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- 1/2: A letter about Christmas at Camp Lee reported that cooks Nidoff, Friedlander, Stein, and others “reached the heigh of perfection in preparing this layout,” and “the mess hall was decorated in a most beautiful manner by Louis Lasday assisted by Littman and Friedberg.”
- 1/7: “Louis Lasdusky, who is stationed at Camp Lee, has arrived home on a furlough to spend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lasdusky, of Ninth avenue, Munhall.”
- 1/8: “Alex. Friedlander, who is in in training at Camp Lee, is home on furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Friedlander of Third avenue. The young man is a picture of health and praises Camp life very highly. Although it is after Christmas and New Years, it is not too late to wish all his friends a happy and prosperous New Year.”
- 1/12: The report of the Red Cross membership campaign which ended on 12/23 included the Homestead Hebrew Congregation team which had 35 donations for 37.00.
- 1/18: $30K was credited to Homestead in the “big war fund drive.” The Y.M.H.A., along with the Y.M.C.A., the Knights of Columbus, and the War Recreation organization would split the funds.
- 1/18: The campaign for the War Saving Stamp Fund started. All the stores had war stamps, and all the business men bought a supply to put on sale. The committee included Leo Half, H.L. Little, Joseph Lasdusky, and I. Goldstone.
- 1/22: “Ralph Lasdusky, who is stationed at Camp Jackson, Columbia, S.C. as first sergeant in the Ordinance Corps, has arrived home on a furlough to spend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lasdusky, of Ninth avenue.”
- 2/1: “B. Gluck, a well known business man of 308 Eighth avenue, West Homestead, received a cablegram from France yesterday announcing the safe arrival of his son, Robert J. Gluck, at a French port. Mr. Gluck enlisted some time ago and was assigned to the quartermaster’s unit and was sent to France. His host of friends will be pleased over his safe arrival.”
- 2/12: “Marion Steinberger, who has been salesman for the Half Brothers Furniture Store for the past six years, resigned his position last Saturday and left today for Camp Lee where he was drafted into the U.S. service. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steinberger of 308 Pacific avenue, Pittsburg. While here he has made a host of friends who wish him success in his new field of life.”
- 2/13: “The question has been asked, ‘Does the work of the J.B.W.W. lead the segregation in the camps?’ and the answer is decidedly ‘no.’ The military authorities do not think so; the Y.M.C.A. does not think so; the Knights of Columbus do not think so; nor does the Fosdick Commission. The men themselves want Jewish work and do not feel that they are segregation themselves… They are more highly though of than those who throw aside their religion once they have entered the army.” Full article below.
- 2/13: “Word has been received here by Max Seigle, of Third avenue, that Morris Bickler, a well known street car man of Homestead, has arrived in France. He enjoyed the trip very much and stated there was no evidence of danger in the war zone. He also stated that tobacco was very scarce in France and wished his many friends in this vicinity would send him some.”
- 2/13: “No more inspiring patriotic meeting has been held in Homestead since a state of war has existed than that in the Homestead High School auditorium last night in the celebration of Father and Son week. The most striking feature of the occasion was the presentation of a service flag to the high school…The address accepting the flag was made by Gerald Davidson, a member of the High School class of ’18. It contained a glowing tribute to the boys in the service and he received much applause from the audience…The following are the boys represented by the stars on the service flag…Serg. Maurice J. Haupt, Co. No. 1, Officer’s Training Camp, Camp Lee Va. Serg. Harry Margolis, Co. 319th Inf Camp Lee, Va…Robert Gleick (sic?), Washington, D.C., Engineer Corps…Serg. Ralph H. Lasday, Ordnance Dept., Camp Jackson, Columbia, S.C.” and others.
- 2/14: “Mr. and Mrs. I. Samuels, of 412 3rd avenue, received word that their son, Private Herman Samuels, who is stationed at Camp Lee, had been married to Miss Janet Cohen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cohen of 2250 Wylie avenue, Pittsburg. The wedding was performed in Richmond, Va.”
- 2/14: In the local Red Cross election the previous evening, Morris Half was elected to the executive committee.
- 2/18: “Joseph Lasdusky left last evening for Camp Lee, Va., to visit his son, Louis. After spending a few days there, he will go to Philadelphia, Washington, Baltimore and New York where he will purchase his new line of spring goods. Miss Rose Marks of Ninth avenue, Munhall, left last evening for Camp Lee, to visit her brother, Addi Marks who is stationed there.”
- 2/28: “Arrangements are being made by the members of the Y.M.H.A. to hold an entertainment in their rooms on Eighth avenue this coming Sunday a (sic) which a service Flag with twenty five stars will be presented to the club.”
- 3/1: “The date on which the Jews of Homestead will dedicate the service flag in honor of the boys of that people who are serving the country, has not yet been determined, but will probably be Sunday, March 11. Liberal donations are now being given by the Jews here for the purchase of both a service and an American flag.”
- 3/5: “Joseph Lasdusky, a well known merchant, has returned home from Camp Lee, Va., where he visited his son Louis and other relatives and friends. While there he saw many of the local boys, and stated all are enjoying good health and like the camp life. Mr. Lasdusky ate several meals with the boys in Company F, 319th Infantry, the following Homestead boys preparing the meals: Jess Honse, mess segeant; Max Niedoff, first cook, and Alex Friedlander, assistant cook. After leaving Camp Lee Mr. Lasdusky left for Richmond, Philadelphia and New York where he purchased a full line of spring wearing apparel. He also visited his other son, Isador, who is attending the University of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia.”
- 3/5: “Miss Rose Marks, a niece of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lasdusky, of Ninth avenue, Munhall, has returned from Camp Lee, Va., where she has visited her fiancé, Alex Coen, who was a former resident of New Kensington.”
- 3/15: “Sunday evening beginning at 8 o’clock at the Homestead Savings and Trust Co. Bldg. Hall, at Eighth avenue and Ann street, the local Y.M.H.A. will conduct appropriate exercises in honor of their members now in the ranks of Uncle Sam’s forces.” The full list of the program is below.
- 3/16: “One of the most elaborate that has ever been accomplished in window displays in Homestead is the Arcade front of Lasdusky‘s Big Store, 337-341 Eighth avenue. The note of patriotism, foremost in all things nowadays, is surrounded by the blending of the national colors with the prevailing khaki and greys in spring wearing apparel. Centerpieces in each window are views of Camp Lee–a panorama of the entire camp…Another view is a group picture of Company F, 319th Regiment, having many Homestead boys in it. In this company is Lewis Lasdusky, Mr. Lasdusky’s son, and former manager of this store…That Homestead appreciates these little marks of patriotism is seen by the many people who stop to admire this display…”
- 3/18: “An audience, which taxed the capacity of the Savings & Trust Company Building hall, last evening, enjoyed immensely the program instituted by the local Y.M.H.A. in dedicating its service flag with 26 stars. Speeches brimming with patriotic themes were loudly applauded….Joseph Lasdusky, who has two sons in Uncle Sam’s forces…told of the soldiers’ life in a training camp…It bespoke well for the Hebrews of the community in response to ‘the call to arms.'” Full article below.
- 3/22: “Ralph Lasdusky, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lasdusky, of this place, who has been serving Uncle Sam in the ordnance department of the army has been transferred to Camp Meade where he will enter the officers training department, he having been selected as one of two candidates for the position out of a class of nearly 100.”
- 3/23: “There is on display in the show window of A. Kahn‘s store at 125 8th avenue a handsome quilt knit by the pupils of the Third ward school for the American Red Cross Ambulance Corps in France….the quilt is attracting a great deal of attention and the school children on the hill are coming in for much praise for their skillful work and show of patriotism.”
- 3/25: “Morris Friedlander, of the firm of Friedlander Bros, has returned from Camp Lee where he was visiting his brother Alex. Mr. Friedlander describes the camp scenery very interesting and also states that every mother who has a son serving ‘Old Glory’ has something to be proud of. Mr. Friedlander brought many sincere wishes from the boys to their folks at home.”
- 3/29: The “Members of the Homestead Club” at Camp Lee wrote a letter to the editor of the Daily Messenger thanking them for the tobacco box they sent them. Max Nidoff and Alex Friedlander were members of the club.
- 3/30: “Joe Feldman, signed with the Homestead Athletics, will have to devote his baseball ambitions to diamond activities at Camp Lee, Va., as he has been designated to leave with the draftees squad next Tuesday.” The full article, below, details his experience on various Y.M.H.A. teams.
- 4/2: “Last night at the Y.M.H.A. rooms, Eighth avenue, Joe Feldman and Isadore Glick were the boys in the limelight. Due to departing with the draftee’s squad for Camp Lee today, the organization afforded them a royal sendoff…” Full details in the article below.
- 4/3: The big liberty loan drive was announced to start on Monday. Goldston was captain for one of the district’s teams. 4/15: The team captains were slow in reporting, but the numbers showed I.J. Goldston’s district in the middle of the pack with 60 subscribers for $3700.
- 4/4: “The Boy Scouts of this community are fortunate in having the backing of a council of representative men who take a great interest in their activities. Joseph Lasdusky was one of the members. During their meeting at the Library parlors, they planned to have a camp for the coming summer and to “urge every Scout and Scout official to participate the campaign to sell Liberty Bonds” for the second Liberty Loan campaign. Lasdusky was on the committee to direct the boys in selling bonds.
- 4/12: “Mrs. J. Samuels and daughter, Evelyn, of 412 E. Third avenue, have returned home from a visit to Camp Lee with Mrs. Samuels son, Herman, who is stationed there. Mrs. Samuels stated that she is well pleased with the ways of the camp life and that parents who have sons in the army should not worry as at Camp Lee the boys are well taken care of and enjoying the best of health.”
- 4/18: “Sergeant Harry Margolis is home from Camp Lee, having been called by the serious illness of his mother. He has been acting as a training officer for the raw recruits since going to camp but this week was transferred to the quartermaster’s department as a shoe inspector, he having been employed as a shoe salesman prior to entering the service.”
- 4/18: Many pupils were set to take part in an entertainment the next evening to raise money for French war orphans. Each school adopted a French child. In the 2nd Ward play were Mollie Lefkowitz, Ethel Markowitz, Margaret Rosenbaum, Pauline Jacobson, and Sarah Mervis.
- 4/30: “Max Glick, of Co. F, 319th infantry, is home from Camp Lee, for a few days.”
- 5/1: “Mrs. Joseph Lasdusky, of Ninth avenue, Munhall, accompanied by her son Lewis, who had been home on a furlough from Camp Lee left Monday to visit her son Isador at the University of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia, and her son Ralph who is stationed at Camp Meade, Maryland.”
- 5/6: “The girls from Half Bros. store made a fine showing in the parade Saturday evening and incidentally carried a large flag into which the sum of 8.70 was thrown. This money was turned over to The Daily Messenger this morning for the over-the-sea tobacco fund.”
- 5/8: The mill men in the armor plate department “have organized themselves into a vigilance committee and will round up all slackers who have refused or neglected to take out Liberty bonds and will deal out summary justice to them. Yesterday they were informed that George Seigel, who runs a tobacco and confectionary store at Fourth avenue, entrance to the mill had no taken out any bonds, and at 3 o’clock their hour for changing turns, they visited his store carrying a rope and a bucket of tar with them. Seigel became very much frightened when the men walked in on him and proclaimed loudly that he purchased bonds but he was unable to produce either the bonds or a receipt.” Full article below, including how they planned to return to see “proof that he he has purchased bonds to the amount of at least $300 if he wishes to escape their wrath…They say he owns considerable property and has a flourishing business among the mill men and could well afford to buy bonds of large denominations.”
- 5/9: “The two daughters of George Siegel…said that a great injustice had been done their father, as he was a true loyal American citizen. They displayed a sheet showing he had paid $83.84 on a $100 bond of the third loan…the reason payment had not been made before was because their sister had been seriously ill with pneumonia and their parents had been at her bedside almost continually. The pledge to take out the bond was made April 5th.” It seems the chief of police also prevented the mill men from confronting Siegel again. Full article below.
- 5/10: “The Homestead Hebrew Sunday school will present to the congregation a service flag in honor of the 30 boys who have left to enter the service of the Government.” Full article below.
- 5/15: The Business Men’s Association annual outing was announced to be a thrift picnic called, “Thrift or Win the War Outing.” Prizes will consist of Liberty Bonds, War Savings and Thrift stamps. The transportation committee chairman was Leo Half and vice-chairman was Louis Freeman.
- 5/21: “Lasdusky offers 10 percent of the proceeds of Friday, May 24 to the Red Cross fund. Let us make this a record day. Don’t forget Friday, May 24. Mr. Lasdusky is now in the East buying summer and fall goods and will have a display of merchandise never seen in Homestead before. He writes he has picked up many bargains.”
- 5/21: For the latest Red Cross campaign, the list of Homestead team captains and booth chairmen include I.J. Goldston, Mrs. Harry Feldman, and William Gluck.
- 5/24: “Ralph Lasdusky, a son of Joseph Lasdusky, of Ninth avenue, Munhall has successfully passed his examination for a lieutenantcy (sic?) at Camp Meade for the ordnance department but has not yet been informed where he will be stationed. Word has been received that his brother Louis has arrived in France.
- 5/27: “Joseph Vice (sic), of Camp Wheeler, Ga., is spending this furlough with his uncle, Morris Grinberg, the well known merchant of Eighth avenue. He is connected with the base hospital and formerly lived at Glassport.”
- 6/1: The total amount collected by the Red Cross subscriptions listed how I.J. Goldston‘s team and Mrs. Harry Feldman‘s booth fared. Booth workers for Mrs. Harry Feldman’s team included aides Mrs. H. Swartz, Miss Bertha Wise, Mrs. Sapner (sic), Miss Hepps, Miss Mervis, Ruth Grinberg, and two others. Mrs. Freeman was an aide on another team.
- 6/3: Donations for the farewell reception to the boys about to leave for camp included Lasdusky 5.00 and Sam Glick 2.00 (157.00 total to date).
- 6/10: “A campaign launched in the Nixon Theatre in the city last night to raise money for the Jewish war suffers in Russia and Turkey…Many Homestead people were present and were much interested in the meeting as an organization has already been perfect here to make a canvass of the community in the interest of the fund, and a big mass meeting has been arranged for tomorrow night in the Jewish Synagogue…The campaign will start Monday morning and last three days…” Full article below.
- 6/11: An appeal to all ministers of Christian churches in the Pittsburg district to ask the aid of their congregations in supplying the $250,000 required from Pittsburg for the Jewish war fund, has been issued…In Homestead the Christians are also cooperating with the Jews in the campaign and many will attend the public meeting in the synagogue…” Full article below with the long list of people involved.
- 6/12: “At a very enthusiastic meeting last night in the synagogue on Tenth avenue, composed of an audience of representative citizens of this community, by the Jews and Gentiles, the sum of $2000 was subscribed towards a fund to aid the Jewish people of Europe who have been such great sufferers from the war….The campaign will continue here until Thursday, June 20, and a tag day will be held on Friday…” Full article below.
- 6/14: “Judging from the number of tags worn on the streets today the Jewish ladies are getting good results from their efforts to raise money for the Jewish War Relief Fund…” Full article below.
- 6/15: “The Jewish ladies who collected money on the streets yesterday for the Jewish war sufferers held a jollification last night as the boxes were being opened, so pleased were they with the results, over $700 being turned in. The sum added to what the other committees have raised brings the total contributions here up over the $2,000 mark, and the campaign does not close until next Wednesday. Some of the workers are out today and Monday all will again be on the job and a nice report is sure to be turned in at the rally to be held in the synagogue on Wednesday evening.”
- 6/17: A drive was on for Red Cross workers. Officers of the Homestead district branch included Morris Half on the executive committee.
- 6/17: “From over seas – Isadore Glick, nephew of Samuel Averbach, of 510 Eighth avenue, has arrived in France last Monday, June 10th.”
- 6/18: A long article, below, discussed 84 year-old Mrs. Libbie Goldston‘s “ten grand children and one great-grandchild in the British army and eight grandchildren and one great-grandchild in United States army and navy.”
- 6/20: “At a meeting in the Jewish Synagogue last night a partial report was made of the results of the campaign…the secretary reports more than $4,000 have been paid in cash and obtained in subscriptions, which is above the quote and is considered very gratifying by the workers. It was decided at the meting to participate in the parade in Pittsburgh at the opening of the Zionist convention which convenes Sunday and will last one week…” Full article below.
- 6/25: “Mrs. Louis Freeman, Mrs. J.W. Moss and Mrs. A. Hepps returned last night from Camp Merritt, New Jersey, where they paid a farewell visit to Benjamin Rosen, brother of Mrs. Freeman, who leaves for Frances. Another brother, Samuel Rosen, is already with the American soldiers at the front. Mrs. Freeman spoke enthusiastically in regard to the work of the Red Cross at Camp Merritt. The party from Homestead were treated with the kindest consideration: they were served dinner with their relatives and provided with every comfort while on their visit. Mrs. Freeman could not adequately commend and admire the great work the Red Cross is doing for the boys in the camps.”
- 6/26: Both Ben Little and Joseph Lasdusky donated space in the paper for ads for the June 28th National War Savings Day.
- 6/27: “Charles Mervis, son of Samuel Mervis, of 319 Ninth avenue, left yesterday to join the Naval Reserves at Cape May, he having enlisted for the duration of the war. he is a graduate of the Homestead High School and likes life on the water and will make good as one of Uncle Sam’s men.”
- 6/28: “The executive committee of the Homestead District for the Jewish war sufferers who have just closed their campaign for Jewish relief in stricken Europe wish to thank the generation public for their aid and cooperation…To the Christian workers who spent their time in helping and canvassing, committee wishes to express its sincere and deepest thanks…Prejudice has been dispelled; Jew, Gentile, white and black meet, help each other, have the same common sorrows and enjoy what pleasures they derive from helping humanity…” The rest of the statement by Joseph Lasdusky, chairman of the Executive Committee, is below.
6/29: “The Homestead Hebrew societies have secured the services of the Swissvale cornet band to lead their division in the Fourth of July parade and celebration and as all the organizations will participate, it is expected to be one of the many interesting divisions of what will be one of the greatest patriotic demonstrations ever held here.” This is, I believe, the first time the Jewish community had its organizations in the town’s Fourth of July parade. 7/5: In reviewing the 4th of July parade, the paper wrote, “The Jewish contingent was one of the finest in line, they probably having a larger percentage of their people in line than any other nationality.”
- 7/12: A long article about the send-off party for Michael McDermott included many notables from the town. The only Jewish attendee appears to have been Benj. Trau. 7/18: Benj. Trau received a notice that John E. Ward arrived safely in France.
- 7/15: “Harry Margolis arrived from Camp Lee yesterday on a visit to his parents and his many friends in town. His furlough lasts until Friday of this week when he will return to camp. Harry looks extremely well.” 7/16: In an article about the town’s boys “marching home and to war”: “Harry Margolis, who arrived from Camp Lee on Sunday, will return on Friday after a visit to his father, Martin Margolis, and his friends here.”
7/20: The front of the Feinberg Loan Company “was smeared with tar and oil and on the glass was written the word ‘Slacker’…because of the fact that Mr. Feinberg has not closed his store in the evenings as has been requested by the other business men who have entered into an agreement to do so” to save fuel. The Feinbergs said that they “live in the building…and kept open in the evenings, but burn no lights.” Mrs. Feinberg said that “she and her husband are better patriots than they who did it…they have purchased four Liberty bonds and have subscribed to every charitable demand,” plus her brother is in the service. Full article below. Two later articles prove how serious the threat. 9/13: “Beginning next Monday morning the names of all business men found burning light in their stores between the hours of 7:30 and 10 a.m. will be published in the Duquesne Light Company with a request that their light be shut off for a period of 30 days…” 12/6: An Austrian who had lived in American for 18 years (but never became a citizen) was literally “decorated…with paint, tar and feathers” not not buying Liberty Bonds or War Saving stamps.
- 7/22: “Dr. L. Lasdusky, of Hazelwood, a brother of Joseph Lasdusky, a merchant of Eighth avenue, has received word that he has been promoted to first lieutenant in the Medical Corps of the army subject to call. This makes three in the Lasdusky family who have received promotions since joining the service, Mr. Lasdusky having two sons in the service, Louis, who is a corporal in France, and Ralph who is in Camp Hancock has passed his examination for a lieutenatcy.”
- 7/25: “Ray Pryel, Homestead’s popular prize fighter; Ernest Vilinski (sic), his sparring partner; Louis Margolis and Matthew Stevens applied on Tuesday for an examination to enter the service of the United States Navy.” The first three were rejected and “will be sent to camp for military training,” where they have “a chance to be made fit or placed in some subsidiary branch of the army not requiring the physical perfection.”
- 7/30: “At the First Reformed church, Fifteenth avenue and Mifflin street, this evening a playlet entitled ‘Anybody’s Family,’ will be presented. The proceeds will be for the Jewish War Fund and all are invited to attend as a delightful evening is in store for all who do so. The entertainment will commence at 7:30 o’clock and the playlet will be well worth seeing and the admission is only 13 cents.”
- 8/10: Volunteers selected to go to Pitt and Lafayette colleges for special service in army included Samuel Israel, 116 McClure street. The group would be trained “as auto mechanics, sheet metal workers and chauffeurs.”
- 8/14: “Through information furnished by the Mesta Machine Company, Arthur A. Klein, aged 22 years, an Austrian, was taken into custody at the plant in West Homestead last night by the Department of Justice on the charge of being an alien enemy, it being alleged that he deliberately ruined a steel piston being manufactured for a mammoth gas engine which is being made for the Lackawana Steel company, which is engaged in government work.” Full article below.
- 8/15: Robert S. Weis of 209 East Fourteenth avenue “entered Pitt University today under a call for selective army service” where he will “undergo military training in auto mechanics.”
- 8/15: “Dr. Louis Lasday of Hazelwood, and his family visited his brother, Joseph Lasdusky, a well known business man last evening. Dr. Lasday has joined the Medical Corps and will leave soon for Ft. Olgethorp, Ga.”
- 8/18: “Arthur A. Klein, aged 22 years, an Austrian, who was arrested in the Mesta Machine Company’s plant at West Homestead on Tuesday, has been interned by the Department of Justice for the period of the war.”
- 8/24: The day before the town began organizing the “Homestead War Relief Association” to handle fundraising for the upcoming Liberty Bond campaign and the various associations caring for the soliders. Captains of fundraising teams included Mark Fischel, I.J. Goldstone, and Leo Half.
- 8/26: “One of the most inspiring service flag dedications held in this vicinity for some time was that of Homestead Lodge No. 437, Independent Order Brith Abraham, held last evening in the Hebrew Congregation Synagogue, on Tenth avenue, in honor of its 13 members who are now at the front.” Full article below with the details of the program and a timeline of the IOBA’s patriotic activities.
- 9/4: Guests at a farewell party for Ray Pryel, who left for Camp Meade, included Mr. Ernest Velinsky and Miss Edna Reiter (?) (but no Traus!).
- 9/10: “Word has just been received by Mr. Joseph Lasdusky that his son, Ralph Howard Lasday, has been commissioned as lieutenant in the Ordnance Department of the Army. His full biography starting from before the war is in the article below.
- 9/13: A baseball game in Camp Meade of white vs. colored troops included Ernest Valinsky in center field.
- 9/19: Davidson‘s was one of the four businesses turned in for burning lights between the hours of 7:30-10 AM. On 9/20 he wrote a letter explaining that his only light was above the cash register, as was allowed. The following day, in response, the representative of the administrator published a letter saying that this order had been rescinded and his cash register light was too large, anyway. Both letters below.
- 9/23: An ad encouraging people to buy Liberty bonds was captioned, “This space subscribed to winning the war by Ben Little, the shoe man.” He sponsored other ads on 9/30 and 10/2. On 9/28 Half Bros. sponsored a full page ad for the Liberty Loan drive with a letter written by Woodrow Wilson. I.J. Goldston sponsored ads on 10/4 and 10/5 and 10/9. On 10/5 Gross‘ Department Store and R. Schermer did as well. On 10/7 Miller & Port, wholesale confectioners at 603 Eighth ave., sponsored a full page ad for Liberty bonds. Max Malinger (sic), who had a confectionary on Eighth avenue, sponsored a full page ad on 10/8 and a half page ad on 10/9. 10/9 also saw an ad from Morris Grinberg’s Dept. Store, 515-517 Eighth ave. 10/11 Friedlander Bros. and Hyman Sapeer, fine footwear, 513 Eighth ave. 10/12 J. Lincoff (sic), Reliable Jeweler, 345 East Eighth avenue. 10/14 another Hyman Sapeer. and Victor Shoe co., 311 East Eighth avenue (J. Little). 10/18 Jos. Lasdusky‘s Dept. Store. (The Fourth Liberty Loan was on sale 9/28-10/19.)
- 10/5: As part of the ongoing efforts to collect “peach stones” (peach pits) for use in gas masks, Louis Freeman (who ran a fruit store, natch) designated his store a collection point and announced he’d deliver them to the collection headquarters in Pittsburgh.
- 10/9: “Jacob Little, proprietor of the Victor Shoe store, on Eighth avenue, has two sons in the service. The last being Attorney Louis Little, who has left for Camp Lytel, Ga., where he will be assigned to duty. Private George Little is at Newport, R.I., and is connected with the quartermaster’s department, having charge of the shoe department.”
- 10/10: “On November 11 the American people will start a one week’s drive to raise the largest amount of money every given outright by any people in the history of the world. The drive will be a new thing under the sun. For the first time Protestants, Catholics and Jews, forgetting all their differences, will line up should to shoulder, welding their individual organizations together in their common devotion to the boy sin the cantonments and over there…” Full article below.
- 10/11: “Half Bros.’ employees have all subscribed for bonds of the Fourth Liberty loan, sending the store over the top into the 100 per cent class. Twenty-two employees have subscribed a total of $2,050, an average of almost $94 each. This does not include the subscription by the firm which is $2,000.”
- 10/12: The paper printed a list of people who made Liberty Bond subscriptions of $2000 and over included Half Bros. $2000 and a “Widow Grocer” also for $2000.
- 10/14: The paper printed a list of people who made Liberty Bond subscriptions of $100 and over: Half Bros. $2000, B. Gluck $1600, L. Freeman and wife $1500, I. Lincoff $1100, Ben J. Schwartz $1000, I.J. Goldstone $1000, Sam Lewis $1000, Jacob Weinberg $1000, B. Cohen $1000, Jos. M. Fried $1000, Albert Gross $1000, Morris Grinberg $1000, Hyman Sapeer $1000, Harry Glick $1000, Dr. M. H. Moss $1000, I. Lincoff $1000 (double-listed?!).
- 10/14: “One of the very attractive windows to be seen along Eighth avenue, trimmed especially to further the success of the Homestead campaign of the Fourth Liberty Loan is one show in Half Brothers‘ store…The window has attracted a great deal of attention, especially Saturday night when there was so much activity on the streets in connection with the sale of bonds.” Full description below.
- 10/19: “Bought More Bonds — The Feinberg Loan Company, 213 Eighth avenue, has increased subscriptions from $200 to $500 on the Fourth Liberty Loan.” They weren’t going to let a repeat happen of the summer’s incident!
- 10/21: The Homestead district passed the $1 million mark in the Liberty Loan drive, more than triple the third loan. “There was a very interesting windup to the campaign Saturday night at the corner of Eighth avenue and Ann street, which resulted in the sale of over $50,000 bonds. Thousands of people surrounded the speakers’ stand and splendid patriotic addresses were made by” H. Ralph Davis of Pittsburgh and others. “They were not only eloquent orators, but salesmen par excellent (sic)…Mr. Davis is a nephew of Meyer and Morris Grinberg, merchants on Eighth avenue. He is one of the best public speakers who has been here during the bond drive.”
- 10/28, 10/29: For the United War Work Charities Fund, local boxing promoter Al Pryel and sports journalist Benj. Trau proposed a boxing show for “Sport Week.” That evening they sent a letter was sent to the chairman of the Boxing division for the “Sports Week” drive asking him to officially sanction Homestead’s proposed boxing show. On 11/1 he reported that “nothing definite” had yet been decided, but on 11/4 he said it was “certain.” The following day he wrote that plans were “nearing completion” for the show to take place in Turner Hall on 11/16, with most of the article discussing what fighters might participate. 11/8: The program would include at least 5 bouts of 6 rounds and 7 or 8 matches of 4 periods, plus wrestling and musical acts. 11/14: Tickets were on sale. The “monstrous boxing show” was now taking place in the Exposition Music Hall in Pittsburgh on 11/18. 11/16: The tickets were selling fast. 11/18: A final article (not with Trau’s byline) for the show tonight. (Strangely, I saw no article reporting how the show went?!)
- 10/31: Jennie Adlersberg received a telegram that her brother, John J. Rome “was badly wounded” and “is in a base hospital. But with good care he will recover.” Article below.
- 11/1: Joseph Feldman was officially reported as killed September 26. He was the first member of the Y.M.H.A. “to make [the] supreme sacrifice.” His full biography and obituary is below. “Joe was extremely popular in Homestead and vicinity, being possessed of the quality to make friends and keep them.”
- 11/8: Half Bros. sponsored an ad in support of the United War Work Campaign. 11/9 Sam Fogel. 11/11 Ben Little and H. Little. 11/12: Morris Grinberg and H.L. Little. 11/14 and 11/16: Gross.
- 12/11: Half Bros. sponsored a full-page ad for the Red Cross. 12/12: Ben Little. 12/13: H.L. Little. 12/17: Gross.
- 12/16: “Ernie Valinsky has been mustered out of the service. He was stationed at the American Universal Chemical War Department, Washington. Ernie helped Ray Pryel get in shape for the inter-company bouts at Camp Meade. Ernie was transferred from Meade to the Cauital (sic) City” (this from a Benj. Trau article).
- 12/14: “Joseph Lasdusky, a well known business man of Eighth avenue, has received a letter from his son, Corporal Louis Lasdusky, with the United States army in France. His letter is dated November 11 the day the armistice was signed. He is doing well and is in the best of health. He took part in the big drive that forced the Kaiser’s army to defeat and escaped without a scratch.”
Additional war articles to come: Summary of draftees.
- 2/13/1918: No Segregation In Camp Over The J.W.B.B.
- 3/15/1918: Hebrew Society to Dedicate Flag
- 3/18/1918: Jewish Soldiers Honored
- 3/30/1918: Ball Player Goes to Camp Lee
- 4/2/1918: Y.M.H.A. Honor Draft Boys Leaving Today
- 5/8/1918: Mill Men Are Going After Slackers
- 5/9/1918: Daughters Claim Injustice Done Their Father
- 5/10/1918: To Dedicate Hebrew Service Flag Sunday
- 6/10/1918: Local People to Hold Campaign — Will Raise Money For the Jewish War Sufferers in Russia and Turkey
- 6/11/1918: Jewish Relief Meeting Tonight
- 6/12/1918: $2,000 for Jewish War Sufferers
- 6/14/1918: Tag Day Bringing Good Results
- 6/18/1918: A Woman With Remarkable Record
- 6/20/1918: Jewish People Pleased with Contributions
- 6/21/1918: Local Jews Ready for the Parade
- 6/28/1918: Resolutions
- 7/20/1918: Business Place Tarred and Oiled
- 8/14/1918: An Alien Enemy Arrest Last Night in Mesta Plant
- 8/26/1918: Jewish People Dedicate Flag
- 9/10/1918: Ralph Lasday Promoted to Lieutenant
- 9/20/1918: Davidson Heard
- 9/21/1918: Crawford Replies
- 10/10/1918: Seven War Work Relief Agencies Join in Drive
- 10/14/1918: Attractive Liberty Loan Window
- 10/31/1918: John J. Rome Injured in Battle
- 11/1/1918: Joe Feldman Killed in Action
- 6/13: Peter Rome to Lillian Adlersberg, his niece. Written in France.
- 6/26: Abe Hepps to his father, Bernhardt Hepps. Written in France on May 28, he wrote about the French village where he was camped and what training was like. He asked after his brother, Chick (my grandfather) and said he was waiting for his sister Olga‘s letter.
- 7/11: Louis Lasday to the boys of the YMHA. Written in France on June 14, he wrote about how he “saw and went through some awful sights.” He also mentioned that Sam Harrison is in his company.
- 7/25: John J. Rome to his sister, Jennie Adlersberg. Written in France on June 16.
- 8/10: C.D. Mervis thank you note to a Mrs. Stafford for “sending me the gift of Mooseheart.” (Perhaps she sent him a gift on behalf of the Loyal Order of Moose, a fraternal organization which had a chapter in Homestead?) Written August 15 in Messahickox (sic! Wissahickon) Barracks in Cape May.
- 8/15: John J. Rome to his sister, Jennie Adlersberg. Written July 15 from France, he mentioned he also heard from his brother, Pete.
- 8/21: Jennie Adlersberg received word that Peter Rome, her brother, was gassed.
- 8/23: Jack Moranz of Youngstown to his father, Samuel, formerly a Homesteader. Written in France on May 23, he wrote about how Black soldiers Henry Johnston and Needham Roberts won the Croix de Guerre.
- 9/5: Joseph W. Feldman to his friends Morris and Ben (Trau?). Written in France on August 7, “having just returned safe from the front lines,” he related what the fighting had been like.
- 9/24: A.C. Hepps to his parents, Bernhardt and Berthe Hepps. Written in France on August 26, he wrote about the ongoing fighting. He had received a letter from his brother Martin.
- 11/7: Alex Perlman to his brother Benjamin and sister Celia. Written in France, he said that the was busy, but happy. He thanked Mrs. Adlersberg for sending him a care package. (He also thanked Aron for a letter — his cousin Aaron Perlman?)
- 11/14: R.J. Glueck to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Glueck. Written in France on October 20, while he was spending his furlough on the coast of France.
- 11/26: A.C. Hepps to his parents, Bernhardt and Berthe Hepps. Written November 1, he also included a letter from a German prisoner. He asked after his brother, Chick, correctly guessing that he was in the army.
- 11/30: A.C. Hepps to his parents, Bernhardt and Berthe Hepps. Written October 21 (before the previous letter), he complained he wasn’t receiving any mail since changing units.
- 6/13/1918: Peter Rome to Lillian Adlersberg
- 6/26/1918: Abe Hepps to his father
- 7/11/1918: Louis Lasday to the boys of the YMHA
- 7/25/1918: John J. Rome to his sister
- 8/10/1918: C.D. Mervis thank you note
- 8/15/1918: John J. Rome to his sister
- 8/21/1918: Jennie Adlersberg receives word that Peter Rome, her brother, was gassed
- 8/23/1918: Jack Moranz to his father, Samuel
- 9/5/1918: Joseph W. Feldman to his friend Morris and Ben (Trau?)
- 9/24/1918: A.C. Hepps to his parents
- 11/7/1918: Alex Perlman to his sister and brother
- 11/14/1918: R.J. Glueck to his parents
- 11/26/1918: A.C. Hepps to his parents (part 1)
- 11/26/1918: A.C. Hepps to his parents (part 2)
- 11/30/1918: A.C. Hepps to his parents
- 1/9: The business men chose their officers, including Morris Half as vice president. A special committee addressing the streetcar included included Joseph Lasdusky.
- 1/12: The committees of Homestead business men included Joseph Lasdusky on executive, H.L. Little on Civic, Louis Freeman on Entertainment, Lee Half on membership, and I.J. Goldstone on Charity.
- 1/16: In the aftermath of a big fire on Ann street some of the victims were taken to the home of Joseph Lasdusky, Ninth avenue, Munhall, “where they were temporarily cared for.”
- 1/19: “The Board of Health of the Borough of Homestead met last evening in the Municipal building and elected officers for the coming year. All the old officers were re-elected,” including M.D. Weiss as sanitary officer.
- 3/5: “Sidney Schwartz, the child pianist of Homestead, will appear in a number of selections at the Moose Minstrel show which will be given a the Carnegie Music Hall March 15 and 16.”
- 3/8: The Moose Minstrel show, a favorite annual even in Homestead, “announced that arrangements have been completed for the appearance of Homestead’s favorite boy artist, Master Sidney Schwartz, pianist. This young man is indeed a child prodigy, and ranks with the best of concert pianists in this section, both juvenile as well as adult. Young Schwartz is naturally gifted as a musical artist, has studied and been tutored by Miss Grossman at the Penn Institute, and is accorded the honor of being especially engaged to play at the Carnegie-Institute in the near future.”
- 3/16: The Moose Minstrels “[scored a] mammoth hit.” “Master Sidney Schwartz at the piano pleased the large audience. They added to the performance high class vocalism and clever piano playing.”
- 4/4: The financial report of the Elks’ Red Cross minstrel noted that the booster advertising included Half Bros. $20, Jos. Ladusky $10, Leon Trau $5, Jos. Schwartz $5, M. Fishel $5, B. Friedlander $5, H.L. Little $5, and B. Little $3.
- 5/14: Work was soon to start on the town’s new hospital. There was a scarcity of labor to do the work compared a year ago, though the cost of material was lower. The executive committee included Joseph Lasdusky and Morris Half. “These men are well known business ability and the people can have the greatest confidence in their judgement in the execution of their duties in connection with their important work of furnishing a much needed greater hospital for Homestead.”
- 5/18: A bunch of stores agreed to close for an hour on Monday afternoon “to allow our help to have noon day lunch all at once time.” They included Friedlander Bros, Sam Glick, Glick Bros, J. Roth, H.S. Jacobson, Henry Glick, Fox Bros, Enoch Greenstein, Mrs. Weis, and Louis Schwartz. 5/20: Only a few observed the closed, but tomorrow the paper expected more to comply. Half Bros. agreed to participate.
- 5/27: In the Tinsley and Jones pupil recital Ruth Grinberg performed the Rigoletto “Paraphrase de Concert” by Liszt on the piano; Allan Widom the Polish Mazurka by Trinkaus on the violin; Bernard Grinberg, Rose Fivars, and Rachel Grinberg a piano trio “Cyclone Gallop” by Meachem; and Leonard Grinberg took part in a violin quartet, “See the Conquering Hero Comes” by Handel.
- 6/1: The financial committee for the summer camp for the Boy Scouts included Joseph Lasdusky.
- 6/8: In support of the early closing movement, an automobile parade took place the previous evening and stopped in front of every store open after 6 PM. Ben Little was chief marshal.
- 6/10: The workers for the Boy Scout Financial campaign had a meeting this evening to prepare for their drive. The workers included Leo Half, Joseph Lasdusky, and Barney Hepp.
- 7/22: The business men’s association annual picnic was scheduled for Wednesday. The refreshments committee included Leo Half and L. Freeman. Joseph Lasdusky was on the reception committee. 7/23: Picnic contributions included Half Bros 15.00, Lasdusky 10.00, Jesse Wolk 5.00, A. Gross 5.00, B. Friedlander 5.00, D. Fogel 1.00, J.B. Lazer 1.00, H.L. Little 5.00, Leon Trau 2.00, M. Schermer & co. 1.00, Victor Shoe co. 2.00, Sam Fogel 1.00, I. Lincoff, jeweler, 2.00, Sam Glick 2.00, Max Adelberg (sic) 2.00, Friedlander Bros, 2.00, Feinberg Loan Co. 2.00, Meyer Grinberg 2,00, Morris Grinberg 2.00, I. Grossman 1.00, I.J. Goldstone 1.00, J.W. Moss 1.00, M. & S. Wolk 1.00, H. Sapeer 1.00, Dan Saron 1.00, Sam Sapeer 1.00, J. Port 1.00, H. Lazirowitz 1.00, Markowitz & Mandel 1.00, I.T. Roth 1.00 (572.25 total).
- 7/30: The druggists decided to close early during the summer. Emil Lebovitz was one who signed on.
- 8/13: Joseph Lasdusky was one of the directors of the Homestead Hospital He was also on the House and Purchasing committees.
- 11/19: Benjamin Trau was the rep for a local basketball team, the Ray Pryel All-Stars. He invited the Colored All-Stars to play his team in a benefit game for the War Work Campaign at the Labor Temple. They previously played at the YMHA. “Sheriff William S. Haddock, in charge of the sports activities for the drive acknowledges the fine spirit shown by the Homesteaders in the following letter to B. Trau.”
- 11/20: Honor pupils of high school (i.e. students who weren’t late): Morris Kardon, Isadore Eskovitz, Max Berger, Sam Fogel, Sarah Friedman, Lillian Fogel, Harry Feinstein, Rose Glick, Charlotte Goldman, Arthur Glick, Celia Szeinbach, Allan Widom.
- 11/23: The first Homestead high school notes of the year reported that the Junior High Literature Classes elected Sheffield Freedman one of their editors for the Jr. High Department for the coming year, and that Samuel Jacobson and Morris Kardon were promoted from 7-B to 7-A.
- 1/7: At the Munhall school track meet, Saron came in second in the 6th grade 30 yard dash and the 6th grad high jump (with 3′ 7″) and won the 6th grade potato race and the 6th grade broad jump (with 12′).
- 1/11: “Miss Ruth Grinberg of Twelfth avenue, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Grinberg, has resumed her studies at Pennsylvania College for Women.”
- 1/24: North Braddock defeated Munhall’s high school football team. Saron played guard. “The guarding of Saron and Mathieson was of the highest order.”
- 1/29: In the Munhall high school class league, Lasdusky played guard for the freshmen and Saron and Averbach played guard for the juniors.
- 1/31: The Munhall class games were “fast” — Lasdusky played guard for the freshmen, and Saron was captain for the juniors.
- 2/9: Homestead high school swamped Shadyside Academy. M. Trau played guard for Homestead.
- 2/14: The junior class of Homestead high school had a party in the Munhall municipal building the previous evening. Rose Glick was on the refreshment committee.
- 2/15: That evening there was a intra high school debate: “Resolved that the Congress of the United States should set a permanent military system by requiring two years’ service from every male citizen.” Representing the negative was Robert Hilk. 2/16: His side lost.
- 2/15: As with last year, Benjamin Trau had regular articles in the paper about sports — so far this just boxing and mainly Ray Pryel. On this day the paper announced he was embarking on a series of profiles of former athletes now serving their country. 2/25: His byline now added that he was “sporting editor!”
- 2/16: Homestead High and its alumni fielded teams for a Red Cross fundraiser game. M. Trau was an extra for the high school team.
- 2/16: The Carnegie Library Club midgets’ team included “Numevoski.”
- 2/26: In a game played for the benefit of the Red Cross, Saron played guard for Munhall high school against Homestead high school.
- 4/9: “Two Homestead High school athletes” including Morry Trau ’19, “probably anxious to heed the call to industrial arms…decided that their studies were buy trifling obstacles in the path to service.” They quit high school. Trau went to work for his father’s store. “Trau appeared with the Reserves on the gridion in 1915 and ’16 and dandled a guard berth on the 1917 eleven. He earned letters for basketball performing, 1915-16 and 1917-18…any chance of having a tennis team has received a K.O. blow since Trau was expected to pair with Weigle ’19 on the court.”
- 4/23: Benjamin Trau wrote, “Homestead high school has closed the best floor season in its history…Morris Trau, another substitute, played a good game at guard whenever called upon and helped to pull one of the most important games of the season through for a win.” His percentage was .818.
- 5/7: Teachers were elected for Homestead high school, including Jennie Lebovitz in the first ward school and Regina Haupt in the high school.
- 5/31: The Homestead HS senior class play was this evening. The proceeds would go the Red Cross. Samuel Hepps and Gertrude Friedlander had roles.
- 6/3: The 28th commencement of Homestead HS was set for this evening. Graduates included Gerald Davidson, Gertrude Friedlander, Jennie Friedlander, Samuel Hepps, Edward Haupt, and Samuel Markowitz.
- 7/22: Benj. Trau wrote about the upcoming local tennis tournament. B. Trau, M. Trau, and H. Lasdusky were entrants.
- 7/23: The committee in charge of a boxing match in the park set for the next evening consisted of the Pryel brothers and Benjamin Trau!
- 8/5: In a column by Benj. Trau, “Local Grid Chance,” noted that “only a single regular player of the 1917 combination is available for this fall’s squad.” Seigal, Szeinbach, and M. Trau were three of the four who left school early. Hepps was one of those on the 1917 team who was still available.
- 8/20: Another Benj. Trau football preview column — this time for Munhall High school. Saron was back as a player and as student-manager. Lasdusky was also coming back.
- 9/19: Munhall high’s first football game was that Saturday. The backfield included Lasdusky, and for the line Saron, Averbach, and two Jacksons.
- 10/1: “What Homestead high boys are doing… Gerald Davidson…and Sam Markowitz, of the class of 1918, Homestead High school, are registered at Pitt.”
- 10/3: Munhall high was to play Friday against South Hills. The line up included Averbach l.t., Jackson c., Lasdusky r.t., and Saron l.h. Although some boys had gone into student training camps “the gaps are being filled with credit by Lasdusky” and other players. 10/4: “Analyzing the combination’s strength, it is noticeable that he attack is centered wholly around the backfield. Here are found Thomas, Davis, Saron and Matthewson, the cream of the material. The line is composed of first year performers and looks woefully weak compared with the personnel of the back-field.”
- 10/14: Munhall beat Braddock in football. The lineup: Averback l. t., Jackson c. Lasdusky r.g., Saron r.h. Benj. Trau wrote that “Greer and Averbaugh (sic) showed up as the backbone of the Munhall defensive line.” There were 300 spectators present.
- 12/18: Lasdusky played forward on the Munhall high school basketball team, which lost to St. Mary’s.
- 1/16: “Joseph Lasdusky, the big department store man announced a January Clearance sale in a double page ad in these columns…This promises to be one of the greatest money savings sales held here in years…”
- 1/19: “Leo Half, of Half Brothers Furniture store, returned home last evening from Grad Rapid, Mich., and Chicago, after purchasing a large stock of spring furniture.”
- 2/20: “Half Brothers, the Eighth Avenue Furniture Dealers, have completed plans for an addition to their already growing business. This newest addition will be quite a radical departure…ladies’ ready to wear suits, coats, skirts, dresses and waists.” Miss A.M. Burns, who was in charge of the new department, and Felix Half, were then in New York “Where they are making careful and extensive purchases of the season’s newest and best garments.” Full article below.
- 2/21: “Leo L. Half, a member of the firm of Half Brothers, has returned from Cleveland, Ohio. While there he attended the annual convention of the Northern Ohio Talking Machine dealers at which he gave a very interesting talk o the way the association is progressing in this district, he being president of the Pittsburgh District Talking Machine Association.”
- 2/27: “Morris Grinberg, proprietor of the Grinberg Department Store, at 515 Eighth avenue, has returned from a business trip to New York and Philadelphia, where he has purchased a large stock of spring ready to wear apparel and a fine line of wall paper.”
- 2/27: “H.L. Little and his brother, Ben, both prominent Shoe Dealers of Homestead left Monday night for Reading, Pa., where they will attend the shoe dealers Convention.”
- 3/5: “There will be much moving along Eighth avenue April 1st…B. Friedlander, who occupies the Winner property at 213, had his store room rented over his head and must vacate April 1st. It so happens that Mr. Friedlander owns the property occupied by Louis Freeman a few doors up the street, and he was forced in turn to give Mr. Freeman notice to vacate, and he will on April 1st begin the erection of a three-story brick building on the site. In the meantime while the new building is going up, Mr. Friedlander will occupy the old Oeffner property near Dixon street. Mr. Freeman will erect a temporary building next door to the Palace Theatre, until such a time as he can get possession of the property now occupied by Berkley, the jewelery, which he purchased this week…The Lawrence Oeffner property mentioned above near Dixon street has been sold to Louis Jacobson for $15,500.”
- 3/11: “It will be of interest to every person who has foot trouble to know that Dr. Scholl, the famous specialist on foot aches, will be at Ben Little‘s shoe store, 207 East Eighth avenue, tomorrow and Wednesday where he will diagnose each case and suggest the remedy free of charge.” Consultations were free.
- 3/14: “Half Bros. announcement of the opening of their new department, that of Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear department, has already aroused much interested and today the store was inspecting the excellent stock of the latest designs and and viewed with admiration the handsome display windows. The opening continues tomorrow from 10 a.m. till 5 p.m…”
- 3/14: “War or no war, the Spring millinery has arrived in Homestead and it is probably that even the most energetic knitter will take a few moments to observe the displays that now adorn the display windows of Lasdusky‘s, The Amberson Millinery Shop, Paradise Millinery and Muldowney’s, all on Eighth avenue…”
- 4/1: “Today is moving day but few families are changing their places of abode owing to the scarcity of houses. Many business men along Eighth avenue are moving however. B. Friedlander is moving from 213 Eighth avenue to the Oeffner building near Dickson street, where he will continue to do business until his new building at 223 is completed. He expects to start work on the new building next week. Finberg‘s (sic) pawn broker shop is moving into the room vacated by Mr. Friedlander. Louis Freeman is moving into the room vacated by Mr. Friedlander. Louis Freeman is moving across the street in the new room just complete next to the Palace theatre…”
- 4/15: “Contractor Thomas Morgan started this morning on the Friedlander building on Eighth avenue which he expects to have completed by April 1st (sic?!). It is to be a two-story brick 20 by 1110 feet. Mr. Friedlander will occupy the store room when completed.”
- 4/20: “Mrs. Alice R. Bellamy, of New York, representing Pictorial Review patterns will be at Lasdusky‘s Monday where she will be pleased to meet the ladies of Homestead and discuss the styles with them…”
- 4/26: “Half Bros. entertained their employees at a 7 o’clock dinner last night in the Y.W.C.A. rooms, Eighth avenue and Amity street. Covers were laid for twenty-two, following being present…Felix Half, Morris Half, Leo L. Half…Miss Hazel Numerosky…Edward Lowenstein” and others. “A very interesting and instructive address was made by Morris Half his remarks being devoted to the benefits to be derviced by cloesr co-operation between the firm and the employees…[he] announced adoption by firm of a profit sharing plan by the terms of which any employee who has been connected with the firm for one year or more shall share in the profits of the business…bonus checks were handed to all employees who shared in the earning for the first six months of the year 1917…”
- 6/13: Sam Lewis, “a new business man in Homestead,” put an ad in the paper advertising his new fruit and vegetable market.
- 6/27: Some sort of “Drama in Three Acts” by I. Grossman about.. the Red Cross and the town clean-up?
- 7/2: “Joseph Lasdusky announces that he has purchased the millinery stock of Miss Amberson, which he will offer to the public at the latter’s old stand for the next three days at 33 cents on the dollars, as he has to get it out of the building before next Monday morning when Meyer Grinberg takes the store room over. The latter will refit the room and put in an entire new stock of house furnishings.”
- 7/5: “Jacob Little of the Victor shoe store made a lucky purchase this week which will prove a money saver to the people of Homestead, he having purchased the choice of the mammoth stock of the W.L. Walker company, the big mail order house of Pittsburg. Some of this stock has already arrived here and Mr. Little is offering it for sale at greatly reduced prices and more will continue to arrive from day to day.”
- 7/16: “Now that the last brick has been layed (sic) in Friedlander‘s building, between Amity and Ann streets, the public can get just an inkling of what a beautiful store Mr. Friedlander will place at the service of the Homestead people. Judging from what we can see now as the building is nearing completion, there is no doubt that the building itself will be one of the prettiest in Homestead, but according to Mr. Friedlander ‘the best is yet to come’ for he expects to give the Homestead people a store that will be a pride to their community in beauty of appearance.”
- 7/19: “Meyer I. Grinberg who was recently burned out by the disastrous fire on Eighth avenue announces that he will open a new store in the room occupied by Miss Amberson, the milliner, next Tuesday morning. The store room has been enlarged and remodeled and an attractive front put in. Mr. Grinberg will have a duplication of the stock carried before the fire and will be new, he having purchased it direct from the factory. He has been in business in Homestead for the past 25 years and has made many dependable customers all of whom he expects to hold in his new stand which is just across the street from his old place of business and make new ones. For his opening sale he announces some great bargains.”
- 7/29: A column “Women in the Shops Today,” below, highlighted the goods at Kahn‘s and Davidson‘s.
- 8/19: “Mr. B. Friedlander, a well known merchants of Eigth avenue, left Saturday evening for an extended Eastern business trip for the purpose of buying a complete new stock of goods for his new store at 221 Eighth avenue which is just nearing completion. He was accompanied by Mrs. Friedlander. Mr. Jos. Lasdusky and son Harry have gone East to purchase fall and winter good. The trip will extended over entire Eastern market (sic). This trip will mean big values and latest novelties on their return.”
- 8/28: “B. Friedlander and wife have just arrived home from the East, where they combined business with pleasure. They first went to New York where they purchased the stock for their new store and then they enjoyed themselves at Atlantic City and other points of interest. Mr. Friedlander today is busy arranging for the opening of his new store and will have an announcement to make concerning the same in a few days. His new building is one of the most attractive in town and he will have an up-to-date store in every particular.”
- 9/16: One of the real estate deeds recorded on Saturday was “Herman S. Schwartz to Morris Keizler, 65×110 feet on Fourth avenue, $26,000.”
- 9/18: “The feminine heart rejoices in a display of millinery and women’s wear in general–and I enjoyed a revel of this kind this morning at Lasdusky‘s.” The full column, “What Our Lady Reporter Found at Lasdusky’s” is below.
- 9/28: “The Homestead ladies who attended the opening of Friedlander‘s store yesterday, were very enthusiastic and voluable (sic) in their praise. To begin with, the building has just been completed by Mr. Friedlander, and is a great satisfaction to him, crowning as it does, twenty years of effort with this end in view.” More about the store and its opening below.
- 10/1: “H.P. Shrigley, the foot specialist representing the Dr. Scholl Mfg. Co., who is at H.L. Little‘s shoe store on Eighth avenue this week, spoke to the students of the Homestead High school this morning on the subject of foot complaints and how to avoid them…he will give a public lecture illustrated by the stereopticon at 8 o’clock this evening at H.L. Little’s store, 321 East Eighth avenue. The lecture is purely educational and no admission is charged.”
- 12/7: Real estate conditions were improving. Amongst the listings of recent transactions: “Mattie D. McClure to Joseph Lasdusky property on Twelfth avenue $18,000; B. Friedlander to Louis Jacobson, property on Dickson street, $6,000.”
- 12/12: A poetical article praised the Chrismas decorations in Gross‘ windows. “The very dearest winter boughs all decorated up with make believe snow and cotton…what a nice warm place for Robin.” Full article with fulsome praise below.
- 12/20: “It is easy to shop, if one can get an idea of just where to go for what one wants. Friedlanders–in getting their window display ready, have seemed to sense this and have given a remarkably good idea of what may be found inside.” Details below.
- 12/23: “And even if we have begun to grow weary of Christmas shopping…you can still look at Lasdusky‘s window display and enjoy it.” More below.
- 12/30: “The shoe sale started by H.L. Little last Saturday is proving to be one of the most successful ever conducted here. Saturday the store was jammed and every one went away satisfied with their bargain…”
- 12/31: “The employees of Half Bros. gathered at the store last evening for the purpose of holding their semi-annual get together meeting.” The meeting featured a business reviewed led by Morris Half, bonus checks to veteran employees, a delicious lunch, and dancing to the Victrola.
- 1/2: Dr. Nathan C. Kartub, former Homesteader, admitted that killed someone else for insurance money, but wasn’t successful in getting the other guy’s insurance money.
- 1/5: “Mrs. Joseph Lasdusky of Ninth avenue Munhall, who is undergoing treatment at the West Penn Hospital is reported greatly improved.” 1/9: “Mrs. Joseph Lasduksy of Ninth avenue, Munhall, has returned home from the West Penn hospital and is reported greatly improved. Her many friends will be glad to hear of her recovery.
- 1/29: “Four robberies have occurred in the square between Amity and Ann streets, on Eighth avenue within the past week and the business men within the square are demanding better police protection…The business men claim that there is only one policeman to cover the beat between McClure and Hays streets from Sixth to Ninth avenue and that it takes an officer over two hours to make this round.” Two of the victims were Meyer Grinberg and Louis Freeman. “In Grinberg’s place a bag containing about $60.00 in change was found in a desk…In Freeman’s a lot of packed fruit and a pair of driving gloves were taken but no money was found.” 2/19: A follow-up article elaborated on how “the business men along Eighth avenue want better police protection. They say there have been too many robberies along the street during the past few weeks for comfort…the truble (sic) was no (sic) so much on account of the lack of officers as lack of efficiency in the department…the officers have been in the habit of entering certain places and staying for two or three hours at a time…a regular patrol system should be installed.”
- 2/18: Two stores were robbed Saturday night. “Samuel Fogle’s (Sic) confectionery store at 315 Eighth avenue was entered and chewing gum and goods valued at $25 taken.”
- 2/19: “Charles Fogel, of Ammon street, is undergoing treatment at the Columbia Hospital.”
- 2/27: “Following an inspection by Arthur G. Drum, inspector of weights and measures, five business men of Homestead receiving a hearing on Monday before Justice Julius Hamrock on information made by the inspector charing them with violation of the law and each defendant was fined $25 and costs. Attorney Frankel appeared for the defendants. Those subject to finds were John Maxon, Joseph Fried and David Jacob Davidson (sic), all of Dickson street, and M. Catalano and Louis Freeman, both of Eighth avenue.”
- 3/7: “Lack of sugar at the A. & P. store, 126 Eighth avenue, this morning a suit of assault and battery was preferred against the manager J.R. White by Mrs. A. Kahn, of 131 Eighth avenue.” The full article below relates how White hit Mr. Kahn when Kahn demanded sugar White said he did not have. Kahn was apparently quite injured. “Dr. David Reiter, of Eighth avenue, was called and stated that Kahn was suffering from an injured back and ordered him to bed.” The lack of sugar stemmed from war-time shortages. 3/8: The hearing was postponed until Monday. “The case promises to be fought to a bitter finish and will probably be taken to court.” 3/11: White was held for court under $300 bail. Attorney Isadore A. Bernstein represented Kahn. “At the hearing White admitted shoving Kahn as he was entering the ware room and stated that Kahn afterwards kicked him on the leg and struck him in the face. Both men gave bail for Court where the case will be fought out before a jury.”
- 3/9: Kartub‘s former accomplices were indicted. Full article below.
- 3/21: B. Gross had a couple arrested for stealing “several suits of clothes and other articles taken form his store.” When their home was serviced, “over a wagon load of clothes and other articles were found in the house.”
- 3/21: In a terrible tragedy, Morris Weiss, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Weiss, was killed by a train and Mrs. Catherine Feinholz, who witnessed it, died from shock. Full article below. 3/22: Morris’ mother wasn’t able to attend the funeral as she had just given birth to twins. Article also below.
- 4/15: “Edward Haupt, of Dickson street, who has been confined to his home with illness is reported greatly improved…Ben Little, shoe dealer, of Eighth avenue, is reported seriously ill at his home.” 4/19: “Ben Little, the shoe dealer of Eighth avenue, is able to out after been (sic) confined to his home on Ninth avenue, with illness”
- 4/22: “Mrs. Rachel Margolis, aged 55 years, wife of Mendell Margolis, of Eighth avenue and Tammany way, died last night…she was a member of the Hebrew Ladies’ Aid Society.” Her son Harry was home on furlough. Full obituary below.
5/1: Samuel Mervis‘ wholesale liquor house at 611 Ann was refused an application.
- 5/3: “A fire which did damage to the amount of $10,000 started at 2:45 yesterday afternoon in Joseph Lasdusky‘s department store…in remarkably quick time [the firemen] had the fire under control…the fire struck him at the very worst time,” the middle of his 26th anniversary sale when his store was filled with new stock. Full article below. 5/6: “Joseph Lasdusky whose stock was ruined by the fire last Thursday is right on the job and is now in the east buying entire new stock for his big store which will begin to arrive in a couple of weeks. In the meantime all the damaged stock must be gotten ride of and will be sold at your own price.”
- 5/7: “Spectacular Fire on Eighth Avenue Last Night — Ben Little and Meyer Grinberg Burned Out…Thousands of people were attracted down town last night by one of the most spectacular fires that has ever taken place in the business section of the town, when Ben Little’s shoe store and Meyer Grinberg’s house furnishing store were almost totally destroyed by fire, the loss being estimated at about $23,000.” Full article below.
- 5/9: “Meyer Grinberg, who was burned out by the fire on Monday evening announces that he can be found at his home, 335 East Twelfth avenue, by anyone wishing to see him. Also that he will soon be back in business and pleased to meet his old friends and customers in a short time.”
5/11: “The fire adjusters were out yesterday and adjusted the loss on Meyer I. Grinberg‘s store, on Eighth avenue. The remaining stock will be removed to 611 Ann street next to the old post office building where a sale will be held the date of which will be announced in the Daily Messenger.”
- 5/15: “Ben Little has leased the room at 334 Eighth avenue and will be open for business Saturday, and one of the greatest shoe sales that has ever been held in the Monongahela valley is looked for as he has hundreds of pairs of shoes only slightly damaged by smoke which he will offer at about one-fifth their original value.”
- 5/22: An obituary for Paul Friedlander, “a business man of Oakland” and brother to B. Friedlander, appeared in this paper. Full article below, including his burial in the Homestead Hebrew Cemetery.
- 5/31: On the front page of the paper Half Brothers announced their 19th anniversary sale. The paper praised their growth and energy.
- 6/21: Dr. Kartub was forced to please guilty (in another case?). Full article below.
- 6/22: But Kartub still hoped for a pardon?! Detail below.
- 6/24: “Ben Little who was recently burned out returned home from the East this morning and is busy today getting ready to reopen his store with an entire new stock which he purchased in the east. While away he bought thousands of pairs of shoes for cash and got the bottom figures and will therefore be able to sell his old customers at the lowest possible prices. he expects to be ready for business with his new stock Friday morning and asks his old customers to call and see him. He will be located in the room in which he conducted his fire sale until he can get larger quarters.”
- 6/25: “Ben Little closed his shoe store today and has a force of carpenters and painters at work getting things in readiness for his opening of his new stock Friday morning. His stock on the shelves will be entirely new but in the rear he will offer a few hundred pairs of shoes which passed thru the fire at 50 cents and $1.00 per pair.”
- 7/5: A viewer’s notice for damages stemming from the curbing of 7th and 8th avenues include H. Friedman $43.99 and R.M. Schwartz $114.14 (both sums on the high end).
- 7/9: “Business Section of Town Threatened By Fierce Fire — A Blaze Started at 10:$5 Fanned by High Wind Does Much Damage,” blared the headline. One of the places it spread was the roof of Gross‘ clothing store. J.B. Lazar lost $500.00 in property. Joseph Katz‘s Keystone Ornamental Iron Co. lost $5,000; his building was partially destroyed.
- 7/10: “Manager Katz, of the Ornamental Iron Works, which was badly damaged by fire yesterday, said last night that he expected to have his plant back in working order within a week. He said they had several rush jobs on hand and could not afford to remain idle very long.”
- 7/23: “While Sam Lewis, a wholesale and retail fruit dealer who resides in Homeville, was going to Pittsburg in his automobile at 1:30 this morning to make a payment on goods, he lost a large sum of money and offers a reward of $1,000 for its recovery. He placed his vest with the money in it under the seat of his car, but there happened to be a hole through which his garment and the money disappeared somewhere on the road…”
- 8/9: “Although but 16 years old, Louis Markwitz (sic?) has a record for crime that might do justice to a criminal many times his senior.” He latest crime was “[entering] an express company’s office in Braddock for the purpose of committing a felony.” Also, “the lad snatched a pocketbook from a woman in day light on the street in Homestead.”
- 8/24: “Marry (sic) Mervis, a young barber, who had been ill for some time, died last evening at the home of his sister, Mrs. Pearlman, at Homestead Park after a long illness. He was a member of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association and was very popular and had a large circle of friends. He is survived by his mother. Funeral services will be held at Hebrew Synagogue at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning. The Young Mens’ Hebrew Association will attend in a body and interment will be made in the Jewish cemetery.”
- 9/25: “Joseph Perlman, aged 37, of 211 East Eighth avenue, engineer at the Homestead Ice plant, is in the West Penn hospital suffering from injuring received by being run over by a truck yesterday afternoon. Mr. Perlman, in company with Al Forsyth, manager of the ice plant, went over to Pittsburgh and stopped at a garage to purchase an auto tire. While Mr. Pearlman was adjusting the tire, a truck belonging to Kaufmann Bros. backed up against the automobile which was pushed over him. While it is not believed his injuries are critical an X-ray will be taken to ascertain their extent. In the meantime it is stated at the hospital that he is resting well.”
11/15/1918: With war-time Prohibition and looming permanent prohibition, Harry Glick saw an opportunity in the influenza epidemic.
10/15: “Mrs. Morris Grinberg, of Twelfth avenue has received word that her nephew, Louis Sisenwain of Montreal, Canada, an officer in the Royal Flying Corps, died from influenza, while in camp at Toronto. He was a graduate of McGill University, and two years ago enlisted in Flying Crops. He was ill only three days.”
- 10/23: Twenty new influenza cases were reported since yesterday, and there were many deaths in the Homestead district in the past 24 hours including Max Samuels, a huckster with a route in Homestead (death cert).
- 10/25: In a new column, “Influenza Victims”: “H.L. Little, the shoe man, has recovered from an attack of influenza. Louis Freeman, the produce and fruit man, has the grip. Mrs. Katz, of the Messenger Flats, is ill with the grip. Max Adlesburg is improving after a severe attack of pneumonia. Sev- (sic) employees in his store are also ill. Three clerks in his store are also ill.”
- 11/2: “M.H. Goldman, aged 53, dided at his home, 326 Third avenue, Oct. 30, after an illness of 10 days, with pneumonia. He is survived by his wife and the following children: Mrs. M.L. Kohn, Akron, Ohio; Mrs. Joel Harris, McKeesport; Morris, Dorothy, Sharlotte (sic?), Milton and Marion at home.”
- 11/7: “Isadore S. Grossman, aged 52, died at his home, 5823 Holden street, East End, yesterday.” His full obituary is below. 11/8: The funeral of Isadore S. Grossman, a former well known Homestead business man…was held this forenoon at 10.30 o’clock and the interment was made in the Hebrew cemetery in Mifflin township.”
- 1/3: “Mr. and Mrs. Harry Feldman of 1215 Ann street, entertained last Tuesday night at a New Year’s party, at which a delightful evening was spent in Five Hundred, music and dancing. [illegible], the hostess served a [illegible] supper at which covers were laid for twenty-five. The table was beautifully decorated in pink and white. Among the out of town guests were Misss Ella Warden, Miss Jennifer [illegible]off, Miss Anna Lavine, Mrs. Jacob Sidler, Mr. and Mrs. A Feinberg, of Pittsburg and Mr. and Mrs. Ben [illegible] of Homewood.”
- 1/7: “Mrs. A Lincoff, of Eleventh avenue, has returned home from a visit with relatives in Sharon, Pa.”
- 1/9: “Isadore Lasdusky returned to Philadelphia this morning, to resume his duties at the University of Pennsylvania.”
- 1/14: “Mrs. I.J. Goldstone has left for a 10 day trip to Cambridge Springs, Cleveland, and Youngstown, Ohio.”
- 2/4: “Mr. and Mrs. Louis Freeman, of 139 East Eighth avenue, entertained last evening in honor of Mrs. Freeman’s brother, Harry Rosen, of Denver, Col. At 6 o’clock a course dinner was served. Covers were laid for 15. After which a delightful evening was spent in cards and music. Their daughter, Miss Sarah Freeman, entertained with several reading and piano solos.”
- 2/13: “Joseph Feldman, a clerk in the Bon Ton store, left today for Philadelphia where he will visit with relatives.”
- 2/14: “Louis Freeman, the well known fruit dealer, has returned home form a two weeks’ vacation to Mt. Clemens, Mich.”
- 3/29: “Isadore Lasday is home from the University of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia to spend the easter holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lasday, of Ninth avenue, Munhall”
- 4/22: “Mrs. J. Freedman of Pittsburgh, is visiting at the home of I.J. Goldson (sci), of Eighth avenue.”
- 4/25: “Miss Frances Freedman and her sister-in-law, Mrs. B. Freedman, of Boston, are the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lasdusky, on Ninth avenue, Munhall. Last Sunday a big family party was held in their honor and also in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Lasdusky’s son, Louis, who is home from Camp Lee. Mr. Lasdusky’s aged mother who resides in Pittsburg was also one of the honor guests. Many other affairs were also held during the week for the two Boston ladies who will return to their home tomorrow.” Spoiler alert: Frances Freedman and Louis Lasday would go on to marry in August 1919!
- 6/18: “Mrs. Joseph Landusky (sic) and sons, Isador and Harry, of Ninth avenue, Munhall, and Mrs. M. Lasday and daughter Beatrice, of Pittsburg, left on an auto trip to Somerset, Pa., where they will visit Mrs. Lasdusky’s sister, Mrs. Anna Bone.”
- 6/19: “Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Grinberg left for Cambridge Springs this morning on a two weeks vacation.”
- 6/25: “Mrs. M. Malinger, of McClure st., returned home from Mt. Clemens on Sunday afternoon.”
- 7/3: “Miss Dorothy Goldman, of 326 3rd avenue, was an out of town visitor.”
- 7/5: “Miss Charlotte Goldman of 326 Third avenue was an out of town visitor…Miss Rose Ecker of New York City is visiting her sister, Mrs. I. Grossman, of this place.”
- 7/18: “Miss Dorothy Goldman, of Third avenue, attended a social party in Pittsburgh last evening.”
- 7/30: “Bennie Gross has returned to his home in Cleveland, after spending several days here with friends.”
- 8/8: “Mr. and Mrs. H. Feldman, of Ann street, accompanied by their sons, Emanuel and Sydney, were calling on friends in Greensburg.”
- 8/22: “Mrs. M.L. Cohn has returned to her home in Akron, Ohio after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Goldman of Third avenue. Mrs. Smoke and sister, Miss Sadie Glick, have returned home after a few weeks visit at Conneaut Lake.”
- 1/16: “William Glick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Glick of 510 Fourth avenue, eloped yesterday to Wheeling, W. Va., with Miss Gussie Weiss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Weiss of Linden avenue, Duquesne, where they were married by Rev. Nathanson. Returning to Homestead the bride and groom are staying for the present at the home of the groom’s parents. The bride is a charming and popular Duquesne girl and the groom is well known here, being associated with his father in the meat business on Fourth avenue.”
- 1/2/1918: Admits Another Murder
- 2/20/1918: Local Firm Makes Important Announcement
- 3/7/1918: Sugar Caused Trouble
- 3/9/1918: Dr. Kartub’s Confederates Indicted
- 3/21/1918: Double Tragedy Last Night
- 3/22/1918: Twins Are Born As Son Is Killed
- 4/22/1918: Mrs. Margolis Died Last Night In Hospital
- 5/3/1918: Fire Did Considerable Damage to Lasdusky’s Big Department Store
- 5/17/1918: Spectacular Fire on Eighth Avenue Last Night — Ben Little and Meyer Grinberg Burned Out
- 5/22: B. Friedlander’s Brother Dead
- 6/21/1918: Dr. Kartub Forced to Plead Guilty
- 6/22/1918: Dr. Kartub Sent Back to the Bastile
- 7/29/1918: Women in the Shops Today
- 9/18/1918: What Our Lady Reporter Found at Lasdusky’s
- 9/28/1918: Another Store That is a Credit to Town
- 11/7/1918: Former Local Business Man Dead
- 12/12/1918: Down at Gross’
- 12/20/1918: Windows Nicely Dressed for Xmas
- 12/23/1918: At Lasdusky’s!
- 1/19: “The Hebrew Aid Society will met at 2 o’clock tomorrow afternoon in the Synagogue on Tenth avenue. Important business will come up for action and all members are invited to be present.”
- 1/23: “A new organization of Jewish Boys has been formed and named the Y.M.A.A. The Young Boys Active Association. The members met and elected their officers as follows: Bernard J. Grinberg, president; Max Berger, secretary; William Numerosky, treasurer. The constitution and by-laws were framed by the By-Laws Committee chosen by the president. The next meeting will be held Sunday at 2 o’clock at the Synagogue. By order of the President.”
- 2/27: “The Jews of Homestead as well as everywhere else celebrated the Feast of the Purim, beginning at 6 o’clock Monday evening and lasting until 6 last night. The services in the synagogue on Tenth avenue were held Monday evening. This Feast was instituted to commemorate the preservation of the Jews in ancient Persia which threatened them through the machinations of Haman, as related in the book of Esther.”
- 3/23: “Every Hebrew of Homestead is arranging to celebrate the festival of the Passover, which will be ushered in next Thursday and continue to April 4th.” The rest of the article below explains the holiday. A follow-up article, also below, published on erev Passover 3/27, explained additional aspects.
- 4/6: “An important meeting of the Hebrew Ladies’ Aid Society will be held tomorrow afternoon in the synagogue. The meeting will convene at 2 o’clock and all members are expected to be present.”
- 5/15: “The Feast of Weeks to be Observed By Jews.” The full article below explains the observance.
- 5/31: Max Weis (Homestead HS ’09) was “ordained in the Jewish ministry” at Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati. “He has accepted the pastorate of Temple Israel, Gary Ind., and will assume his new duties in the fall.” Full article below, highlighting his credentials and, of course, his parent, and Mr. and Mrs. M.D. Weis, below.
- 6/12: “The Homestead Hebrew Sunday school will hold its closing exercises on Sunday afternoon, June 16, at the Carnegie Library. The program, consisting of a two-act comedy entitled a ‘Perplexing Situation,’ will be presented by the members of the Confirmation class. Two other little sketches and several vocal solos will be given by other members of the school. Every one is invited and a pleasant afternoon is assured all who attend.” 6/16: The full program, below, was published.
- 6/18: “The exercises incident to the close of the Hebrew religious school were held on Sunday afternoon in Carnegie Music hall with a large attendance and a delightful program was carried out…” Full article below. Regina Haupt was principal of the school, and the teachers were Fanella Mervis, Ruth Grinberg, Jennie Friedlander, Fannie Schermer, Samuel Feinberg, and Edward Haupt.
- 6/19: “The Homestead Jewish residents are making preparations to take part in the big Zion parade in Pittsburgh on Sunday. Both men and women will take part in the demonstration and will be headed by a brass band. The parade is in connection with the Zionists convention which is to be held in the city and people from all over the country will be in line. Joseph Lasdusky is in charge of the local committee.”
- 6/21: “The Homestead Jewish organizations will meet on Sunday morning at 10:30 o’clock in the synagogue on Tenth avenue to go to Pittsburgh…Those who will take part are the Jewish Congregation, The I.O.B.A., the I.O.B.B., the Ladies’ Aid Society, the Young Men’s Hebrew Association and the Young Women’s Hebrew Association…The Marshal of the Homestead division will be Joseph Lasdusky, with the following aids. B. Gluck, I. Grossman, Mrs. S.H. Schwartz, Miss Finella Mervis and Miss Sadie Seigle.”
- 6/22: “Joseph Lasdusky, chief marshal of the Homestead division of the Jewish parade which takes place in the city tomorrow predicts a nice turnout. The local delegation will meet at 10 o’clock and take gaily decorated automobiles and trucks to the city. They will be headed by the Boys’ Liberty Band.”6/25: “There will be a meeting of the Young Men’s Hebrew Society this evening to arrange to take part in the Fourth of July parade. All members are urged to attend.”
- 6/29: “The Homestead Hebrew Religious School will hold their annual outing tomorrow in Homestead Park. Special cars will be at Eighth avenue and Amity street at 2:00 o’clock, and all pupils are to be at the Sunday school rooms promptly 1:15 p.m. There will be prize winning foot races; one for regular foot race, one blindfold race, boys’ race, 10 to 14 years of age; boys’ race, 6 to 9; girls’ race, 10 to 14; girls; race, 6 to 9, and race for the men of the school committee. After the races the Sunday school children will receive their annual treat.”
- 7/1: “The children of the Hebrew religious school were given an enjoyable outing yesterday in Homestead Park…There were about 150 pupils and more than that number of the older persons, including the young men and women…Morris Grinberg, president of the school, was the general manager of the outing and Benjamin Friedlander had charge of the sports.” Full article below.
- 8/24: “Y.M.H.A. Notice — All members are requested to meet at Y.M.H.A. rooms Sunday at 9 a.m. to attend the funeral of our deceased brother, Harry Mervis.”
9/5: Rosh Hashana was set to begin on September 7, so it was time for the paper’s annual article, below, explaining the holiday.
- 9/6: “All the Jewish stores will be closed tonight at 6 o’clock and will remain closed over Saturday on account of it being a holiday, the Jewish New Year. There will be services at sunset this evening, the beginning of the holiday and sunset tomorrow evening, when it closes. The regular morning service will be held Sunday.”
- 9/6: “The Rodof Sholom Hebrew congregation will hold services tonight, tomorrow morning and evening, also Sunday morning. Rabbi J. Grossman will preach the New Year sermon tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock. He will also speak to the young people Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Special prayers will be offered for a speedy victory for the United States.”
- 9/16: “A new era has practically spring up in the life of the younger element in the Homestead Hebrew congregation insofar as the conducting of services is concerned.” A new congregation was formed, called the Junior Hebrew Congregation. “Mr. Paul Bugh was elected temporary chairman, Olga Hepps secretary and Mr Sim Fireburg, vice chairman. They will work in harmony with their elders although services will be held separately. Services will be held in strict accord with Orthodoxy, but modern Orthodoxy will prevail.” Their first service was set for Yom Kippur, to be conducted by Rabbi Grossman in the basement of the synagogue, for youth 14 and up. Full article below.
9/16: “All the stores of the Orthodox Jews in Homestead are closed today, it being ‘Yom Kippur’ the ‘Day of Atonement’, and the most holy day in the Jewish calendar. Services are held in the Synagogue in its commemoration.” The article below has an additional paragraph of explanation of the day.
- 9/18: A long article, below explained the holiday of Sukkot, which began that year on Friday evening, 9/20.
- 9/21: “The Hebrew Junior Congregation will hold the Feast of Tabernacle service on Sunday morning at 10 o’clock. Rabbi J. Grossman will officiate and preach the sermon of the day. All Hebrew young people are invited to attend this special service.”
- 11/13: “There floated a flag this morning in the front of H. Sapeer‘s store at 513 East Eighth avenue which has excited considerable interest…it is the Jewish emblem which was adopted 3,000 years ago…Now that the Jews will have a nation of their own this emblem will probably become more common and cut considerable figure in the world especially if they make, as they should, a big Republic in Palestine.”
- 3/23/1918: Hebrews of Homestead to Observe Passover
- 3/27/1918: The Festival of Passover Starts Tonight — Local Hebrew Congregation will Hold Services
- 5/15/1918: The Feast of Weeks to be Observed By Jews
- 5/31/1918: Ordained to the Jewish Ministry
- 6/15/1918: Fine Program for Tomorrow in Library
- 6/18/1918: Jewish School Exhibit
- 7/1/1918: Hebrew School Outing Yesterday
- 9/5/1918: The Jewish New Year
- 9/16/1918: Young Hebrews Organize New Congregation
- 9/16/1918: Celebrate Day of Atonement
- 9/18/1918: Festival of Succoth
Jewish Miscellanea
2/21: An article appeared praising Russian Jewish violinsist Jascha Heifetz. He was due to appear in Shrines Mosque, Pittsburgh, on March 11 in the “big musical event of the season,” where he was expected to be “the sensation of the hour.” To this day he is considered to be the greatest violinist of all time.
- 2/23: “The Y.M.H.A. society of Braddock will hold a whist party in their room in Beisomer building on Ninth avenue tomorrow evening. Beautiful prizes will be given. A cordial invitation is extended to the Homestead society.”
- 2/23: “Breads used in the observance of religious rites are exempted by the United States Food Administration from its regulations which require the use of wheat flour substitutes in the manufacturing of bread and rolls. This will remove any uneasiness that may have existed regarding the use of bread or wafers at community services and the use of matzoth by Orthodox Jews during their Passover festival, March 27 – April 4.”
- 2/23, 2/25: There was an article about the Hebrew word “sheol” and why it was not translated in the Revised Version of the Bible, and another one about how the proper names in the Bible have specific meanings in the original Hebrew. Both articles advertised Bibles which were on sale through the paper.
- 4/4: “Jews are Zealous to Enlist for Palestine Service with British” (article below)
- 4/6: “Under the British Flag and the Flag of David Young Jews Volunteer for Service in Palestine” (article below)
- 4/12: “At the Funstein fur exchange, St. Louis, during the course of midwinter sales…The great Jewish dealers who attend the sales from all parts of the world decided that the Hebrew standard, the oldest flag in the world, was entitled to its place in the display” of international flags. “The applause and cheering lasted a full give minutes, everybody joining heartily.” The Irish members then added their flag (keep in mind their country was on the verge of their own war for independence).
- 7/6: “There is a new flag in the international firmament. It is the blue and whit banner of Judea,” began an editorial in the Homestead paper, anticipating what might be the future of Jews in that palace now that “the allies…have wrested the Jewish Holy Land from the defiling and blightest clutches of the Turk.”
9/23: “In Palestine the Turks seemingly are in the process of being crushed…In less than four days the British have swept forward along the Jordan and their wings closed around in a swift enveloping movement and nipped within the maw of a great pincher all the Ottoman forces in the coastal sector the plain of Sharon…” Full article below.
- 11/20: It was announced that Louis D. Brandeis, associate justice of the Supreme Court, might have been selected by Wilson to join the peace conference. (In the end he was not.)
- 12/16: “Judge Julian W. Mack of Chicago, was today elected president of the First American Jewish Congress ever held on the American Continent, a congress that was characterized by one of the speakers as one of the ‘most momentous epochs in Jewish life.'” Full article below.
- 4/4/1918: Jews are Zealous to Enlist for Palestine Service with British
- 4/6/1918: Under the British Flag and the Flag of David Young Jews Volunteer for Service in Palestine
- 4/12/1918: Flew the Hebrew Standard
- 7/6/1918: The Blue and White Flag
- 9/23/1918: Day’s War Review
- 12/16/1918: Jews Name Judge Mack as Leader
Half Bros.
- Lasdusky’s (337-339-341 Eighth avenue)
- Friedlander’s (213 Eighth avenue => 518 Eighth avenue => 221 Eighth avenue)
- Sol Wolk (335 Eighth avenue)
- Gross’ (8th avenue and McClure)
- Davidson’s (239 Eight avenue)
- Morris Grinberg’s Department Store (515-517 Eighth avenue)
- Ben Little’s Shoe Store (207 Eighth avenue => 334 Eighth avenue)
- H.L. Little (321 Eighth avenue)
- Meyer I. Grinberg’s (? => 661 Ann street => 216 Eighth avenue)
Kahn’s Specialist Shop (131 Eighth avenue)
- Victor Shoe Company (311 Eighth avenue)
- Max Guttman/Guttman Bros. (400 Fifth avenue)
- Harry Glick (Sixth and Amity)
- Trau’s, the Bon-Ton Store (225 Eighth avenue)
- Homestead Meat Market (Fifth avenue and McClure)
- Mallinger’s (407 Eighth avenue)