What I know so far about the mysterious, short-lived second congregation in Homestead.
Organizations related to Homestead and its Jewish community. Because most of these groups do not have records preserved in the archives, it is difficult to give their histories.

Homestead B’nai B’rith Lodges
There were two B’nai B’rith (men’s) lodges in Homestead: #586 (1904-1930s?) and #1454 (also the Melvin Frank Lodge, 1941-1950s?).

Hebrew Ladies’ Aid Society
The Ladies’ Aid, later known at the Sisterhood, assisted the men-only officers and directors of the synagogue in supporting the shul and its school.

Homestead Hebrew Congregation Rodef Shalom
The Homestead Hebrew Congregation Rodef Shalom was the only shul in Homestead, PA (except for a brief period in the early 1900s). The community was formally organized in 1894 and disbanded in 1992. Its first synagogue was located at 540 Ammon St. It was destroyed in an arson. The new synagogue remains to this day near the corner of 10th…