At a congregational meeting in the local Jewish synagogue on Tenth avenue last night Dr. Mayer Winkler was elected as rabbi of the church.
Rabbi Aaron M. Ashinsky, of the United Hebrew congregation of Pittsburgh gave Dr. Winkler a strong recommendation and testified as to his ability and the local is to be congratulated on receiving his services.
Rev. Winkler has just recently arrived here from Budapest and is a learned man. He was born in Hungary and studied for five years under Rabbi Moses Bloch, a man of eminence.
Rabbi Winkler speaks a number of languages and already has quite a command of the English language. He will no doubt please the local congregation and accomplish much good work.
At a congregational meeting in the Homestead Jewish synagogue on Tenth Avenue this week Dr. Mayer Winkler was elected as the rabbi of the congregation.
Dr. Winkler is undoubtedly one of the most eminent men of Hungary and is a noted instructor in religion, languages and literature. He was born in Hungary and studied for nine years under one of the greatest Hungarian rabbis. For five years he studied under Rabbi Moses Bloch, a man of eminence.
Dr. Winkler’s primary idea in coming to the United States was to get command of the English language. While only in this country a few days, Dr. Winkler talks English remarkably well pointing out that he can more easily grasp the language through having studied and learned so many languages. He will take up a course in the University of Pittsburgh.
The European visitor is quite a learned man, being rabbi of Beth Israel congregation, the largest in Budapest for nine years. He was also professor of German, religion and literature in Budapest high school.
He studied in the Budapest Seminary for five years after which he went to the Vienna seminary and university where he received his degree as rabbi and doctor of philosophy with the highest honors. He is also the author of a book of science called Die Traditionen in den Werken des Hieranymus or Jewish Traditions.
Homestead, Pa.:–Homestead Jewry is manifesting keen interest in Rodeph Shalom Congregational activities since the arrival there of Rabbi Winkler. The growing success of the Talmud Torah is due to the untiring efforts of Rabbi Winkler, who has increased the enrollment from twenty-five to seventy-five children. All parents in Homestead are requested to enroll their children in the Bible classes. Mr. B. Friedlander, president of the Talmud Torah and the Educational Board, is lending every aid to the Rabbi in the development of the Talmud Torah and it is hoped that in the near future a Hebrew course for young ladies will be conducted.
Homestead Congregation:–The Jewish Committee of Homestead, through the Homestead Hebrew Congregation, the I.O.B.B. and the Ladies’ Aid will install their new Rabbi, the Rev. Dr. Winkler, Sunday afternoon, August 28th, at 4:30 o’clock, P.M. in the Homestead Synagogue, Tenth Avenue and McClure Street, Homestead. The new Rabbi will be installed by Rabbi Ashinsky of Pittsburgh and the Rev. Dr. Lichter of Pittsburgh. Rabbi Winkler was recently elected in Homestead; he is a graduate of a number of universities in Vienna, Austria-Hungary and is a recent arrival in America. Following the installation at the Synagogue, a banquet will be given in the vestry rooms of the Synagogue for the purpose of acquainting our new Rabbi with all the people of Homestead. The arrangements for the installation and banquet are in the hands of Mr. Mark Fishel, as Chairman, and the banquet proper is being taken care of by the ladies of Homestead. Out-of-town, as well as local speakers will respond to toasts at the banquet and it is the hope of the people of Homestead that a very warm, as well as royal, reception will be given to our new Rabbi. Arthur M. Grossman, Esq., will act as toastmaster at the banquet. The general public is cordially invited to be present at the installation of Rabbi Winker. Admission to the banquet will be by card only. The program will begin promptly at 4:30 o’clock, August 28th, at the Homestead Synagogue.

The Messenger, 8/27/1921, p. 1
The Jewish committee of Homestead representing the Homestead Hebrew Congregation, the I.O.B.B. and the Ladies Aid will install their new Rabbi, the Rev. Dr. Winkler Sunday afternoon, August 28, at 4:30 o’clock in the Homestead synagogue, at Tenth avenue and McClure street.
The new Rabbi will be installed by Rabbi Ashinsky of Pittsburgh and the Rabbi B. Lichter of Pittsburgh. Rabbi Winkler has been recently elected in Homestead. He is a graduate of a number of universities in Vienna Austria Hungary and is a recent arrival in America. Following the installation at the Synagogue a banquet will be given in the vestry rooms of the Synagogue for the purpose of acquainting our new Rabbi with all the people of Homestead. The arrangements for the installation and banquet are in the hands of Mark Fishel, as chairman, and the banquet proper is being taken to our new Rabbi (sic). Arthurs M. Gross stead. (sic). Out of town as well as local speakers will respond to toasts at the banquet and it is the hope of the people of Homestead that a very warm, as well as royal, reception will be given to our new Ribba (sic). Arthur M. Grossman, Esq., will act as toastmaster at the banquet and he promises that all the speeches will be short and to the point. The general public is cordially invited to be present at the installation of Rabbi Winker. Admission to the banquet will be by card only. The installation will begin promptly at 4:30 o’clock, August 28, at the Homestead Synagogue.

The Messenger, 8/29/1921, p. 1
Sunday evening the Homestead Jewish Synagogue installed a new rabbi in their church on Tenth avenue and McClure street. The new rabbi is Dr. M. Winkler. A big crowd witnessed the installation, there being no standing room left. The building was decorated with vines, palms, and American flags.
Attorney Grossman acted as master of ceremonies. He introduced the speakers: Rabbi Ashinski of Pittsburg, who made the leading speech, Dr. M. H. Moss, Mrs. I. Grossman, Rabbi Marcus, of Pittsburgh, and others.
Rabbi Ashinski pointed out that there were 18 charter members, who organized the church 27 years ago, also that three of these charter members had passed away. He requested Rev. Widom, of Homestead, to hold memorial services in honor of those who had passed away, which Rev. Widom proceeded to do. The three departed ones were R. Segelman, first president of the congregation, H. Markowitz, and I.S. Grossman. After the memorial services Rabbi Lichter, of Pittsburg delivered an address in English.
Rabbi Winkler in assuming his official station of the congregation gave an outline of the work before him. He laid great stress on the education of the Jewish youth in a religious manner, pointing out that the parents are here only temporarily and followers are their children who must be imbued with the spirit of Jewish religion. He also laid great stress on the fact that no Jew can be a good American citizen unless he is also a good Jew. He advocated the upbringing of the Jewish child in the spirit that they may say in later years, “This synagogue is the place where my father worked and I am going to follow in the footsteps of my father.”
At the end of the installation he was presented with a purse for which he thanked his congregation. After the presentation of the purse the people repaired to the vestry room where an elaborate dinner was served. Arthur Grossman acted as toastmaster. Vocal selections were rendered under the direction of Rev. Canton, of Pittsburgh. Aaron Weiss, president of the congregation, made a plea to raise funds to maintain the Hebrew school which realized $1327.50. After this a violin solo was rendered by Mr. Rubinstein and accompanied by Ruth Cline.
The arrangements committee consisted of M. Fischel, Mrs. S.A. Schwartz, Mrs. Lebowitz, Mr. and Mrs. Grinstein and Joseph Katz.
Homestead Congregation, Rodeph Shalom:–Amid very elaborate ceremonies the Rev. Dr. Winkler was installed as Rabbi of the Homestead Hebrew Congregation Rodeph Shalom, Sunday, August twenty-eighth, 1921. The ceremony was held under the auspices of the Homestead Hebrew Congregation, the I.O.B.B. and the Ladies’ Aid Society. Arthur M. Grossman, Esq., acting as chairman for the joint committees, opened the exercises at 5 o’clock P.M., at the Synagogue. The Rev. Mr. Friedman, of Braddock, Pa., made the opening prayer. After the opening remarks by the chairman stating the purpose of the occasion, memorial services were held by the Rev. Mr. Widom, of Homestead, for the deceased charter members of the Homestead Synagogue.
The installation address was made by Rabbi Ashinsky, of Pittsburgh, Pa.
Rabbi Lichter, of Pittsburgh, made the second installation address, in which he pointed out most emphatically the duties of a Rabbi and the duties of a congregation towards a Rabbi.
Following Rabbi Lichter’s address, the chaiman called upon the new Rabbi, the Rev. Dr. WInkler, who made one of the most splendid addresses ever heard in Homestead.
A nicely appointed dinner was served by the Homestead Ladies’ Aid.
Other address (sic) and a musical program completed the ceremonies.
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