The Messenger, 3/18/1944
Four Rodef Shalom Founders Living
The four living charter members of Rodef Shalom congregation will be honored tomorrow at a banquet to be held in the synagogue on Tenth avenue, on the 50th anniversary date of the founding of the congregation.
The charter members are Joseph Frede (sic), Barney Hepps, Morris Frankle (sic) and Morris Fogel. Judge Alexander Cooper will be the guest speaker.

The Messenger, 3/20/1944
Weather Fails to Dim Dinner
Inclement weather didn’t stop a capacity crowd from filling the auditorium at Rodef Shalom synagogue last evening for the fiftieth anniversary dinner of the congregation.
Main seakers (sic) of the evening Judge Alexander Cooper and talks were made by Judge L. Kenneth Harkins, Dr. John J. McLean, Senator J. Fremont Cox, Representative Thomas Barrett, I. Glick, President of the congregation and others.
Features of the evening were the burning of the mortgage on the synagogue and the lighting of fifth candles on the birthday cake.
Signal honors were paid Barney Hepps, Joseph Freed, Joseph Fogel and Morris Franekl, the only living charter member of the syngogue.
L.D. Fisher was chairman of the event last night and he introduced E.A. Keizler who was master of ceremonies.
Father Burke of St. Mary’s R.C. church gave the invocation. A fine dinner was served.