The three articles below are:
Corner Stone Will be Laid: Hebrew Congregation to Hold Services Sunday (8/15/1901)
Cornerstone to be Laid at the Hebrew Synagogue on Ammon Street (8/17/1901)
Imposing Scenes on Ammon Street Yesterday (8/19/1901)
Hebrew Congregation to Hold Services Sunday
The members of the local Hebrew congregation of the Rudolf Schulem are making preparations to lay the corner stone of their new synagogue on Ammon street. The ceremony will take place on Sunday and there will be many prominent visitors from other parts.
Several addresses will be made. The ceremonies in connection with the laying of the corner stone are said to be very impressive. The program will be announced later.
Very Imposing Ceremonies in Connection With the Affair–Very Large Crowd is Expected to be Present–Officers of the Rodef Scdulem(sic)–One Orator Will Speak in English, Another in German
Tomorrow afternoon the laying of the corner stone of the new Hebrew synagogue will take place. It promises to be very a (sic) interesting event and will be participated in by the leading Hebrews of this place, all of whom are members of Roudef Shulem and many of the leading citizens of the town. It is also expected that there will be a large attendance from out of town. The laying of the corner stone marks an incident in the matter of the Hebrew religion here. In 1894 the congregation was organized and in 1898 numbered but seventeen members. Now the congregation numbers 40 families, which include all the Hebrews in the town with the exception of a very few. The officers of the congregation are Joseph Lasdusky, president; B. Hepps, vice president; I.S. Grossman, secretary; Morris Frankel, treasurer; H. Haupt and A. Hepps, trustees.
The synagogue when completed will be a very nice little edifice. It ossupies (sic) a very nice site on Ammon street and will be something of which the Homestead Hebrews may feel proud. The exercises in connection with the laying of the corner stone will be very imposing and will be on an elaborate scale. The orator in English will be H. Walenske, of Youngstown, formerly of Liverpool, Eng. The orator in German will be Rabbi Sibitz, of Pittsburg.
The exercises in connection with the affair will begin at 2 o’clock in the afternoon and the committee in charge extends a cordial invitation to the people of Homestead to be present and participate in the ceremonies.

Cornerstone-laying, The News-Messenger, 8/19/1901
Imposing Scenes on Ammon Street Yesterday
The cornerstone of the new synagogue of the Rodef Schulem was laid yesterday on Ammon street in the presence of a large crowd. The exercise in connection with it were very interesting. The members of the congregation met at their hall on Heisel street and headed by President Lasdusky marched to the new synagogue where the exercises were opened by a prayer by Rev. H. Wolenske in Hebrew which was translated. A Hidlis, of Pittsburg, was the next speaker and he was followed by Rabbie (sic) Mendellsohn of Punxsutawney. Then Rev. Wolenske gave a very nice (?) speech in English which was ended by the blessing of the church to the United States. Then I. S. Grossman read the history of the congregation both in Hebrew and German.1 This was a lengthy paper and was well prepared. After that the list of subscribers was read and public subscriptions were called for. Several hundred dollars was raised. The papers in connection with the synagogue were then placed under the corner stone which was then laid by Mrs. B. Hepps. The new church will be a handsome one and will be dedicated in November.2