This Agreement, made the Twenty second day of July in the year one thousand nine hundred + one by and between Lowry + Wolf of the City of McKeesport…and Morris Frankel, B. Glick, B. Hepps, M. D. Weis, Joseph Lasdusky, H. Moskowitz + H. Haupt, S. Moranz Special Building Committee…
The Contractor under the direction and to the satisfaction of Wilson + Lindemans Architects…for the Erection + Completion of a Fram Synagogue for the Rodef Solem (sic) Hebrew Congregation to be built on a certain Lot or piece of Ground situated on Amon (sic) Street Homestead Pa

…the sum to be paid by the Owner to the Contractor for said work and materials shall be $2,979.00…First Payment. The sum of Two hundred dollars when the foundation walls are completed + the First floor joist are laid in position. Second Payment. The sum of Five hundred dollars when the roof of the Building is Completed. Third or Final Payment. The balance the sum of Twenty two hundred + Seventy Nine dollars at the time stated below….
In presence of
Lowry and Wolf
Robert Lowry
Bernhard Hepps
for H.H.C.R.S.