The Great War
School and Sports
Business Doings
Travel and Socializing
Jewish Community
Jewish Miscellania
- 1/5: “The Hebrew Ladies’ Aid Society will hold a euchre and whist party for the benefit of the war sufferers, January 19th, in Realty hall. The committee in charge is composed of Mrs. S. Fogel, Mrs. H. Feldman, Mrs. Myer Grinberg and Mrs. A. Lier (sic?!).” Whoever that last woman was, this is now the third spelling I saw for her name. Lehier? Lohrer? 1/19: “The Hebrew Ladies’ Aid Society will hold a whist and euchre for the benefit of the war sufferers at the Realty Hall this evening. The committee is composed of Mrs. M.I. Grinberg, Mrs. S. Fogel and Mrs. H. Feldman.” Well, that’s one way of solving the spelling problem — just omitting the mention of the poor lady altogether!
- 1/21: “On January 12 President Wilson issued a proclamation setting aside Thfoursday, Jan. 27, as American Jewish Relief Day. The purpose being to collect funds to aid the Jewish residents of the war stricken countries who have no other visible means of aid except what they receive from the outside world…A number of prominent men and women of Homestead, gathered last evening and formed a committee for the purpose of finding ways and means of complying with the proclamation of our president. The committee was organized with the following officers: Jos. Lasdusky, chairman; Mrs. A. Gluck, secretary; Dr. Reiter, treasurer. Several committees were appointed who will take charge of the work necessary to make that day a success.” Full article with the president’s proclamation below.
- 1/24: “A mass meeting has been called for this evening in the Savings Bank Hall, corner Eighth avenue and Ann street, for the purpose of working out the plans for the Jewish Relief Day, Thursday of this week, to which the general public is invited. Every one should be interested in this movement, regardless of religion or creed, as it is a work of humanity. Little in a public way has been done in Homestead towards raising money for the innocent sufferers of the European war and all charitably inclined people should attend this meeting tonight and help the movement along. All over the United States cities and towns are coming forth with liberal contributions and Homestead should do its part.” Full article, with a remarkable address given by a bishop as a mass meeting at Carnegie Hall in NYC, below.
- 1/25: A large front-page article reported on the mass meeting from the previous evening. The full article is below, and includes the contributions of Joseph Lasdusky, Miss Anna Glick, Mrs. Meyer Grinberg, Benjamin Friedlander, Robert Davidson, Leo Half, and Dr. D. Reiter. The burgesses of Homestead and Munhall also printed a proclamation in support of the president’s. Full article below.
- 1/25: The same day, the paper published an editorial in support of the “nation-wide spontaneous endeavor to aid the millions of Jews who were caught as in a trap in Poland, Galicia and other isolated fields of some of the greatest battles of unprecedented conflict…In all 11,000,000 who once lived within the zone of the mighty war are either now dead or suffering worse than death. The purpose is now to aid the sufferers, and Homestead intends to do what she can to do this. This is not a Jewish propaganda, but is the spontaneous action of the people in a matter which concerns humanity. This humanitarian enterprise should appeal particularly to the people of this community, as there are many Jews here and they are all good people. As was stated last night at the meeting, their hands are never closed when an appeal is made to aid the oppressed and suffering, no matter what race or people. Now the gentiles or Christian people have the opportunity to repay some of the debt owed to those who have so often responded to appeals in behalf of others different in blood from them…” Full editorial, accompanied by an equally important editorial on “out-door sleeping” below.
1/26: The day before the tag day, the newspaper gave it as big a boost as it could (see front page at right). They reminded people to “Love thy neighbor as thyself,” and that “the Jewish race has never asked for outside assistance to take care of their unfortunates…Although several million dollars have been contributed by the Jewish people of this country, it is like a drop in the ocean, and they are now compelled to ask all mankind to assist them in this herculean task.” The article mentions that volunteers could call on Mr. Joseph Lasdusky or Mrs. Meyer I. Grinberg. It also notes some of the early donations: “A. A. Corey, general superintendent Homestead Steel Works, $100. Hebrew Ladies’ Aid Society, $50. Y.M.H.A., $25. I.O.B.A., $25. I.O.B.B., $10.” Full article below, along with editorial re-emphasizing the point that “this is the first time in centuries that [the Jews] have asked the assistance of Christians and Gentiles to co-operate.”
- 1/27: On Tag Day itself, the paper noted that “the ladies on the committee were out on the street as early as 6 o’clock tagging the men going to and from work and they kept up the good work all day long in the business sections of the town…everywhere they were warmly received…” The full article is below, as well as this poem that the paper published the same day.
The Jews in lands that once were fair
Have now no home place anywhere;
Nor wherewithal their naked forms
To shelter from the wintry storm.Alas! and some far worse than dead,
Who hear their children cry for bread,
But in the answer to their cry
There comes no manna from the sky.Columbia, stretching forth her hand
In aid to this sore-stricken brand,
Consider not they task well done
Until thou succor every one.
- 1/28: “Proclamation Day has passed into history, but will not pass out of the memory of Homestead for a long time.” The paper reviewed the successes of the day, starting with, “At 5:30 in the morning the tag committee were on the streets and at the mill gates where they found the response very enthusiastic.” They raised approximately $1600. The Homestead Relief Committee for Jewish War Sufferers, through their secretary Mrs. Anna Glick, published a resolution of thanks in the paper and a letter to the publisher of the Daily Messenger to thank him for all the publicity. In return the publisher included an editorial noting that though Homestead’s $1,600 might seem small next to New York’s $2,000,000, “it can be said that Homestead need not blush at the comparison of figures. Much of the money realized from flag day here was given by hard working people; there were no millionaires to be tagged on Eighth avenue as there were in Wall street and Broadway.” All of these articles are, of course, below.
- 1/31: Mrs. Meyer I. Grinberg, Chairlady of Tag Day Committee, also published a letter thanking the editor of the Daily Messenger. Her letter is also below.
- 2/1: A full report appeared in the paper (below). $1,591.67 was raised and “forwarded to the New York headquarters from where it will be cabled to the Central Relief Committee in Europe.” The paper listed each and every contributor, and how much they gave — a typical practice for town-wide fundraisers in that period. “It may be worth while to note that there is a permanent relief committee in Homestead that collects money from the Jewish residents every months and forwards it to headquarters, to be sent to the war zone.” Committee treasurer Dr. D. Reiter was responsible for that.
- 3/16: “Arrangements have been made by the Hebrew Ladies’ Aid Society for a motion picture show which will be given at the Palace Theater on next Tuesday afternoon and evening. The proceeds will be for the benefit of the war sufferers in Europe. The picture will be among the best ever shown in this vicinity and should help the good cause along.”
- 3/20: “The Palace theatre has been secured by the Hebrew Ladies’ Aid society tomorrow afternoon and evening and the performance will be for the benefit of the Jews who have suffered so much and are still suffering from the effect of the devastating war in Europe. The Jews of Poland and Galicia caught between two immense armies have been great and innocent victims of the war and their condition has enlisted the sympathy of the entire civilized world. The performance both afternoon and evening will be ‘I didn’t Raise My Boy to be a Soldier.'” (I can’t figure out what movie this was, but it was an anti-war song. At the time slides with lyrics to popular songs were a feature of movie house presentations… so perhaps that is what this was. Anyway, gives you a sense of the sentiment then prevailing in the U.S. a year before the country entered the war.)
- 11/21: “A large number of out of town people will attend the Whist and Euchre for the benefit of the war sufferers, which will be given in Realty hall, on Eighth avenue, tomorrow evening. The affair will be under the auspices of the Hebrew Ladies’ Aid society, who have been active in relieving those in want and distress. Handsome prizes will be awarded to the contestants, and a delicious luncheon will be served.” The event was also mentioned in the “Local Society Doings” section of the paper. 11/22: The committee was named: Mrs. Harry Feldman, Mrs. Robert Davidson, Mrs. B. Friedlander, Mrs. Samuel Fogel, Mrs. Meyer Grinberg and Mrs. H.S. Schwartz. 11/23: “A large number of out-of-town people attended…the hall was crowded with friends of the good cause. A large number of tables were in operation during the evening and handsome prizes were awarded. A luncheon was served by the committee in charge and a neat sum was realized.”
- 1/21/1916: Jewish People Act on Proclamation
- 1/24/1916: Mass Meeting Tonight
- 1/25/1916: Jewish Relief Day Gets a Big Boost at Meeting
- 1/25/1916: For the Sake of Humanity
- 1/26/1916: Final Appeal is Made
- 1/26/1916: Tag Day
- 1/27/1916: Hebrew Relief Tag Day
- 1/27/1916: Short Messages
- 1/28/1916: Local Hebrew Relief Committee Raised $1,600
- 1/28/1916: General Contributions
- 1/31/1916: Thanks Those Who Assisted
- 2/1/1916: Jewish Relief Report
- 1/12: I.S. Grossman and B. Hepps were re-elected to the board of the Homestead Savings Bank and Trust company; likewise Benjamin Friedlander to the First Bank of Munhall.
- 2/9: A “Continuation school” opened. “The teacher selected for this school is Miss Esther Grossman, daughter of I.S. Grossman, a merchant of Eighth avenue. She has a certificate from Pittsburg as a first class teacher and is considered an expert in the class of instruction of such a school as this. She has taught both in Pittsburg and New York.”
- 5/8: The local dentists formed a society. Dr. J.W. Moss was a member.
- 6/30: The new Civic Club of Homestead named its committees. Joseph Lasdusky was the chairman for the “Charity and Mendicants” committee, Robert Davidson chairman for “Gambling, Resorts, and Speakeasies” and “Carnivals.” All of the committees reflect their particular moral concerns: Publicity; Safety First; Trees; Birds; Flowers and Gardening; Play Grounds; Housing; Garbage Collection; Clean Streets and Clean Yards; Sabbath Observance; Music; Charity and Mendicants; Better Water (but no chairman named, though this is the most serious issue!); The Hospital; Flags; Conduct of Boys and Girls on the Streets; Foreign Citizenship; Carnivals; Dogs, Cats, Rats and Flies; Speeding; Street and Sidewalk Obstruction; Gambling, Resorts and Speakeasies; Advertising Improperly.
- 7/6: The Turners (a German-American group) elected new officers, including Mark Fischel and Henry Berman as trustees.
- 7/7: The Hospital board elected new officers; Mrs. I. Grossman remained on the board as a holdover from the previous year. A scandal broke out in early August when the heads of the hospital left with no notice due to friction with the board. The paper took the side of the departing staff.
- 7/26: Amongst the contributions for the Business men’s home trading outing: H.L. Little 5.00, Sam Fogel 1.00, Half Bros. 10.00, B. Friedlander 10.00, Ben Little 5.00, Meyer I. Grinberg 3.00, L. Freeman 2.00, Friedlander Bros. 1.00. 7/24: Joseph Lasdusky 5.00, I. Linkoff (sic) 2.00, Sam Glick 2.00, H. Sapear (sic) 1.00, M. Grinberg 1.00, I.J. Goldstone 1.00, D. Saran 1.00. 8/1 Chas. Frankel 1.00.
- 8/1: The reception committee for the outing included Jacob Little, Samuel Fogel, J.C. Fogel, Jacob H. Miller, Samuel Glick, and Joseph M. Katz.
- 8/3: The outing “beat all records in every way.” Samuel Markowitz won third place in a bike race.
- 8/25: For a West Homestead borough outing, the contributions for prizes included: Ben Little, pair of tennis shoes; Half Bros., fine rocker; Max Braun, aluminum cereal boiler; H. Lazirovitz, safety razor, mug and brush; I. Roth, two boxes chewing gum.
10/5: Hallowe’en parade planning got underway by the Business men’s association. The wagons and floats to be in the parade would include Louis Freeman and Lee Half.
- 10/18: Joseph Lasdusky was named as one of the many judges for the floats and costumes.
- 10/24, 10/27: Prizes were contributed by Louis Segall (1 box Fan Tan gum), Joseph Lasdusky (waist), H.L. Little (men’s slippers), Glick‘s meat market (ham), Max Mallinger (box candy), Sam Fogel (50 balls pop corn), Gross (coat sweater), I.J. Goldston (gloves), Dan Saron (pipe), Victor Shoe Co. (pair slippers), Brasley‘s (pair slippers), B. Friedlander (umbrella), Louis Freeman (basket of fruit), Half Bros. (rocking chair), Ben Little (tennis shoes), M.I. Grinberg (picture), H. Sapeer (pair felt slippers), and A. Ruben (box Argo Specials).
- 1/4: Boy Scout Troop 2 of Homestead beat Troop 1 of Munhall 26-7 in a basket ball game. Ed Houpt, who played forward, was one of “the stars of the games…[scoring] three baskets from the floor.” A Hepps played guard and made one basket.
- 1/5: Samuels was named as forward for the Second Ward team in the grammar school basket ball league. 1/11: In the junior & midget league standings Samuels was in sixth place. 2/8: Fourth place.
- 1/25, 1/26: The paper mentioned a Fogel A.A. (athletic association?) basketball team — also sponsored by the Fogel with the candy store? 4/4: The Fogel A.C. won a game on Saturday evening. 4/8: “The Fogel A.A. will hold a business meeting Sunday afternoon.” The team included a player J. Fogel and asked to hear from “first-class 18- to 20-year-old uniformed teams,” which gives a hint to what they were. 6/7: They had games going on all summer. 6/30: A game between the Fogel A.A. of Homestead and the Tarra A.A. of Homeville was promoted, and Fogels asked another team to arrange a game with them “by calling at Fogel’s confectionary,” which makes me think this team was sponsored by a Jewish businessman. 12/2: The Fogels beat the Coffey team. 12/21: “The Fogel Basket Ball team will play the fast Heckel Basketball team this evening in Zion Hall, Center avenue, Pittsburgh. All Fogel players will meet at the Fogel confectionery.”
- 1/26: In basket ball Homestead lost to Belleview. Trau played forward and made 7 of 14 foul goals. Homestead high school II defeated Munhall high school II, whose team included Saron as guard. 1/29: Homestead high lost to Monongahela high. Trau played forward. 2/12: Homestead beat Carnegie with Trau as guard. 2/23: Homestead high lost to Beaver Falls with Trau as guard.
- 1/27: The freshmen, with Trau and Berger playing, defeated the seniors! 2/8: Trau and Berger played again for the freshman in a loss to Crafton High School. 2/15: The freshman also lost to the seniors with Trau as forward and Hilk as center. 2/21: They beat the McKeesport juniors with B. Trau as forward and Hilk as guard. 2/22: The freshmen — with B. Trau and Hilk — were set to play Braddock. The paper instructed all supporters to meet at Eighth and Amity at 6:30 PM “in order to go in a crowd.” The “green freshies are out to win the freshman championship,” the paper crowed. 2/23: “The local Freshman basketball team defeated the Braddock Freshman yesterday by the score of 25 to 16. The game was very fast and hard-fought at all times but the local boys had the best of the passing and shooting.” Trau was singled out for having “played well.” The Homestead players included Trau F, Berger C, and Hepp (sic) G. 2/25: The sophomores defeated the freshman. Trau and Berger played for the freshman. 3/28: The freshman beat the juniors with Hilk at forward. He made 2 field goals.
- 2/8: In Boy Scout News, three of the four scout medal winners for January came from the Jewish community! “First, Samuel Hepps, 52 points; Second, Edwin Houpt, 24 points; Floyd Hays, 15 points; David Schwartz, 13 points.” Also, the Troop 2 basketball team had not yet lost a game that season (six games played so far). In a 3/21 article, the paper noted that Troop 2 was having “regular meetings at the Homestead playground house.” On 3/27 the paper announced that the boy scouts planned to hold a bazaar; tickets could be purchased from any member of Troop 2. 4/17: Haupt and Lasdusky were again mentioned in connection with Troop 2. 7/24: Hepps and Lasdusky were mentioned as scouts. 7/27: Local scout Sam Hepps won races at a meet. 7/29: Hepps and Haupt went to boy scout camp.
- 2/17: “A sleighing party by the students at the Homestead High School was held last evening, to White Hall, and upon returning home a Dutch supper was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D.J. Crawford, of Twelfth avenue.” Birdie Weiss was one of the party.
- 2/22: “Class 1918 of the Homestead High school held a party in Amity hall last Saturday evening with 60 guests present and all enjoyed a most delightful evening. Dancing and games were the evening’s pastimes.” In the party were Jennie and Gertrude Friedlander.
- 3/1: Isadore Lasdusky was in the junior class play. Half Bros. provided the stage settings.
- 3/31: In the senior class play, Harry A. Winer played the lead character. On 3/29 he was mentioned in connection with the high school’s debate team.
- 4/4: A team called the All-Stars, including B. Trau as forward, beat the Homestead H.S. sophomores.
- 4/17: Benjamin Trau and Robert Hilk were mentioned as members of one of the Homestead High’s debate teams. 5/18: A sophomore-freshman debate included Robert Hilk.
- 5/11: The Second Ward soccer football team won first place in the Grammar School Midget Soccer League. “The cause of this victorious procession was due in part to the work of Captain [Harry] Samuels in securing the help and co-operation of every man on his team.” He was also praised because “many a clean pass…was readily picked up by [him] and placed well within their opponents’ goal posts.”
- 7/18: Victor Averback of Munhall was on a list of eighth graders who passed exams for entrance into high school.
- 8/11: “The Krazy Katz Kamping Klub of Munhall will leave on tomorrow morning for a two weeks sojourn at North Girard, Pa. A large number of new members have been admitted during the summer, making the present membership thirty-five.” Amongst the member set to “open the camp tomorrow afternoon” was Isadore Lasdusky.
- 9/22: “High to open grid season” with Lasdusky at guard. 10/14: Munhall defeated Duquesne; Lasdusky played “r.” 10/28: Munhall tied Turtle Creek with Lasdusky at right guard.
- 10/26: “The Y.M.H.A. Jr. basketball team has been organized for the coming season and are open to book games with all teams in their class. The players already signed are M. Trau, B. Trau, J. Seigle, B. Carpe, J. Fogel and E. Valinsky. There will be a meeting at their clubrooms on Eighth avenue Friday evening at 7 o’clock. All players please report at this meeting. E. Valinsky, take notice. Signed Manager.”
- 11/8: The Homestead high school football team included Siegle, Davidson, Schuette, and Szeinbach.
- 11/10: The “Munhall High Notes” column was written by “Isador A. Lasdusky, Editor.” Haupt was listed as a chaperone. The next such column, published 11/17, changed the byline to “edited by pupils.” In that column it said that Isadore Lasdusky would appear in the senior play, for which Half Bros. donated yard sticks. Also, in a debate in the senior English class, Isadore Lasdusky led the affirmative side of “Resolved, that Macbeth was the victim of evil circumstances.”
- 11/13: The results of a spelling test were printed in the paper. Elsie Hepps was in the top group.
- 12/1: In the big Thanksgiving game, Homestead beat Munhall. Seigel played for Homestead and Lasdusky for Munhall.
- 12/5: Siegle made the Monongahela Valley All-Scholastic football team. It appears Jewish players from McKeesport and Braddock did as well.
- 12/9: The Munhall high school notes mentioned that the football team ended its season. “This can truthfully be said to have been the best season Munhall has ever enjoyed…the other seniors who mustered out their high school football career on Thanksgiving are Lasdusky and Steamer. Also good men. Their loss will be much felt when the team starts practice next year.”
- 12/13: “The Y.M.H.A. Juniors of this place traveled to Garfield and defeated the fast Friendship club of that place by the score of 43-40. The feature of the game was the all around playing of the Y.M.H.A. Juniors.” Their lineup: Klein F, Fogel F, Valine, C, Carpe G, Trau G. Field goals: Klein 8, Fogel 2, Valine 2, Carpe 6. Foul goals: Klein, 3 out of 12.
- 12/14: The high school was set to open its basketball season on Friday with Trau as part of the varsity team.
- 12/22: More Munhall high school notes: “The junior class wish to give public recognition to Half Bros. for the use of the furniture…and to Bernard Weiss for his brilliant poster donated towards the play…The following men received’s their ‘m’s’ … Lasdusky…”
- 12/28: “The Y.M.H.A. Jrs., of this place, won their second straight game by defeating the Newsboys at the Newsboys Home in Pittsburg 21-19. The score was close throughout, with Y.M.H.A. Jrs. leading all the way.” The lineup: M. Kline Forward, J. Fogel Forward, Valine Center, B. Trau Guard, B. Carpe Guard. Substitutes: Saron for Valine. Field goals: Kline, Fogel, Valine, Carpe 3. Fouls: Kline 5 out of 8.
- 1/18: “Morris Half left for Chicago, and Grand Rapids, Mich., to purchase spring furniture. Mr. Half will join his brother, Leo, who was been there for the past two weeks.” 1/24: “Morris Half has returned home from a business trip to Chicago, Ill.”
- 1/26: “H. Sapeer is offering great inducements for people to buy their shoes…he is giving away $100 in merchandise…” The prize winners were printed in the paper on 1/29.
- 2/1: “Joseph Lasdusky, a well-known merchant at 335 East Eighth avenue, left yesterday for New York to purchase goods. He will be absent two weeks and expects to lay in a stock of goods commensurate with the large business which the conditions promise this spring.”
2/11: “Ben Little, the Eighth avenue shoe man, is today celebrating the fourteenth anniversary of his locating in Homestead.” Full article and picture at right. On 2/17 the paper noted that his anniversary sale was “still drawing the crowds. He had a great rush last Friday and Saturday and every day this week he has been kept busy.”
- 2/21: “Notice – Henry Markowitz announces that he has sold his grocery business at 534 Heisel street to M.A. Markowitz but is still responsible for all bills outstanding and will collect all money owed.”
- 2/25: “Left for the East – Jacob Little, proprietor of the Victor shoe store on Eighth avenue, has left for Boston, Mass., and other Eastern cities, where he will spend several weeks in selecting the up-to-date styles of footwear for the summer trade.”
3/13: “It is with great pleasure that Morris Grinberg, proprietor of Grinberg’s Department Store announces the grand opening of his new store, 515-517 Eighth avenue, to the people of Homestead and vicinity.” Full article and picture at left.
- 3/14: At the liquor license court hearings, “Attorney W.L. McConegly, who represented Morris Frankel, an applicant from the borough of Duquesne, against whom the Allegheny County Liquor Dealers’ Protective Association had filed a remonstrance charging that he sold liquor on trust and conducted a ‘book’ business, presented a petition to the court asking that Attorney P.H. McGuire, counsel for the Liquor Dealers’ Association, be ordered to furnish a bill of particulars.” The judge refused the petition and said that Frankel ought to know even without the particulars.
- 3/16: In a column entitled “Snap Shots,” “the Man About Town” took a review of the town’s leading businesses. 3 of the 5 businesses mentioned are of interest: “I. Grossman is putting in one of the swellest fronts in town for the Homestead Loan company, which is to occupy his store room after April 1,” “Morris Grinberg certainly has a swell front–we mean his new store room fronts,” and “H.L. Little has had the interior of his store repainted and it presents a most inviting appearance. H.L. shows a lot of enterprise and is always doing something to improve his store. Other merchants might profit by his example.”
- 3/22: “The busiest place in Homestead today is at Half Bros.‘ store where their large force of employees and the firm members themselves are preparing for their annual spring opening tomorrow, which promises to be the most elaborate and complete in the history of the enterprising firm. Some extensive improvements have been made to the big store during the past month…Consider [this] an invitation to attend the opening tomorrow…”
- 3/24: “All streets led to Half Bros. big furniture store yesterday afternoon… It is estimated that at least 4,000 people attended the opening…” Long article below.
- 3/24: “The spring millinery opening at Lasdusky‘s store, 335 Eighth avenue, will be held tonight from 7 until 9 o’clock. Besides the display of the latest designs in hats the feature will be their exhibition on living models.”
- 3/25: An article about how much building activity was anticipated for the spring and summer noted, “Oscar Magram, of the clothing firm of Magram & Podolsky of 308 Dickson street, has started the erection of a three story building on the lot adjoining their business property. The property on which the new building is being erected, was formerly the site of the parochial residence of St. Michael’s Slovak Catholic church.”
- 3/25: “Three very interesting and successful millinery openings were held last night: One at Lasdusky‘s store at 335 Eighth avenue, one at Friedlander‘s, 213 Eighth avenue…” Lasdusky’s living models were noted, as were Friedlander’s handsomely-trimmed display windows.
3/28: “I. Grossman will be forced to leave his present location at 147 Eighth avenue, May 1, owing to a big increase in the rent, and rather than move his big stock of wall paper and house furnishings he is going to offer them at a great reduction and allow the public to reap the benefit. His location after May will be 605 Eighth avenue, above Dickson street. See his page ad in another part of this paper.” Or at right on this web site!
- 4/1: “H.L. Little, owner of the H.L. Little shoe store, and Harry Margolis won the pries for selling the most ground gripper shoes in this territory. The prizes were gold pocket knives.”
- 4/3: “I.S. Grossman, owner of the Grossman building, has retired from business and is preparing to take up his residence in the Shady Side district.” 4/4: “I.S. Grossman, a well known business man, will as before stated, go to the Shady Side district to reside, the location being at 5531 Howe street. He has decided to move May 1st. He will not, however, retire from business. He owns a large building consisting of storerooms and apartments in McKees Rocks and will resume business there about the first of May. The building contains five storerooms and 75 living rooms.”
- 4/4: “Miss Jennie Weshler, of Seventh avenue, has resigned her position as stenographer at Half Bros. Miss Hazel Numeroski, of Thirteenth avenue, has succeeded Miss Weshler.”
- 4/8: Construction started on many houses started. Amongst the latest real estate sales: “Lot 60×110 with 4-room frame building on Fourth avenue, from Safe Deposit Trust Company to I.L. Miller, $4,300…Lot 22×90 corner Tammany alley and Eighth avenue, from B.S. Ross to B. Freelander (sic). $7,500.”
- 4/10: “Half Bros. have purchased a 1916 Ford roadster for the use of the collecting agents.”
4/11: “I. Lincoff, of the Homestead Loan company, announces the formal opening of his new store at 345 Eighth avenue, next door to O’Donnell’s, tomorrow and invites every one to call and have a look and get a souvenir. Mr. Lincoff now has one of the finest store rooms in town with a beautiful marble and glass front that is a credit to the town. Mr. Lincoff is a young man, having been in business for himself but a few years, but he has abilities plus hustling qualities and has built up a big business. The ladies especially are invited to his opening tomorrow. See his big ad on page three today.” Or at left!
- 4/15: “H.L. Little, the shoe dealer, has two of the most attractive spring display windows seen in Homestead in a long time. The decorations are the work of Harry Margolis and show great artistic taste.”
- 4/25: Liquor wholesaler “Harry Glick, of 201 Sixth avenue, Homestead, testified [in license court] that he employed 11 drivers and instructed all of them not to solicit orders or deliver after hours. Policeman Jacob Siegel said Glick’s men told him they worked only on a commission basis. He told the court that Glick’s drivers went to the Mesta Machine Company’s employees and solicited their orders and delivered such orders about every hour of the day. Glick denied all this. Siegel, who was at one time on the Homestead police force, is now employed as a specific officer for the Mesta Company. It is said that there is some feeling between he and Glick. Glick has only held a license since last July, he having bought out the wholesale business of H.J. O’Donnell.”
- 4/25: Listed in real estate deals: “W.J. Livingston to Harry M. Feldman, lot Ann street, $975”
- 5/26: “It is with great pleasure that I. Grossman, formerly of the Realty Bldg., announces the grand opening of his new store…[which] will be known at Grossman’s Department Store. He will carry not only a full line of house furnishings and wall paper, but also a full line of ladies’ and children’s wearing apparel, hosiery, underwear and notions…The public is cordially invited to attend the grand opening tonight from 7 to 10 o’clock. There will be good music and beautiful flowers. A treat is in store for all who come.” Full announcement below.
6/12: A long article, below, announced the Half Brothers‘ seventeenth anniversary sale starting the next day. It gives a nice history of the store. A photograph of the store, at right, accompanied the article. 6/16: Another article, also below, promoted how well the sale was going.
- 6/23: “George Little, of Pittsburg, son of Jacob Little the well known shoe man, has accepted a position with the Monongahela Trust Company.”
- 7/6: “Lee Half has left for a month’s trip to Grand Rapids, Mich. Whiel away he will purchase a full line of fall furniture.”
- 7/17: “Moses Half left last evening on a week’s business trip to Chicago, Ill.”
- 7/20: “Ben Little announces his annual July shoe shoe starting tomorrow and lasting ten days…”
- 7/25: “Mr. Jacob Weis, who has been connected with the Monongahela Trust Company for the past ten years, for eight years as manager of the foreign department, has accepted a position with the Irving National Bank, Woolworth building, New York City, and leaves here with his family about August 1st. His host of friends wish him success for the future.”
- 8/23: “One of the greatest free shows seen in Homestead this season will be held tomorrow at Ben Little‘s shoe store on Eight avenue near Amity street when the real live Buster Brown and his dog, Tige, will make their apearnace…They have become so popular that they are in constant use in the movies…But these are the real lives ones and Buster and his dog will go through the streets of the town…” 8/25: “Yesterday afternoon they appeared in the rear of Ben Little’s shoe store and Seventh avenue was packed with over a thousand youngsters. After a talk on Buster Brown shoes of which Mr. Little is the agent, a large number of rulers, whistles and other souvenirs were given away.” But were any shoes sold?!
- 8/1: “Great realty month – Homestead Realty Co. Report Numerous Sales – Some Nice Deals…Meyer Grinberg, 221 Eighth avenue for $15,000. Benjamin Friedlander, 219 Eighth avenue for $12,000…Freda Cohn, lot corner Library place and First street, Duquesne, Pa., for $1,5000.” 9/2: “August has been another big month in the the real estate business in Homestead and vicinity, two sales alone, deeds for which were recorded yesterday amount to $27,000. One is from A.C. Dinkey to Meyer I. Grinberg, 20×110 feet on Eighth avenue for $15,000 and the other A.C. Dinkey to Benjamin Friedlander, 20×110 feet on Eighth avenue for $12,000.”
- 9/21: “The millinery stores of Homestead are now resplendent with the latest effects in fall and winter styles…Friedlander, 213 Eighth avenue [and others] all head their openings the latter part of the last week and Lasdusky‘s millinery department had its opening last night…”
- 10/17: “Mr. Leo Half and Mr. Marion D. Steinberger, who have charge oft he window trimming for Half Brothers, feel they have an excellent show for winning one or more of the prizes” for the Thomas A. Edison Company’s window display contest during Edison week. Description of the window in the article below.
- 11/2: In a list of real estate transactions, a 25 x 150′ lot on Dickson street was sold by Ben Heller to Fannie Gutfield. 11/11: A 32×150′ lot on Haslett Avenue was sold to Meyer E. Friedman for $2,350.
- 11/6: “Dr. E.P. Louzon, of Chiacgo, a noted foot specialist, is at H.L. Little‘s shoe store, where he will give free consultant to all who are suffering from foot trouble of any kind…”
- 11/23: “The display windows of H.L. Little, the prominent shoe man of Homestead, are elaborately decorated for the Thanksgiving holidays and much credit is due to Harry Margolis.”
- 12/23: “Samuel Singer, assistant buyer of Gross’ department store will leave for New York to purchase Mill End stock for the January sale.”
- 1/6: Two homes that had diphtheria were fumigated. One such patient was Helen Freed of 522 Heisel street.
- 1/12: After a “sensational robbery” at Kautilius, “Joseph Lasdusky, on his way to his place of business this morning, found one of the rings taken from the window at the corner of Ninth avenue and Dickson street, which he returned to the jeweler. This shows that the thief ran up Dickson and out (?) Ninth avenue towards McClure, as the ring was found on this side of Dickson.”
- 1/19: “Some time last night someone entered Joseph Lasdusky‘s store through the front door, presumably by the use of a skeleton key, and robbed the cash register of between $10 and $15 in change. Mr. Lasdusky discovered the robbery when he came down to open the store this morning, the front door being unlocked. The cash register was the only thing about the store touched by the intruders. The safe was left unlocked over night but the burglars overlooked this fact.”
- 1/21: “This morning about 10 o’clock a horse belonging to Sam Mervis, a wholesale liquor dealer at 611 Ann street, got its hoof caught between the rails while going over the crossing of the Pennsylvania Railroad at Amity street. It required considerable time to release the animal and the shoe had to be taken off before it could be done. Fortunately there was no train approaching at the time. The horse was not injured.”
- 1/28: “Leo and Moses Half, well known business men, received the sad news of the death of their uncle, Leopold Selig, who resided in Indianapolis. Mr. Selig died very suddenly. Moses Half left last evening to attend the funeral.”
- 2/5: “Dr. M.H. Moss, of 434 East Eighth avenue, had a narrow escape from death Thursday evening about 6:30 o’clock when his auto was struck by a light engine at the Dickson street crossing of the Pennsylvania railroad. As the car approached the watchman was at the far side of the tracks and the doctor believing the way was clear ran his car onto the track. Observing the engine he attempted to back the car, but seeing he was too late to avoid a collision he jumped an instant before the engine struck the front end of his machine. He was so close when the engine struck that as the car swerved around, the rear end of the automobile struck him in the back, but not with sufficient force to cause serious injury. The front of the car was wrecked.”
- 2/8: “Death Claimed Her — Rose, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I.J. Goldston, age 13 years, yesterday morning at 11:18. She had been ailing for 4 1/2 years past with heart disease, but it was not until Thanksgiving Day that her condition became so bad that it necessitated her remaining bedfast. Her condition grew worse, finally expiring at the South Side hospital where she was removed 11 days ago. The funeral was held this afternoon at 3 o’clock from her late residence, 617-619 Eighth avenue. Besides her parents she is survived by three sisters, Florence, Esther, and Selma. Although not being able to attend school for the past three years she has a host of friends who called on her continually.”
- 2/21: “The store of Louis Freeman, a well known fruit dealer at 221 East Eighth avenue, was entered by robbers early this morning, and after securing about $15 worth of fruit and destroying a large quantity besides, the robbers left the place looking as if a cycle had struck it. Mr. Freeman believes the robbers were mainly after money, as his desk had been riffled and papers strew over the floor, but the thieves did not succeed in getting any cash…” 2/22: The robbers were found — six boys from 10-12 years of age. They admitted how they “ransacked the desk for money and helped themselves to fruit.” An editorial from the next day suggested that they were responsible for many small robberies. Their violation of the curfew ordinance and their foreign parentage were especially noted.
- 3/14: “Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Fogel, of 229 Eighth avenue, attended the funeral of their cousin, David Rosenthal, who was killed by an elevator in the Terminal building.”
- 3/16: Louis Freeman dropped a bank roll when he bought a ticket to the theatre. The ticket seller, Ralph Myers, found him inside and returned it to him before he even knew it was gone. Lucky break!
- 3/30: “Mose Half has left for Chicago, Ill., to the bedside of his mother, who is seriously ill.”
- 4/5: “Jacob Little, owner of the Victor shoe store, is confined to his home in Pittsburg with illness…Bernard Weiss, of Tenth avenue and West street, has returned home from the Montefiore hospital, where he underwent an operation. His condition is reported much improved.”
- 4/6: “Miss Elizabeth Numeroski, a clerk in Freeman’s fruit store, is confined to her home on Thirteenth avenue with illness.”
- 5/4: “Some children playing in an old coal shed in the rear of Mallinger‘s confectionary store on Eighth avenue, above McClure street, yesterday afternoon set fire to a lot of old rubbish which quickly spread and soon the shed was in flames and the fire was eating its way into the rear of the store room when the fire department arrived on the scene.” Sounds like the damage was minimal.
- 5/5: “Morris Klein, a star boarder at the home of Lewis Weiss, of Homeville, was held for court under $300 bail…It is claimed that he has boarded for a couple years at the Weiss home and was far behind in the payment of his board bill,” but the issue was the he “attempted to so unobtrusively enter the home without the owner’s consent.”
- 5/18: “Shortly before 12 o’clock last night as Dr. David Reiter, of 613 Eighth avenue, was returning in his automobile from the city and crossing Brown’s bridge his machine was struck in the rear by a street car. The street car struck the auto with such force as to throw the doctor to the floor of the bridge and he was severely bruised and cut but not severely injured…He dressed his own injuries…”
- 5/19: “While driving his horse and wagon along the West Run county road near the Homestead garbage furnace, Lewis Carpe, a huckster of Homestead Park, had an exciting experience which he will remember as long as he lives. As his team passed the heavy woodland two young colored men came out of the woods. One had an ax and as they approached the other grapped (sic) the horse while the man with the ax told Carpe to step down from the wagon and he would cut his head off. Although badly frightened Carpe gave his horse a cut with the whip and escaped while the colored men ran into the woods when they saw several autos coming down the road.”
- 5/29: “Samuel Lewis, aged 40, a merchant of Homeville, and his son, Morris, aged 19, were injured last night about 8 o’clock when the automobile in which they were riding plunged over an embankment at Munhall Terrace landing in the creek 50 feet below. They both had a remarkable escape. Mr. Lewis was considerably cut and bruised and his son received only minor injuries. They were taken to their home and were attended by Dr. H.H. Hartley. Samuel Lewis had $1,155 (sic?! that’s almost $25K today?!) in bills in one of his pockets and when he arrived home the money was missing. However, searching the car, all but one $20 bill was recovered. The car was badly damaged.”
- 6/23: “Mrs. I. Lincoff, of Eleventh avenue, is confined to the Homestead hospital…Louis Margolis, clerk in Ben Little’s shoe store, is sill at his home on Dickson street.”
- 7/6: “Mrs. I. Lincoff, of Eleventh avenue, has returned home from the Homestead hospital where she underwent an operation and is doing nicely.”
- 7/15: “Harry Haupt, of 525 Dickson street, a well known furniture dealer, has received word of the death of his brother, Louis Haupt in Los Angeles…” The brother had been a Pittsburgher.
- 8/12: “Shortly before 12 o’clock last night people observed a couple of boys in the Victor shoe store.” The policeman “found two lads hiding under a display window” with $2 and 90c. on them respectively. 8/14: They were given a hearing on Saturday and sent to juvenile court.
- 8/19: “The wholesale liquor store of Harry Glick, on Sixth avenue and Amity street, was entered last night and 25 cents taken from the cash register. The police are of the opinion that the robberies are the work of boys and are investigating several clues today.”
- 9/21: “Steve Bollick, aged 35, of Homestead, and employed on the dairy farm of Harry Jacobson, on Nine Mile run on the opposite side of the river, was found hanging in the barn last evening. He was cut down by the persons who discovered him before death resulted. He was arraigned…this morning and was held pending examination by the city physician as the police consider he is insane.”
- 9/29: “Miss Rose Weiss, of Fourteenth avenue, is undergoing a slight operation at the Homestead Hospital.”
- 10/14: “The little village of Homeville is all stirred up over a serious charge that has been made against Max Greenblat, a druggist, who recently came to town from Philadelphia, by the father of a girl said to be under 16 years of age. It is alleged that the druggist has been having clandestine meetings with the girl for some time…He was given a hearing Wednesday and held for court without bail.”
- 10/16: “Harry Mervis, of Eighth avenue, is undergoing treatment at the Homestead Hospital.” 11/11: “Harry Mervis who is under treatment at the Homestead Hospital, is reported somewhat improved.”
- 10/17: A man “made information” against various people, including “Dr. N. C. Kartub, of Homestead, on the charge of forgery.” He “forged a certificate that [a man] had been properly examined as to his physical condition” in order for the man’s wife to take out an insurance policy on his wife at the behest of another woman.
- 10/27: An overzealous policeman fired shots after a speeding motorcyclist! The shots broke the windows of numerous merchants’ stores, include Joseph Lasdusky‘s. The motorcyclist was not hit, but he wasn’t able to escape either, since a freight train blocked the tracks. The cost of repairing all the windows was estimated at $100-$175, and the businessmen were anxious to learn who would pay.
- 10/30: “Miss Tobie Silverman, of Louise street, Munhall, who has been confined to her home with illness, is reported doing nicely and able to be about again.”
- 11/8: A borough council meeting featured a “communication filed by one Edward Hertz, making charges against chief of police, L.T. Simmons. The charges consisted of six specifications,” ranging from “interfering with personal affairs” and “protecting wholesale liquor dealers.” “To explain these charges it is necessary to know what called them forth. Mr. Hertz was arrested some time ago on the charge of seduction on an information made by the chief on information received…Council took the view that the chief had done nothing more than his duty…and laid the communication on the table.” 11/11: “At a special session of the police committee held last night Chief L.T. Simmons was exonerated of the charges brought by Edward Hertz. The charges were not regarded as well founded, in fact there being nothing to them whatever. They resulted, it is affirmed, from the fact that the chief in the performance of his duty had made information against Hertz before Justice J. Clyde Miller charing seduction…” I don’t know who was right and who was wrong, but I do know that the original charges against Hertz were not in the paper, but they were printed twice as a result of his retaliation.
- 11/21: “A collision between a big automobile truck and a milk wagon took place this morning at 4:30 o’clock on Brown’s bridge, which resulted in the injury of one man and the demolishing of the milk wagon…the name on the wagon was that of the Jacobson milk company. Both vehicles were coming toward Homestead…The driver of the wagon, whose name could not be learned…escaped injury. The wagon was made a heap of ruins and a portion of the bridge railing was torn off.”
- 12/1: “At an early hour this morning some unknown person threw a beer bottle through a large plate glass window in Morris Frankel‘s hotel, 74 Linden avenue, Duquesne…”
- 12/8: “H.L. Little, who has been seriously ill at his home for the past few days, is reported improved.”
- 1/4: “David Siegle, manager of the Johnson flower store has returned from from a pleasant visit with relatives in Altoona.”
- 1/13: “Morris Hingburg, of South Carolina, a salesman for the United Tailoring Co., is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Feldman, of the Miller apartments, on West Eighth avenue.”
- 1/17: “Samueel Freeman, of New York, is the guest of his nephew, Louis Freeman, of the Messenger apartments.”
- 2/23: “Charles Sisenwain, of Montreal, Canada, is the house guests of his sister, Mrs. Morris Grinberg, of Twelfth avenue.”
- 3/13: “Harry Weiner, of Second avenue, spent last evening with friends in Oakland. Ben Little, the well known shoe man, has purchased a 1916 Chevrolet touring car.”
- 3/14: “Mr. and Mrs. Harry Siegle, of McKeesport, have retrned to their home in McKeesport after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Fogel, of 229 Eighth avenue.”
- 3/30: “Miss Jennie Weshler, stenographer at Half Bros., is spending the day with friends in East Liberty.”
- 4/6: “Louis Freeman and H.H. Layman attended a theater party given last night by a number of well known Pittsburg men at the Nixon theater, followed by a supper at the Fort Pitt.”
- 4/20: “Mrs. Samuel Fogel, of McConnon apartments, spent last evening with relatives in McKeesport.”
- 5/1: “Mrs. H.L. Little and son Merle, of McClure street, left Saturday for Baltimore, Md., to visit with Mrs. Little’s parents. Miss Cima Silverman, of Baltimore, who has been the house guest of Mrs. Little, accompanied her.”
- 5/3: “Dr. M.H. Moss, 434 Eighth avenue, has purchased a 1916 Ford coupe.”
- 5/4: “L.D. Moss left last night for Sunbury, where he will spend a few weeks with his sister.”
- 5/8: “Samuel Rosen, of Butte, Montana, is visiting his sisters, Mrs. J.W. Moss and Mrs. Louis Freeman, of the Messenger apartments.”
- 5/18: “Mrs. Reiter, wife of Dr. Reiter, of 113 Eighth avenue, is spending the day with relatives in Carrick…Mrs. Samuel Glick, of Fifth avenue, left for Mt. Clements, Mich., where she will undergo treatment for rheumatism…Louis Moss, manager for J.K. Lowry, wholesale house on Eighth avenue, has returned home from a business trip to New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, Md…H.L. Little, the popular shoe man, has left for Baltimore, Md., where he will spend a few days with his wife and son Mearl (sic), who are visiting Mrs. Little’s parents of that city.”
- 5/26: “Miss Anna Freeman, of Pittsburg, is visiting at the home of her brother, Louis Freeman, of the Messenger Apartments…Miss Bertha Segal, of McKeesport, has returned home from a visit with her sister, Mrs. Samuel Fogel, of the McConnon apartments on Eighth avenue.”
- 6/1: “Mrs. H.L. Little and her son, Merle, of Twelfth avenue and McClure street, have arrived home from Baltimore where they spent the past month with Mrs. Little’s parents.”
- 6/5: “Mr. and Mrs. Alex Little, of Oakland, were calling on Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Little at their home on Twelfth avenue and McClure street last evening.”
- 6/9: “J. Max Moss, who is connected with the Fairmouth News company, has returned from a visit with his parents on Ninth avenue.”
- 6/19: “H.L. Little, of McClure street, has purchased a Crawford touring car.”
- 7/14: “Miss Bertha Seigel, of McKeesport and Reuben trauss (sic), of Connecticut are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Fogel of the McConnon apartments.” 7/20: “Misses Bertha Seigel and Birdie Rosenthal, of McKeesport, and Mr. Reuben Strauss, of Connecticut, spent last evening with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Fogel, of the McConnon apartments.”
- 7/18: “Morris Widom, of New York, is visiting his brother, Rev. S. Widom, of Seventh avenue.”
- 7/21: “Mr. and Mrs. Felix Half and family have returned home from a three weeks’ vacation spent at Conneaut Lake.”
- 7/22: “Miss Rose Weiss, of Tenth avenue has returned home from a two weeks’ vacation in Youngstown, Ohio…Mrs. M.L. Kohn, of Akron, Ohio, is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Goldman of Third avenue…. Louis Lasdusky, son of Joseph Lasdusky, of Eighth avenue accompanied by his cousin, Alexander Kahn, of New Kensington, left last night for Atlantic City, Newark, N.J., Phliadelphia, New York and Boston. While in New York City Mr. Lasdusky will buy fall merchandise for his store in Donora, Pa.”
- 7/24: “Edward Lowenstein, a clerk in Half Bros.’ furniture store, spent yesterday with friends in Erie.”
- 7/31: “Among the Homestead people who are spending the hot season at Mt. Clemens are Mr. and Mrs. S. Lincoff, Harry Mervis, Julius Milton and Mrs. I. Lincoff.”
- 8/5: “Mrs. Morris Grinberg and daughter, Ruth, of Twelfth avenue, are spending a two weeks’ vacation in Atlantic City…Miss Rose Ecker, of New York is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. I. Grossman of Eighth avenue.” 8/16: “Mrs. Morris Grinberg and daughter Ruth, of Twelfth avenue have returned home after spending a two week’s vacation in Atlantic City.”
- 8/9: “Morris Weis has moved his family from Tenth avenue and West street to Fourteenth avenue.”
- 8/10: “Jacob Fogel of Eighth avenue has left on a trip to Cleveland, Ohio.”
- 8/21: “Arthur Grossman, formerly of Homestead, now of Squirrel Hill has returned home from a six month’s tip (sic) spent in Colorado.”
- 8/22: “Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Little and son Merill, of Twelfth avenue have left on a motoring trip to Bedford Springs.” 8/25: “Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Little and son, Merril, of Twelfth avenue have returned from a motoring trip to Bedford Springs.”
- 8/29: “Charles a. Sauer, of Cincinnait, was calling on H.L. Little, of Eighth avenue yesterday….Mrs. Joseph Lasdusky of Ninth avenue, Munhall, has left for a three week’s vacation to Cambridge Springs and Mt, Clemens.” 9/18: “Mrs. Joseph Lasdusky, of Ninth ave. Munhall, has returned home from a vacation spent in Mt. Clemens, Mich.”
- 9/30: “Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Fogel, of the McConnon apartments, have returned home from a few days’ visit with friends in McKeesport.”
- 10/9: “Miss Hannah Seigle, of McKeesport, spent the weekend with friends, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Fogel, of the McConnon apartments.”
- 10/16: “Misses Rose Greenwalt and Anna Goldberg, of McKeesport, were the guests of Miss Minnie Margolis, of Eighth avenue, yesterday”
- 10/25: “Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Little, of McClure street, are attending the wedding of Mrs. Little’s sister, Miss Cima Silverman, in Baltimore, Md.” 10/31: “Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Little and son Merle, of McClure street, have returned from a visit in Baltimore.”
- 11/3: “Miss Tobie Silverman, of Baltimore, Md., is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. H.H. (sic) Little, of McClure street.”
- 11/20: “Mrs. Samuel Fogel of the McConnon apartments on Eighth avenue, left on a three weeks’ visit with friends and relatives in Scranton, Wilkes-Barre and Philadelphia.”
- 12/4: “William Seigel, of Third avenue, left last evening on a business trip to Warren, O. Ben Little has returned home from spending the week end with relatives in Cleveland.” 12/5: “H.L. Little, of McClure street, has returned home from a week end visit with relatives in Cleveland, Ohio.”
- 12/6: “Samuel Glick, Max Moss, and Bela Szctesi (sic?) have purchased 1917 Ford touring cars.”
- 12/9: “Louis Silverman, of Baltimore, spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Little at their home on McClure street.”
- 12/13: “Felix Half has returned home from a trip to Havana, Cuba.”
- 3/13: “Mr. and Mrs. Harry Feldman, of 109 Eighth avenue, entertained last evening in honor of the son Emanuel‘s eighth birthday. Games and dancing were features of the evening’s amusements. At a suitable hour luncheon was served.”
- 3/23: “The news has just leaked out that one of Homestead’s prominent business men was married on Washington’s birthday in Cleveland, Ohio. On February 20, B.J. Schwartz, proprietor of the Erie Hotel, corner Fourth avenue and Dickson street, left Homestead on a little business trip and we have just found out that it was a very successful one. Mr. Schwartz’s business took him to Lorain, Ohio, where he met an old friend and schoolmate, Miss Estelle Roth, one of Lorain’s leading ladies and a member of one of the most prominent families of the Ohio city. Mr. Schwartz and Miss Roth took a nice quiet trip to Cleveland and were married on February 22. So quietly have both Mr. and Mrs. Schwartz kept the secret that it only became known today among some of his nearest friends.”
- 4/22: “Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mervis on Ann street, at the Homestead hospital last evening, a son tipping the scales at ten pounds.”
- 5/3: “One of the social events of the week was a surprise party held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B.F. Friedlander at 324 Tenth avenue, in honor of their daughter Jennie‘s sixteenth birthday. Games, music and dancing furnished the evening’s pleasures. Among the out-of-town guests were Miss Esther Grossman of Pittsburg and Anna Kartub, of Hays. The guests were ushered to the dining room where a delicious luncheon was served. The centerpiece was a birthday cake with sixteen burning candles. Covers were laid for thirty.”
- 5/23: “Miss Sarah Freedman, daughter of Julius Freedman, of Dickson street, Homestead, and Israel Axelrod, of Youngstown, were married at the home of the bride Sunday afternoon, May 21st. Rabbi Widam (sic) performed the ceremony. Miss Freedman was attended by Mrs. Herman Freedman, sister-in-law of the bride. Mr. Herman Freedman, brother-in-law of the bride, served as best man. The bride wore a dress of white and carried a bouquet of white roses and lilies of the valley. A wedding supper was served at which members of both families were present.” The only Homestead guests were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lasdusky, though family and friends came from all over.
- 6/12: “Morris Half, of Half Bros., the well known furniture dealers on Eighth avenue, and his wife, celebrated the tenth anniversary of their marriage last evening at their home, 6410 Bartlett street, Squirrel Hill. About twenty-five guests were present to congratulate their host and hostess and an elegant luncheon was served during the evening.”
- 6/22: “The Y.M.H.A. of Homestead entertained with a a linen shower in honor of Miss Rena Heilbron, who will become the bride of Mr. J. Klein, of Detroit, Mich., in the near future. The shower was held at the home of Miss Sadie Siegle, of Third avenue. Decorations were carried out in pink and white, with a centerpiece of pink and white roses. Covers were laid for 20. The features of the evening were music and dancing. The social committee for the evening were the Misses Sadie Siegle, Edith Widom and Fanella Mervis.”
- 6/27: “A very delightful miscellaneous shower was held on Sunday evening at the home of Mrs. Joseph Lasdusky, in Ninth avenue, Munhall, for Miss Rena Heilbron, of Eighth avenue, who is about to be married to Mr. Ben B. Klein of Detroit, Mich. Miss Heilbron will be remembered as one of the most congenial girls who has ever worked in the millinery department of Lasdusky store. Over fifty guests were present. Music and bridge whist were the features of the evening. A dainty luncheon was served.”
- 7/3: “Mr. and Mrs. M. Goldman, of Homestead, announce the marriage of their daughter, Anna to M.L. Kohn, of Akron, O. The wedding took place June 20. After a trip to the Great Lakes the young couple will make their home in Akron.”
- 7/3: “A brilliant wedding was held yesterday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Numeroski, 125 Thirteenth avenue when their daughter, Miss Elizabeth became bride of Louis Finberg of Pittsburg. The bride wore a gown of white georgette crepe with pearl trimming and a pearl necklace, a gift of the groom and carried a shower bouquet of white roses and lilies of the valley Miss Edith Widom played Mendelsohn wedding march. A wedding dinner and reception followed the wedding ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Finberg left last night for Atlantic City and New York and upon their return home they will reside in Homestead.”
- 7/10: “A delightful party was given last evening by Miss Minnie Glick, 510 Fourth avenue, at which games and music were enjoyable features” and also “an exemplification of the latest dances by Miss Marion Glick, of McKeesport, assisted by Paul Cooper, of Pittsburg. At a late hour luncheon was served at which covers were laid for 35. The decorations were pink and white and the center piece consisted of white and pink roses. Guests were present from Cleveland, Pittsburg, Tarentum, McKeesport, Duquesne and Homestead.”
- 7/24: “Dr. Stork visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Schwartz at their home in Leetsburg and presented the young couple with a bouncing baby boy. Mrs. Schwartz will be remembered before her marriage as Miss Isabel Lebowitz.”
- 8/15: Two Pittsburgher, Eva Price and Jacob, were married at the home of Rev. S. Widom. “Miss Edith Widom aided by Master Alex Widom played the wedding march.” I wonder what the couple’s Homestead connection was?!
- 9/18: A long, front-page article, below, detailed the wedding of Regina Heilbron. Many Homesteads took part, including her mother, Rose; Louis, Isadore, and Harry Lasdusky; Rabbis Widom and Ashinsky; and bridesmaid Miss Pauline Feinholz.
- 9/19: “Mrs. E. Grienstein, of Fifth avenue, entertained for her sister, Miss Rose Glick, of Fifth avenue, with a card party Sunday evening. Among the other pastimes were dancing and music. At 10:30 a sumptuous supper was served, covers being laid for 40. Gold baskets filled with candies were given as favors to the girls and pipes to the men.”
- 9/25: “Mr. and Mrs. Henry Glick, of 510 Fourth avenue, announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Minnie Glick, to Eugene Smock (sic) of Cleveland. No date has been set for the wedding.”
- 9/30: “Born to Mr. and Mrs. David Rosenberg, of Thirteenth avenue, Munhall, a baby girl.”
- 10/17: “Mr. and Mrs. Morris Grinberg and the Misses Ruth and Rose Grinberg were guests at a pleasant social function at the Rittenhouse on Sunday evening when the announcement of the engagement of Miss Barbara Lewin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Lewin, and Mr. Simon Grinberg, a cousin of Morris Grinberg, was made. The affair was one of the most brilliant of the season, in every detail, and was attended by many of the most prominent people of Pittsburg.” 11/3: “Mrs. Morris Grinberg, of Twelfth avenue, gave a dinner at her home on Sunday evening last in honor of Miss Barbara Lewin, Mr. Simon Grinberg, Ralph Davis and Maria Freeman. These two prominent couples will be united in marriage early in January. Plates were set for twelve. After the dinner a most enjoyable evening was spent with vocal and instrumental music.”
- 10/19: “Leo. Half, one of the hustling members of the firm of Half Bros. furniture dealers, has another little Half. He is a bright, breezy little fellow and gives promise of having that same hustling quality that has made his father a power in business in this community. He arrived yesterday morning at his daddy’s home on Squirrel Hill, and has already made himself felt in the household as he is the first baby boy in the family, Mr. Half being the father of two girls.”
- 10/24: “The marriage of Jacob Neiman, of 122 Third avenue, and Miss Esther Counterman, also of Third avenue, was solemnized Sunday evening at 7 o’clock at the residence of Morris Fogel, Tammany way, Rabbi Samuel Widom, of the Rodef Sholem congregation, officiating. The bride was attended by Miss Minnie Fogel and the groom by Harry Neiman, a brother of the groom. Mr. and Mrs. Neiman will make their home at 125 Third avenue.”
- 11/24: “A miscellaneous shower was given last evening for Miss Minnie Glick by the members of the Young Women’s Hebrew association, at the home of Mrs. Edward Greenstein, of 234 Fifth avenue. Miss Glick will become the bride of Eugene Smoke, of Cleveland, some time during the holidays. The evening was spent in music, games and dancing, after which the guests were ushered to the dining room where a dainty luncheon was served. The decorations were carried out in yellow and white.”
- 12/5: “Mrs. Sol Weinberger, of 148 East Third avenue, was taken to the Homestead hospital where the stork brought her a fine baby girl. Both mother and the baby are doing fine. Mr. Weinberg doesn’t seem to be excited or disappointed although he needs a helper on Harry Glick‘s wagon which he drives, but takes it good naturedly.”
- 12/12: “One of the elaborate weddings of the holiday season is that of Miss Minnie Glick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Glick, of 510 Fourth avenue, who became the bride of Zoltan Smoke, of Cleveland, Ohio….After a honeymoon trip through the eastern part of the state, Mr. and Mrs. Smoke will make their future home in Donora, where the groom is in business.” Full article below. 12/30: “Mr. and Mrs. Zoldan (sic) Smoke, of Homestead, have opened a butter and egg store in Donora, Pa., and another in Brownsville, Pa.”
- 12/23: “One of the most elaborate social events of the week was a reception given by Mr. and Mrs. M.D. Weis at their home on Fourteenth avenue in honor of their daughter, Rose Lucile, and her fiance, E. Harry Odle, of Pittsburg…Over two hundreds guests were present,” including “Miss Emeline Seigel, of Homestead, [who] wore blue tulle over blue satin; Miss Ruth Grossman of East End, [who] wore white satin trimmed in gold lace” and many others. Full fancy details below.
- 12/23: “Miss Rose Weis, of Fourteenth avenue, was honored guest at luncheon and a card party given in honor of six brides-to-be at the home of Miss Frances Hollander in Braddock.”
- 12/27: “A large number of relatives and friends of Mrs. Johanna Gross fathered at her residence at Eleventh avenue and West street of Christmas night, in honor of her 60th birthday party. It was in the form of a surprise party and was very successfully and pleasantly carried out. The guests all gathered at the residence of Mrs. H.S. Schwartz on Ninth avenue, and from there went to the home of Mrs. Gross…” The full article, including the many guests, below.
- 3/24/1916 : Opening Drew a Throng
- 5/26/1916: Grand Opening This Evening
- 6/12/1916: A Furniture Firms’ (sic) Annual Celebration
- 6/16/1916: Making a Record at Sale
- 9/18/1916: A Beautiful Home Wedding
- 10/17/1916: Half Bros. in Display Contest
- 12/12/1916: Elaborate Home Wedding
- 12/23/1916: Reception for Miss Weis and Fiance
- 12/27/1916: Nice Christmas Party Held
- 1/7: “One of the social events of the weekend will be the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the Hebrew Aid Society which will be held on next Sunday evening at 8 o’clock. The affair will be held in the synagogue on Tenth avenue and a splendid program has been prepared for the event. All members and their husbands are cordially invited to attend and a most delightful evening is assured.”
- 1/9: “The box social and housewarming given by the Young Men’s Hebrew Association last evening in their new home in the Homestead Savings Bank building proved to be one of the greatest social successes in the history of the organization. At least 300 people were the guests of the young men, and the boys proved themselves royal hosts.” Longer article below detailing the program, which featured Homesteaders Miss Freeman and Mrs. H.L. Little and other local entertainers, as well as the victrola stylings of Half Bros.
- 1/12: “The Hebrew Ladies Aid society of Homestead celebrated the tenth anniversary of its organization on Sunday night in the Synagogue on Tenth avenue, there being over 100 present, and a very enjoyable program was rendered. Mrs. Meyer Grinberg acted as chairlady of the formal meeting and an interesting paper was read by Mrs. I. Grossman, giving a history of the society since its organization.” A full history, including many early participants, is below.
- 2/4: The I.O.B.B. arranged “a meeting of special interest to the Jewish residents of Homestead” to take place on Monday, 2/7, at which “a strong effort will be made to organize a Ladies’ Auxiliary of the lodge in Homestead.” 2/5: The paper reported that Rabbi M.A. Alstet of B’nai Israel in McKeesport and the past and current presidents of the Ladies’ Auxiliary in McKeesport were set to speak. 2/19: The meeting was postponed until 2/21 “owing to the bereavement of one of the member” of the I.O.B.B. lodge. “A committee of ladies, composed of Mesdames M.I. Grinberg, R. Davidson, H. Little, J.W. Moss and D. Reiter, is working with the [male] committee of the lodge to insure the success of the meeting.” 3/8: Finally! “A large number of representative Jewish ladies assembled at the synagogue on Tenth avenue yesterday evening and formally organized the Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Independent Order B’Nai B’Rith. The following officers were elected. Mrs. R. Davidson, president; Mrs. E. Lebovitz, vice president; Mrs. Albert Gross, secretary; Mrs. H.S. Schwartz, treasurer; Mrs. J.W. Moss, warden.” Plans were set for the next meeting later in the month, but that meeting did not generate any newspaper mentions.
- 2/29: The Y.M.H.A. threw a leap-year dance. “No effort has been spared to make it the best social event of the winter…It is an invitation affair and the invitations include all the society people of Homestead an adjoining towns. The committee in charge is composed of Charles Mervis, chairman; Paul Numerosky, Julius Markowitz, Myer Jacobson, Harry Mervis, Abe Eskovitz and Jacob Vogel.” 3/1: The leap year dance attracted a “large and select attendance…besides many from Homestead there were guests present from Pittsburg, Braddock, Duquesne and other nearby sections. The dance, which was from 8:30 to 1 o’clock, was very enjoyable.”
- 3/14: “The Y.W.H.A. Society of Homestead will hold a select dance, March 28, in the ballroom of the Elks Temple, on Ninth avenue.”
- 3/16: “Great preparation is being made for a delightful entertainment to be given by the pupils of the Homestead Hebrew Religious school Sunday, March 19, at the the Carnegie Library at 7:30 p.m. Both the teachers and pupils take this means of extending a cordial invitation to all.” The program, including music and a play, is below. 3/18: A longish column, “Hebrew Holiday Tomorrow,” explained Purim to readers. 3/20: “The Jews of Homestead yesterday evening celebrated the feast of Purin (sic), a Jewish festival instituted to commemorate the preservation of the Jews in Persia from the destruction by the schemes of Haman, the story of which is found in the book of Esther. The celebration was held in the Carnegie Library Music hall and consisted of the production of one of the many version of the play, Esther, which forms a very pleasing theme for dramatic production. The play was rendered by the children. It was very well performed and was much enjoyed by a large audience.”
- 5/4: “The members of the Y.M.H.A. Society entertained a number of their friends at a smoker and entertainment in their rooms at 319 Eighth avenue last evening. The feature of the evening was the singing of the members of the Iroquois Quartette…There were 70 guests present and all enjoyed a pleasant evening. Refreshments were served.”
- 5/9: “What promises to be a very interesting affair, is being arranged by the Homestead Lodge, No. 586, of the Independent Order B’nai B’rith and the Ladies’ Auxiliary of that lodge for Sunday evening, May 14, at the Library. It will be in the nature of a literary and social evening and the committee in charge promises to have some prominent speakers to address the meeting and very good talent to entertain…”
- 5/11: The committee “has been very fortunate in securing the following speakers for that evening: Hon. A.C. Stein, Mr. Richard Rauh, Mrs. B. Davis and Mr. Geo. M. Levy. Entertainment has also been arranged for in the form of recitations by Miss Tillie Fisher, and violin and piano selections by the Misses Belle and Rose Nieman. With such an array of talent the evening promises to be of unusual interest. The meeting is open to the public and all having the time to spare will do well to be present.”
- 6/3: “The Jewish Religious School of Homestead will hold its annual outing on Sunday, at Homestead Park. A good treat is in store for the children of the school. A great number of the parents are also making preparations to spend the day there with the youngsters.”
- 6/28: “A splendid program has been prepared for the eleventh annual outing of the Hebrew Ladies’ Aid society which will be held at Homestead Park on Thursday, July 6. There will be fun and amusements for all and a large number of out of town residents will attend. Nossokoff orchestra has been engaged to furnish the music for the dance which will be held from 8 until 11 p.m. The whist is from 3 until 5 o’clock in the afternoon and handsome prizes will be awarded to the contestants.” 7/3: Another short article repeated the basics and added, “The committee consists of Mrs. Harry Feldman, Mrs. Robert Davidson and Mrs. B. Friedlander.” Near-duplicates of these articles were also published on 7/1 and 7/5. 7/7: The picnic “was exceptionally largely attended. The afternoon was given over to bridge whist. The winners being Mrs. Isaac Morris, Mrs. Samuel Fogel and Mrs. Jos. Lasdusky…Over sixty couple were present” at the evening dance.
- 7/8: “Rabbi A. Kahn, of New York, delivered a very forceful address this morning at the service in the Rodeph Shalom Synagogue on ‘Judaism, Past and Present.’ The rabbi is a very eloquent speaker and brought home every point in a telling manner. Besides being a rabbi he holds the degree of Berlin (sic). At the earnest request of the congregation he agreed to stay over and deliver a lecture at the synagogue tomorrow evening. The lecture will be in English and will begin at 7:30. The congregation earnestly desires that all the men women and young people of the Jewish faith in this community should be present.” Was this actually an audition? Is this man the same as the one in this article from 8/14? “A. Kahn, Ph.D., of Philadelphia, has arrived here to accept a position as cantor at Rodef Shalom Hebrew synagogue on Tenth avenue. He comes well recommended and will teach the Jewish children and instruct the adults in general topics.”
- 7/17: “The Young Men’s Hebrew Association of Pittsburg are holding their sixth anniversary at Kennywood park today. There will be sports of all kinds during the day.”
- 7/26: “Morris Grinberg and B. Friedlander, well known business men of Eighth avenue, have returned home from Erie, where they attended the fifteenth biennial convention of grad lodge of Independent Order B’nai B’rith, as delegates from the local order. They report a most delightful time and enjoyed the outing immensely…”
- 9/18: “The first meeting fro the fall season of the Homestead Lodge, I.O.B.B., will be held this evening at the synagogue on Tenth avenue. This meeting is of special importance as plans will be made for the various activities for the coming season. A large delegation from the Pittsburg lodges is expected to be present and the ladies’ auxiliary has arranged to furnish refreshments for the occasion. A very interesting and entertaining meeting is expected and all members are requested to be present.”
9/26: A long article explained the Jewish high holidays, which would begin at sundown tomorrow. On erev Rosh Hashana, 9/27, a long sermon was published by “Rev. Dr. A. Kahn.” It included the full service schedule, including “a lecture in English [to] be given by Rev. Dr. A. Kahn, the local rabbi” and “a lecture in Hebrew” by him as well. (How does this guy relate to Widom???) Also on Erev Rosh Hashana, Charles Hughes, the Republican candidate for president, visited Homestead and spoke in front of the library. On top of all their other holiday preparations, the town asked its business men to decorate their store fronts for his visit. (Here is a video of him speaking in Duquesne the same day!) 10/4, 10/7: Yom Kippur was explained.
- 11/25: “A very enjoyable evening is expected in Jewish circles in Homestead tomorrow evening, on the occasion of B’nai B’reth (sic) day.” The speakers were a New Yorker, Dr. Epstein, chairman of the National Fund of Palestine, Rev. A. Kahn. “Since his advent in this community, [he] has established a well earned reputation as a brilliant, forcible and entertaining speaker, and his presence will no doubt help materially towards the success of the evening. The meeting will be held at the Homestead Synagogue on Tenth avenue, tomorrow evening at 8 o’clock. It will be open to the public and everybody is cordially invited to be present.”
- 12/26: Sunday evening a “Chanukah Festival” under the direction of Rev. A. Kahn tok place. He “only recently arrived to take charge of the instruction of the Jewish children of this community. The rabbi has proven himself the most capable and efficient teacher that has ever taken charge of that work in Homestead. Under his tuition (sic) the children have made wonderful strides in the study of Hebrew and religion. The rabbi is also superintendent of the Sunday school of the synagogue, which has an enrollment of 120 children.” Article with complete program below.
- 12/17: I.O.B.B. “will hold a bazaar and ball Monday evening, January 1st, New Year’s night, at Elks temple. The affair promises to be the most brilliant ever held in this community, as there are five organizations working strenuously to make it a social and financial success, namely the Lodge, the Ladies’ Auxiliary, the local Y.M.H.A., the local Y.Y.H.A. (sic), and the Jewish Students’ Circle of the local High schools.” The affair was a fundraiser for the I.O.B.B. Orphans’ Home at Erie, Pa. “The committee assures everyone who will be present a pleasant evening. All members and friends of the order in this community are cordially invited to attend.”
7/8/1916: Associate Justice Brandeis and Mrs. Brandeis (p. 1). Another picture of him was published 10/31/1916.
2/19: “Rev. Holzer, a Jewish Baptist preacher who came from Canada last week…will preach in the Baptist church Sunday morning and evening.” He had been in Homestead the year prior.
- 2/28: An article entitled “The Word ‘Jehovah'” explained how the “preposterous hybrid” arose. (It was taken from here.)
- 5/18: A picture and article praised Artur Bodansky, the conductor of the Metropolitan Opera House.
- 7/12: “The Queen Esther Society composed of Jewish ladies of Pittsburg, are holding an all day outing at Homestead park today. There will be dancing and card playing this evening and a large turnout is looked for.”
- 12/4: “One of the curious results of the late election was the choice of Simon Bamberger, a Jew as governor of Utah, which is controlled by the Mormon church. Mr. Bamberger is a rich merchant of Salt Lake City, where for many years he has been held in the highest respect. In Idaho, where the Mormons are powerful, Moses Alexander was elected governor some years ago.” His photograph was included, too.
- 1/9/1916: Had Nice Housewarming Last Night
- 1/12/1916: Hebrew Ladies Celebrate
- 2/4/1916: A Meeting of Interest to the Jews
- 2/5/1916: Rabbi Alstet of McKeesport to Speak Here
- 2/19/1916: Open Meeting for Jewish Residents
- 3/8/1916: Jewish Ladies Organize
- 3/16/1916: The Hebrew Children’s Entertainment
- 3/18/1916: Hebrew Holiday Tomorrow
- 9/26/1916: Jewish Holiday Tomorrow
- 9/27/1916: Jewish Holiday, by Rev. Dr. A. Kahn
- 10/4/1916: Yom Kippur Comes
- 10/7/1916: Yom Kippur Today; Stores Open Tonight
- 12/26/1916: Chanuka Festival Celebrated
12/13/1916: Prizes for Early Xmas Shoppers , included H.L. Little, Jacob Little, I. Lincoff, J. Lasdusky, B. Friedlander, M.I. Grinberg, Louis Freeman, Brazley‘s Shoe Store, Ben Little, Friedlander Bros. Meat Mkt., Half Bros., Dan Sarron (sic), R. Schermer, I.J. Goldston, Harry Mervis, I. Grossman, Wolk Bros., Morris Grinberg, H. Sapeer, M. Mollinger (sic), and J.W. Gross.
Half Bros. (120-122 East Eighth avenue)
- Morris Grinberg (moved from Eighth avenue near Dickson to 515-517 Eight avenue between Dickson and Ammon)
- Ben Little’s (near Amity street)
- H.L. Little’s 321 Eighth avenue, next to Hutston’s Department Store)
- H. Sapeer (519 Eighth avenue, corner Dixon street)
- Joseph Lasdusky (335 Eighth avenue)
- Friedlander’s (213 Eighth avenue)
- The Victor Sho Co., J. Little, proprietor (311 Eighth avenue)
- I.S. Grossman (348 Eighth avenue)
- I. Grossman (moved from 147 East Eighth avenue to 605 Eighth avenue, 3 doors above Dickson street)
- The Homestead Loan Co., I. Lincoff (345 Eighth avenue)
- Harry Glick, wholesale liquor dealer (345 Eighth avenue)
- Glick’s Meat Market (249 Eighth avenue)
- Meyer I. Grinberg (209 Eighth avenue near Amity street)
- I.J. Goldston (617-619 Eighth avenue)
- Gross (corner Eighth and McClure)
- A. Lefkowitz (519 Dickson)
- M. Fischel (545 Dickson)
- Star Drug company
- Dan Saron (701 Eighth avenue)
- Fogel’s (next to Elite Theatre)
- Mallinger’s (407 Eighth avenue)
- Louis Freeman (221 Eighth avenue)