The speech that was read prior to the congregation’s history at the laying of the corner of the first synagogue building.

Newspaper Articles about the Dedication of the First Synagogue
A few local papers described the first synagogue dedication, reprinting Lasdusky’s speech and summarizing Bernhardt’s.

1902 Synagogue Dedication Speech from Homestead Newspaper
A newspaper article covering the dedication of the 1902 synagogue includes the speech by President Lasdusky.

Chanukah 1902 Speech
The address the shul’s president, B. Glueck, made at the congregation’s first Chanukah in their own synagogue building.

1913 Speech at Cornerstone Laying for Second Synagogue
A (borrowed!) speech made at the cornerstone laying after the reading the history of the first seven years of the synagogue.

Impressive Ceremonies at Laying of Corner Stone
Another big front-page article for the synagogue — this time for laying the cornerstone of their second building.

Speech at Dedication of Second Synagogue
A nasty speech by I. Grossman praising and criticizing people involved in rebuilding the synagogue.

Interesting Ceremonies at Dedication of New Synagogue
Once again the Homestead paper comes through with a large article about the dedication of the second synagogue building.

30th Anniversary Introduction and Poems
Introduction to the history of the congregation and poems for the surviving charter members.

Fortieth Anniversary Banquet Speech
The 1934 version of the synagogue’s history follows the previous versions, but its edits reflect a contemporary agenda.

Fiftieth Anniversary Banquet Speech
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the congregation, its early history and leading members are recounted for all.

Chevra Kadisha Speeches, 1934-1944
Secretary Ignatz Grossman delivered annual speeches that waxed philosophical on the Chevra Kadisha’s work and current events.