Jews in the News, 1910

The economy appeared to remain strong throughout the year, although the low level of coverage of the Jewish community as in the past remained.  This year was a census year, and the large population numbers it returned for Homestead that the town had gotten far too big for the kind of detailed attention they used to provide the Jewish community at large and many of its members.  All the same, a few members of community had become sufficiently prominent in Homestead to warrant regular notice of their activities.

The year ended on a cliffhanger for the residents of Homestead:  would Pittsburgh be successful in its latest attempt to turn our favorite borough into just another ward of our favorite city?

Hallowe’en Parade
Liquor Licenses
Work Woes
Business Doings
Personal Woes

7/16: Squirrel Hill is the suburb for Homestead people!

7/16: Squirrel Hill is the suburb for Homestead people!


  • 1/6:  The members of the town’s Physicians association refused to serve at the hospital unless all the staff doctors were “regulars” from the “allopathic school.”  This left out four “homeopathic” and “eclectic” doctors.  Dr. Moss, who was a member of the staff last year and was re-elected at the last election, was from the eclectic school.  By 2/1 the push was successful, and only allopathic doctors were left at the hospital.  But the controversy continued.  On 2/11 the paper reported that the doctors gave an ultimatum: It was not proper for board to change staff. They wanted all three kinds of doctors.   (Their list did not include Moss.) The Board’s answer: It was the right and duty of the board to select staff, and they only wanted to recognize one school. (Their list also excluded Moss.)  The doctors boycotted the hospital for a time, and the matter got so bad that one doctor sent a petition to Harrisburg to have the board of directors of the hospital removed (they were exonerated of all charges).   Meanwhile, a new homeopathic hospital was opened 2/22.  The fight did not end until 10/7, when a staff of 8 physicians from a list of 13 (none of whom was Moss) was elected.
  • 1/12:  The Homestead Savings Bank and Trust Company had its elections yesterday, and I.S. Grossman, Morris Half, and B. Hepps were all re-elected.
  • 1/25:  The Rebekahs had big time last night.  Past grand jewels were presented to many women, including Sallie Lasdusky.
  • 3/1:  A civic club was formed to beautify the town.  Morris Frankel was one of many gentlemen asked to serve as an advisory board.
  • 3/19:  A court notice was printed regarding the incorporation of the First Magyar Self Culture Society, “to establish a club where the members may meet for social and business intercourse, maintain a library and study rooms for education purposes, and the improvement of themselves.”  Of the five founders, two were Jewish — Mark Fischel and Emanuel Schwartz!  It was not unusual for Hungarian cultural groups in America at this time to mix Jewish and non-Jewish members, but this is the first evidence of it that I’ve seen in Homestead.
  • 4/1:  “Dr. M.H. Moss has been appointed county physician by the Allegheny County Poor Directors.”
  • 4/8:  The Odd Fellows officers’ were installed, including Lasdusky as trustee.
  • 4/13:  “Edward A. Hertz has been drawn to serve on the jury the week of April 25th.”
  • 5/18:  The old hospital officials were re-elected. Mrs. Joseph Lasdusky was the third VP. (Almost all the officers were women, and it appears B. Glueck was no longer a director.)
  • 5/21:  Planning for the annual businessmen’s picnic. Music committee: Morris Half; dancing: Joseph Lasdusky; reception: Max Glick, Leo Half, Morris Half, Max Gross, Harry Half, Meyer I. Grinberg, I.J. Goldstein (sic), Louis Glick, B. Gross, H.L. Little, Ben Little, Max Markowitz.  The list was reprinted on 6/11.
  • 6/23: At the Homestead Hospital election, Mrs. Lasdusky was elected the 3rd VP.
  • 6/28:  A big lawn fete for the local hospital was in the works.  The cake committee included: Mesdames Schuchman, Lasdusky, Klein, and Blakeley; cream & sugar committee included: Mrs. M. Marks.  The cornerstone of the hospital was finally laid 7/9.
  • 7/23: An ad for the automobile contest, listing many of Homestead's Jewish merchants

    7/23: An ad for the automobile contest, listing many of Homestead’s Jewish merchants: B. Gross, Ben Little, I.J. Goldston, Morris Grinberg, Jos. Lasdusky, B. Friedlander, Half Bros., Markley‘s Shop for Men, Meyer Grinberg, and Jesse Wolk.

    7/13:  Automobile contests were sanctioned by business men’s association.  (They were a sort of lottery you entered by purchasing goods at participating stores.)  A committee of Lasdusky and four others appointed to secure five or six automobiles to take delegations of Homestead people to Butler for the annual convention of the Retail Merchants’ Association.

  • 7/15:  The Pentecostals were in Homestead Park, and once again, the camp was widely considered a nuisance.  Robert Davidson wrote a long letter describing “what [he] witnessed last Sunday at Homestead park” when he “went out there in the afternoon with [his] family for an outing.” He described the frightful scene and concluded, “That such forms of worship should exist amongst civilized being in past my comprehension” and exhorted borough officials to put a stop to it. 7/22:  In a follow-up letter he justified why in a country with freedom of religion his criticism was justified.  “Individuals must conform their practices to the requirements of their social surroundings…are these latter-day barbarians entitled to more leniency because they call themselves Christians?”
  • 7/22:  Another automobile contest was announced to begin the next day by the “Homestead merchants automobile distribute club” comprised of 32 local merchants including many from the Jewish community (see ad at right). The “car is a beauty,” the paper wrote. Shoppers could see it display in Half Bros.’ window.
  • 8/18:  A merry party of business men went in autos to the state convention of the Retail Merchants’ Association yesterday, including Lasdusky and J.M. Katz.  One of the party, a Mr. Honse, was a bad guide who took them on bad roads. “Several times it was necessary for Mr. Lasdusky to get out and wade through the dust in an endeavor to locate the shallow places, and to wipe off the sign boards and ascertain if the party was still on Honse’s road.”
  • 9/28:  Henry Markowitz played the violin for the First Presbyterian church in Tyrone!  Previously he had been a member of the Carnegie orchestra in Homestead. “Recently his father purchased the land once owned by the late John Fowler at Fowler station and the young musician is looking after this real estate.”
  • 10/7:  The new civic club included members Mrs B. Glick and two Mr. Halfs.
  • 10/12:  An athletic club formed for boys ages 12-20 covering “all branches of sport.”  The football team included Magolis (sic?) as guard.
  • 10/14:  “Councilman Morris Frankel is serving on the jury this week.”  Awful timing.  The previous day was Yom Kippur!
  • 11/1:  Annie L. Glick of Denver published a poem in the paper about Theodore Roosevelt.  She must’ve followed her husband there.
  • 12/2:  Louis Freeman was elected Inside Guard of of the local lodge of the Loyal Order of Moose.
  • 12/12:  In the “midget and wee leagues” basketball games, Lasdusky played center for Munhall and Israel, guard.
  • 12/19:  Lasdusky served as scorer for different basketball games that took place at the library.


  • 1/8:  From the High School department column:  “The following were home from college for their Christmas vacation… Charles Frankel from Harvard…and Max Weiss, from Cincinnati. Several of these visited the High school….Arthur Grossman the football star, made his debut in basketball with the Senior team on Tuesday.”
  • 1/18:  The school board was looking for sites for new school to relieve congestion; the appointed committee included Lasdusky.
  • 1/22:  The High School department reported that Jennie Lebovitz conducted the recitations in Vergil. “Each girl surprised herself and the class as well, win her ready ability to conduct the recitation.”
  • 2/24:  “Fanella Mervis, a pupil of the seventh grade of the Second ward school, this week was awarded a medal and book for the best short essay on ‘George Washington,’ in which there was an open contest held by a Pittsburg newspaper.”
  • 4/7:  Jacob Marks was listed with his fellow Munhall high school students who participated in a flag light experiment.
  • 5/30:  Of the 20 graduates in the four-year academic course in the high school, you’ll recognize Jennie Lebowitz, Hazel Hepps, and Arthur Grossman. Fannie Schwartz was graduating from the two-year commercial course.
  • 5/20: The grammar grade commencement would include from the Second ward: Flora Eskovitz, Benjamin Lazerovitz, Andrew Gross, and Paul Numerosky.  Meanwhile, at the class day exercises of the commercial class,  Fannie Schwartz read a poem.  On 5/21 the grammar school graduation program took place, including a recitation of “Casey at the bat and his recent” by Paul Numerosky and an essay, “Patriotism in the public schools” by Benjamin Lazerovitz. Acceptance of diplomas by Samuel Weiss.
  • 5/21:  The high school was class to meet and attend services in the Presbyterian church for the baccalaureate sermon on Sunday.  Hmmm.
  • 5/24:  The Munhall high school play, “Dido, the Phoenician Queen,” included Jacob Marks.
  • 5/25: The grade school commencement took place. All the girls were dressed in white. “The class being so large, only a few could take part in the program and this honor was assigned to those who stood the highest in their class.”  The program for the high school graduates’ class night included a curtain raiser, “A pair of lunatics” with Verna Martin and Arthur Grossman, and the class prophecy delivered by Jennie Lebovitz.  Their graduation took place 5/27.
  • 5/27:  The graduating class of Munhall high school had 11 members, including Jacob Marks.
  • 6/7:  Joseph Lasdusky was elected president of the school board!  He won 8-7 after making a deal with a third candidate who decided to run for secretary instead.  All the old teachers were re-elected, including Isabel Lebowitz and Minnie Segelman.
  • 6/30:  “Miss Jennie Lebovitz, of 525 Fourth avenue, a graduate of the Homestead High school at the last commencement, has made a record on the examination for entrance to the Indiana State Normal school, which is most creditable to her and indicates the thoroughness of instruction in the local school.  She passed unconditionally the Freshman, Sophomore and Junior studies and will enter the Senior class the beginning of the next term…Miss Lebovitz, accompanied by Miss Olga Hepps, left yesterday for Butler county, where they will spend their summer vacation.”
  • 6/30:  Miss Lebovitz was mentioned in connection with a celebration of independence day tomorrow at the Second ward school building organized by the Playground association (a local, volunteer-run summer activity program for kids).  7/24:  The group’s closing report reported that Miss Lebovitz one of four who attended every session. “Misses Lebowitz and McMeans paid more than fifty visits to children in their home and were cordially received by all. Miss Lebovitz’s ability as a linguist made the visits possible.”
  • 9/12:  “Miss Jennie Lebovitz, of Fifth avenue who graduated with honors in the High school last year, left this morning for Indiana Normal school.”
  • 10/6:  The high school football, which was opening its season the next day (a Friday) featured my great-uncle Abe Hepps as one of the three players at left end.  “Local Are Light, But They Are Good On the Forward Pass – Some Very Spectacular Plays are Promised.”  I wonder if he was any good?  In the early part of the season, those games for which the paper listed who played did not include him.
  • 11/17: The Homestead High school football team lost badly to Wilkinsburg, who, “used their usual rough tactics and Referee Murdock ruled largely in their favor.”

The crisis came, however, in the last quarter, when Doncaster, Wilkinsburg’s end, finding that Hepps was getting the better of him, proceeded to lay him out. After Hepps was successful in dodging two blows, Referee Murdock ordered both men from the field. Acting-Captain Kernohan was unwilling that Hepps should go and took his team from the field and thus the game was forfeited to Wilkinsburg, who had up to this time scored 34 points.

As for Homestead there was nothing to it but Hepps, whose tackling was the best seen on the Wilkinsburg grounds.

After all mud was cleared in many a scrimmage this youngster was the last to gain his feet for it was generally he who tackled the man and no wonder the whole Wilkinsburg team waited their chance to get at him.

  • 11/19:  The Homestead High school football team easily defeated Braddock High 26-0, making up for the defeat at Wilkinsburg. “Everyone certainly played with a vengeance and win they did.  There was not one man on the Homestead lineup that did not play a great game…’Little’ Hepps, on the other end, certainly played a fine game.  His tackling was a repetition of that at Wilkinsburg.  He also gained many yards by that unconquerable ‘wedge’ for which Homestead is noted.  He was ‘there’ like McWhinney on the forward pass.”
  • 11/25:  The Homestead High school football team beat Munhall High 17-9.  “In the offensive work Homestead had all the best of it…Hepps, Durst, and McWhinney going around the ends for long gains.”  This football game took place on Thanksgiving and was eagerly anticipated by everyone.  Before the game the team practiced trick plays. “They will no doubt work with a howling success” (11/23).
  • 12/5:  In the Library League, someone named Heaps played guard for the All Stars.  As there appears to be no one by that name living in Homestead, I have to assume I am related to this typo person.


  • 1/10: Morris Frankel political ad

    1/10: Morris Frankel political ad for the Republican primary

    1/7:  Now that he’s back in Homestead, Morris Frankel wants to resume public office!  An article about his candidacy gives his 20 year history in Homestead.  “Starting in with nothing but a shrewd business head and a willingness to work he built up a paying business and succeeded in accumulating considerable money, all of which he invested in Homestead real estate, and is now one of the heaviest property owners in the Second ward.  Besides being prominent in business circles he is a leader among the Hebrew people of this town…” First he needed to win the Republican primary.  Full article below.

  • 1/11:  The Taft Republican club of the Second Ward endorsed Morris Frankel for council.
  • 1/13:  “In the Second ward, Archie McKeown is the anti-administration candidate for council against Morris Frankel, and at this time it looks like anybody’s fight.”
  • 1/12, 1/15:  A political machine called the “Ring,” purported to support various candidates, was accused of having made a “deal…with Morris Frankel.”  Minority leader M.P. Schooley wrote a letter, “I think, Mr. Editor, that you owe it to the voters and to your readers in the Second ward to publish the details of this deal.”
  • 1/18, 1/20:  From an editorial by a citizen against the “Ring” published over a few days: “If good men are elected to Council this time there will not be much left for the ‘Ring’ to fatten on…In the Second ward, Morris Frankel is the salted candidate, and in the words of Mr. Schooley, has made some sort of a deal…”
  • 1/21:  Another letter from a citizen about the upcoming Republican primaries praised Frankel‘s opponent and knocked the “political deal” behind Frankel’s candidacy.  There were many election-related letters like these, and all this time Frankel and his supporters never wrote in to refute them!  (The letter situation got so out of hand that on 1/28, after the primaries, the paper refused to publish unsigned political letters, which put an end to all the sniping.)
  • 1/22: Primary day! “The Primaries are Lively in Spots – Big Vote will be Out in Second and Fourth,” blared the headline on the front page.  In the Second ward “the fight is between Morris Frankel and Archie McKeown and both has (sic) exhausted every means to get out the vote and the result will be close and uncertain. Frankel has the organization and Hebrew vote behind him, which is a big factor in this ward, but McKeown has succeeded in gathering about him a large personal following.”
  • 1/26: Frankel's ad for the main election

    1/26: Frankel‘s ad for the main election

    1/24: Frankel creamed both his opponents, McKeown and Cush  — 256-90-45!  The paper referred to him as “one of the people named as part of the ‘administration faction’…in the Second ward Morris Frankel received a vote of which he can feel proud, it being the largest given a candidate in that ward for several years.” His photo was printed along with the other winners’.

  • 1/31:  The Taxpayer’s league nominated a candidate to oppose Frankel and the other Republican nominees. All three are milkmen, “which caused amusement and already the cry is to get off the water wagon and get on the milk wagon.”
  • 2/9:  Naturally the Homestead Republican marching club endorsed the Republican nominees.
  • 2/10:  An ad for Frankel appeared on the front page of the paper.  Along with his photograph, the text read, in part, “His independent and fearless disposition makes him the choice of the heavy taxpayers who want good government.”
  • 2/14:  The day before the election.  “In the Second ward Morris Frankel’s friends are claiming the same big majority for him that he received at the Republican primaries. His opponent, T.J McGeever, the Democratic-Voters League candidate, is making no claim, but is working hard. He has a big handicap to overcome.”
  • 2/15:  Election day.  “There is little doing at the polls today…In the Second ward it was discovered that there has been several things started against Morris Frankel during the past few days and he is having more of a fight than was expected and while he will hardly be defeated, his big majority at the primaries will be reduced considerably.  The vote will be large in this ward.”
  • 2/16:  “The Republican Ticket Wins Out,” proclaimed the front page of the paper.  Frankel beat McGeever 232-136. “The big majority Morris Frankel received in the Second ward at the primaries was materially reduced by his opponent yesterday, but at that Frankel had lots to spare, he winning out by 82 votes…[He] is a new man and will take the seat so long held down by John F. Cox, who now aspires to be governor of this great commonwealth. Frankel served a year in council a few years ago and will be no stranger in that body.  A hard fight was made against him yesterday but he had a strong line behind him, being backed by the organization, and he won out by a nice vote.”  “The leaders of the Taxpayers league feel that they did the best they could and if conditions in the borough are not bettered under the new administration the taxpayers will have no one to blame but themselves. The campaign they waged will have the affect of keeping some of the old members of council in check, it is believed, as they will see that they will have a hard fight on their hands when they come up for re-elections unless they work for retrenchment in borough affairs.”
  • 3/3:  “Morris Frankel, who will take his seat in council Monday night as the new member from the Second ward, wishes to thank his friends who assisted him in getting there.  A determined fight was made against him at both the primaries and general election, but his strong personality and the work of his friends pulled him through.  Mr. Frankel feels that he owes his office to the better element of his ward and will be guided by their wishes in his official duties.”
  • 3/8: The council was reorganized, and this time Frankel would be voting with the majority. Morris Fogel remained a police officer.
  • 3/10: Frankel was named to these committees: Finance, Water, Street, Police, and Ordinance.
  • 4/7:  “The resignation of Patrolman Morris Fogel — who has moved onto the farm of Max Markowitz — was received and accepted.  It was decided to not fill the vacancy which…will result in the saving of about $2,000 for the year to the borough.”
  • 4/21:  The term of the current postmaster of Homestead was expiring.  “Joseph Lasdusky, proprietor of the People’s store, it was also rumored, is a candidate for the appointment.  He stated yesterday that he had been approached by his friends and asked to enter the race, but that he himself was not soliciting any support.  However, he said if the position was tendered him he would give it the consideration such a matter deserved, but he denied that he was an active candidate.”
  • 6/16: At the next school board meeting, Pres. Joseph Lasdusky made a “neat speech in which he [outlined] the duties of the members and [brought] about harmony on the board. His speech was reprinted in full. It began, “Members of the Board, gentlemen. It gives me great pleasure upon this occasion to extend my sincere thanks to you, fellow members of the Homestead school board, for the honor you have seen fit to confer upon me in electing me president of this honorable body. An honor that I consider one of the greatest that can be conferred on a citizen in a municipality.” It was long. You can read it below.
  • 10/4:  The chairman of the street committee, Morris Frankel, submitted a report “on the first month’s work in which the borough used its won team and did its own [garbage] hauling.”  The reported, which claimed a savings of $138.25, was reprinted in the paper.  Read it below.  (This meeting took place on Rosh Hashana; it is unclear whether Frankel or attended or merely submitted his report in advance.)
  • 11/25:  “Councilman Morris Frankel and Officers Connelly and Coyan went out on an investigating tour yesterday afternoon to ascertain who were operating slot machines in the Second ward.  They found but one and that was in the confectionary store of Isiah Miller, 412 Dickson street.  The machine was confiscated and at a hearing last night before Thomas L. Davis Miller had to pay $14.30 on the charge of violating a borough ordinance.”

Hallowe’en Parade

On 10/8 the paper asked an important question.  “Are we to have a Hallowe’en parade?”  It seems  the old committee has refused to act; they wanted someone else to go around this year and raise the money.  So, the paper declared it would try.  Within a couple days several business men came forward to contribute, “but there was not a hotel man among them and these are the ones who will profit the most if the celebration is held.  Unless they come forwardd with contributions there will be no celebration” (10/10).  But within another two days it “[looked] as if the affair would be a go” (10/12).

The committees were announced on 10/20; they didn’t include any members of the Jewish community.  Two of the parade aids were Morris Grinberg and B. Glick (10/22).

“It was decided to have the judges stand at Eighth avenue and Dickson street this year” — right near the Jewish neighborhood —  “as the biz men up that way have always been good contributors to the fund and the Munhall people take a great interest in the demonstration…It will take about $125 for music and the balance will go into prizes and special features, it being decided to get some special feature to take the place of the Monongahela Klu (sic) Klux Klan, which took part in the last two celebrations” (10/20).

Half Bros., who were located at the other end of Eighth avenue, donated $5.  The next day Markley‘s shop for men donated as well.  Prizes were donated by business men as well, including Little Bros., a pair of ladies’ fine slippers and Louis Freeman, a bunch of bananas (10/26), as well as Jesse Wolk and Morris Grinberg (11/1).

On 10/25 the paper changed its tune, requesting the business men to make displays for the parade instead of contributing cash.  It was “up to them now to make the Hallowe’en parade the greatest ever.”  The businessmen’s associated proposed to dress up 100 boys and have them carry banners containing the name of business of each member (10/26).

After the parade the paper boasted of the “great crowd” which “viewed the big Hallowe’en parade on Eighth avenue last night” (11/1).  They listed the prize winners, including someone who won a “fancy shirt waist donated by Friedlander” for “best white girl negro impersonator.”  Oiy.

At least there was no actual KKK presence this year?!

Liquor Licenses

There were 2,075 retail applications since the previous year, an increase of 23 (4/15).  A small change in the license process this year required applicants to pay $5 with each application (1/21).

  • 2/26  Retail applicants: Bernhard Hepps, 406 Dickson-st.; Isaak Hertz, 201 Dickson-st.; Adolph Lefkowitz, 521 Dickson-st.; Samuel Margolis, 525 Heisel-st.; Benjamin J. Schwartz, 452-454 Third-av.
  • 3/22: Wholesale applicants in Homestead included Samuel Markovitz, 465 Fourth Ave., Samuel S. Mervis & Harry Arons, 512 Eighth Ave., and Ephraim Marks & Mikulas Pachuta, 232 Eighth Ave.  (Simon Bluestone and Joseph Levi in Hays I wonder about…)

Hearings began the third week in March; Homestead’s turn was up on 4/1.  4/15 saw just one new saloon in Homestead and the continuation of all the old ones; likewise for the wholesalers the previous ones continued and one new one was added.  Interestingly, while there were so many in Homestead, Munhall “has never had a licensed house.  The opposition is so strong here that it would be foolhardy for a citizen to attempt to secure license” (2/28).

  • 8/17: Harry Aron's Hotel Crystal

    8/17: Harry Arons‘ Hotel Crystal

    7/5:  “The Hotel Victoria was re-opened Saturday afternoon by Harry Aaron, who was granted a transfer of license by the court.  Mr. Aaron will at once start work on remodeling the building and will fit it out as a first class hotel…Mr. Aaron has been in business in this place for several years and has many warm friends.  His old business on Dickson street he has sold to Henry Faust and he will give the hotel his whole time and attention.”

  • 7/22:  “Harry Arons, the new proprietor of the Hotel Victoria, this morning, let the contract to Harry Honse for a new front to the hotel building  The front will be of the latest design and one of the finest in the town.  Mr. Arons is also have the building repainted throughout and refurnished and proposed to run a first class hotel such as the town is in need of.  That his efforts will bring returns is testified to from the fact that his room are all rented for next week.”

Work Woes

  • 2/1:  “Yesterday afternoon a woman entered Grinberg’s department store at 605 Eighth avenue.  While the clerks were busy she picked up a shawl and placed it under her long cape.  Mr. Grinberg, seeing the woman take something from the counter, engaged her in conversation and observed the edge of a shawl under her cape.  When he told her of the shawl the woman denied she had anything under her cape.  She then ran from the counter and dropped the shawl in a box.”  She escaped.  The paper claimed a “gang of shoplifters” were then taking “considerable goods” from the merchants of Eighth avenue.
  • 2/17:  On Eighth avenue three old buildings were being torn done, including Mrs. Segelman’s, who will move into the Havican building at the corner of Eighth and Amity, which is to be remodeled.
  • 2/17:  Jacob Weinberger was indicted for murdering Ignatz Miller!  “Weinberger was a driver for the New York Baking company…As [Miller] was returning home from work in the evening it is alleged that Weinberger, who was coming from Braddock, was driving in a reckless manner and ran him down.  Miller was taken to the Homestead hospital, where he died shortly afterward.”  His death certificate, which I looked up on, says the cause of death was, “”Concussion of Brain and fractured Ribs Due have been knock down and run over by a wagon Probably Accidental.”  Apparently the grand jury did not agree.
  • 3/10: “The jury in the suit, Klein vs. P.R.R. Company, brought in a verdict this afternoon in favor of Klein for $39,000. Klein’s property was taken by the railroad under condemnation proceedings by the railroad company and the board of viewers awarded him $53,000, but Klein was not satisfied with this and sued for $100,000 and is therefore $14,000 out in addition to the costs of the law suit.”
  • 3/15: The jury convicted thirteen year-old Jacob Weinberger (now a “driver for a wholesale liquor dealer of Dickson street”) of involuntary manslaughter. “The jury recommended the prison to the extreme mercy of the court,” and Weinberger’s attorney asked for a new trial.  “Witnesses testified that Weinberger went to the man as he was lying in the street, looked at him, went oack (sic) the street, looked at him, went back drove away (sic).”
  • 3/17: The paper wrote a long editorial about the “reckless driving of wagons on the streets of Homestead, especially the drivers for wholesale liquor houses on Fridays and Saturdays of pay week.”
  • 3/29:  The latest with Jacob Klein‘s suit against the Pennsylvania Railroad is that the jury felt his property was valued at $56K.
  • 3/30:  “Marcus Marks, a jeweler on Eighth avenue, filed a voluntary petition in bankruptcy yesterday; liabilities, $2,966.89; assets, $2,065.08.  Mr. Marks has been in business here for about 20 years and is well and favorably known.”  I would guess in trying to grow he overextended himself; for many years he had just the jewelry store, but in April 1909 he opened a new store that sold clothing and shoes.  Although he was never a member of the shul, he was one of the oldest members of Homestead’s Jewish community.
  • 4/1:  “Louis Alpern, of Pittsburg, has been appointed receiver for Marcus Marks, jeweler, who filed a petition in bankruptcy last week.”
  • 4/9:  “On next Friday the entire stock of M. Marks, the jeweler, will be offered at receivers’ sale by L.M. Alpern, receiver.  The sale is advertised for 11 o’clock.”
  • 4/19:  “Fire was discovered this morning at 1 o’clock in the grocery store of Louis Samuels, 544 Dickson street, which, according to the proprietor’s statement, destroyed about $600 worth of goods before it was extinguished..  The fire was discovered by Harry Arons, who lives on the opposite side of the street…The building was only slightly damaged.  The loss is entirely covered by insurance.  Mrs. Dinah Wolf, who occupies the apartments over the store, was awakened by the noise and the smell of smoke and was almost prostrated with fright.  She escaped in her nightclothes to the home of Mrs. Osbourne, adjoining, not forgetting in the excitement her Poll Parrot, which was loudly calling for help.  The building is owned by Mrs. Osbourne.”
  • 4/27:  “Following argument for a new trial yesterday for Jacob Weisberger (sic), aged 13, convicted of involuntary manslaughter, the court took the papers and reserved decision.”
  • 4/23:  “Charles Sloan has purchased…stock of M. Marks, the jeweler..[at the] receiver’s sale and is arranging…[to] conduct a sale in Marks’ old stand…”
  • 6/8:  A twenty year-old girl who claimed she was raised in an orphans’ home “is alleged to have tried to steal a diamond ring from D.C. Segelman‘s jewelry store on Eighth avenue and Amity street.”  After Mr. Segelman showed the girl some diamonds, his sister, Miss Maude, “then discovered one of the rings valued at $50 was missing.  She told her brother who ran down the street and seeing Fireman John Cotter asked him to head off the girl.  He brought her back to the store.  She dropped the ring on the floor…”
  • 6/10:  “For some time past the residents on Ninth and Tenth avenues have been annoyed by drivers, who let their horses stand on the streets and chew up young shade trees.  Yesterday Samuel Kline, a driver for Louis Glick, of Homestead, was given a hearing before Justice George W. McCleery on the charge of malicious mischief, preferred by Chris Quigley.  The case was settled by the driver paying for the tree and the costs of the suit.  The police are on the alert and there will be a number of other arrests if this practice is not stopped at once.”
  • 7/18:  “As Chief Pugh was standing on Dickson street, he observed a woman fall violently to the street and a man…running away…The woman was Mrs. Fischel, of Dickson street, the wife of a photographer…There was a dispute over some pictures.  When the woman followed [the customer] to the street, it is alleged he knocked her down and that she was severely injured.”
  • 7/21: Leibwitz's Whiskers

    7/21: Leibwitz’s Whiskers

    7/21:  “At the drygoods store of Isaac Leibwitz on Seventh avenue, West Homestead” two young women ” became involved in a dispute with the proprietor over the price of some handkerchiefs and when the controversy waxed war there are said to have grabbed Leibwitz by his whiskers.  Miss Jones is alleged to have pulled one way, while Miss Kistler pulled the other.  Leibwitz in the meantime was shouting for help.”  Funny/not funny headline at right.

  • 12/3:  On 11/12 the paper wrote about the burgeoning war on cigarettes. “Cigarets (sic) do more harm than all the saloons in the city,” declared one woman.  On 12/3 the “crusade [was] on in earnest.”  The county detective arrested dealers for selling to minors under 21 years of age, including Lewis Dorman, 435 East Third ave, and Joseph Port, 523 Third ave.
  • 12/10:  A number of cigarette dealers were held, including J. Miller.  The paper noted the extreme youth of the witnesses and their familiarity with different brands.
  • 12/15:  William Law “created considerable of a sensation” in Pittsburgh having “[taken] the team of Max Adlersberg, proprietor of the Central Grocery, 332 Eighth avenue and attempting to sell it.  “Mr. Law was employed as a driver for the Central Grocery store and yesterday did not return in a reasonable time when sent to the city for produce and the proprietor, making inquiry, ascertained he had not been at the commission houses.”  After a chase across the city, “he was placed in jail and Mr. Adlersberg finally collected his property this morning.”
  • 12/28:  “Joseph Glick, of the Second ward, was held for the grand jury on the charge of larceny at a hearing last night…The prosector dealt with the defendant who keeps a store in the Second ward.  [He] alleges that Glick kept the accounts and when he wished the return of his pass book the merchant refused to give it to him.  Glick was held in $300 bail.”

Business Doings

  • 3/11:  A long column described B. Friedlander‘s spring opening.  “His store was thronged with sightseers…The decorations were most beautiful and it can be truthfully said that a more attractive display was never shown in Homestead…A feature of the opening was the music, there being both instrumental and vocal selections during the afternoon and evening.”  The article explains how he recently expanded his space to handle sample goods as well as millinery and ready-made goods.
  • 3/18:  “Lasdusky is having his opening this afternoon and evening and his store never looked better.  As a special attraction this evening every lady entering the store will receive as a souvenir a sailor hat of novel design.  Everyone will be wearing one tomorrow as they are something new.”
  • 3/19:  A long article about the spring opening at Lasdusky‘s People’s store said it was “the largest in its history and the only reason there were not more there was because the throng was so great it was impossible to get inside.  Twelve hundred of the regular souvenirs were given out rather early in the evening and then flowers were obtained, but even these ran out…”  The article went on to talk about all the beautiful decorations and departments.
  • 3/19:  “Have you noticed the improvements being made along Eighth avenue? …A new front is being put in the room formerly occupied by Mike Catalano, which M. Marks is move into next week, and a new front put into the building Mr. Marks is moving out of, which is to be used as a nickelodeon.  A handsome new front is just being completed in the Lloyd building, which is to be occupied by H.L. Little in addition to the room he occupies next door and other improvements made to the building. In the Havican building at the corner of Eighth avenue and Amity street a new front is being put in and a new store room added, which is to be occupied by Segelman, the jeweler…”
  • 3/31:  A long article about the spring opening at Half Brothers described all the merchandise throughout the building.
  • 5/14:  “Ben Little, the well known merchant on the upper end of Eighth avenue, like his brother H.L. Little, is branching out.  He has leased the store room adjoining his place of business and fitted it out for his gents’ furnishings and clothing and will use his old room for shoes exclusively…He has improved both of the store fronts and now has the most attractive place on the upper avenue…”
  • 5/19:  “M.H. Markley, a well known young man of this place, has rented the building at 217 Eighth avenue and will at once open a high class gents’ furnishing store.  He let the contract for remodeling the front to Harry Honse yesterday and the latter started to tear out the old front this morning.  The front will be all glass and marble and will be one of the finest in town.  Mr. Markley intends to handle only the better lines of goods. He expects to get opened up about June 1st.”  6/10: “Markley’s shop for men opened this afternoon and is crowded with visitors. The store is one of the most attractive in town and the stock most select. Every visitor tonight will receive a souvenir.”
  • 5/28:  “B. Friedlander is one of Homestead’s most enterprising business men and one who believes in the future of the town.  He came to Homestead and started the Busy Bee Hive store many years ago and by close attention to business and fair dealing with the public built up a big business among the uptown trade.  About a year ago he decided to go after some of the downtown trade also and opened another store at 213 Eighth avenue, where he has also been successful, this store being one of the most attractive on the street. Now he proposed to make his uptown store just as attractive and has had a new front put in that for artistic beautify not excellent (sic) in town…Mr. Friedlander will make other improvements to this store and when completed he will have two of the most attractive places in town.”
  • 6/7:  The paper announced the arrival of a new doctor, Dr. Benjamin Berger of McKeesport.  His new office was at 529 Dickson street.  The establishment of his business would soon permit him another life milestone…
  • 6/10:  “Morris Grinberg will tomorrow begin the celebration of the seventeenth anniversary of his store in this place and invites everyone to the birthday party which begins in the store tomorrow morning and continues for the next ten days, during which time he will sell everything at a great reduction.  By square and honest dealings and up-to-date business methods Mr. Grinberg has succeeded in building up a big store and a big trade, having added department after department to his store until he is now looked upon as one of the big business men o the town.  His store is located at 607 Eighth avenue, where the public will be welcome during the big sale whether they wish to buy or not.  Call and see the decorations and display.”
  • 6/18: “Half Bros. this morning brought a large stock of medium and high grade furniture and rugs from the receiver of the Homewood Furniture company, East End, Pittsburg,. This stock will be moved to their Homestead store next week and will be offered for sale at great bargains. Watch their ad in the Daily Messenger of announcement of sale.”
  • 9/23:  The paper reported on the fall and winter openings that evening.  “Among the other places where there will be a general opening is Lasdusky’s.  Here, in addition to the millinery display there will be a display of ready made goods.  Souvenirs will be given to all the ladies attending the opening between 7 and 9 o’clock.  Friedlander’s department store will also have an opening tonight and will show a nice line of hats as well as ready made goods…Everybody in Homestead should turn out and visit the openings.  If they do they will find it is not necessary to go to the city to get suited in a new fall hat.  The hats shown here are just as stylish as those shown in the city and decidedly cheaper.”  The next day the paper reviewed the openings.  “All the windows were splendidly decorated and a throng of visitors passed through the stores.  From these very effective displays the women obtained an excellent idea of the prevailing styles and were impressed with the fact that purchasers do not have to go outside Homestead to obtain the latest in styles and designs.  A woman is certainly difficult to please who cannot be satisfied by creations made by our local artists in millinery.”  Ladsusky’s head milliner was singled out to give the paper’s reporter “an idea of the prevailing styles this fall.”
  • 10/21:  “The wide-awake and enterprising new store, Markley‘s Shop For Men, 217 Eighth avenue, this week secured the contract for furnishing all the members of the local police department with new fall uniforms, including helmets and belts.  The order is a big one and besides local firms many of the large Pittsburg firms competed for it.  The local firm secured the plum, however, as their price was the lowest.  Markley’s Shop For Men is not only doing a large business in furnishing goods but also rapidly building up a lucrative trade on custom-made clothing.”  (When the decision was made in mid-September for the police to wear regulation metropolitan uniforms, they were annoyed to have to purchase them since the tenure of their office was so uncertain.)
  • 11/1:  “Moses Half, of Half Bros. furniture and carpet house 118 (sic) Eighth avenue, left last evening from the East to attend the carpet and rug sale now going on. He anticipates buying heavily and will no doubt will (sic) be in a position to give his patrons some bargains next spring.”  12/17:  “Morris Half, of the firm of Half Bros., who is on a business trip to New York, is expected to arrive home today.”
  • 12/9:  “A sleighing party was given last night by the employees of B. Friedlander‘s stores…After a sumptuous lunch the crowd returned to Homestead, well pleased with their evening’s enjoyment.  The party was chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Louis Freeman.”
  • 12/16:  Freeman‘s proclaimed itself “the headquarters for Christmas trees.”  “Don’t forget Louie of the popular daily fruit and vegetable market, 237 East Eighth avenue.”

Personal Woes

  • 1/6:  “Damages of $10,000 are demanded in a suit in trespass filed by Bertha Klein of Homestead, against Aaron Weiss for slander. A capias was issued for Weiss and his bail was fixed at $1,000.”
  • 2/18:  “Jacob Feldman, aged four years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Feldman, 815 Amity street, died suddenly yesterday from accute gastro entenitis (sic?), produced by ptomaine poisoining, which was caused by something which the child ate the evening before.”  Even after the burial Mrs. Feldman asked for the coroner to perform a post-mortem, fearing that what the physician gave him when he was sick is what caused his death.  Both articles below.
  • 3/28:  “David Hershburg, advertising manager for Half Bros.’ big store on Eighth avenue, was called to his home in Louisville, Ky., by the serious illness of his mother, last Saturday night.”  Even in his woes the ad man gets a nice plug in for his employer.
  • 4/13:  Here’s a juicy story!  Hattie Skirbal, “a young Jewess, formerly of Homestead, but now of Duquesne” asked for a divorce since her husband, Charles E. Skirbal of Canonsburg “deserted her and their two children, July 1, 1907.”  Hattie is “a daughter of Phillip Cohen, who was in the clothing business in this place for many years, but who now runs a hotel in Duquesne. Charles is a cousin to the Skirballs who used to be in Homestead.  All the sad details below.
  • 4/22: “Mrs. Freda Friedlander, aged 64 years, died yesterday morning at 4:10 o’clock at the family residence, No. 59 Vanbram street, Pittsburg.  She is survived by her husband, B. Friedlander, and the following children: B. Friedlander, the well known Eighth avenue merchant, with stores at 313 and 519 Eighth avenue; Julius, also of Homestead; Pal (sic) Friedlander, of Wheeling, W.V.; Mrs. Rachel Jacobson, of Dickson street, and Mrs. Sarah Jutz (sic), of 5422 Second avenue, Glenwood.  The funeral was held last evening at 5 o’clock and the internment was made in the Hebrew cemetery, Pittsburg.  The stores of Mr. Friedlander will remain closed until Monday morning.”  (The cemetery was the Beth Abraham Jewish Cemetery in Whitehall, connected to a Russian synagogue in Pittsburgh.)
  • 5/23: “Mrs. Effie Markowitz, aged 39 years, wife of Max Markowitz, of 542 Heisel street, died Saturday of typhoid fever in the Homestead hospital, after an illness of two weeks.  She has been a resident of Homestead for upward of 20 years, was a member of the Hebrew Ladies Aid society and one of the most prominent Jewish women in town.  She is survived by her husband proprietor of the New York bakery, and five sons, Julius, Morris, Harry, Louis and Ralph.  The funeral was held yesterday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock and interment was made in the Hebrew cemetery at Homeville.”
  • 5/23:  “A fire at 7 o’clock last night in the near of the store of Harry Feldman, 815 Amity street, brought out the fire department…The family, who lives in the rear of the store, and in the upper rooms, was away from home and the fire was discovered by persons on the street.  It was found that an old matters in the rear of the store, one part of which is used as a kitchen and the other as a bedroom, was on fire…The loss amounted to about $50 and the cause could not be discovered.  A large crowd collected on the streets.” Poor family, having lost their young son only a few months prior.
  • 5/27:  “Samuel Glick, a well known meat dealer, of 434 East Third avenue, fired two shots at a robber that entered his home early this morning.  About 3 o’clock this morning Mr. Glick was awakened by some one walking in his room.  His wife screamed and the intruder ran down the stairs.  Mr. Glick secured his revolver and fired two shots at the man as he jumped out the window.  Officer John Beynon heard the shots and chased the robber to City Farm lane, where he escaped.  An entrance was made by breaking the lock on the kitchen window.  This is the third time Mr. Glick’s home has been entered uring the past few weeks.  It is thought the robber had just entered the room when he was discovered, as no valuables were taken.”
  • 6/23:  “Harry Little, of Dickson street, was fined $1 and costs at a hearing this morning before Justice J. Clyde Miller on information made by Francis Huhinski (sic?), of the Second ward. It is alleged that the defendant went to the prosecutor’s room and raised a disturbance. The latter first made the charge of assault which was changed to disorderly assault.”
  • 7/22:  “Wolf Gordon, of Large, back of Lincoln Place, called at the office of the coroner this morning with a letter written in Hebrew, which he said he had received from Marris (sic) S. Opin, his brother-in-law, a merchant of Large.”  He had written from NYC, threatening suicide and bidding his wife and family farewell.  The coroner advised him to contact the NYC authorities.  (It does not appear that he went through with his threat.)
  • 7/30:  “Max Adelsberg, proprietor of the Central grocery store, on Eighth avenue, was taken to the New Homeopathic hospital this morning suffering from an attack of fever.”
  • 8/5:  Joseph Lasdusky‘s uncle, Abraham Saffron, died at the Jewish Home for the Aged in Pittsburgh at 75 years of age.  He “was well known as a Hebrew teacher of ability.  He was one of the best Talmudists in the city.  About 30 years ago he came to the country from Poland…He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Belle Cohen and Mrs. Ruben” in addition to Lasdusky.
  • 8/8:  “Sarah Jacobson, of 630 Dickson st., has recovered from an attack of the scarlet fever and the home was fumigated this morning.”
  • 9/19:  “Ignatz Gross, aged 36 years, of 512 Dickson street, a bookkeeper, died this morning at 2 o’clock after a long illness. The funeral was held this afternoon at 2 o’clock and the interment was made in the Hebrew cemetery.”
  • 9/27:  There was a fire at midnight last night affecting a two-story frame building at 472 Third avenue, on whose upper floor lived Lou L. Karp and his family, and a confectionary below (not his?).  The family hardly had time to escape when their neighbor woke them up.  “The fire was in the cellar…it is very mysterious; as, according to the family, there was no fire or light in the cellar.”  The damage to the building was under $100, but the proprietor of the store said his loss was $400.
  • 11/10:  “An exciting fire occurred late yesterday afternoon at the residence of Max D. Weiss, 115 West Ninth avenue, to which the Central fire department responded and found a clothes press son the second floor in flames.  The fire was extinguished by the chemical apparatus after a loss to clothing and householding furnishings to the amount of about $100.”
  • 12/31: “Mrs. Fannie Frankel, mother of Councilman Morris Frankel, of the Second ward, is dead at her home in Duquesne, having died yesterday afternoon.  The deceased if she had lived until today would have celebrated her 82nd birthday.  She was born in the old country and came to America in 1880.  For many years she made her home with her son in this place, but for the past two years has been living with a daughter in Duquesne.  She is survived by three sons and three daughters.  Isaac Frankel, of Pittston, Pa., Samuel Frankel of New York City, Morris Frankel, of this place, Mrs. Julia Winkler, Mrs. Ferderber, of the Camp avenue hotel, Duquesne, and Mrs. Bella Cohen, of New York City.  Funeral services will be held tomorrow morning and interment will be made in the Homestead Hebrew cemetery at Bellwood.”


  • 3/8: “I. Frankel, brother of Councilman Morris Frankel, and a prominent business man of Pittston, Pa., was the guest of his brother last evening.  Mr. Frankel came from the East to visit his mother, who is confined in a Pittsburg hospital.  For a term of three years Mr. Frankel has been president of the school board of Pittston.”
  • 6/7:  “Louis Freeman, the well known Eighth avenue fruit dealer, left Sunday for Mt. Clemens to take a course of treatment for rheumatism.”
  • 6/8:  “Louis Freeman, a well known business man of Eighth avenue, who is suffering from rheumatism, has left for Mr. Clemens, Mich., where he will take the famous bath treatment.”
  • 6/27:  “Louis Freeman, the well known fruit dealer, is home from Mt. Clemens, very much improved in health.”
  • 6/29:  “Mrs. (sic?) Bessie Grinberg of McKeesport, who has been visiting relatives on Twelfth avenue, has returned home.”
  • 7/20: “H.L. Little and Charles McConegly are in Atlantic City.”
  • 7/21: “Miss Minnie Lebowitz, clerk of B. Friedlander’s store, is spending a few weeks at Cambridge Springs.”
  • 7/27:  “Mrs. Joseph Lasdusky and son, of Fifth avenue, and Mrs. I. Grossman, of Eighth avenue, will leave tonight for a three weeks’ outing at Mt. Clemens.”  8/18:  “Mrs. Joseph Lasdusky and son, and Mrs. I.S. Grossman arrived home last evening from a three weeks’ outing at Mt. Clemens.”
  • 7/29:  “H.L. Little, the shoe man, is home from Atlantic City…Mrs. Morris Grinberg and children have returned home from a visit to friends in McDonald.”
  • 8/1:  “Arthur Grossman, spent Sunday with his parents. Mr. Grossman is attending summer school at Grove City…Miss Ida Schwarz, of New York City, is spending a few days at the home of J.H. Markeley, of Fifth avenue…Harry Margolis, is spending his vacation in the mountains near Tyrone.”
  • 8/5:  “Louis Segelman, of the Pittsburg Coal company, is on his vacation.”
  • 8/12:  “Mrs. M.I. Grinberg and children have returned home from a visit to her father, L. Brady, in Oakland.”
  • 8/25:  “Jacob Gutfield, of New York City is visiting his brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Gutfeld, of 432 Summit street, Knoxville…Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Gutfeld (nee Fannie Haupt) will be ‘at home’ at her friends Sunday, August 28th, at 432 Summit street, Knoxville. No cards.”
  • 8/26:  “Sam Fogel, of Little’s Shoe Store is home from a two weeks’ visit to his father’s farm in the Eastern part of the state.”  His father is Morris Fogel, the former policeman.
  • 8/30:  “Morris Grinberg, of Eighth avenue, has returned home from a visit to Erie.”
  • 10/1:  “H.L. Little will leave this evening for Baltimore on a visit. He will be gone about a week.”  He was visiting family for Rosh Hashana!
  • 10/3:  “Charles Frankel, son of Councilman Morris Frankel, has returned to Harvard college, where he will resume his study in law.”
  • 10/4:  “Arthur Grossman, of Grove City college is visiting his parents on Eighth avenue.”  Rosh Hashana!
  • 10/10:  “Mr. and Mrs. I.S. Grossman, of Eighth avenue, spent Sunday with friends out of town.”
  • 11/25:  “H.L. Little is spending a few days in Baltimore.”  (This was Thanksgiving weekend.)
  • 12/21:  “Charles Frankel, who is attending Harvard college, is spending the holiday vacation with his parents on Fifth avenue.”


  • 2/8:  “A pleasant surprise party was held last evening in honor of Miss Ida Lebovitz by her friends.  Guests were present from all the surrounding towns and all had a very (sic) and a nice lunch.  Among those in (sic) Dr. Bella Lewinson, Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Glick, M. Solokow, Miss Ida Glick, Miss Anna Glick, A Goldstein, and Mrs. R. Klein.  Miss Ida Horn, Beenie Nendelof, Max Nendelof, Rose Nendelof, Miss Lettie Chaipkin, Miss Annie Chaipkin, Miss Rose Hertz, Miss Etta Hertz, Mrs. R.A. Hertz, Miss Jennie Cohen.  The decorations were in pink and white.”  Only about half of these names sound to be from Homesteaders.
  • 4/5:  “Dr. M.H. Moss, of Eighth avenue, has purchased a handsome Franklin auto with four cylinders and a capacity of 20 horse power.”  OK, this isn’t really a simcha, but this was a big-deal purchase in those days, and the Franklin was a luxury brand!  4/18:  “Louis Moss was out trying his new E.M.F. car yesterday, taking a party of friends out into the country back of Allegheny. He handles the car like an expert.”  Dr. Moss’ older brother, I think!  6/8:  “A comunucation was received from Dr. H.M. Moss, of Eighth avenue asking the permission of council to have a Red Cross license placed on his automobile. On motion his request was granted.”  7/5:  “Louie Moss and a party of friends, started yesterday on a long automobile trip. They expect to visit Cambridge Springs, Erie, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Toronto and Cleveland. They will be done about two weeks.”
  • 4/7:  “Invitations are out announcing the engagement of Jennie Samuels, of this place, to Louis Fieberg, of Pittsburgh.  A reception will take place Sunday, April 8, at 6 o’clock at the home of the young lady’s parents on Third avenue.  Mr. Fieberg is in business in the city, and is well known here, while the bride is prominent among the young Hebrew people of this place.”
  • 4/9:  “At a reception to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuels on Third avenue, Sunday, the engagement of their daughter, Miss Jennie, to Louis Fieberg, will be announced.  The engagement will terminate in an early wedding.  Both young people are well known in the Hebrew circles of the town.”
  • 4/13:  “Mr. and Mrs. I. Samuels, of Third avenue, announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Jeannette Samuels, to Louis Reinberg, of Pittsburg, at a luncheon given at their home, 412 Third avenue, on Sunday.  The decorations were carried out in Dresden effect with spring flowers, and the favors were corsages of marguerites.  Covers were laid for the following guests:  Mr. and Mrs. H. Goldberg and Mr. and Mrs. B. Pearlman, Coraopolis;A. Buchman, Blairsville; Mr. and Mrs. B. Cohen, Wampum; Miss Ella Fisher, William Feinberg, Mrs. S. Feinberg, J.M. Fisher, Phillip Cohen, Dave Lebove, the Misses Ida Wilner and M. Michaelson, Mr. and Mrs. D. Pittler, Suter; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Samuels, Homestead.”
  • 5/9:  “Mr. and Mrs. I.S. Grossman celebrated the twentieth anniversary of their wedding day yesterday.  The ‘young couple’ were congratulated by fifty members of the family, who came to wish them long life and happiness.  After the dinner, which was served at 7:30, toasts of all kinds were given to Mr. and Mrs. Grossman, I. Grossman being the toastmaster.  The members of the family were present from Braddock, Duquesne, Oakland, Johnstown, Sharon, McKees Rocks and Munhall.  All left hoping they would again be gathered at the golden wedding celebration of the bride and groom.” Alas they would not; I.S. Grossman died in 1918 during the influenza epidemic.
  • 8/16: “Miss Jennie Samuels, daughter of Isaac Samuels, will be married this evening to Louis Fineburg, of Pittsburg.  The wedding will take place in the Hebrew synagogue on Ammon street, after which there will be a big reception in Turner hall on Fifth avenue, for which there have been several hundred invitations sent out.”  Has ever a Jewish wedding in Homestead gotten more coverage?  And we’re not even there yet!
  • 8/17:  “A brilliant and elaborate wedding ceremony united in marriage two prominent Hebrew people, Louis Fineburg, a Pittsburg merchant, and Miss Jennie Samuels, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Samuels, of Third avenue.  The ceremony was performed by Rabbi Shinki (sic — Ashinsky) in the Homestead synagogue on Ammon street at 7:30 o’clock last evening…The bride was hansomely attired in white silk mousseline trimmed with Ducesse lace.”  The article, below, describes the party, which included guests from all over and by “Rosen’s Yeddish orchestra.”
  • 9/13:  “Mrs. Celia Lebowitz, of 901 Jerome street, McKeesport, announces the engagement of her daughter, Belle, to Dr. Benjamin M. Berger, of Homestead. Dr. Berger is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Berger, of 535 Sixth avenue, McKeesport. At home Sunday, Sept. 18, 1910. No cards.”  On 9/20 a long article about the engagement reception (included below) was reprinted from the McKeesport paper under the headline “Important Society Event.”  12/5:  He fixed the fracture of a man who fell down cellar steps and had a barrel roll on him, fracturing leg.
  • 10/18:  “A delightful party was held on William Glick Sunday afternoon as his residence on Fourth avenue.  The afternoon was spent in games and music.  It was enjoyed by the following: William Glick, Isadore Lasdusky, Bennie Gross, Abe Swartz, Jacob Hepps, Sr., Sam Israel, Louis Margolis, Morris Hepps, Morris Freedman, Arthur Glick, Fanella Mervis, Gertrude Swartz, Jennie Friedlander, Bertha Silver, Florence Hepps, Bertha Israel, Rose Glick and Hazel Numerosky.”


  • 1/14:  “The Hebrew Ladies Aid society of Homestead, at a meeting held yesterday, elected the following officers for the ensuing year:  Mrs. H. Aarons, president; Mrs. Morris Frankel, vice president; Mrs. B. Gluck, treasurer, and Miss Bella Lebowitz, secretary.  There was a good attendance at the meting and much interest taken in the charitable work of the society.  They have done much the past year for the poor among them and start out on the year with renewed enthusiasm to make the society a still greater success for good.”
  • 3/21:  “The Homestead Hebrew congregation Rodef Sholem, will hold their sixteenth annual ball in Turner hall, tomorrow evening.  The affair is always looked forward to by the Hebrews of this and surrounding towns and the hall is sure to be packed.  Many Gentiles also attend these dances.  The ladies will serve refreshments and the men of the congregation look after the door and floor.”
  • 3/22:  “The Homestead Hebrew congregation will hold its sixteenth annual ball this evening in Turner hall and from all indications the record for attendance at an affair of this kind will be broken.  A large number of tickets have been sold in this place and many will attend from out of town.”
  • 3/22:  “Purim, one of the holidays of great rejoicing among the Jewish people will be celebrated next Friday by the Jews of Homestead.”  A very long article followed, explaining the day.  “Unlike most of the Jewish holidays it is not one on which the faithful must abstain from work.  All are allowed to transact business as usual.”
  • 4/16:  “Samuel Neveleff, of New York, representing the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid society, will address the local Hebrews in Odd Fellows hall at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow.”  A long article detailed HIAS’ work in Europe and in the U.S. — read it below.
  • 6/2: “The Ladies Aid society of the Homestead Hebrew congregation met yesterday afternoon and called off their picnic, which was to have been held at Kennywood Park last night, owing to the cold, wet weather and decided to hold it on July 6th.  A large number of tickets have been sold for the event and they will be honored on the new date.  The money realized is to be used for charitable purposes and the affair deserves the liberal patronage of the public.  The outing will be an all-day affair, with dancing in the afternoon and evening.”
  • 6/3: The cornerstone laying for the Browarsky Annex to the Home for the Aged (and the fourth anniversary celebration of this Jewish institution) was scheduled for 6/5. “Joseph Lasdusky, of this place, is one of the directors in the institution, having serve for five years and is much interested in the work.”
  • 6/6:  “Corner Stone Is Laid.  Impressive Ceremony at the Browarsky Home for the Aged in the City Yesterday Attended by Many Homestead People,” and the article went on to describe the new annex, reiterating the involvement of Lasdusky and the attendance of many Homestead Hebrews.
  • 7/5: “The Ladies’ Aid society of the Homestead Hebrew congregation will hold their annual picnic at Kennywood park tomorrow.  This is the outing which was to have been held on June 1st, but which had to be postponed on account of the cold and wet weather.  All the tickets sold for that date will be honored tomorrow.  There will be dancing afternoon and evening, and as the event is for charity it should be liberally patronized.”
  • 8/12:  “What promises to be one of the most enjoyable events of this season is the monster picnic arranged by the B’rith lodges of Homestead, Braddock, Duquesne and McKeesport to be held at Kennywood park on Tuesday.  The proceeds of this picnic will be contributd to the fund now being raised for the Orphanage and Home for the Friendless which the lodges of this district propose to establish in the future.”  The picnic would run from 10 AM – 11 PM with games, athletics, festivities, dancing, and a baby show.  A slightly shorter version of the original article was published on 8/15, the day before the event.
  • 10/1:  “Their Great Days – Homestead Hebrews Getting Ready to Celebrate Their New Year – Stores Closed Two Days Next Week.”  A long article explain all the holidays through the end of the year:  Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Succoth (which is “part of the observance of Yom Kippur”), Shemini Atzereth, Simchath, Torah (which “will conclude the services incident to Yom Kippur”), Rosh Chodesh, Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan, and “First Day of Hanukah” (their quotes!).  Full article below.
  • 10/2:  “Jewish Holiday Starts – At Six O’clock Tonight the Hebrew Merchants Will Close Their Places of Business and Will Keep Them Closed Two Days.”  “The holiday is as old as the Jewish people…Every Jew must pray for himself at this time.  He cannot delegate some one else to do it for him.”  The shofar, they say, “is a call for the departed to intercede for the living.”  “The synagogue on Ammon street will be thronged tomorrow as there are seven hundred Hebrews residing here.” !!! (Full article below.)
  • 10/4:  “Jewish New Year Being Celebrated – Ceremonies Which Seem Strange to the Gentiles Being Indulged in At the Synagogues Today – Celebration to Continue Tomorrow — Jewish Stores Closed Today and Tomorrow.”  The article describe the “scenes strange and weird.”  (Another long article below.)
  • 10/12:  “Another Jewish Holiday Tomorrow – Yom Kippur, the most holy day in the Jewish calendar, will be celebrated commencing this evening at sundown and lasting until sundown tomorrow evening.  It is a fast day and the Hebrews will refrain from food.  The stores will be closed tomorrow and all orthodox Jews will assemble in the synagogue, where they will fast and pray the entire day.”
  • 10/14:  “Yom Kippur Is Over – Great Jewish Fast Day Came to a Close at 6 O’clock Last Evening.”  Yet another article explaining the holiday season in general and this holiday in particular.  “The rules of the synagogue require that over 130 beautiful musical compositions be rendered by the cantor, choirs and congregations.  Two hundred and fifty pages of prayer are also read.”  (Full article below.)
  • 11/29:  “One of the notable events of the season will be the dance and whist to be given tomorrow evening in Turner hall by the I.O.B.B., an organization composed of the leading Hebrew citizens of the town.”  The article below describes this charitable event.  “About 300 invitations have been sent out to the leading Jewish citizens of this and surrounding towns and to not a few Gentiles.”  “One of the features will be the gowns worn by the ladies, some of them having planned for weeks for this important affair.”
  • 11/30:  “The social function of the week will be the whist and dance in Turner hall tonight by the I.O.B.B., the philanthropic organization of the Jews.  The sole aim of the organization is to elevate the Jewish citizens of all classes and take care of the needy, and every cent taken in this evening will be used in furthering this purpose.  The six prizes to be given in the whist contest were donated by members and the refreshments were donated by the wives of the members who will serve it.  The card playing will take place in the small hall and the dance in the large hall on the third floor.  The list of out-of-town guests will be large.”
  • 12/1:  “There was a nice function in Turner hall last night the occasion being the charity whist party and dance given by the I.O.B.B., composed of the leading Jewish citizens of the town.”  The article below describes the event and names the prize winners from Braddock, Pittsburgh, and Sharon.  Locals L.D. Moss and M.L. Seigel also won.
  • 12/2:  They left out a prize in the previous article!  “Mrs. M.I. Grinberg won the second ladies prize at the I.O.B.B. euchre Wednesday night in Turner hall.”
  • 12/5:  “With the dedication of the annex to the Home for the Aged, corner Reed and Breckenridge streets, which is set for December 25, another epoch in the development of Jewish charity in this section of the country will be marked…The committee is charge of dedication exercises” includes “Joseph Lasdusky, president of the Homestead school board.” (The full program with all participants and speakers is here.)
  • 12/28:  “The Homestead Hebrew Ladies’ Aid society met last night and reelected all their old officers for the third time.  The meeting was largely attending and the ladies showed themselves to be enthusiastic in their charity work, they having relieved much distress during the past year.  The officers elected were:  President–Mrs. H. Aarons.  Vice President–Mrs. M. Frankel.  Treasurer–Mrs. B. Glick.  Secretary–Miss Lebowitz.  The ladies arranged to hold their annual dance in Turner hall on January 17th.”


  • 1/11:  Dr. J. Leonard Levy, rabbi of the Rodeph Shalom in Pittsburgh and Pittsburgh’s “highest salaried minister” ($12K/year) was asked to take up the pulpit of the Jewish Religious Union synagogue in London, his native city, which would represent the beginning of Reform Judaism in England.
  • 2/5:  A play at the Nixon theater in Pittsburgh, Israel by Henry Bernstein, received strong reviews  “The great scene at the end of the second act of Henry Bernstein’s latest play, ‘Israel,’ is tremendous, for surprise follows surprise, and although the entire act is played by three players, it is one of the strongest pieces of dramatic writing the stage has ever seen.”
  • 3/18:  Rabbi Rudolf I. Coffee spoke to the Outlook Alliance, advocating the throwing open of the city churches for dancing parties for boys and girls.  “If they have a place where they can dance with proper and healthful surroundings it keeps them off the streets and from improper amusements,” he said.  “He declared that the Church, Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish, had lost its hold on the people.”
  • Not everyone was pleased with Levy's selection, as this postcard dated 2/26/1910 attests. (Source: Carnegie Library of Homestead, Coll. No. 10, Box 1, Folder 2)

    Not everyone was pleased with Levy’s selection, as this postcard dated 2/26/1910 attests.  The author of the letter is the wife of one of the town’s physicians. (Source: Carnegie Library of Homestead, Coll. No. 10, Box 1, Folder 2)

    3/19:  The United Literary clubs of Homestead were planning an open meeting on March 30.  “The club this year is to be congratulated on securing the services of Dr. J. Leonard Levy, of the Rodef Shalom congregation, Pittsburg.  He will speak on the subject, ‘The Dawn of the New Era.'”

  • 3/28: At the annual meeting of Rodeph Shalom of Pittsburgh, Rabbi J. Leonard Levy was elected for life at a salary of $15,000 a year. The article put in a nice plug for his lecture. “Everyone who loves to hear a good lecture should attend.”
  • 3/30: In his lecture tonight, “Dr. Levy will deal at some length on the Peace Question, on which he is an authority. The present political, social, religious and economic conditions are related to the great Peace movement and foreshadowing a better future for humanity will be covered in this address.”
  • 3/31: His address went over well. “It would be impossible to give any adequate idea of the merits of this address by publishing a mere epitome of it, but the distinguishing feature was the newly born liberality of thought which exists between the people of different nationalities and religions which, he aptly said, enabled him to speak as he did last night, showing the dawn of a new era of liberalism.”  Article above.
  • 4/1: And the next day a long commentary by the editors reflected, “What we need is to be taught a broader view of life and a more generous spirit toward those who differ from us in views. This was really the essence of Rabbi Leonard’s (sic) address…”  Article above.  Meanwhile, this “United Literary Club” included 22 literary and study clubs with a total membership of 768 people.  There were no Jewish member societies, though one club, the Outlook Club, took as a subject “The Jewish Nations.”
  • 4/12:  A long article quotes a speech by Reynold E. Blight, minister of the Los Angeles Fellowship, entitled, “What the World Owes to the Jews.”  Blight said, “The world can never atone for its treatment of the Jew, nor can it ever fully pay its debt to the despised race for its contribution to the knowledge and attainments of humanity…”  The article claims he gave the speech yesterday in Blanchard hall, but the exact same claim was made in the 9/12/1909 LA Herald (and there is a Blanchard Hall in LA and not in Homestead or Pittsburgh).  Wonder why they reprinted it now?!  Perhaps they were still in thrall to Rabbi Levy and his pluralistic message?  You can read it above.
  • 4/26:  “The Jewish Home for the Aged, in Breckenridge near Center avenue, is to be materially enlarged.  A building permit was issued yesterday for a three-story brick addition to the institution to cost $25,000…The Jewish Home for the Aged is maintained by all of the Jews of the city…The institution is governed by a board of 36 directors, elected by the Jewish people.”  Alexander J. Newman, Homestead’s former rabbi, remains its superintendent.
  • 5/19:  A reverend of the Reformed Church got in trouble for having Rabbi Levy preach from his pulpit!  “The classis passed a resolution prohibiting the pulpits of the denomination from being occupied by any minister who does not accept the orthodox interpretation of the New Testament.  Rev. Mr. Dieffenbach said Rabbi Levy, who preached in his pulpit, teaches an advanced religion and does not adhere to the old Jewish dogmas.”
  • 11/25:  In an editorial about the interstate commerce commission’s oversight of railroads:  “…Louis D. Brandeis, appearing for various commercial organizations of the Atlantic coast, by arguing before the interstate-commerce commission that the shortcomings of existing railroad management out to be taken into account by that body in deciding what should be the rates charged for services, suggested a new field of government activity…Mr. Brandeis doubtless is right in saying that the application of scientific management to railroads would effect immense savings.  However, boards of directors elected by stockholders are supposed to provide the railroads with the best possible management…Perhaps Mr. Brandeis is merely seeking to carry out government supervision of railroads to its logical conclusion…”
  • 11/28:  “The Twelfth anniversary of the New Covenant Mission of Christian Jews will be commemorated by a series of church services in Greater Pittsburgh….On Tuesday evening a large meeting is being arranged for Homestead, to be held in the First Baptist church…It will be a rare treat to hear a number of the ablest christian Jews discuss the growth of Christianity among their people.”  Of course Rev. Maurice Ruben, “who is the founder and superintendent of this movement” was also slated to speak.  Full article above.
  • 12/9:  “Jacob Klein, a Magyar banker, was ordered by Judge Miller to surrender to John and Barbara Stroka a number of papers and assets which he is accused of having obtained from there by misrepresentation.  In addition he also must pay the costs of the suit.  The papers consist of six insurance policies, a new deed to real estate owned by the pair and a judgment note for $2,000.  Klein had been entrusted with their business affairs.  He denied the charges.”

The following merchants placed ads in the paper during this year:

  • Half Bros. (126-128 E. Eighth Ave)
  • Little’s (The Home of Good Shoes, 319-321 Eighth Ave.)
  • Friedlander’s (The Ladies Store, 213 8th Ave.)
  • Wolk’s (Of Course, Homestead’s Big Shoe Store, 318 8th Ave)
  • Morris Frankel (The Old Reliable, 5th and Dickson)
  • M. Marks (226 Eight Avenue)
  • Ben Little (609 Eighth ave, 611 Eighth Ave)
  • I.J. Goldston (617-619 Eighth Avenue)
  • Lasdusky’s (335 Eighth Ave)
  • Lincoff (541 ½ Dickson Street, 3 doors from Eighth Ave)
  • Max L. Siegle (603 Eighth Ave. near Dickson St.)
  • Morris Grinberg’s Department Store (607 Eighth Ave, 8th Ave near Dickson St.)
  • I. Grossman (Eighth Ave., corner Ammon St.)
  • R. Markowitz (536 Eighth Ave)
  • S. Goldman (226 Eighth Ave)
  • Markley’s Shop for Men (Caters to Tasty Dressers, 218 8th Ave.)
  • Hotel Crystal (former Hotel Victoria, Harry Arons, Prop., Sixth and Amity Street)
  • Segelman’s (203 8th Ave. (Near Amity) “Where the Cars Stop”, “Reliable Jewelry Store”)
  • Meyer I. Grinberg (Homestead’s Leading House Furnishing Store, 209 Eighth Ave Near Amity)
  • Gross’s (Homestead Center)

Text ads:

  • 1/21: “First class dress making done at Mr. Markowitz, 526 8th ave”
  • 12/16: Freeman’s headquarters for Xmas trees. “Don’t forget Louie of the popular Daily fruit and vegetable market, 237 East Eight avenue.”

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