This Agreement, made the Nineteenth day of June in the year one thousand nine hundred and thirteen by and between Homestead Hebrew Congregation Rodef Sholem a corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of Pennsylvania…and Homestead Lumber Company a corporation with offices in the Borough of Homestead, Penna.
…for the erection and completion of a Synagogue to be erected on the north side of 10th. Ave. between Ann & McClure Sts. in the Borough of Homestead, Penna., as shown on the revised drawings and described in the revised specifications prepared by A.G. Wickerham of Homestead, Penna., Architect.

…the sum to be paid by the Owner to the Contractor for said work and materials shall be SEVENTEEN THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED DOLLAR ($17900.00)…
TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2000.00) when excavating and foundation walls are completed; TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2000.00) when brick work is up to height of main floor window sills; TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2000.00) when brick work is up to heigh of balcony window sills; FIFTEEN HUNDRED DOLLARS ($1500.00) when brick work is completed; ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1000.00) when building is under roof; and the balance of NINE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS ($9400.00) within fifteen days after building has been completed and accepted by the owners and architect.

In Presence of
Joseph Lasdusky
Morris Grinberg
Bernhard Heps
Henry Glick
Nathan Eskovitz
Homestead Lumber Co.
& AL Wickerham