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- 4/1: “Hungarians in Homestead are looking forward with great expectations to the visit of Count Michael Karolyi, a member of the high aristocracy of Hungary, and leader of the Liberal party in the Magyar Parliament at Budapest….The purpose of his visit is to create deeper interest in the hearts of the emigrated Magyars in the political affairs of their mother country, and also, to organize Hungarian Americans in such a way that they would finally and morally help the National Liberal party in their struggle to free Hungary from Austria…” It seems he planned to visit Homestead for 20 minutes as part of a two week visit to the U.S.
- 4/9: “Ready for the Count,” read an article describing how the “Magyars of Homestead and the Pittsburg district generally” are preparing for the count’s arrival the next Sunday with a mass meeting in Pittsburgh and a street parade of Magyar societies.
- 4/13: “Homestead took a principal part in the banquet held last night in the Monongahela house at which Count Michael Karolyi, leader of the United Opposition party of Hungary, was the guest of honor and among the several hundred Magyars of this district there were many from here.” The article went on to describe the parade and the mass meeting. One of the speakers at the banquet was Victor Kirzak of St. Elias Magyar Greek Catholic Church, Homestead and LOuis Regdon of Homeville, amongst many other small-town atttendees. “In the United States,” said the Count, “our people understand that they can be good citizens and at the same time increase the feeling for the land from which they came. I don’t think there is any other country where our citizens would be treated in such a liberal way. Our people feel really at home in the United States.” Interesting, given the accusations of dual-loyalty that anti-Zionists feared at this time and for decades after.
- 8/1: “Few Homestead Foreigners Leaving — Not Much Excited Over the Threatened War in Europe.” The paper refuted reports that “the Homestead mills had been so crippled for lack of labor that they were compelled to close down.” The paper did not think they were interested in participating. “The foreigners in Homestead are making money in business and by holding good jobs in the steel works. They are largely purchasing property and while a few of the younger element who have not become affiliated with their new environments might desire to join the army of their native land the indications at present are that there will not be a general exodus in order to go so far to be shot at.”
- 8/1: “Word was received from Duquesne today that 300 Austrians, Croatians and Slovaks, of that town are preparing to leave on Wednesday afternoon for Europe to enlist in the Austrian army. They have secured their passage and will leave Duquesne on the 3:30 afternoon train Wednesday for Pittsburg, where they will board night train (sic) for New York.”
- 8/3: A editorial followed up on their “state of apathy.” The paper was not surprised. “When the once realize the superior advantages in this country they to a great extent lose, not altogether their patriotism, perhaps but enough of it.” Without any trace of irony the editorial concluded, “It is hardly worth while to be shot down merely for the political advantage of men, who, by the fortune of birth, have been raised to a position to control the destinies of the people.” And yet — they sacrificed their lives in analogous ways for the steel mill….
- 8/3: A Servian sympathizer got into a fight with Austrians for “[decrying] the power of Emperor Josef.”
- 8/3: In an article headlined “Many People of Homestead are Marooned by War — Were Ready to Sail For Home But Were Prevented by Blockade of Ports,” Emmanuel Schwartz and Joseph Fried were amongst the 13 Homesteaders named. One of those stranded wrote home that, “The cafes were filled with excited people and all the talk was of the impending war, but no one, especially the tourists had any idea of it being realized so soon. Miss Williams and Miss Cosgrove thought it great fun to watch the excited people, all of whom appeared to be in favor of war.”
- 8/4: In an editorial the following the day, the paper anticipated that “the ambassadors and consuls should be able to give them assistance…The fault of many who take the summer tour to Europe especially those with limited means is that they do not make provision even for any accident which might entail greater expense than the regular trip.”
- 8/4: The Austrian general consul in New York gave a call to arms to the reservists of the Austrian army in the U.S. His office was swarmed, as the men are under oath to return to Austria any time the call comes. “It is believed the oath precludes them from swearing allegiance to the United States as would be required were they to become naturalized citizens.”
- 8/5: The day after that, updates were received on some of the stranded Homesteaders. The two girls previously mentioned crossed from Paris to London, but no steamers were permitted to sail. No word was received from Joseph Fried or Emmanuel Schwartz.
- 8/6: Parcel post between France and Germany to the U.S. was suspended, and very little foreign mail was received in general.
8/8: Four members of the Hungarian Parliament, who came to the country with Count Karolyi, were to arrive in Homestead the next day around noon. They would attend church in Homestead, speak at a public demonstration in McKeesport, and then go to the Library Concert Hall where the Hungarians of the area would hear a speech in favor of Hungary freeing itself from the Austrians.
- 8/10: An editorial in the paper complained that foreigners were being recruited “for service in the war without provisions being made to take care of their families.” The editorial did not think this problem was occurring in Homestead, though.
- 8/24: “The Monongahela Trust company has received word through the state department in regard to Joseph Fried of Heisel street and Emmanuel Schwartz, of Fifth avenue who have been marooned in Germany since the beginning of hostilities. The cable states that they have been smuggled through from Berlin to Rotterdam and are expected to arrive in New York the latter part of the week.” Other Homesteaders were getting out of Europe, too, but not in nearly so thrilling a manner!
- 8/25: An editorial estimated that 50,000 Americans were stuck in Europe, though “non-combatants have been treated well. There have been and will be hardships and inconveniences which the conditions compel, but it will be worth the price for they will have unique of interesting experiences. Of the many teacher who went abroad and were marooned one of the worst features will be the expense to which they are subject and many on this account will probably have to give up any expectation of attending the Panama Exposition next year.” The paper also predicted that since Europe was cut off as a tourist destination, “it is probably (sic) that most of the headlights of the automobiles will next year be turned toward the west.”
- 9/2: “Joseph Freed of Heisel and E. Schwartz, of 515 Fifth avenue arrived home this morning from Europe leaving Rotterdam, August 22 and having some exciting times which will be related in a future issue.”
- 9/3: The next day a long article (below) related how they had “perhaps the most interesting and exciting experience of any of the marooned tourists from this locality as they were in Berlin on July 29 and were held there until August 20 and saw much much of the conditions prevailing and were in the center of excitement in that capital, little news of which has reached here…While Mr. Schwartz and Mr. Freed have had an experience which few can have they are glad to get back and say ‘America is good enough for them.'”
- 9/4: An editorial commented that “the foreigners of Homestead area taking a great deal of interest in the European war…each day [they] stop in front of the Daily Messenger office and study the big map in the window. They discuss the situation quietly but evidently with deep interest…It is evident that they…probably know more about the interesting details than the average American does…Some look upon the average foreigner as ignorant and uncouth, but while they do not know many that we know they know a great many things that we do not know.”
- 9/10: The paper published the opinion of experts who “[gave] voice to the moral sentiment of the American people,” who appreciated England entering the war to defend the neutrality of Belgium, an action “of value…to all nations” because if Germany and Austria-Hungary succeeded in their invasion “the whole civilized world…would live in constant fear of suddenly invasion.”
- 9/12: “Louis Glick, who has been in Europe for the past 14 months arrived home this week and is stopping with his brother, Henry Glick, of 510 Fourth avenue. He says he was very well treated while passing through the warring district and had little difficulty in getting passage across.”
- 9/21: An editorial about the “general tendency among the readers of the war news to believe everything” insisted that “the information received as to the general conditions in the field are facts” despite the “too radical” censors.
- 9/29: “It is thought that the suicide of two foreigners here within a few hours of each other was partly and perhaps mainly attributable to their anxiety in regard to the conditions in the war zone n Europe where nearly all who live here have friends and relatives….Recently two of [the foreigners] were observed inspecting the map and both were weeping bitterly. They were quiet in their grief, but evidently there were matters connected with this war which they felt the effects of more deeply than we can realize and it is likely that some of the cases of self destruction here and elsewhere may be attributed to their anxiety over the present conditions of friends and the terrible consequences which are liable to follow.” It is possible one of these foreigns was Adolph Gutfeld.
- 10/16: A criminal court judge “suspected that foreigners who are likely to be called upon to return to their countries to fight, commit minor crimes that they may be sent to the workhouse and thus escape war service.”
- 10/31: “Dead Soldiers Have Relatives in Homestead,” was the headline of an article about a recent list of the dead of wounded soldiers of the Germany Army.
- 11/6: “Immigration of this country has been temporarily halted by the war.”
- 12/7: “The newspaper reports from Europe though vague give us some idea of the terrible conditions which prevail in the war devastated districts, but the news received recently of the death on the battle field of a former Homestead boy brings it closer home to many families here who have relations or friends in the various armies of this great conflict…”
- 2/8: “Noted Hebrew Here Tonight — A rich feast is in store for the members of the Men’s Club of the First Presbyterian church this evening at 8 o’clock. Enoch Rauh, the great Hebrew councilman, of Pittsburg, who is well known all over the State will make the address of the evening. His subject is ‘A Small Body in Great Work.'” 2/10: “…In this audience there were men from every walk and almost every avocation. Mill men, Doctors, Lawyers, Merchants, and also men of almost every religious faith, Hebrews, Catholics, Protestants, and perhaps Monists…The speaker’s address consisted of a talk about the work which the Pittsburgh Council [of which he is a part] is accomplishing…After explaining other features of the work which the council of the city is doing, he closed with one eloquent sentence as a peroration, which touched the hearts of every one present; ‘May your homes and families all be sheltered from the storms of life and may blessings follow you throughout all your days.” He also pushed for annexation, which Homesteaders were strongly opposed to, though the listened “with respectful silence.”
- 2/13: The local boy scouts council included a Isadore Lasdusky on the Eagle Patrol and Herman Saron on the Owl Patrol for the Troop Council for Munhall Troop No. 1. On 3/3 Joseph Lasdusky was listed on the council of boy scouts. “Two more troops have been authorized – one each in first and third wards. Others will follow soon.” On 2/4 the paper reported there were three Slovak boy scout troops with membership of 51.
- 3/9: The report from the Community Christmas Tree celebration (belated because it “was placed in a pigeon hole by an official of the Christmas Tree association and forgotten”) notes that the association spent 3.00 at Grinberg Co. for “trimming” and .95 at “D. Saarons.”
- 3/12: Jacob H. Seigel resigned from being a police officer. Full article here.

3/14: The Jewish community did not participate in all town-wide activities.
- 3/18: The town’s Chamber of Commerce nominated officers for the coming year. Lasdusky was up for vice president.
- 3/28: “A Chautauqua is assured here.” Amongst the people who helped assure there’d be1000 season tickets was Maurice Half. (This is an adult-education movement named after the town in which it originated.) On 6/5 the paper reported it would take place 7/22-7/28.
- 4/7: “Mrs. Peter and Miss Grossman,” an accomplished pianist, “had much to do with the last concert that was given by Domilic,” (sic?) a famous Italian tenor Homestead was obsessed with during this period, “and in order to make the coming concert a great success, Mrs. Peters and Miss Grossman will again assist.”
- 6/3: The Business mens’ association planned an outing to Ashtabula Harbor on Lake Erie. Ben Little was on the committees for refreshments and the general committee. He was also in charge of train #3. 6/18: The business men returned home tired, but the winners were happy. They included H. Markowitz and D. Isrial (sic), who came in first and second in the business men’s race.
- 6/22: This summer’s early closing movement was gaining in popularity. Amongst those who signed on were H.L. Little, Samuel M. Harrison, Robert Savage, B. Little, Victor Shoe co., Half bros., Shuster & Workman.
- 10/23: “Tomorrow from an early hour until night begins some 500 to 1,000 women will throng the streets of Pittsburg and Homestead on a humanitarian mission. They are going to aid the tiny, helpless tots that come to the Pittsburgh Home for Babies.” (This was not a Jewish organization.) “A number of Homestead ladies are interested in the work and will sell buttons on the streets of this place during the day. Mrs. Morris Grinberg has charge of the local work assisted by Mrs. Joseph Lasdusky, Mrs. Morris Frankel, Mrs. M.H. Moss, Mrs. Joseph Katz, Mrs. I.S. Grossman, Mrs. I . Grossman, Mrs. H. Arkin and the following aids: Emiline Seigel, Ruth Griberg, Grace Grossman, Esther Grossman, Jeannette Friedlander, Gertrude Friedlander, Leah Sirvin, Sarah Ratraset (sic, Rattner) and Lena Sirvin.”
- 10/26: “Mrs. Morris Grinberg, chairman of the Pittsburg Home for Babies tag day…wishes to extend her thanks and appreciation to those ladies who assister her in this work as it was a great success. She also expresses her thanks to the management of the Lyric and Palace theatres for being so kind in advertising this by showing slides between pictures. She also wants to thanks the Daily Messenger for the space in their paper used for this cause and every person who has spent some money for this worthy cause…”
- 11/19: “Sanitary Officer M. D. Weiss yesterday afternoon discovered a little girl aged 3 years, wandering on the Pennsylvania railroad tracks between McClure and Dickson street…Officer Weiss led the child from the track and made inquiries in regard to her name and place of residence…” The parents “are Mr. and Mrs Samuel Vogel and live at the corner of Eighth avenue and Tammany alley which is quite a distance from where the child was found.”
- 12/29: “Jacob Seigel, a former Homestead policeman was held for court at a hearing last night before Justice J. M. Krugh, of Mifflin township, on the charge of assault and battery preferred by Samuel Rosenthal. Bail in the sum of $300 was furnished. A cross suit by Seigel against Rosenthal made before Justice J. Clyde Miller entered at the time of the alleged affray will be heard tonight.”
- 12/30: “Samuel Rosenthal who was charged by Jacob Seigel, a former policeman with assault and battery, waived a hearing last night before Justice J. Clyde Miller and gave bail in the sum of $300. Seigel having been held under bail at a hearing before Justice J.M. Krugh, for a similar offense on a charge preferred by Rosenthal leaves the entire matter to be settled in criminal court.”
- 1/20: The Eighth grade basketball team (with Siegle) defeated the Junior IIs (with Hepps) by a wide margin! Sorta embarrassing.
- 1/31: Now the sophomores beat the juniors, again with Hepps on the losing team. 🙁
- 2/9: Homestead Library Athletic League basketball games listed Hepps as a forward, Fogel guard, and Carpe from a midget team.
- 2/16: A roster for the Wee grade midgets included Saron. He was mentioned again on 3/23.
- 3/2: A library game included Hepps, Siegel, and Carpe. They were mentioned again on 3/5.
- 3/5: Another library team, the Tammany alley five, included Seigel and Hilk.
- 3/9: Another team had a player named Goldman.

4/3: This is the championship McBride basketball team. One of these boys is L. Lasdusky. On 4/29 the paper printed the overall stats for the basketball players. He was #9 of the list of top field goal makers.
- 6/24: “Lewis Margolius, a member of the Iroquois baseball team had his arm fractures last evening while playing a practice game with his team on the Axle Works grounds. He attempted to slide into a base and his arm twisted under him.”
- 8/28: In a tennis tournament Morris Trau defeated Virginia McWhinnney, and Ben Trau was defeated in doubles.
- 5/1: For the high school class of 1916 play, the prologue was read by Abe Schwartz.
- 5/13: Sophomore class winners in the debate against the juniors included Bernard J. Weis and Harry S. Winer.
- 5/19: List of high school graduates published. Amongst the academic graduates was Bejamin Lazerovitz. Amongst the recipients of certificates for efficiency in the commercial department were Samuel Israel and Lena Lebovitz.
- 5/26: The manual training school commencement included graduates Esther Grossman, Viola Schwartz, and Abraham Schwartz.
- 5/26: Elected as new “sub-teachers” by the Homestead school board were Olga Hepps and Emmeline Seigel.
- 5/27: Commencement was last night . The class of 15 people included Fannie Kartub and Benjamine Lazerovitz. Certificates in shorthand/typewriting and bookkeeping went to 9 people including Samuel Israel and Lena Lebovitz.
- 7/14: The alumni group “got busy in earnest” in recent days. Their appointed class representatives included Arthur Grossman, 1911.
- 9/16: “A Young Rabbi — Max Weiss, son of Mr. and Mrs. M.D. Weiss, of Ninth avenue has gone to Enid, Oklahoma, where he will officiate as Rabbi for a month for a Reformed Hebrew congregation of that city. He is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati and will this fall resume his studies in a Hebrew college to perfect his education as a Rabbi.”
- 10/7: “Charles Frankel, son of Morris Frankel, a former well-known citizen of the Second war, but now of Duquesne, was today admitted to practice law in Allegheny county courts. He is a graduate of the Homestead high school and the Harvard Law school, and recently passed the state board examinations with high honors. He expects to open an office in the city at once and begin the practice in the Allegheny county courts. The young man has many friends in this place and all bespeak for him great success in his chosen profession.”
- 1/26: “The most disastrous fire which was occurred in Homestead for some years occurred at 3 o’clock this morning when the store of Joseph Lasdusky at 335 and the Walton hotel, at 333 East Eighth avenue were gutted…Mr. Lasdusky’s loss on his stock is approximately $15,000.” Full article below.
- 1/27: “Much sympathy is being expressed for Joseph Lasdusky who was burned out by the fire yesterday morning. Mr. Lasdusky had just gone to large expense to advertise a clearance sale which was to have started today and all of this is lost and his stock was entirely wiped out. He said this morning that he had not as yet fully made up his mind as to what he would do and could not until after his insurance is adjusted. His loss will be heavy in any case.” (Indeed — a full page ad appeared on 1/23. On 2/3 a different ad appeared, “Fire sale! Where we will offer to sale what is left of our stock…there is plenty left which was not touched by the fire at all and only slightly damaged by water…our insurance has been adjusted and we must get rid of the salvage.. Wanted – 15 salesladies and 10 cashgirls.”
- 2/3: “A great rush is expected as Joseph Lasdusky‘s fire sale which opens tomorrow morning at 9 o’clock, at 125 Eighth avenue, and several policemen have been engaged to keep the people in line. Such bargains as are to be offered are sure to cause a rush of bargain hunters. The sale will continue until all the stock is disposed of, but at the prices it will not last long.” 2/4: “Police were needed this morning to keep back the crowd when the doors were first opened and over 100 women stood from 9 o’clock until noon waiting their turn to get in, and then came back in the afternoon.”
- 2/24: “Joseph Lasdusky announces that he will re-open his store which was burned out a few weeks ago about April 1st. He has already purchased new fixtures which are said to be the finest ever seen in Homestead. The repairs to the store room are still going on and it will be greatly improved when completed and Mr. Lasdusky will have one of the finest stores to be found in the entire valley. Watch for his opening announcement.”
- 7/6: “Joe Glick, a son of B. Glick of this place, who runs a butcher shop at 4525 Liberty avenue, Pittsburg, was robbed of $417. Mr. Glick, who was sleeping in a room up over his shop, was chloroformed and his clothes gone through by the robbers who found the money and made away with it. The money was the proceeds from Saturday’s business which Mr. Glick did not bank. Entrance was made to the building through a rear window and Mr. Glick knew nothing of the robbery until he arose this morning with a sick headache, a result of the chloroform.”
- 10/23: “The confectionary store of Samuel Fogel, at 317 East Eighth avenue was entered by burglars at an early hour this morning and plunder to the amount of $25 taken. One dollar in change was taken from the cash drawer and cigars and other miscellaneous articles stolen. Cigarets and other articles were left strewn about the floor. The robbers gained entrance through the front transom window.”
- 1/9: “Ben Little announces a bit shoe sale opening tomorrow and continuing for ten days…This year owing to the unseasonable weather Mr. Little finds himself with an unusually large stock on hand for this time of the year and he is offering greater bargains than ever before and all the lots are unbroken…” He, of course, bragged about his only two sales a year, too.
1/15: After 20 years running the jewelry store after her husband’s death, Clara Segelman was closing the store.
- 1/16: “Morris Half, of the firm of Half Brothers, dealers in furniture and house furnishings on Eighth avenue left last night for Grand Rapids, Mich. to inspect the stock of the big manufacturers of that city with a view of laying in a supply for the spring trade. His brother Lee, has been in Grand Rapids for a week past and together they expect to spend another week so as to get a thorough knowledge of the best grades before finally making their purchases. Mr. Half insisted before leaving that he had confidence that trade generally would be good during the year just starting.” 1/22: “Morris and Lee Half…returned this morning from Grand Rapid, Michigan, the greatest furniture market in the world and they state it was the most pleasant visit in the north they had had in many years…Half Brothers have made larger purchases than in previous years…” The article was very optimistic about business conditions, as before.
- 2/4: “Half Bros. the well-known furniture dealer of Eighth avenue, received yesterday at the Pennsylvania railroad yards here a solid car load of matting and matting rugs comprising 600 bales shipped directed from Kobe, Japan…The orders for these goods was placed last April before the present tariff rates went into effect which, perhaps to the surprise of many, means a considerable saving in price…That is probably the future instance in the history of Homestead that a car load of merchandise of any kind has reached here direct from Japan…”
- 3/4: “H.L. Little, 321 Eighth avenue shoe store will be closed to arrange stocks and mark down shoes for the Sensational Shoe Sale that starts here Friday morning.” 3/7: “H.L. Little started a big shoe sale this morning which promises to be a record breaker…in addition [he] is offering the entire stock from his McKeesport store which he was obliged to give up on account of the B. and O. railroad company wanting the room he occupied for improvement…”
- 3/5: “Wanted—boy to do general work in shoe store. Good steady position to right party. Must furnish references. H.L. Little, 321 Eighth avenue.”
- 3/19: “B. Friedlander, a well known merchant of 213 Eighth avenue has remodeled his store which gives him additional floor space.”
- 3/25: “Tomorrow will be the spring opening day for the stores of Homestead and al the business houses along Eighth avenue will take on a spring like look. Among the business firms which have made big preparations for the day is that of Half Bros., whose spring opening are events that are always looked to by the entire community. This year the firm has arranged for a bigger show than ever and besides the great exhibit which will occupy their entire building there will be flowers, music, and souvenirs. The opening will continue all day and as many as can do should come out in the morning and avoid the crowd in the afternoon and evening. Another opening that will be out of the usual tomorrow will be that of Joseph Lasdusky, who will throw open the door of this remodeled and refurnished store, which has been entirely restocked at 7 o’clock in the evening. Mr. Lasdusky has a surprise in store for all who visit his place of business tomorrow evening. No one should miss doing so…Friedlander will also have his opening tomorrow and besides a great display of millinery will [illegible] latest in women’s ready made goods. Read the ads in today’s paper for the particulars of these openings.” The ellipses omit the section on the Muldownery millinery store. So, three of the four exciting openings were from Jewish merchants!
- 3/26: In an article about the latest spring styles in millinery, the spring openings of B. Friedlander and Joseph Lasdusky were mentioned amongst others of the town’s milliners.
- 3/27: And entire articles (below) were devoted to the Half Brothers and Lasdusky openings. Lasdusky’s new store was compared to a Phoenix rising from the ashes.
- 4/9: “A new business firm will be welcomed to Homestead this evening, the firm being Harrison Bros, who announce their opening for 7 o’clock this evening in the building recently vacated by the Homestead Clothing Company at 346 Eighth avenue. This firm comes here with an excellent reputation and intends to conduct a first class gents clothing and furnishing store…”
- 4/9: “Harry Glick, a well known young man of this place, who has had considerable business experience will open up a general market at 249 Eighth avenue, next to O’Donnell’s drug store, Saturday morning. He has had the building entirely remodeled and has put in an entire new equipment and will carry a big lie of fresh and smoked meats, butter, eggs and poultry. Mr. Glick comes of a family that has been in this line of business in Homestead for the past 15 or 20 years and he is familiar with the wants of the local people and intends to supply it. At this opening Saturday souvenirs will be given to every customer.”
- 4/23: “H.L. Little the popular shoe merchant, of 321 Eighth avenue who has for the past year conducted a branch store at 419 Fifth avenue, McKeesport intends discontinuing the store at McKeesport on account of B. and O. railroad company who owns the property contemplates building a depot. The entire stock will be brought to Homestead and placed on sale as sensation prices to be sold at once as Mr. Little’s shoe store is already crowded with shoes.” Didn’t he use this excuse for a sale last month, too?
- 6/26: “B. Friedlander is celebrating the fifteenth anniversary of his entering into business in Homestead today and in honor of the event he opened up a big sale this morning. Mr. Friedlander’s record since coming to Homestead has been one of continuous success and the past year while many were crying about the hard times, he finds his business increasing faster than ever.”
- 8/22: “Joseph Lasdusky proprietor of Lasdusky’s store on Eighth avenue returned yesterday from Philadelphia and New York where he has been purchasing his fall and winter stock of goods. While his visit east was principally on business he spent several days at Far Rockaway and Atlantic City.”
- 9/10: “The shoe establishment of H.L. Little has undergone a complete renovation. The interior being painted and the display window changed so that is gives the place a very neat and attractive appearance.”
- 9/16: “Samuel Fogal, who for several years has been connected with Little’s shoe store has purchased the Candy stand of George Eppler in the Elite theater building. Mr. Fogal is well-known and popular and has had considerable business experience and is sure to meet with success. He will enlarge and improve the store.”
- 9/19: Millinery openings! “Joseph Lasdusky‘s store, at 335 Eight avenue, is now fully decorated for the opening which will continue all next week…The decorations were the article work of Lewis Lasdusky…Friedlander‘s (sic) store, 213 East Eighth avenue, contains this fall a very fine display of ladies furnishing…The store has been completely renovated for the fall trade…” Full details below.
- 10/1: “H.L. Little has this week further beautified his store by the addition of a new lighting system, having cut out the small side lights and installed instead large center lights inclosed in handsome shades designed especially for him and containing his initials in raised letters.”
- 10/24: A Half Bros. display is as interesting today as it was then. “As is well known the cotton crop is held in the south on account of the European war. Half brothers have followed the injunction of President Wilson and they have their bale of cotton…It is an unusual exhibit as few have had the opportunity to observe the transfer of the cotton from the field to the finished goods as it can be seen here.”
- 10/29: “Joseph Fried, a grocer of 518 Heisel street, exhibited at the Daily Messenger office yesterday probably the largest pumpkin ever seen here. It weights 110 pounds and is about as large around as a barrel. It was a present sent to him by John Brinklo of Ohio, on whose farm it grew to such large proportions. It looked big enough to keep a moderate sized family in pumpkin pie all winter.”
- 11/20: “Half Bros., the Eighth avenue furniture dealers have planned to give an interesting Dancing Exhibition at their store tomorrow evening. The Modern Ball Room Dances will be demonstrated by Prof. and Mrs. W. D. Kramer, bother of whom are well known to all lovers of dancing in Homestead…”
- 11/28: “A fine line of gents furnishings has been added to the Victor store owned and managed by J. Little. Also a ladies and children’s hose department. The new departments were thrown open to the public today. Mr. Little has had a wide experience in all lines of trade and is well qualified to look after his new lines and will give the store his personal attention. He invites the public to call and inspect his place of business.”
- 12/12: “Xmas in Our Stores — Some Handsome Window Displays Along Eighth Ave,” read the headline above a long article reviewing many stores in town. “H.L. Little, the shoe man, has one of the prettiest displays in town. Arches have been artistically constructed on top of which are displayed fancy slippers suitable for holiday gifts. in the interior of the store strings of electric lights and holly are draped across from one end to the other end giving out the effect of a fairy cave….Joseph Lasdusky has a pretty window full of toys and handsome decoration inside…Meyer Grinberg has pretty toy windows and Ben Little next door has two nice windows and an attractive Christmas arch as you enter the door…Louis Freeman is showing Christmas decorations and fancy fruit in an artistic manner…Morris Grinberg above Dickson street has a regular toy shop and a live Santa Claus and other stores up that way have nice displays.”
- 12/15: “There is no nicer Christmas store in town than that of B. Friedlander, the ladies store. The display windows are unusually attractive and the interior nicely decorated with Christmas colors and greens. For the holiday season Mr. Friedlander has added a line of toys. When down street it will pay you to call in this store.”
- 3/12: In a list of deeds transfers—Simon Halleron to Joseph Fried, 25×70 on Gold Alley for $1450.
- 3/18: “Another important sale of large resident property in Homestead has just been closed, being the mansion and grounds surrounding it, the property of the estate of the late John F. Cox, formerly speaker of the House of Representatives. The purchaser is Joseph Port, the well known tobacco man residing on Third avenue, and the price was $10,000…The property is considered among the most valuable below the railroad tracks.”
- 6/30: “The Monongahela Trust company has sold to Samuel Averbach, a valuable piece of property in the Second war, the consideration being $5,500. It is best known as the Weiss property consisting of 25 by 140 feet facing on Heisel street and has on it a frame building the lower floor consisting of a store room.”
- 1/2: “Louis Freeman, the well known fruit and vegetable dealer on Eighth avenue and his wife, left last evening for Mt. Clemens where they will spend three weeks hoping to be benefited in health. Neither Mr. Freeman or his wife has been well for some time passed (sic) although both have stuck to their work at the store through the Christmas holidays. [Illegible] be in charge of Miss Annie Bergan, who is authorized by Mr. Freeman to transact any business with his customers.”
- 1/24: “Mr. and Mrs. Louis Freeman, of the Messenger apartments, have returned from a threw weeks’ visit to Mt. Clemens where they went for the benefit of their health and both are much improved.”
- 5/12: “Harry Mervis who has been confined in the Homeopathic hospital returned home yesterday.”
- 6/18: Whoa. “While Mr. and Mrs. Max Klein and family were absent yesterday morning attending a wedding, their home on Greensprings avenue, Homeville, was partly destroyed by fire entailing a loss of about $1,500.” Their neighbors detected the fire and called the fire company.
- 7/28: “Henry Glick, of Fourth avenue was removed on Saturday to the West Penn hospital where he will undergo an operation.”
- 7/31: “Mrs. Lena Lazar, aged 24, of 332 Third avenue had a part of her right foot cut off and was otherwise seriously injured by being struck by the engine of a freight train at the McClure street crossing of the P.&L.E. railroad late Wednesday afternoon.” She tried to cross thought the gates were down. Her whole foot had to be amputated. “She had a chance to recover.”
- 8/28: Joseph Lasdusky‘s father died.
- 9/9: “Mrs. S. Windom (sic), wife of Rabbi S. Windom, of the Rodef Shalom congregation returned from the West Penn hospital where she underwent an operation and is reported to be very much improved.”
- 9/14: “Meyer Goldman, aged 50 of 326 Third avenue, is in the Homestead hospital suffering from the effects of wood alcohol taken yesterday at his home. Dr. C. C. Huff was called and had him taken to the hospital where it is reported his condition is somewhat improved and that he has a chance of recovering.
- 9/26: “Julius Ferderber, aged 21, a nephew of Former Councilman Morris Frankel of the Second Ward, Homestead, now proprietor of a hotel at Duquesne, died yesterday afternoon at his home in that town. The funeral and interment will be at the Jewish cemetery near Homeville tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock.”
- 9/28: “The remains of Adolph Gutfeld, aged 34 years, a merchant of Ohio street, North Side, Pittsburg and a son-in-law of H. Haupt, a Dickson street furniture dealer whose body was found lying behind the counter of his store on Saturday morning were brought to the undertaking rooms of Gillen and Couter Saturday afternoon and the interment was made in the Jewish cemetery yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock. The funeral was one of the largest Jewish funerals ever seen here. The physician’s certificate gave the cause of death carbolic acid poisoning.”
- 10/8: “Adolph Rosenbaum, aged 35 years, of 434 Third avenue was found dead in his butcher shop at 1:30 this afternoon. It was at first reported that the man had committed suicide, but Dr. Moss…and Chief of Police Henry Davis…could find no evidence that the man had taken his own life…The deceased was well known in the Second ward where he conducted a butcher shop. Recently he bought out Max Glick. He was married and had several children.”
- 10/9: Rosenbaum “died of heart diseases according to the Coroner’s report. Services were held at 1 o’clock this afternoon. Interment was made in the Jewish cemetery. The deceased was born in Austria and has been a resident of Homestead for the past twelve years and was well known along the Monongahela valley. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Helen Rosenbaum, one son, Harry also three daughters, Elsie Dora and Margaret at home.”
- 11/12: “Mrs. Bessie Harrison, aged 24 years, wife of Mrs. Benjamin Harrison, of the clothing firm of Harrison Brothers of Eighth avenue, died last evening in the Mercy hospital. Funeral services will be held from her late residence tomorrow morning.”
- 3/5: “Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lasdusky, will leave tonight for the Eastern markets to purchase a full line of ladies’ wearing apparel and Millinery. They will be absent a couple of weeks and on their return will open their store at the old location 335 East Eighth Avenue. The building and store is being repaired and renovated and when completed will be superior in point of elegance to what it was previous to the fire which occasioned such a severe loss. In point of fixtures and general attractiveness, the store will be equal to any in the valley. While in the East Mr. and Mrs. Lasdusky will visit their son, Ralph who is a member of the Junior Class of the University of Pennsylvania.” 3/16: “Joseph Lasdusky and wife arrived home this morning from the east where they purchased the stock for their new store which will be opened up next week. Mr Lasdusky has a surprise in store for his old friends and patrons in his new store.”
- 6/3: “Miss Rose Weis, of Ninth ave., has returned home from a visit to Youngstown, Ohio.”
- 6/30: “Myer Grinberg, of Eighth avenue has left for Atlantic City where he will spend several weeks.”
- 7/2: “Mr. and Mrs. B. Gluck, of West Homestead have left for a three weeks’ visit to Mt. Clemens, Michigan and New York…Jacob Weis manager of steamship ticket department of the Monongahela Trust Co. is at Mt. Clemens, Mich., for a vacation stay of three weeks.”
- 7/3: “Samuel Waldman of Philadelphia has arrived here for a visit with his uncle, B. Friedlander, of Eighth avenue.”
- 7/6: “Jacob Segel of Dickson street left today for a few weeks visit to Mt. Clemens Mich.”
- 7/7: “Miss Rose Weis of Ninth avenue, is spending the week with relatives in Youngstown O.”
- 7/16: “Mr. Jacob Weis, manager of the steamship ticket department of the Monongahela Trust co., has returned from a vacation trip.”
- 7/20: “Myer Grinberg is home from a pleasant two weeks spent at Atlantic City. He is much improved in health.”
- 7/23: “Mrs. Morris Grinburg (sic), of Twelfth avenue and children have left on a two weeks’ visit to Cleveland, Cedar Point and Sandusky, Ohio.”
- 7/28: “Mrs. Louis Freeman, her son Bert and daughter Sarah, of the Messenger apartments, left yesterday for Mt. Clemens for a stay of three weeks…Lee Half, of the firm of Half bros., accompanied by his family, left today for Chautauqua, where they will sojourn a few weeks.”
- 8/4: “Miss Minnie Lebovitz, Miss Jennie Freidlander (sic) and Miss Gertrude Freidlander (sic) have gone to Cambridge Springs where they will spend a few weeks.”
- 8/5: “Mrs. Margolis and children of Third avenue will leave this evening for Atlantic City where they will spend a few weeks.”
- 8/6: “Mrs. Morris Grinberg and children of Twelfth avenue have returned home from a visit to Cedar Point, Sandusky and Detroit, Mich.”
- 8/26: “Mrs. Meyer Grinberg of 325 Twelfth avenue left with a party of friends on a motor trip to Conneaut Lake, where they will spend ten days.”
- 9/23: “Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Little, and son arrived home from Baltimore this morning.”
- 10/24: “Harrison Silverman a clothing manufacturer of Baltimore stopped off here today on his way home from a business trip to Chicago to see his daughter, Mrs. H.L. Little.”
- 11/3: “Harry Skirball, of Pittsburg was a visitor in town last evening.”
- 1/20: “At a reception held at the home of Mrs. A. Lebovitz, 525 Fourth avenue on Sunday the engagement of Miss Lydia Chatkin, of North Side, Pittsburg to Louis Lebovitz, a popular young druggist and proprietor of Star Drug store, Munhall was announced. The engagement will terminate in an early spring wedding.”
- 2/4: “Mr. and Mrs. I.J. Goldston, of Eighth avenue accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mervis, have returned home from Cleveland, Ohio, where they attended a wedding.”
- 3/9: “Emil Lebovitz, a popular young druggist of this place was married in Cleveland yesterday to Miss Hallah (sic?) Roth. After a southern trip they will be at home to their friends in this place.”
- 4/3: “I. Lincoss (sic), a well known jeweler, of 313 Eighth avenue, who resides in the Wagner apartments is all smiles. Yesterday morning the stork visited his wife at the Homestead hospital and presented the proud father with a bouncing baby boy.”
- 4/20: Joseph Fried of 522 Heisel street had a girl. However:

4/20: Booo!
- 6/9: “Mr. and Mrs. M. Lasdusky of 1214 Franklin street, Pittsburg, will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary on Sunday, June 14, at the home of their son, Joseph in this place.” The whole article, below, is fascinating — it indicates that Mr. Lasdusky was in the Russian army for eight years “as a leading member in the Russian government band, an orchestra.”
- 6/15: The day after the anniversary a long article about the event with a photograph was published. See below! It seems like it was quite an elaborate event and involved the synagogue, the Hebrew Ladies’ Aid Society, and the I.O.B.B., in addition to the leading rabbis of Pittsburgh.
- 9/5: “The home of Louis Margolis was the scene of a very pretty wedding when Miss Annie became the bride of Henry Mullivan, a traveling salesman of Pittsburg, Rabbi Windom (sic) officiating. Miss Emma and Harry, brother and sister of the bride acted as sponsors. The ceremony was witnessed by the members of the family and immediately after the ceremony the couple left for an extended trip through the East and on their return they will go to housekeeping in Pittsburgh.”
- 11/10: “Mrs. Anna Malavan, daughter of Michael Margolis, of Dickson street, a recent bride, left yesterday for Oil City, where she will join her husband, who is in business in the city and go to housekeeping.”
- 1/16: Lasdusky fire
- 3/27: Half’s Spring Opening
- 3/27: Fine New Store Opened to Public
- 6/9: Lasdusky parents’ Golden Wedding
- 6/15: Pretty Celebration at the Lasdusky Home in Munhall Borough
- 9/3: Homestead Tourists’ Exciting Experience in German Capital (Emanuel Schwartz and Joseph Freed got home safely.)
- 9/19: Millinery Openings
A very big year — the second synagogue was dedicated! Those articles are posted elsewhere on the site, but linked to from below.
- 1/2: “There was a nice crowd and an enjoyable time at the third of the series of dances held by the Independent Order of B’nai B’rith in the Elks temple last night. Dancing was from 8 until 1 o’clock and the Markowitz orchestra furnished the music. It was an invitation affair and quite a number of guests from out of town were present.”
- 1/19: “The Young Women’s Hebrew Association of Homestead elected the following officers: President, Annette Goldman. Vice President, Rena Heilbron; Secretary, Sadie Siegle; Treasurer, Blanche Siegle.”
- 1/31: Under Roof
- 2/11: “A large delegation from here will attend the dance which will be given by the Young Women’s Hebrew association of Braddock which will be held in their hall on Talbot avenue in Braddock tomorrow evening.”
- 2/17: “The members of the Young Women’s Hebrew association held a sleighing party last night over the county road to Duquesne. On their return to Homestead they were taken to the home of Miss Minnie Glick, 510 Fourth avenue, where she was hostess to a sumptuous dinner. The decoration were valentine novelties and the favors were cupid cards. Both the sleigh ride and the supper were much enjoyed by the members of the association.”
- 2/23: “Joseph Lasdusky, of this place, has been honored by being chosen one of the 12 governors of the Orphans and Friendless Children’s Home, conducted by the I.O.B.B., out of a list of 50 candidates. The home is located at Erie, Pa…Some of the most prominent Jewish citizens of the three states [Delaware, NJ, PA] are on the board and it is considered a high honor to be chosen a member. The home is a fine one overlooking the great lake and is doing a grand work.”
- 2/23: “The last of our winter series of dances of the I.O.B.B. will be held Tuesday evening, February 24th at the Elks’ Temple, Ninth avenue. As honor guests of the evening the lodge will have with them the capable body of men known as the ‘Board of Education’ of the I.O.B.B. lodges of Allegheny County. Harry Markowitz’s entire orchestra has been engaged making certain that the music will be unsurpassed. Dancing 8 to 1 a.m. For the benefit of those, who have not attended the previous affairs of this lodge assurance is given that nothing is spared to make it an evening that could not have been spent more enjoyably.”
- 2/25: “The final winter dance of the I.O.B.B. was held last night in the Elks temple on Ninth avenue. As the honor guests there were present the body of men known as the board of education of the I.O.B.B. of Allegheny county. There were besides visitors present from McKeesport, Pittsburg, Duquesne, and the Turtle Creek Valley and the evening was very much enjoyed. Harry Markowitz‘s orchestra furnished the music and dancing was from 8 until 1.”
- 3/4: Mask Ball
- 3/13: Jewish People have Nice Time
- 4/9: “Feast of Passover Tomorrow.” The usual explanation of history, rituals, &c. in the article below.
- 4/20: “Local Man Honored – At a recent meeting Morris Grinberg and Joseph Lasdusky, two well-known citizens of this place were elected as directors of the Jewish Home for the Aged in Pittsburg.”
- 5/29: Services in New Building
- 6/2: “The first of the series of Summer dances given by Homestead Lodge No. 586, I.O.B.B. for the benefit of the Homestead Hebrew Religious School, will be held this evening at the Homestead Park Pavilion. Dancing 8 to 11:30 p.m. Markowitz Orchestra.”
- 6/10: “The Y.M.H.A. of Braddock with which a number of well known young men of Homestead are affiliated will hold their annual outing at Moss Side grove on Monday, June 15 and a cordial invitation to people of this side of the river is extended. There will be dancing in the afternoon and evening and an athletic program will be a feature of the event. The sports will be in charge of William H. Sigle a well known member of the organization who resides here.”
- 6/13: “The Homestead Hebrew Religious school under the auspices of the I.O.B.B. will render the following program at their closing exercises Sunday afternoon, June 14th at half past two in the auditorium of Carnegie Music hall.” Full program printed in the article below.
- 6/15: “The Hebrew Ladies Aid society will give a whist and dance on the afternoon and evening on Wednesday at Homestead park to which the public is cordially invited. Handsome prizes will be offered to the winners in the afternoon whist party and the Markowitz orchestra will furnish music for the evening dance.”
- 6/18: “The Hebrew Ladies Aid society of Homestead held a whist and dance party at Homestead Park yesterday afternoon and evening which was well attended. Handsome prizes were awarded to the winners of the whist contests and the dance was greatly enjoyed by a large party of young people during the evening. The Markowitz orchestra furnished the music for the dance.”
- 7/10: To Dedicate New Synagogue Sept. 6
- 7/28: “Services will be held in the Orthodox Jewish synagogues next Sunday to commemorate the ninth day of Ab, known as Tishboy.” Full article below.
- 8/3: “Fast of Tishbov — Services were held by Orthodox Jews of Homestead yesterday to commemorate the fast of Tishabov or the Ninth Day of Ab. This day is set apart as the anniversary of the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple of the Chaldeans in 586 B.C. and is one of the most solemn and sacred in the Orthodox calendar.”
- 8/12: “The Young Women’s Hebrew association will give a dance this evening at Homestead Park. Dancing will be from 8:30 to 11:30 and the committee has prepared an excellent program. Markowitz orchestra will furnish the music and a large number from out of town are expected to attend.
- 8/22: Mass Meeting Tomorrow in The Synagogue
- 8/26: “The last of the series of summer dances given by Homestead lodge 586 I.O.B.B. for the benefit of the Homestead Hebrew Religious school will be held this evening at Homestead park. Dancing 8:30 to 11:45. Committee assures all a good time.
- 9/4: Homestead Will Dedicate Its New Synagogue: This article, from The Pittsburgh Jewish Criterion, contains the complete program for the day.
- 9/5: Rodef Shalom Will Dedicate Synagogue
- 9/8: Interesting Ceremonies at Dedication of New Synagogue (The article appeared on the front page of the paper adjacent to the box highlighting the latest war news.)
- 9/17: “At a meeting last night in Memorial Hall 2,000 Jewish person, among whom there was a delegation from Homestead attended to hear the needs of and contribute to the Jews in Palestine.” Full article below.
- 9/19: A long article, below, enacted the annual ritual of explaining Rosh Hashana. It concluded, “In Homestead the holiday will be generally observed among the Jewish people. All those in business will close their stores all day Monday and some will also remain closed Tuesday. Services will be held in the new synagogue on Tenth avenue both days.”
- 9/22: The cornerstone of St. Matthew’s Episcopal church across the street from the new synagogue building was laid the previous day (erev Rosh Hashana!). An editorial appeared that day: “Strangers who come here are surprised at the number of handsome buildings…many can remember when there were no church building of consequence. There were frame structures adequate perhaps to accommodate the small congregations,…now Homestead can justly be termed a city of churches.”
- 9/24: Soon following the annual ritual of explaining Yom Kippur. Article also below.
- 9/29: “Tomorrow will be observed by the Jews throughout Homestead the most holy day in the Jewish calendar that of Yomkippur (sic), the day of atonement, and their stores will be closed the entire day.”
- 10/1: “Yesterday there was a general observance of Yom Kippur by the Jewish people of Homestead in the synagogue on Tenth avenue and by the fasting of the people. The day is the most sacred in the Jewish calendar and the first event in the church after the Jewish New Year. The exercises started with services in the synagogue Tuesday evening and continued until yesterday evening. Many remained in the synagogue all day singing hymns and praying. Yom Kippur is the day of atonement in the Jewish church and is a day of fasting.”
- 10/23: “A call has been sent out to the Jews of Homestead to attend a mass meeting to be held Sunday afternoon in the synagogue on Tenth avenue, to take some action towards helping to relieve the sufferings of the countless widows and orphans in the European war zone.” The full letter is below. “The Jews all over America are responding generously and it is also the duty of our Jewish community of Homestead to come forward with their aid in this great catastrophe,” wrote Dr. D. Reiter, R. Shermer, and H. Sapeer, in part.
- 10/27: “At a meeting held Sunday evening in the Jewish synagogue on Tenth avenue a Young Men’s Hebrew Association was organized. Arthur Grossman, was elected temporary president and Frank Weis, secretary and arrangements made to meet on the second and fourth Sunday of each month. At the first meeting a literary program will be addressed by well known speakers. These meetings will be open and all young men of Jewish faith are invited to become members of the association. At the meeting Sunday evening addresses were made by Attorney Frank Kaplan, of McKeesport, Attorney Rosenberg, of Braddock, Joseph Lasdusky and Ignatz Grossman.”
- 11/16: “Over two hundred attended the lecture given yesterday afternoon in the Jewish Synagogue on Tenth avenue by Madam Bella Pevsner. Dr. M.H. Moss presided at the meeting and introduced Madam Pevsner. After the lecture a subscription for the relief of the Jews in Jerusalem was taken and a nice sum received. Part of her speech was reprinted in the paper (see below).
- 11/26: The paper advertised an upcoming dance given by the I.O.B.B. chapter in Duquesne, with the proceeds to go to the “European War Suffers.”
- 11/26: “Rodef Sholom Hebrew congregation will hold their feast of Thanksgiving this evening at 5 o’clock in the synagogue on Tenth avenue. Rev. Samuel Widom, rabbi will offer prayer and the children of the Sunday school will take part in the exercises. All members of the congregation are invited to attend.
- 12/14: Chanukah explained! (Article below.)
- 12/14: “The Young Men’s Hebrew Association of Homestead entertained the different Jewish men’s organizations last evening with a smoker. Dr Chas. Cohen, of Duquesne, formerly of Homestead, spoke to the men on the subject of eugenics. After this very excellent talk many questions were asked of the Dr. concerning his subject by a number of those present, showing that they had been and were deeply interested in the subject. Following Dr. Cohen, Mr. Louis Broido, the star orator of the University of Pittsburg who won first prize in the state oratorical contest last year, delivered his very excellent oration, ‘One Hundred Years of Peace.’ After more discussion and more ‘fumigation’ the meeting was adjourned.”
- 12/31: “At a meeting held in the synagogue on Tuesday the Hebrew Ladies Aid society elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Mrs. Meyer Grinberg, president, Mrs. H.S. Schwartz, vice president, Mrs. B. Glueck, treasurer, Mrs. I. Grossman, secretary.”
- 12/31: “The Young Men’s Hebrew Association which has been stirring up things in Homestead in the last few weeks has organized a basketball team. Thursday evening, New Years eve they will journey to Braddock where they will play the Braddock Y.M.H.A. in that organization’s hall on Talbot avenue. The members of the Homestead Y.M.H.A. will accompany the team to Braddock and if necessary will raise the roof to help Homestead win the game. The line up of the two teams follows.” For Homestead: Haupt, Hepps, Harrison, Markowitz, Margolis. For Braddock: Lasdusky, Young, Katz, Mervis, Israel.
- 4/9: Feast of Passover Tomorrow
- 4/21: The Leo Frank Murder Case
- 6/13: Hebrew Religious School
- 7/28: Jewish Service Next Sunday (9 Av)
- 9/17: Jews Hold Meeting
- 9/17: Promise of Jewish Mancipation
- 9/19: Jewish New Year Monday
- 9/24: Day of Atonement
- 10/23: A Call to Help
- 11/14: Noted Woman Coming
- 11/16: Gave Nice Talk
- 11/26: Thanksgiving Explained
- 12/14: The Feast of Chunkkah
- 4/9:
Poor Little Jewess Inherits a Fortune
Marion Silovitch, a seventeen-year-old Jewess, who has worked in a little jewelry store in Brooklyn as a clerk for several months with no other ambition than to take her few dollars home to her mother every Saturday night, returned to her home the other day with a letter from the executor of her uncle’s estate in Odessa, Russia, an uncle from whom none of them family had heard in many years.
“Your uncle has left you 200,000 rubles,” it read. That meant nearly $100,000.
The uncle was a wealthy wheat commission merchant in Odessa. His poorer brother had emigrated to the United States many years before. He had not prospered, and he seldom heard from the merchant. But the uncle had always been partial to his niece.
“What are you going to do with the money?” a reported asked the girl.
“Make mother and father happy for the rest of their days,” was her answer.
- 4/21: A long article review the status of the Leo Frank murder case. You can read it above.
- 5/7 “A number of Jewish people are attending the play givn at the Lyceum theatre by Mme. Bessie Thomashefski, who is playing the plays in their native tongue.”
- 9/17: “The Czar’s promise of political freedom for his Jewish subjects taken on a new significance now that Sir Edward Grey has publicly pledged the influence of England to promote the fulfillment of that promise…It remains to the everlasting discredit of Russia that the promise of Jewish emancipation made during the Russo-Japanese War was not only broken after the war, but was followed by wholesale banishment, bloody massacre and the revival of the ancient and preposterous charge of ritual murder.” More in the article below, including America’s point of view on the matter.
- 12/5: An editorial in the paper expounded on “the case of Leo Frank, condemned to death for the murder of a girl in Atlanta [which] is attracting more than usual attention.” After summarizing where his case student, the paper concluded, “Without regard to the question of his innocence or guilt it is evident that Frank was not given ‘due process of law’…It would seem that he should, at least, have another trial, and in a community where the admitted prejudice against him would not possible (sic) affect the result.”
- Half Bros (120-122 East Eighth Ave.)
- Ben Little (Eighth Ave. near Amity St.)
- I.S. Grossman (345 Eighth)
- Lasdusky (335 Eighth)
- C. Segelman (went out of business in Feb.)
- Friedlander’s (213 Eighth Ave.)
- Little’s / H.L. Little (321 Eight Ave.)
- Harrison’s (346 Eighth Ave.)
- Glick’s (349 Eighth Ave.)
- Morris Grinberg Department Store (Eighth Ave near Dickson St.)
- Victor Shoe Co (311 8th Ave., J. Little Proprietor)
- Louis Freeman (221 Eighth Ave. – also next to the Palace Theatre and on Amity St/)