Here you can find collections of pictures, records, and original research organized by important themes in the history of the community. Most are works-in-progress as I continue to research and gather new material. Please reach out if you have ideas or content to contribute!

The First Synagogue
Records related to the efforts that led to building the first synagogue in 1901 and its dedication in 1902.

The Second Synagogue
Records related to building and dedicating the new synagogue in 1913-1914.

Early History
Records related to the organization of the congregation in 1893-4 and the founding of the cemetery in 1896.

Jewish community groups organized in Homestead.

Jews in the News
Year-by-year collections of newspaper articles from Homestead’s local paper related to its Jewish residents.

Anniversary Celebrations
Speeches and articles related to the synagogue’s anniversary celebrations 1924-1969.

Closing and Aftermath
Events that took place around the closing of the synagogue in 1993 and afterwards.

Photographs of businesses owned by members of the community.

Places to visit
Relevant sites in Homestead and Pittsburgh.

World War I
World War I as experienced in Homestead.