, 1895 | 6 Nisan 5655 | |
Reisz | Simon | Shimon ben Shmuel Tzvi | March 13, 1943 | 6 Adar II 5703 | |
Fischman | Maurice | Moshe Aryeh ben Shlomo | January 17, 1947 | 25 Tevet 5707 | |
Fishman | Joseph | HaBachur Yosef ben Moshe Aryeh | July 13, 1934 | Rosh Chodesh Av 5694 | 1 Av; HaBachur = the young man |
Gordon Tablet
Top: Rodef Shalom Homestead Hebrew Cong.
Bottom: Presented in Memory of Their Beloved Ones by Jacobson and Gordon Families
Left column:
Gordon | Morris J. | Moshe Yosef ben Dov | February 17, 1920 | 28 Shevat 5680 | |
Gordon | Dora | Devora bat Yehudah | 7 Tevet | ||
Goncheroff | Sara | Sarah bat Moshe Yosef | September 7, 1930 | 14 Elul 5690 | |
Davidson | Lena | Liba bat Moshe Yosef | May 10, 1937 | 29 Iyar 5697 | |
Jacobson | Louis | Eliezer ben Shmuel Yitzhak | November 28, 1923 | 20 Kislev 5684 | |
Jacobson | Rebecca | Pia Rivkah Bat Dov | March 17, 1946 | 14 Adar II 5706 | |
Jacobson | David | Avraham David ben Shmuel Yitzhak | September 24, 1936 | 8 Tishrei 5697 | |
Jacobson | Libby | Liba Roiza bat Aryeh Lev | April 21, 1933 | 25 Nisan 5693 | |
Jacobson | Ethel | HaYaldah Etel bat Abraham David | July 14, 1912 | 29 Tammuz 5672 | HaYaldah = The little girl |
Glick | Morris | Moshe Tzvi ben Avraham | April 6, 1939 | 17 Nisan 5699 | |
Glick | Minnie | Minda bat Chayim Dov | July 3, 1945 | 22 Tamuz 5705 | |
Rosner | Sadie | Sarah bat Tzvi | April 14, 1942 | 27 Nisan 5702 | |
Wakes | Louis | Aryeh Dov ben Avigdor | August 28, 1943 | 26 Av 5703 | |
Fisher | David | David ben Yehudah | October 24, 1944 | 8 Cheshvan 5705 | |
Fisher | Catherine | Golda bat Yitzhak | January 29, 1936 | 5 Shevat 5696 |
Right column:
Carpe | Morris | Moshe ben Yaakov | May 17, 1932 | 11 Iyar 5692 | |
Carpe | Rose | Rachel bat Elchanan | August 29, 1945 | 20 Elul 5705 | |
Newman ✡ | Wilbert | Yisrael Zev ben Yakov Yehudah | January 17, 1945 | 3 Shevat 5705 | |
Jackson ✡ | Milton | Moshe ben Yehudah Lev | June 5, 1945 | 24 Sivan 5705 | |
Lefkowitz | Morris | Moshe ben Meir | March 18, 1924 | 12 Adar (II) 5684 | |
Lefkowitz | Harold | Chayim Zvi ben Moshe | January 6, 1942 | 17 Tevet 5702 | |
Lefkowitz | Esther | Esther bat Aharon Dov | August 18, 1945 | 9 Elul 5705 | |
Jacobson | Howard W. | Aharon Dov ben Avraham David | August 14, 1945 | 5 Elul 5705 | |
Glick | Henry | Chayim ben Natan Netah | November 2, 1925 | 15 Chesvan 5686 | |
Glick | Yetta | Yetta bat Avigdor | December 12, 1935 | 16 Kislev 5696 | |
Glick | Irene | Frimet bat Yitzhak | March 31, 1937 | 3rd day of Chol HaMoed Pesach 5697 | 19 Nisan 5697 |
Glick | Sadie | Sarah bat Chayim | October 2, 1932 | 2nd day of Rosh Hashana 5693 | 2 Tishrei 5693 |
Glick | Joseph | Yitzhak ben Chayim | March 20, 1937 | 8 Nisan 5697 | |
Greenstein | Louis | Yehudah ben Yaakov | March 28, 1927 | 24 Adar II 5687 | |
Greenstein | Rebecca | Rivkah bat Menachem Mendel | May 22, 1929 | 12 Iyar 5689 |
Averbach Tablet
Top: Homestead Hebrew Congregation Rodef Shalom
In Memoriam Rachel Averbach, October 24, 1947
Lizkor Olam Rachel bat Chayim Dov, 10 Cheshvan 5718
And her grandchildren Betty Ann Averbach, Feb. 28, 1942; Milton Jackson, June 5, 1945
Beilah Chanah bat Avraham Yitzhak 11 Adar 5712; Moshe ben Yehudah Lev, 24 Sivan 5715
First column:
Averbach | Samuel | Yehoshuah Tzvi ben Mordechai Yosef | February 2, 1951 | 26 Shevat 5711 | |
Seiavitch | Ida | Chaya bat David | April 1, 1930 | 3 Nisan 5690 | In the old plaque she is at the bottom of the second column, and this position is blank. |
Green | Belle | February 21, 2006 | 23 Shevat 5766 | ||
Glick | James J. | Yaakov ben Shmuel | September 22, 1948 | 18 Elul 5708 | |
Solomon | Hannah | Chaya bat Moshe Tzvi | April 24, 1953 | 9 Iyar 5713 | |
Greenberg | Esther | Esther bat Yaakov | September 9, 1934 | 29 Elul, Erev Rosh Chodesh, 5694 | |
Moss | Martin J. | Mordechai ben Sholom Tzvi | May 16, 1956 | 6 Sivan 5716 | |
Trau | Leon | Avraham Aryeh ben Mordecai | October 4, 1919 | Motzei Yom Kippur, 11 Tishrei 5680 | |
Trau | Anna | Anuta bat Shimon | January 12, 1950 | 23 Shevat 5710 | |
BLANK | |||||
Stein | Fannie | December 9, 1974 | 25 Kislev 5735 | Hebrew name is Fayga bat Avraham | |
Stein | Henry | Hanoch ben Avraham | December 15, 1948 | 14 Kislev 5709 | |
Friedlander | Harry | Tzvi ben Dov | April 3, 1949 | 4 Nisan 5709 | |
Rubin | Max | Mordechai ben Aharon HaLevy | May 17, 1957 | 16 Iyar 5717 | |
Solomon | Jerome | Yehudah Aryeh ben Chayim | October 16, 1944 | 29 Tishrei 5704 | Typo: should be 5705 |
Mermelstein | Ben | Dov ben Yaakov | October 15, 1956 | 10 Chesvan 5717 | |
Berger | Morris | Moshe ben Avraham Tzvi | January 29, 1954 | 25 Shevat 5714 | |
Cohen | Usher | Asher ben Eliezer Zev HaCohen | May 30, 1956 | 21 Sivan 5617 | |
Cohen | Yetta | Ita bat Yaakov | March 3, 1960 | 4 Adar 5720 | |
RESERVED | |||||
Schwartz | Louis | Baruch Aryeh ben Avraham | April 23, 1959 | 15 Nisan 5718 | |
Schwartz | Hannah | Chanah Reizel bat Naftali | June 8, 1955 | 18 Sivan 5715 | |
Burechson | Jacob | Yakov ben Dov | July 17, 1954 | 17 Tammuz 5714 | |
Burechson | Minnie | Mishka Dinah bat Elimelech | December 25, 1961 | 19 Tevet 5722 | |
Second column:
Greenstein | Bertha | Beilah bat Zev | March 6, 1948 | 25 Adar I 5708 | |
Grossman | Isador | Yisrael ben Yosef Zev | November 6, 1918 | 2 Kislev 5678 | Typo: should be 5679 |
Grossman | Ignatz | Yitzhak ben Yosef Zev | September 27, 1948 | 23 Elul 5708 | |
Grossman | Esther | Esther bat Nachman | September 18, 1950 | 7 Tishrei 5711 | |
Goldman | Meyer | Meir Chayim ben Shlomo | October 30, 1918 | 24 Chesvan 5679 | |
Goldman | Morris A. | Moshe Aharon ben Meir Chayim | August 29, 1936 | 11 Elul 5696 | |
Goldman | Martha | Masha bat Meir | December 28, 1947 | 15 Tevet 5707 | Typo: should be 5708 |
Fogel | Lena | Leah bat Yosef Zalman | June 4, 1949 | 2nd day of Shavuos, 7 Sivan 5709 | |
Fogel | Morris | Moshe Yosef ben Yehudah Zev | May 8, 1951 | 2 Iyar 5711 | |
Perlman | Gerson | Gershon ben Avraham | April 22, 1926 | 8 Iyar 5686 | |
Perlman | Esther Pearl | Esther Peyeh bat Yitzhak Meir | March 22, 1934 | 6 Nisan 5694 | |
Mendelson | David | Rachmiel Dov ben Menachem Migdal HaCohen | March 11, 1959 | 1 Adar II 5719 | |
Mendelson | Ida D. | Chaya Dinah bat Chayim | August 18, 1977 | 4 Elul 5737 | |
Mendelson | Lydia | Leebie bat Yirachmiel Dov HaCohen | November 21, 1979 | 1 Kislev 5739 | Typo: should be 5740 |
Marion | Rachel | Rachel bat Mordechai | December 31, 1937 | 27 Tevet 5698 | |
Moss | Shalom Herman | Moreinu Shalom Tzvi ben Shmuel | September 5, 1897 | 8 Elul 5758 | Typo: should be 5657; Morenu=our teacher |
Moss | Fani | Feigel bat Yechezkel | April 16, 1926 | 2 Iyar 5686 | |
RESERVED | |||||
Kaminsky | Mair | Meir Tzvi ben Shraga Mordechai | February 9, 1949 | 10 Shevat 5709 | |
Kaminsky | Dora | Zlata Riva bat Nechemiah Mordechai | January 15, 1949 | 14 Tevet 5709 | |
Silverstein | Ellis | Eliyahu ben Zev | August 12, 1949 | 18 Menachem Av 5709 | |
Silverstein | Esther | Esther Bluma bat Aharon | November 18, 1945 | 14 Kislev 5706 | |
Kohn | Anna G. | Chanah Gittel bat Meir | June 5, 1962 | 3 Sivan 5722 | |
RESERVED | |||||
Third column:
Freed | Joseph | Yitzhak ben Akiva HaLevi | March 30, 1948 | 19 Adar Sheni 5708 | |
Herskovitz | Rose | Roiza bat Yisrael | August 10, 1948 | 5 Av 5708 | |
Fogel | Esther | Esther bat Shalom HaCohen | July 4, 1938 | 5 Tammuz 5698 | |
Fogel | Maurice | Moshe ben Shmuel | January 8, 1939 | 17 Tevet 5699 | |
Widom | Rabbi Samuel | Rabbi Shmuel ben Tzvi | October 11, 1924 | 13 Tishrei 5685 | |
Widom | Ida | Chaya Feigeh bat Tzvi Aryeh HaLevi | February 2, 1943 | 27 Shevat 5703 | |
Saron | Daniel | Daniel ben Yosef | July 29, 1950 | 14 Menachem Av 5710 | |
Saron | Ida | Chai bat Lev Nachum | August 10, 1951 | 8 Menachem Av 5711 | |
Mermelstein | Louis | Yikutiel Yehudah ben Yaakov | January 22, 1931 | 5 Shevat 5691 | |
Stein | Joseph | Yosef Yehudah ben Chaninah Baruch | October 10, 1934 | 1 Cheshvan 5695 | |
Stein | Bessie | Batya Shprinah bat Yeshia Dov | July 4, 1953 | 21 Tammuz 5713 | |
Hilk | Louis | Sandor Yehudah Lev ben Reuven | July 6, 1952 | 13 Tammuz 5712 | |
Hilk | Ida | Chaya bat Yehudah Lev | July 23, 1954 | 22 Tammuz 5714 | |
Zalevsky | Harry | Tzvi Hersch ben Chayim Yaakov Yosef | February 15, 1948 | 5 Adar I 5708 | |
Zalevsky | Pauline | Paya Yehudit bat Avraham Lev | March 5, 1957 | 2 Adar II 5717 | |
Hausrath | Myra Kohn | Mara Chaya bat Moshe Yehudah HaCohen | December 14, 1953 | 8 Tevet 5714 | |
Hausrath | David | David ben Asher Zelig HaLevi | January 2, 1958 | 11 Tevet 5718 | |
Hausrath | Malye | Malka bat Yitzhak HaLevi | October 10, 1917 | 24 Tishrei 5678 | |
Hausrath | Anna L. | Chana Leah bat Yisrael | July 29, 1949 | 3 Menachem Av 5709 | |
Hausrath | Asher Zelig | Asher Zelig ben David HaLevi | May 16, 1910 | 8 Iyar 5670 | |
Mazefsky | Sam | Yaakov Shlomo ben Moshe | May 21, 1957 | 20 Iyar 5717 | |
Mandell | Anna | Chana bat Yehudah Yitzhak | October 17, 1949 | Isru Chag 24 Tishrei 5710 | Isru Chag = the day after a festival (in this case, Sukkot) ends |
Cohen | Jacob | Yehoshua Zelig ben Eliezer Yehudah | March 16, 1949 | Shushan Purim 15 Adar 5709 | |
Cohen | Mary | Maryasha bat Avraham | March 21, 1944 | 26 Adar 5704 | |
Stein | Bessie | Batya Rachel bat Meir | October 13, 1961 | 3 Chesvan 5722 |
Fourth column:
Seiavitch | Samuel E. | HaBachur Shmuel ben Dov Zev | January 28, 1921 | 19 Shevat 5681 | HaBachur means the young man; presumably he died as a child |
Seiavitch | Ben | Dov Zev ben Bezalel | December 30, 1955 | 15 Tevet 5716 | |
Seiavitch | Lena | Elka bat Shmuel Yitzhak | October 22, 1957 | 27 Tishrei 5718 | |
Seiavitch | Maurice | Moshe ben Dov Zev | December 14, 1976 | 23 Kislev 5737 | |
Seiavitch | Rose J. | May 11, 1989 | |||
Seiavitch | Libbe R. | Liba Riklah bat Eliezer | May 29, 1884 | 5 Sivan Erev Shavuos 5644 | None of these people actually lived/died in Hstd, so far as I can tell… |
Jacobson | Samuel E. | Shmuel Yitzhak ben Menachem Mendel | July 9, 1896 | 28 Tammuz 5656 | |
Seiavitch | Bezalel | Bezalel ben Meir | August 3, 1918 | 25 Menachem Av 5678 | |
Jacobson | Sarah H. | Sarah Chasia bat Eliezer | June 6, 1894 | 2 Sivan 5654 | |
Weiss | Yetta | HaBetulah Yuta bat HaRav Yehoshua Weiss | May 26, 1949 | Died in the land of Israel, 27 Iyar 5709 | HaBetulah literally means “the maiden,” the implication being she was unmarried |
Seiavitch | Lena | Leah Rivkah bat Shmuel Yitzhak | November 6, 1922 | 15 Chesvan 5683 | |
Seiavitch | Louis | Eliezer Zalman ben Bezalel | May 15, 1919 | 15 Iyar 5679 | |
Cohen | Goldie | Golda bat Aharon | March 3, 1924 | 27 Adar I 5684 | |
Cohen | Joseph | Yosef ben Chayim HaCohen | April 14, 1941 | 1st day of Chol HaMoed Pesach 5701 | 17 Nisan |
Gross | Meyer Hersh | Meir Hirsch ben Mendel | February 11, 1907 | 28 Shevat 5667 | |
Gross | Sarah Shana | Sarah Sheina bat Moshe | March 30, 1939 | 10 Nisan 5699 | |
Greenstein | Celia | Tzirel bat Chayim | January 12, 1958 | 20 Tevet 5718 | |
Greenstein | Enock | Yitzhak ben Yehudah | April 30, 1966 | 10 Iyar 5726 | |
Jacobson | Sara R. | Sarah bat Shmuel | January 24, 1958 | 3 Shevat 5718 | |
Marion | Charles | Yeshiahu ben Hanoch | March 5, 1933 | 8 Adar 5693 | |
Rosenthal | Madelyn | Devorah Mina bat Yehiel | November 17, 1958 | 5 Kislev 5719 | |
Rosenthal | Nathan L. | Nachum Lev ben Shalom | February 18, 1960 | 20 Shevat 5720 | |
Hadburg | Louis | Levi Yitzhak ben Michal | October 13, 1959 | 11 Tishrei 5720 | |
Cohen | Romola R. | Rachama bat Sergei Feivel | December 3, 1962 | 6 Kislev 5723 | |
Gluck | Louis | Eliezer ben Natan Netah | April 16, 1959 | 8 Nisan 5719 |
Hepps Tablet
Top: In Memoriam Bernhard Hepps, October 4, 1949; Bertha Hepps, July 1, 1957
Lizkor Olam Dov ben Avraham, 11 Tishrei 5710; Devorah bat Moshe Yehuda, 2 Tammuz 5717
Bottom: Presented by their children
First column:
Hepps | Alex L. | Shmuel Lev ben Avraham | April 10, 1933 | 5 Nisan 5693 | Typo: should be April 1, 1933 |
BLANK | |||||
Rosenblatt | Sadye Hepps | Sarah Bleyte bat Shmuel | April 27, 1940 | 19 Nisan 5700 | Fifth day of Passover |
Karelitz | Isadore | Yisrael ben Yehudah | December 13, 1951 | 14 Kislev 5712 | |
Goldman | Saul Milton | Shlomo Mordechai ben Meir Chayim | December 29, 1965 | 6 Tevet 5726 | |
Stein | Ben | Yeshia Dov ben Chayim Yosef Yehudah | January 29, 1957 | 27 Shevat 5717 | |
RESERVED | |||||
Magram | Oser | Oser ben Yitzhak | July 31, 1931 | 17 Av 5691 | |
Magram | Fannie | Feige bat Chayim | September 20, 1948 | 16 Elul 5708 | |
Moss | Laura G. | Leah bat Shlomo Dov | August 10, 1963 | 20 Av 5723 | |
Moss | Dr. M. H. | Moshe ben Chayim | June 17, 1953 | 4 Tammuz 5713 | |
Lembersky | Harry | Tsvi ben Chayim | November 19, 1983 | 13 Kislev 5744 | |
Lembersky | Ernest | Alter Chana Zelig ben Tzvi | August 29, 1964 | 21 Elul 5725 | Typo: should be 21 Elul 5724; Leil Selichot |
RESERVED | |||||
Lembersky | Jacob H. | Yaakov Tzvi ben Eliyahu | May 7, 1964 | 25 Iyar 5724 | |
Rosenthal | Alan David | Avraham David ben Nachum | March 11, 1969 | 21 Adar 5729 | |
Hepps | Samuel | Shmuel ben Dov | March 20, 1972 | 5 Nisan 5732 | |
RESERVED | |||||
RESERVED | |||||
Seiavitch | Helen R. | November 14, 1967 | 12 Cheshvan 5728 | ||
Keisler | Max | Menachem ben Beryl Dov HaLevi | November 13, 1970 | 14 Cheshvan 5731 | |
Harris | Joel | Yoel ben Iser Chayim | October 22, 1954 | 25 Tishrei 5715 | |
Seiavitch | Libbie R. | Liba Rikla bat Eliezer Zalman | June 6, 1974 | 16 Sivan 5734 | Typo: plaque says Liba Dikla, but tombstone has Rikla |
Seiavitch | Harry | Yehoshua Heschel ben Betzelel | November 24, 1976 | 3 Kislev 5737 | |
Seiavitch | Meyer L. | Meir Lev ben Yehoshua Heshul | November 16, 1979 | 26 Cheshvan 5740 |
Second column:
Newman | Edward | Yitzchak ben Avraham | December 3, 1953 | 26 Kislev 5714 | Chanukah |
Tauber | Jack | Yaakov ben Yosef | May 12, 1960 | 15 Iyar 5620 | |
BLANK | |||||
Kentor | Norma Plotkin | August 24, 2004 | 7 Elul 5764 | ||
Kentor | Boris | June 21, 2010 | 9 Tammuz 5770 | ||
Baier | Benjamin | Ben Tsion David ben Baruch | March 15, 1915 | 28 Adar 5675 | Typo: should be 29 Adar |
Mervis | Samuel S. | Shlomo Shmuel ben Yechezkel David | October 12, 1932 | 12 Tishrei 5693 | |
Mervis | Eva | Chava Sarah bat Raphael HaLevi | December 22, 1954 | 27 Kislev 5715 | Chanukah |
Shratter | Eleanor Zukerman | Chantzy Chaya bat Yehoshua | January 28, 1958 | 7 Shevat 5718 | |
Zukerman | Sam | Yehoshua ben Aharon | May 25, 1984 | 23 Iyar 5744 | |
RESERVED | |||||
Solomon | Harry | Chayim ben Tzvi Aryeh HaLevi | August 20, 1966 | 4 Elul 5726 | |
Katz | Yolan | Sheindel bat Pinchas | March 24, 1968 | 24 Adar 5728 | |
Katz | Adolph | Avraham Chayim ben Zev | May 22, 1969 | 5 Sivan 5729 | Erev Shavuot |
Carpe | Paul | Peretz ben Moshe | January 24, 1966 | 3 Shevat 5726 | |
Markowitz | Henry | Chayim ben Shmuel | January 6, 1976 | 4 Shevat 5736 | |
Cohen | Saul | Shalom ben Asher Zev HaCohen | December 12, 1967 | 12 Kislev 5727 | English date should be Dec. 24, 1967; Hebrew date should be 22 Kislev 5728 |
Gordon | Samuel H. | Yechezkel ben Moshe Yosef | June 25, 1965 | 25 Sivan 5725 | |
Sapeer | Sam | Yehoshua Girtzel ben Moshe Yosef | January 8, 1969 | 19 Tevet 5729 | |
RESERVED | |||||
BLANK | |||||
BLANK | |||||
Coltin | Louis | Eliezer Aryeh ben Zev | May 30, 1971 | 6 Sivan 5731 | First day of Shavuot |
Coltin | Bessie | January 19, 1990 | 22 Tevet 5750 | Hebrew name is Pessie Bat Daniel | |
Coltin | Daniel I. | Izik Daniel ben Eliezer Aryeh | November 16, 1944 | 30 Cheshvan 5705 | Rosh Chodesh Kislev |
Third column:
Keizler | E. Abe | Abraham ben Moshe Yitzchak HaLevi | April 13, 1960 | 16 Nisan 5720 | 2nd day of Passover |
Keizler | William | Zev Chayim ben Moshe Yitzchak HaLevi | March 3, 1937 | 20 Adar 5697 | |
Keizler | Morris | Moshe Yitzchak ben Matityahu HaLevi | May 14, 1948 | 5 Iyar 5708 | |
Newman | Louis | Yaakov Yehudah ben Yisrael Zev | November 16, 1964 | 11 Kislev 5725 | |
Newman | Regina | Rivkah ben Shmuel | May 16, 1962 | 12 Iyar 5722 | |
Pakler | Benjamin H. | Binyamin Hersch ben Motel Lev | February 20, 1963 | 26 Shevat 5723 | |
Pakler | Hyman | Chayim ben Motel Lev | August 26, 1964 | 18 Elul 5725 | Typo: should be 5724 |
Meyers | Joseph | Yosef ben Menachem | April 23, 1960 | 26 Nisan 5720 | |
Lapidus | Edward | Yehoshua ben Shaul | January 31, 1959 | 22 Shevat 5719 | |
Mervis | Morris | Moshe ben Yitzhak Meir | May 2, 1951 | 26 Nisan 5711 | |
Mervis | Celia | Zisel bat Yehudah Lev | March 19, 1966 | 27 Adar 5726 | |
Hepps | Abraham C. | Avraham ben Dov | January 16, 1966 | 24 Tevet 5726 | |
Hepps | Martin W. | Mordechai ben Dov | December 15, 1965 | 21 Kislev 5726 | |
Stein | Ben | Tsvi Dov ben Chanina Baruch | May 4, 1975 | 23 Iyar 5735 | The new plaque says 1976, but the old plaque has 1975 as does his gravestone. |
Glick | Samuel | Shmuel ben Chayim | January 23, 1965 | 20 Shevat 5725 | |
Heidovitz | Joseph | Weisman ben Zev Wolf | September 28, 1967 | 23 Elul 5727 | |
Jacobson | Heimin | Chayim Shmuel ben Avraham David | February 17, 1972 | 2 Adar 5732 | |
Jacobson | Nellie | Nera bat Yehudah Lev | October 22, 1969 | 10 Chesvan 5730 | |
Stark | Fannie | Feige bat Shlomo | June 21, 1965 | 21 Sivan 5725 | |
Miller | Stephanie Ann | Sheindel Chana bat Dov | August 28, 1960 | 5 Elul 5720 | |
Post | Etta | Ita ben Yehoshua | October 2, 1965 | 6 Tishrei 5726 | Shabbat Shuva |
Widom | Harry | Tsvi Aryeh ben Shmuel | November 14, 1961 | 6 Kislev 5722 | |
Mandell | Joseph | Yosef ben Shmuel Tzvi | November 15, 1970 | 16 Cheshvan 5731 | |
Mervis | Sarah | Sarah Zeisel ben Gershin | December 29, 1969 | 20 Tevet 5730 | |
Thompson | Ida R. | Chaya Raizel ben Yehoshua Hershel | April 12, 1968 | 14 Nisan 5728 | Erev Pesach |
Fourth column:
Sapeer | Hyman | Chayim Yitzchak ben Moshe Yosef | February 12, 1961 | 26 Shevat 5721 | |
RESERVED | |||||
Bialo | Gittel | Gittel bat Yehoshua | February 18, 1940 | 10 Adar (I) 5769 | Should be 5770 |
Bialo | Hersh | Tsvi ben Feivel | October 7, 1904 | 28 Tishrei 5765 | |
Hershkovitz | Max | Mordechai ben Naftali | December 24, 1962 | 28 Kislev 5723 | Chanukah |
Pearlstein | Morris A. | Moshe Aba ben Yehudah | November 7, 1935 | 11 Cheshvan 5696 | |
Pearlstein | Gittel | Gittel bat Yisrael | October 11, 1952 | 22 Tishrei 5713 | Shmini Atzeret |
Pearlstein | David | David ben Moshe Aba | June 21, 1974 | 1 Tamuz 5734 | Rosh Chodesh |
Steiner | Simon | Shimon ben Aharon | May 22, 1953 | 8 Sivan 5713 | |
Perlman | Aaron | Aharon ben Gershon | October 3, 1956 | 28 Tishrei 5717 | |
Lipshitz | Motke | Motke ben Yechezkel | January 18, 1943 | 12 Shevat 5703 | Shoah victim? |
Lipshitz | Taube | Toiva Leah bat Yisrael | January 18, 1943 | 12 Shevat 5703 | Shoah victim? |
Mulhauser | Bertha | Bluma bat Yitzhak | March 25, 1964 | 12 Nisan 5724 | |
Mulhauser | Hyman | Chayim ben Yakov Simcha | July 23, 1966 | 6 Av 5726 | |
Brasz | Leo | Lipa ben Chayim | February 16, 1959 | 8 Adar (I) 5719 | |
Grinberg | Meyer I. | Meir ben Shachne | July 26, 1942 | 12 Av 5702 | |
Grinberg | Tiby | Toiva bat Aryeh | July 31, 1962 | 29 Tammuz 5722 | |
Gross | Samuel | Shmuel ben Moshe | June 16, 1962 | 16 Sivan 5722 | Should be 14-15 Sivan |
Bialo | Isadore | Yisrael ben Tzvi | March 2, 1923 | 14 Adar 5683 | Purim |
Fishman | Rebecca | Rivka bat Tzvi | June 9, 1936 | 19 Sivan 5696 | |
BLANK | |||||
Freed | Sylvia | Sima bat Yisrael | June 4, 1970 | 29 Iyar 5730 | |
Weinberg | Esther | Esther bat Moshe Tsvi | May 23, 1963 | 29 Iyar 5723 | |
Weisman | Anna | Chana bat Tsvi | October 1, 1966 | 17 Tishrei 5727 | 3rd day of Sukkot |
Zukerman Tablet
(Note: There are no Hebrew names on this tablet.)
Top: In Memorium Homestead Hebrew Congregation
Bottom: In Honor of Sam and Ida Zukerman By Their Loving Children Erected January 1985
First column:
Murphy | Elaine Weissberg | April 21, 1994 | 11 Iyar 5754 | |
Lembersky | Jack H. | May 7, 1964 | 26 Iyar 5724 | |
Burechson | Herbert B. | December 26, 1982 | 10 Tevet 5743 | |
Green | Edward | March 5, 1990 | 8 Adar 5750 | |
Stahlberg | Regina Rothstein | April 8, 1984 | 6 Nissan 5744 | |
Stein | Morris | April 25, 1981 | 21 Nisan 5741 | |
Seiavitch | Rose Jacobs | May 11, 1989 | 7 Iyar 5749 | |
Trachtenberg | Samuel | July 6, 1985 | 17 Tammuz 5746 | Typo: should be 5745 |
Trachtenberg | Celia | March 2, 1999 | 15 Adar 5759 | |
Grinberg | Allen L. | September 2, 1998 | 11 Elul 5758 | |
Ruben | Jessie S. | October 8, 2000 | 9 Tishri 5761 | |
Ruben | Sam | September 26, 1992 | 28 Elul 5752 | |
Seiavitch | Robert L. | December 2, 1991 | 25 Kislev 5752 | |
Seiavitch | Anne | March 27, 1980 | 10 Nisan 5740 | |
Kertman | Irwin | July 14, 2010 | 3 Av 5770 | |
Kertman | Edith Markowitz | January 17, 2009 | 21 Tevet 5769 |
Second column:
Averbach | Rachel | October 24, 1947 | 10 Cheshvan 5708 | |
Averbach | Samuel | February 2, 1952 | 6 Shevat 5712 | |
Frank | David | November 30, 1988 | 21 Kislev 5749 | |
Stahlberg | Morris | December 21, 1980 | 14 Tevet 5741 | Possible typo: gravestone says 12/20 |
Jacob | Laura Gross | May 17, 1991 | 5 Sivan 5751 | |
Mandell | Frank | June 7, 1989 | 4 Sivan 5749 | |
Friedlander | Alex | October 21, 1951 | 21 Tishri 5712 | |
Friedlander | Esther C. | June 20, 1980 | 6 Tammuz 5740 | |
Murphy | Elaine Weisberg | April 21, 1994 | 11 Iyar 5754 | Duplicate from first column |
Burechson | Milton | December 21, 1999 | 13 Tevet 5760 | |
Burechson | Lillian | July 25, 1994 | 19 Av 5754 | Typo: should be July 27 |
Burack | Sylvia K. | February 14, 2003 | 13 Adar 5763 | Adar I |
Koss | David | May 18, 2005 | 9 Iyar 5765 | |
Koss | Mollie | February 15, 1989 | 10 Adar 5749 | Adar I |
Green | Milton E. | October 27, 2006 | 5 Cheshvan 5767 |
Gosh, there are a lot of names there that I haven’t thought of for a long time. Notice that there are many Seiavitch’s. My dad always bought our cars from Bob Savage Desoto-Plymouth. When I was a kid, I would wonder why his name was Savage, which didn’t sound very Jewish to me. He is on the Zuckerman tablet.
Not that we Heppses should talk! 🙂
It’s nice to know that you remember some of these people!