4/24/1924: Celebrate Thirtieth Anniversary
5/8/1924: Banquet Marks Jewish Celebration
5/9/1924: Thirtieth Anniversary Celebration of Founding of Synagogue in Homestead
Celebrate Thirtieth Anniversary
Great preparations are being made by the Homestead Hebrew congregation in anticipation of the celebration of the thirtieth anniversary of the founding of the congregation.
May 4th will be the gala day. The celebrate will be held as the Vestry rooms of the Synagogue on Tenth avenue, with a banquet and a general jollification. The arrangements committee who are in charge of (sic) Mr. Mark Fischel as chairman are exhausting their energies to make this even the outstanding feature of the year and one one long after to be remembered.
Invitations for the celebration are out. Public speakers are invited.
The “Eats” will be a revelation of what culinary experts can accomplish with a chicken. Mrs. H.S. Shwartz who is chairlady of the kitchen department is responsible for this statement.
Reservations for the banquet can be obtained at Mark Fischel’s, 601 Eight avenue up to April 30.
Further announcements of the complete program will be made in a later issue of The Messenger.

The Messenger, 5/3/1924
Thirty years ago with a handful of men and women, in a small room on Heisel street and a initial fund of a few dollars, the Congregation Rodef Sholom was organized.
Today this congregation with its splendid synagogue is one of the largest in the Monongahela Valley and from all parts of Allegheny County its friends are going to gather to celebrate the thirtieth birthday of its existence tomorrow Sunday in the vestry rooms of the synagogue at 6:30 p. p.
The purpose of this gathering will not be for business but solely a banquet and jubilee in honor of the natal day of the founding of the congregation.
Of the original eighteen charter members, only seven remain in Homestead, some having moved to other communities and some having died.
The charter members here are Sam Markowitz, B. Hepps, Joseph Lasdusky, Morris Fogel, Joseph Freed, Max Markowitz and Morris Frankel.
Rabbi Hallpirin, of Pittsburgh, will be the main speaker at the affair scheduled for tomorrow. The committee in charge of arrangements if comprised of the following: Mark Fischel, Ben Friedlander, I. Kramer, B. Mermelstein, E. Greenstein, Sam Margolis, H. Solomon, I. Samuels, Mrs. H.S. Schwartz, Mrs. A.L. Hepps, Mrs. E. Greenstein, Mrs. B. Friedlander, Mrs. H. Feldman, Mrs. H. Solomon and Mrs. M. Jacobson.

The Messenger, 5/8/1924
Banquet Marks Jewish Celebration
The thirtieth anniversary of the founding of the Congregation Rodof Sholom was celebrated with a banquet and a jubilee last Sunday at the vestry rooms of the Homestead Synagogue, Tenth avenue. Scores of persons residing out of town were in attendance. Rabbi Herman Hallperin of Pittsburgh Tree of Life Congregation, was the main speaker of the evening. He traced Jewish education step by step from the earliest days to the present time. Mark Fischel was chairman of the arrangement committee. The seven surviving charter members were presented with fine engraved loving cups in the name of the members of the Congregation Dinner was served under the direction of the Ladies Aid soceity.
Thirtieth Anniversary Celebration of Founding of Synagogue in Homestead
The thirtieth anniversary of the founding of Congregation Rodef Sholom, Homestead, was celebrated with a banquet and jubilee on Sunday evening, May 4th, in the vestry rooms of the synagogue on Tenth Avenue. A large attendance was present, including many out-of-town guests.
The big feature of the evening was the scholarly address by Rabbi Herman Hailperin of the Tree of Life Congregation of Pittsburgh, who was the principal speaker of the evening. In his talk, Rabbi Hailperin traced Jewish education from the earliest days to the present time. This was followed by the presentation of fine engraved loving cups to the seven surviving charter members of the Congregation, by seven small girls.
The program for the evening was as follows: Invocation, Rev. S. Widom; America, Congregation; Music, by Widom Trio; Dinner, in charge of Ladies’ Aid Society; Introduction, by Mark Fischel; Toastmaster, I. Grossman; Welcome, by S. Margolis; Violin Solo, Jeannette Fischel, accompanied by A. Magram; Recitation, Ruth Hepps; Address, Rabbi Herman Hailperin; Violin and Piano Duet, Messrs. Magram. Presentation speeches were made by Jeannette Fishel, Sara Hausrath, Ruth Hepps, Florence Solomon, Freda Katz, Hilda Grindberg (sic), Harriete Greinstein. Song–“Tehi Ruzon”, Cantor Joseph Rosenblatt; Addresses, by Charter Members, B. Hepps, M. Fogel, Sam Markowitz, Joseph Freed, Joseph Lasday, Max Markowitz, M. Frankel, Mrs. R. Seilgeman (sic), Mrs. H. Moskowitz, Mrs. I. Grossman;1 Hatiovo (sic), Congregation.
Credit for the success of the affair is due to the committee in charge, which included the following. Ben Friedlander, I. Kramer, A. L. Hepps, E. Greenstein, I. Grossman, Sam Margoilis (sic), B. Mermelstein, H. Solomon, I. Samuels, Mrs. A.L. Hepps, Mrs. I. Grossaman (sic), Mrs. H. Geldman, Mrs. E. Greenstein, Mrs. B. Friedlander, Mrs. H. Solomon and Mrs. M. Jacobson.
The committee acknowledge with thanks the assistance received from Miss Jean Friedlander, who graciously consented to coach the little girls with their speeches and recitations.
—The Jewish Criterion, 5/9/1924, p. 31
Interestingly, they included the wives of deceased founding members on behalf of their husbands! ↩