Merchant Woes
Business Doings
Personal Woes
- 1/15: Bank director elections for the Homestead Savings and Trust Company. I.S. Grossman and B. Hepps stayed on.
- 3/12: “Mrs. J. Gross, Mrs. B.J. Schwartz and Mrs. I. Grossman will have charge of the whist, euchre and dance that will be held in the Munhall municipal building on Eighth avenue and address street this evening.” 3/13: “Over thirty tables were in operation last evening at the whist, euchre and dance given in the Munhall Municipal Building…Twenty five prizes were awarded during the evening and the hall was too small to accommodate the crowd. Mrs. Cook of Twelfth avenue won first prize in the euchre while Miss Hazel Hepps of Dickson street capture the first prize in the Whist contest. After the euchre and whist the dance was on and continued until 1 o’clock.” I am flummoxed what this event was for. Perhaps it was a Ladies’ Auxiliary fundraiser? But then, why wouldn’t it say? There aren’t usually just general parties like this…
- 3/28: After bad flooding in Ohio, the boys scouts raised money. Some of the contributors were: I.S. Grossman, H.L. Little, Victor shoe co., L.D. Moss, B. Friedlander, Meyer Grinberg, Benj. Little. They gave a dollar or two each.
- 4/1: More flood donations of $1-2: Sam Margolis, Joseph Lasduksy ($5!), I. Grossman, Friedlander bros., Mark Fishel, L. Jacobson, Dr. M.H. Moss, Morris Grinberg, I.J. Goldstein (sic), A. Hepps, E. Schwartz, Joseph Fried, A. Lefkowitz, Morris Frankel, and Isaac Hertz. Morris Frankel was one of the ones in charge of soliciting donations.4/3: Hebrew Ladies Aid Society ($5!) and Sam Mervis. 4/5: H. Lazirovitz. From West Homestead: Harry Solomon and Roth Bros. 4/11: In the end over $500 was raised from the town.
- 5/27: Today was another Homestead Hospital tag day. The tag girls (and their sums raised) included Jennie Freeman .10, Mrs. Marks 9.52, Rosa Glick 13.49, Mrs. Lasdusky 13.92. The top tag girls raised upwards of $30.
- 7/11: As with all summers in this time period, the town had a Playground Association that ran a sort of summer camp for kids in town. Saturday afternoon they had a festival at Homestead Park. One of the events was the play Sleeping Beauty including Sam Hepps in its cast.
10/7: Hallowe’en planning began for this year’s big parade. 10/24: Prizes donated included: Jos. Lasduksy, ladies’ sweater; H.L. Little, boys’ shoes; Louis Freeman, 1 bunch bananas; B. Friedlander, 1 ladies umbrella; Meyer Grinberg, 1 fancy art picture; Ben Little, 1 pair tennis shoes; Half bros, rocking chair. 10/28: As in past years, one of the costume prizes was for “Best Hebrew” — first prize was a gold stick pin, and second prize “something good to eat.” Other categories included best Indian, Irish, German, Chinaman, male negro, female negro, clown, tramp, &c. 10/28: Two of the judges were Samuel Mervis and Reuben Schermer. 11/1: The men who won “Best Hebrew” were Evan Evans and his brother. The Homestead paper claimed their parade was better than Pittsburgh’s.
- 12/31: The Homestead businessmen’s association announced their banquet on 1/27. The committee included Morris Half.
- 1/2, 1/13: The basketball league had a “Zion Council” team. 1/22: And the YMHA of McKeesport.
- 1/25: Homestead high played the Irene Kaufman Settlement House team. “The Irene Kaufman Settlement team is considered to be a crack team.. but Homestead high was too much for them.” 2/1: And the Fifth avenue high school team of Pittsburgh, whom they also played, had at least 3 Jewish players.
- 1/28: The Eighth graders defeated the High school Freshies in basketball. Hepps played forward and made 2 field goals. Eskowitz made 1. 2/11: But they lost to Munhall, though Hepps made 5 field goals as forward (and Eskowitz none as guard). Hepps played again on 3/13.
- 2/4: Lasdusky played for the C.J. MacBride juniors of Homestead. 2/5: And Ferderber was guard for the Keystone team.
- 2/8: The Sophomore midgets won their game with Hepps as guard. 2/18: Another Sophomore midgets game — Hepps was moved to center. 2/25: The Sophomore midgets won again. Hepps was back at guard and made a field goal. 3/7: Another game with Hepps as guard, though this time Israel was the referee, and the sweater holder was Abe Schwartz?!?! 4/5: Another victory for the Sophomore midgets. Hepps made 2 field goals as forward. 4/30: 4/30 The Sophomore midgets won again with Hepps as guard and his 1 field goal. “This game gives the sophomores the undisputed championship.”
- 2/25: The Commercials included Israel as guard. He missed two foul goals.
- 3/4: The Second ward basketball team included Seigel and Carpe, and the Eighth grade seconds Freidman.
- 3/10: Seigle played for the First grade Keystone team. (Have I mentioned before that all these library basketball games are played on Saturday?!)
- 3/22: For the Homestead seconds Israel played forward. They won the game. 4/3: Another game with Israel playing forward for the Homestead H.S. seconds. Alas, they lost to the varsity team.
- 4/10: There was a “fast” high school game with Weis as guard. “The feature of the game was the playing of Weis and Grob.” Also, Carpe played in one of the library games. 4/12: Another game with Weiss as guard.
- 5/6: At the high school vs. alumni game Israel was the scorer.
- 5/7: Baseball! The seniors (with Israel and Mervis) beat the Freshies (with Samuels).
- 10/11: The Homestead High football team include right tackle Gross.
- 11/26: In a library game Lasdusky played for the McBride juniors.
- 12/10: In the latest games, the McBride juniors had Lasdusky, and Hepps played guard for the Homestead juniors II team.
- 12/11: Hepps played for the Junior seconds again. The team was “slaughtered.” (They lost their previous game, too.)
- 12/17: Lasdusky played for the McBride juniors again.
- 1/14: The minority faction issued a call for a meeting of the Borough council. “No member of the minority faction could be found today excepting Councilman Frankel, of the Second ward, who stated that he did not know the purposed of the call, that Mrs. Frankel was sick in the hospital and that he had little time to devote to public matters.” Something was brewing… not sure what, though there was a lot more politicking to prevent this meeting from happening.
- 2/3: “Councilman Morris Frankel, of the Second ward, is serving on the jury in criminal court this week.”
- It was reported in the paper on 3/13 that the town’s policemen went on strike. It was the first time in the history of the borough that Homestead didn’t have a police force. “This was the outcome of the strike of the seven on account of being asked to distribute pamphlets about the water question.” By 3/15 “the entire night police force is now off duty.” “Councilman Morris Frankel, the minority member of the [borough council’s police] committee at the meeting last night, defended the actions of the police in refusing to pass the circulars, he claiming that it would have been degrading for them to do so and would have lowered the dignity of the force in the eyes of the public….wound up his remarks by moving that the police be reinstated. No one seconded his motion however.”
- 3/21: The council decide to reorganize the police force by selecting a “high priced man as chief and [cutting] down the number of patrolmen to save money…The committee stood firm in their position not to recede from their stand and the motion of Morris Frankel, the only iminority member, to reinstate the entire night force, received no second. There was no wrangling in committee. The speaking was mainly done by Mr. Frankel, who made a plea for the resinstatement of the men.” It took until the end of the month to get the new chief and new officers on board and at work.
- 4/24: “Morris Frankel, who was granted a [liquor] license at Duquesne, is a councilman from the Second ward of Homestead…the law prevents a borough official of the nature of [this position] to hold a liquor license…Mr. Frankel…stated that he would hand in his resignation as councilman of the Second ward at the next meeting of council.” 4/26: A temperance group complained about seeing “a burgess of an adjoining borough and a councilman of our own borough, men who asked for and were given the vote of their fellow-citizens to care for the welfare of the community” enter the liquor business.
- 5/6: “At the regular session of borough council last night the resignation of Councilman Morris Frankel as a member from the Second ward, was received and accepted and M.J Hanlon was elected to fill the vacancy.” And that’s it.
- 4/19: The program for an evening of entertainment put on by the Eighth grade included David Lebovitz, Morris Freedman, Edith Gross, Edith Widom, Bennie Gross, and Isadore Lasdusky.
- 5/29: “The Senior class of the Homestead High school produced ‘The Cricket on the Hearth’ tonight in the High school auditorium at 8 o’clock.” Charles Mervis played an Old gentleman, Emeline Siegle – Mrs. Fielding, Regina Haupt – Tilly Slowboy, and Olga Hepps – Spirit of the Cricket.
- 6/2: The members of the high school graduating class were printed. Amongst the ten graduating with distinction: Harry Green, Charles Mervis, and Regina Haupt. Olga Hepps and two others received diplomas of honor. Other graduates included: David Israel, Emolene (sic) Seigle. Graduates of the Schwab manual traning school included: Grace Grossman, Lena Lebovitz, Edith Markle, Fanella Mervis, Joseph Gross, Jacob Hepps, and Samuel Israel.
- 6/4: “After the commencement exercises of the High school in the auditorium last evening, a banquet was tendered Charles David Mervis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Mervis, at their home 319 East Ninth avenue.” The article below lists all the many guests from Homestead, Pittsburgh, Braddock, and Connellsville — all of whom were Jewish.
- 6/25: The previous evening the high school alumni met to plan activities. Officers were elected, and a committee that included Arthur Grossman. All of this “will undoubtedly make for a bigger, better and stronger alumni association than we have had for some years.”
- 9/22: “Ralph Lasdusky, an Eighth avenue merchant, left the latter part of the week for Philadelphia where he will resume his studies at the University of Pennsylvania. He is taking the Classical course and enters the Junior class this fall.”
- 12/16: The boys of the Junior Class were putting on “an interesting sketch from ‘Julius Caesar,’ and my grandfather, Jacob Hepps, played Brutus!
- 11/24: The Homestead High School alumni association, which has been very active this past year, put on a musical! The cast included Miss Ruth Grossman. 11/26: Oh, it was a musicale, and the program included Miss Ruth Grossman playing a piano solo of Hungarian Rhapsody No. 12. What a difference an “e” makes! 12/2: “Miss Ruth Grossman and [others[ rendered piano solos which were well received. All of the artists were well known to the people of Homestead.”
Our first two news items follow on last year’s big liquor scandals — Samuel Markowitz’s and Harry Aaron’s loss of license…
- 1/23: “The sensational case in criminal court in which Samuel Markowitz, a former wholesale liquor dealer of the Second ward, accused John Detro, alias John Metro, and John Pido with falsely swearing that Peter Tonchen purchased intoxicating liquor at his place when under age was placed on trial yesterday in criminal court. Mr. Markowitz testified that he always opened the store in the morning. Henry, his son, testified that he was in the store on the morning of February 22 of last year when it was alleged the liquor was sold illegally. T.K. Reed, a timekeeper in the Homestead steel works, swore that Tunchen,” the man who allegedly purchased the liquor under age,” was working on the morning of the 22nd.” Boo-yah!
- 1/24: It seems E.G. Seigel of Dickson street attacked a Pittsburgh man, M. Moses, at the corner of Eighth and Dickson and was charged with assault and battery. He retaliated by charging Moses with disorderly conduct. “Moses alleges that Seigel attached him as he was entering the Henley hotel at the street corner, striking him on the head and knocking him down and afterwards when Moses went out of Martin’s drug store on Eighth avenue.” When Seigel was arrest, his brother-in-law Harry Aarons was with him. It turns out that this M. Moses was a detective employed by the Retail Liquor Dealers’ association in their successful bid to get Aaron’s license revoked!
- 2/7: “Any citizen of Homestead or neighboring towns desiring to obtain a liquor license will make sure of it by having photo made of location by Mark Fischel, 211 Dickson street.” WHERE ARE THESE PICTURES NOW???!!!
- 2/22: The list of retail liquor license applicants was published. There were 6 new applicants in Homestead, 2 each in the second, third, and fourth wards. Applicants included: Hepps, Barnhard, 406 Dickson street; Margolis, Samuel, 448-450 Dickson street; Schwarz, Benj J., Fourth avenue and Dickson street; Schwartz Morris, 552 Fourth avenue.
- 3/15: “It is likely the big building at the corner of Sixth avenue and Amity street, celebrated (ha!) as the Crystal Hotel,” is a thing of the past as a hostelry.” A long, fascinating article explains how once the business center moved from Sixth to Eighth avenue (like, in the mid-1890s!), the building cost more than it could make. “Proprietors have claimed that money could not be made by strict conformity to the license law and therefore in recent years little attention was paid to the rules of court.” This is certainly fascinating context for Harry Arons‘ legal trouble. Now it being remodeled for apartments, which the paper thinks is the best that can be done for it.
- 3/15: A resolution to the the Samuel Markowitz case: yesterday it was “compromised.” “Detectives were employed and every phase of the alleged conspiracy was probed to the bottom, and after much work and expense were devote to the case everything was compromised out of court and the actions withdrawn. Mr. Markowitz is an applicant for a wholesale license again this year.”
- 3/27: The next day would begin the trial of D. Seigel for striking the detective, M. Moses, who testified against his brother-in-law, Harry Arons, during last year’s Crystal Hotel trial. “Seigel, who is now a traveling man, could not be seen to obtain his version of the alleged assault.”
- 3/19: A state-wide prohibition bill was defeated in the Pennsylvania House. A local option bill, considered a way to gradually introduce prohibition, was also voted against. A reprieve — for now — but look at the year.
- 3/19: The Homestead applicants were in license court today. There was a general remonstrance against all of them. There was a discussion about whether or not last year’s new rule about no free lunch in saloons would be enforced for a second year.
- 3/21: Actually, it took so long to get through all of the sensational charges against Pittsburgh and McKeesport saloon keepers that the court won’t get to Homestead licenses until the middle of next week soonest. There wasn’t much news from the Homestead proceedings, though the “church people” appeared to make known their opinions. Retail license court closed on 4/3, and on the coming Monday turned to the wholesalers.
- 4/10: The license court judge claimed there were too many licenses in many Allegheny County towns, including Homestead. (For Braddock it was 1/1,382, and for Homestead 1/2000). This freaked out the 14 wholesale applicants in Homestead (six of whom were new, all of whom faced a general remonstrance).
- 4/19: Monday was the day for the results. A Homestead liquor dealer predicted there would not be any new licenses in Homestead or anywhere else, even though the town was down by one after the Crystal Hotel was put out of business.
- 4/23: Wrong. “The old applicants, that is those who had licenses last year, were all granted their licenses and two new ones in place of two which were revoked last fall were granted….Samuel Markowitz...was granted his license for his old stand, 465 Fourth avenue.” Morris Frankel got a license in Duquesne, which meant he could no longer serve on the borough council. Those refused included: retail — Morris Schwartz, 552 Fourth avenue; wholesale — Mores Carpe, 312 Dickson street, Joseph Freed, 522 Heisel street, and Max Markowitz, 512 Dickson street.
- 4/24: Successful applicants had until 5/1 to pay the new fee of $200 and obtain a certificate.
- 4/25: An editorial by the paper complained “the liquor business in Homestead is overdone.” Homestead had 57 retail and 10 wholesale licenses for 18,713, which was way out of proportion compared to McKeesport, which was twice its size. “Everyone will agree to the great harm the liquor habit is doing among the foreign population in Homestead…the license system of Allegheny county and of Homestead…is making the foreigner a drunkard…”
- 4/26: A temperance group wrote a long letter to the paper to express their approval.
Merchant Woes
- 3/17: The police were on strike, and here is what happened: “Two robberies were reported. The door of Joseph Lasdusky‘s store, at 335 Eighth avenue was discovered open when Louis Lasdusky, his son, went to open up Saturday morning and as evidence of someone having been in about $10 was missing from the till…M. Mallinger, a confectioner at 407 Eighth avenue, reported a peanut slot machine in front of his place had been taken Saturday night. He reported he thought there was about $3 in the machine.” As a leading citizen of the town, Lasdusky butted in and “proposed an arbitration of the contention between the police who are out and the police committee.” Unclear how his idea was received, though.
- 3/25: The police were still on strike, and — poor man, not again! “The store of Max Millinger (sic), 407 Eighth avenue was broken into last night and $6.00 in cash and a lot of cigaretts (sic) and other things taken. Entrance was effected through the rear door. The proprietor is of the opinion that if we had police protection the robbery would not have occurred and has reported the matter to the county detectives.”
- 4/29: “When Joseph Karden, a huckster, residing at 603 Ammon street went to the stable this morning to hitch up he found his horse missing, it having evidently been stolen during the night. The local police were notified and they in turn notified the police in neighboring towns. The horse is a dark bay mare with white spots on its forehead, and a ring burn on the side.”
- 5/9: “Early yesterday morning thieves entered the fruit store of Louie Freeman at 221 East Eighth avenue by means of a skeleton key and took the change from the cash register, consisting of about $6.50. Nothing else in the store was disturbed. The robbery was not discovered until Miss Jennie Rosen, a sister of Mrs. Freeman, went to the store yesterday morning…the police…stated there is a tie to persons who have been committing small robberies about town…”
- 5/13: Lefkowitz Hall was a frequent location for Hungarian weddings… which often got out of control. This event was a bit worse than usual: “One man was shot and wounded, another badly beaten over the head with a mace and a woman knocked down and kicked in the side…Mrs. Lefkowitz, the wife of Adolph Lefkowitz, was the woman injured.” The incident took place when Mr. Lefkowitz (which one? Adolph had died in November? or were there Adolph Lefkowitzes?!) was closing up and asked a group of loiterers to leave. Instead they attacked him. Full story below. 5/14: The three foreigners involved were charged with riot by the police captain. Two of them were charged by Adolph Lefkowitz with assault and battery, and the third with simple assault by Officer Seigel. (I don’t who this Officer Seigel is — I first saw his name 5/1 — perhaps he was new after the police strike?)
- 5/29: “Some time during last night thieves entered the store of B. Friedlander on Eighth avenue, and broke into the cash register and stole about $10 in nickels and dimes.”
- 7/11: “Those who passed Half Brothers‘ Furniture store on Eighth avenue this morning had their curiosity excited by a small hole in one of the big plate glass windows which is probably worth $150. The hole is so small that a lead pencil will not pass through it and the fracture itself does not extend over two inches.” A surprisingly long article weighed what might of happened. They decided probably a pebble flew from a car wheel.
- 7/14: On this day a legal notice appeared in the paper related to the bankrupt of “Emil Lebovitz and Louis Lebovitz, trading as Lebovitz Bros.”
- 7/28: “Last night Ben Little‘s shoe store was entered by robbers and the safe forced open but nothing of value was secured beyond a doller or so in small change….Mr. Little like most of the business men, never leaves any money in the safe over night…”
Business Doings
- 1/24: “Joseph Lasdusky is celebrating the nineteenth anniversary of his store this week by holding a big sale. The store has been decorated in honor of the occasion…Mr. Lasdusky has been very successful since locating in Homestead and has made a lot of friends and he is being congratulated on all sides on his anniversary, which makes him one of the oldest business men in town…”
- 1/24: “Ben Little announces that his annual winter clearance sale of shoes opens today. This store does not have one continual sale after another but only two each year, summer and winter, and they are bona fide clearance sales. Owing to the warm weather the shoe business has been poor this year and Mr. Little finds himself stocked up heavy than ever this year and is therefore making bigger cuts than ever to get rid of it.” 1/27: “B. Little’s shoes sale is proving a big success. Saturday night the clerks could not wait on al the customers who came and many went away and came back this morning. There is a reason for this. Great bargains are being offered in footwear.”
- 1/27: “B. Friedlander of 213 Eighth avenue, is conducting the most successful sale since he started in business in Homestead. The sale started last Friday and the store has been thronged every since with buyers…”
- 1/31: A want ad. “Wanted – millinery apprentices to learn millinery trade under competent milliners. Jos. Lasdusky.” I would take that job!!!
2/6: “The Friedlander Bros, well known business men, will on Saturday morning open a meat market at 239 Eighth avenue. They have furnished the room with the latest sanitary fixtures and will carry a full line of dressed and smoked meats at special prices.”
- 3/14: In the annual article extolling the town’s spring openings, the only two stores singled out for praise were the Jewish-owned ones! “One of the nicest looking stores is that of B. Friedlander, who makes a specialty of millinery and ladies’ ready-to-wear garments. The decorations in the store are very elaborate but it is the hats that catch and hold the eye…Mr. Friedlander has had a large force of milliners busy for weeks past trimming these hats and added to their work are creations from the leading manufacturers of the east. The display of ladies’ spring suits is also striking, the store having a much larger and finer line than ever before shown…The spring opening at Lasdusky‘s last night attracted a large crowd to the store, which had been remodeled and beautifully decorated and appropriated set off with the latest and most exquisite styles of millinery, showing much study and art on the part of the milliners…”
- 3/28: “Half Bros.’ big furniture store had more visitors at their spring opening yesterday and last night than they have ever had in the history of these annual affairs, which are always an attraction on account of the fine display of the latest in household furnishings of every kind and by reason of the pleasant nature of the entertainment…”
- 4/7: “H.L. Little, the shoe merchant, has received and accepted a flattering offer for one of the rooms occupied by him, and will enlarge the other and carry his entire line in the one room….Carpenters are at work today making the change and when the work is completed Mr. Little will have an up-to-date store in every particular. Saturday he opened a new store in McKeesport which he will manage in connection with the local store…”
- 5/24: “Half Bros. are celebrating the fourteenth anniversary of their coming to Homestead today and their store is in gala attire in honor of the event and is thronged with visitors and shoppers. When the firm located here fourteen years ago they started out on a small scale, occupying one store room on Eighth avenue. They were not here long, however, until they commenced to branch out…”
- 6/24: The Homestead board of public schools’ contract for janitors’ supplies was let to Morris and Meyer Grinberg.
- 6/27: “Joseph Lasdusky opened his semi-annual clearance sale this morning and his store was crowded the minute the doors were opened. Mr Lasdusky only holds two sales a year, mid winter and mid summer and they are genuine bargain sales and everything in his store of a seasonable nature is offered at a great reduction. Get one of his circulars and read over the bargains.” (Little made a similar argument on 1/24. This must’ve been a thing.)
- 7/16: “H.L. Little, the shoe man, announces the opening of one of the greatest show sales that has ever been held in Homestead…This sale is being conducted as a sort of celebration of the opening of the new addition to his store room…The new addition to the store is 20 by 40 feet and gives Mr. Little nearly a third more selling space and double the space for stock. Not only this but it greatly improves the appearance of the store making it bright and cheerful throughout…Mr. Little has always been noted for his progressive spirit…”
- 7/24: Ben Little and Morris Grinberg also announced clearance sales.
- 7/1: On 6/27 the town’s barbers all agreed to be closed entire July 4th, but open 7/3 til 11 PM. On this day the paper listed the barber shops that agreed to be closed, including M. R. Mervis on McClure, Jos. W. Schwartz at 703 8th, and Harry Mervis at 609 8th.
- 7/7: Beginning this evening many stores in Homestead will close early. Half Bros. agreed to close at 5 PM. 7/9: Friedlander and Lasdusky were amongst the next set of businesses to announce they’d also close early.
- 7/16: Want ad: “Young man to help on furniture wagon. Must be strong and active. Apply Half bros.”
- 9/19: “The fall millinery and ladies wearing apparel opening at Lasdusky‘s store, 335 East Eighth avenue will be tonight at 7 o’clock and the store will be open to visitors until 9:30. The opening will continue all next week and an invitation is extended to the people to inspect the latest styles in millinery and the up-to-date fashions in dress.”
- 9/26: “No woman young or old who passes along Eighth avenue will fail to be attracted by the excellent display of millinery, suits, coats and furs in the display windows of Friedlander‘s store at No. 213…The opening started last evening and from 7:30 until 9 o’clock a throng of ladies visited the store…The opening will continue the remainder of this week and all next week…” — overlapping with Rosh Hashana!
- 9/26: While “it is only a little over a year since [Ben Little] moved into his present quarter and started in the shoe business exclusively,” “this week he had the petition (sic – partition?) removed from the rear of his store and has thrown the entire building into one big room.” It gave him more space and light.
- 11/28: “Joseph Lasdusky is offering the people of this vicinity a rare opportunity for this time of the year, just before the holidays, to purchase wearing apparel. Usually at this time merchants, especially those in the city, mark their goods up, but Mr. Lasdusky is marking his down…”
- 12/13: “Christmas Window Display on Avenue – Local Stores are Now in Full Holiday Dress and Shoppers are Out in Great Numbers.” Some merchants of note: “On down the street can be found a novel display arranged by Ben Little, who is a genius, and who has arranged a miniature flying machine, which soars up and down, being operated by a concealed electric motor. This window is attracting no end of attention, especially among the children who want to find out what makes it go…On down the street, Half Bros have two attractive displays and other nice windows can be found in the New Center…On up the street two nice windows are found in H.L. Little‘s shoe store…Other displays that attract attention are the toy displays of Meyer Grinberg and I. Grossman.” Giving passing praise were Lasdusky and Goldstrom (sic?).
- 12/18: “Many favorable comments have been made in regard to the handsome decorations at Half Bros.’ Furniture store on Eighth avenue. The interior is trimmed in holiday colors and with elaborate wreaths in the display windows, but the unique feature which has been the object of much admiration is the decorated Christmas tree on a platform in front of the second floor. The effect at night is especially fine as it is illuminated by many colored electric lights and can be seen from quite a distance up and down the avenue.”
- 12/19: “Considerable amusement and some excitement was caused yesterday in front of Gross‘ clothing and shoe store, corner of Eighth avenue and McClure when a turkey broke lose and made a bee line for its native wilds. Mr. Gross is offering a turkey free for each person who purchases goods to the amount of $15 and yesterday when he undertook to get one of the birds for a customer one turkey objecting to be the one to be slaughtered for a Christmas holiday broke out of his cage and started up Eighth avenue. Soon a large crowd gathered and joined in the chase. The turkey made a brave struggle for his life, but lost, as one of the chasers overhauled him and brought him back to prison.”
10/1: “The store of Louis Freeman will close this eveng owing to a Jewish holiday and will re-open Saturday morning with a complete fresh line of fruits and vegetables… the shoe store of H.L. Little will be closed all day tomorrow. Open as usual Friday morning.”
- 10/27: “A demonstrator – Dr. C.A. Brown, of New York is at H.L. Little’s shoe store at 321 Eighth avenue today and will remain over tomorrow giving demosntrations of how to take care of the feet. Any one suffering from foot trouble of any kind shoul call and see him during his stay in town. Consultation is free.”
- 10/27: “Wanted—boy to work in shoe store. Inquire of H.L. Little, 321 Eighth avenue.”
- 10/29: “The enterprising firm of Half Bros. Home Furnishers on Eighth avenue have purchased a large auto delivery truck which arrived yesterday and was immediately put into services. The truck is a forty horse power with a one ton and a half capacity and has all the up to date improvements. With the new truck the firm will be able to keep up with their large increasing business and make quick delivery to all points in the Monongahela valley.”
Personal Woes
- 1/17: “Moses Chotiner aged 20 years, of Seventh avenue, was struck by a Second avenue street car yesterday afternoon near Sarah street, West Homestead. He failed to see the car and was knocked down and carried some distance on the fender…The sustained a fracture of several ribs and contused wounds on the back…”
- 1/31: 1/31: H.C. Kline of Pittsburgh “met Oscar Nervis (sic?) on Eighth avenue, Munhall, who was busy counting his pay, which amounted to $20.63. The twenty dollars bill looked good to Mr. Kline, who is alleged to have grabbed it and refused to return it…”
- 3/1: “We desire to thank our friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy during the illness and death of our darling son, Leonard Aaron Mervis. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Mervis and family.”
- 3/7: “H.L. Little, the well known shoe merchant, who has been ill for the past week, is reported much improved and may be able to be back in his store tomorrow.”
- 3/8: “The store of Meyer I. Grinberg at 209 Eighth avenue will be cloesd this afternoon and evening owing to the death of L. Brodie of Pittsburg, father of Mrs. Grinberg. The deceased was the oldest Rabbi in Pittsburg and was well known to the Jewish residents of the county. He is survived by five sons and two daughters: Mose, Jesse Gust, Meyer and David and Mrs. Harrison of Oakland and Mrs. Meyer I. Grinberg of this place. Funeral will be held Sunday afternoon.” A longer article on 3/10 told more about “Rabbi Louis Broudy, aged 70 years, one of the most prominent rabbis of Western Pennsylvania.” He had been “born in Kovno, Russia, where he was educated and about 45 years ago located in Pittsburg. At that time there were but two Jewish synagogues in the city and he had charge of both. From the time he first went to Pittsburg until seven years ago he had been at the head of the Beth Madrish Hagodel synagogue in Washington place…While in charge of the congregation he built the present edifice…”
- 4/8: “Shortly after 2 o’clock this morning the Central fire department responded to an alarm and found a blaze on the second floor of the building occupied by A. Morkozsky on Third avenue which spread to the grocery store of Solomon Weiss, corner of Dickson street and Third avenue. After a hard battle the fire was extinguished. The damage on the buildings is estimated at $200. The cause of the fire is unknown.”
- 4/16: “Jacob Solomon, aged 70 years, father of Mrs. I.J. Goldston, of Eighth avenue, died this morning at 11 o’clock at his residence in Pittsburg…”
- 4/18: “Raphael Goldston, aged 75 years, a retired business man, died at 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon at his residence, 511 Eighth avenue…He was born in Poland, Russia, in 1838, and came to the United States 25 years ago and located in Pittsburg. Some years ago he came to Homestead. He was a member of the Washington street synagogue, Pittsburg” today Beth HaMedrash HaGadol, “and was well known along the Monongahela valley. He is the father of I.J. Goldston, a well known merchant of Eighth avenue and is highly respected and one of the best known Hebrew citizens in this vicinity….” Man, a bad time for Goldston parents!!
- 4/28: “Mrs. Anna Freedman, aged 38 years, wife of Julius Freedman, died last night at 11:45 o’clock at her home, No. 527 Dickson street, after an illness of three weeks. She was a member of Rodef Sholem Hebrew congregation of Ammon street. She is survived by her husband and two sons, Morris and Arthur, at home. Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon and interment will be made in the Hebrew cemetery near Homeville.”
- 8/7: “At an early hour this morning the residence of Meyer Grinberg, a well known merchant of 335 Twelfth avenue, was entered and the lower floor ransacted (sic). The thieves gained an entrance by forcing the dining room window and evidently became frightening and ran away leaving all the silverware on the table. Mr. Grinberg is away on his vacation and early this morning Mrs. Grinberg, who was at home with the children saw a light flashing across the transome (sic), but did not unlock the door to make an investigation. Miss Anna Huhack, who is employed as a domestic went down stairs and the noise she made scared the robbers away…”
- 9/11: “Samuel, the three year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rosenthal of 302 Dickson street, was instantly killed this morning at 11 o’clock by one of Reick’s heavy ice cream wagons running of it.” The wagon did not see him and ran over him. They thought he had been playing under the wagon. Officer Jacob Seigle arrested the driver. 9/13: The paper reported the funeral was held on 9/12 at 4 PM in the “Jewish cemetery back of Homeville.”
- 10/2: “Mrs. Little, wife of H.L. Little the well known shoe merchant who recently underwent an operation in the John S. Hopkins hospital will be able to leave the institution in a few days the operation having proven very successful. She will remain for several weeks with her parents in Baltimore recuperating before returning home.”
- 10/4: “Shortly before two o’clock this morning fire was discovered in the cellar of the store and dwelling of Samuel Hepps on Dickson Street. An alarm was sent in from Box 31 and the Central and Second Ward Fire departments an (sic) extinguished the blaze before much damage was done.”
- 12/17: “L. Gross, of 616 Heisel street, was waylaid yesterday afternoon on the road near the Hays railroad station while on his way to the South Side, Pittsburg, by six highwaymen. It was one of the boldest attempts at highway robbery ever reported in this vicinity.” After they knocked him off his wagon, he screamed, and the men fled.
- 12/11: “Louis Freeman, of the Messenger apartments is able to be out after a severe illness.”
- 1/7: “Louis Freeman, a well known biz man of Eighth ave, departed last night for Johnstown, where he will spend a few days with friends… R..J. Glueck of West Homestead, has gone to New York and Providence, R.I.”
- 1/17: “M. Half left last night for Chicago to attend the furniture show. He will be gone about a week.”
- 1/20: “The Misses Lebovitz of Fourth avenue, entertained at their home last evening the Misses Charpern, Miss Ida Saul and Mr. Buck of Pittsburg, Mr. Schnur of Rankin and Mr. Weiss and Mr. Schwartz of Braddock.”
- 2/1: “Joseph Lasdusky will leave tonight for New York to purchase his spring stock for his store here and in Braddock.”
- 2/19: “Joseph Lasdusky, an Eighth avenue merchant, left this morning for Cincinnati to attend the wedding of his brother, Dr. Lewis Lasdusky, of Second and Flowers avenue…”
- 5/5: “H.L. Little left Saturday night for Baltimore to bring home his wife and son, who have been visiting there for several weeks. They will return tomorrow eveining… Joseph Lasdusky left Satuday night for New York on a business trip. En route he expects to stop off in Philadelphia and spend Sunday with his son, Ralph, who is attending the University of Pennsylvania.”
- 6/5: “H.L. Little was a McKeesport visitor yesterday.”
- 6/23: “Miss Ray Lovenstein, of Richmond, Va., is the house guest of her old chum, Mrs. H.L. Little. Miss Lovenstein is a lady of culture, having diplomas from several of the leading colleges and universities of the country and many degrees. She is now completing a four year course in medicine in the University of Chicago. She is a fluent linguist and a deep student.” She also spoke at the Hebrew school program on 6/29, where her full name was given (Rochel Leah). She attended the University of Richmond studying French, mathematics, and history and received her A.B. and A.M. in 1907 and 1908. Then she began her medical studies at Johns Hopkins during the 1908-9 school year. Then she was one of the “Special Students Taking Medical Courses” at the University of Chicago in the 1913-1914 school year. She got her MD by 1915, and the Journal of the American Medical Association reported that had married a fellow doctor, Lazarus Karp, on June 2, 1915. You can see a picture of her here.
- 7/12: “Joseph Lasdusky and family, will leave tomorrow for Cambridge springs for a two weeks’ stay.”
- 8/7: “Mrs. Rose Heilbron and daughter, Miss Rena, of Eighth avenue, have left today for Cleveland where they will spend a few weeks.”
- 8/15: “Harry Markowitz, of McClure street attended the watermelon party given by the Black Cat club at Oakmont last night.”
- 8/26: “Joseph Lasdusky, a merchant of Eighth avenue has gone to New York and Philadelphia where he will purchase stock for his Homestead and Braddock stores.”
- 9/6: “Joseph Lasdusky is home from New York, where he purchased a big stock of fall goods for his Homestead and Braddock stores. While away he visited Atlantic City.”
9/12: “Former councilman Morris Frankel, of the Second ward, now proprietor of a hotel in Duquesne, was calling on friends in town this morning. His son, C.W. Frankel, left last night for Harvard college in which he is a senior and will graduate at the commencement next year.”
9/16: “H.L. Little and family are visiting in Baltimore. Mr. Little is expected home tomorrow but his wife and child will remain away for several weeks.” (This is because — see above — she was in the hospital.) - 10/9: “Morris Frankel a former Second ward concilman, now of Duquesne, was calling on friends on town today. Saturday is another Jewish holiday.”
- 10/20: “Mose Silverman, of Baltimore, spent Saturday and Sunday with his brother-in-law H.L. Little.” (The first two days of Sukkot were Friday and Saturday.)
- 11/18: “Miss Rena Heiborn (sic) of 132 East Eighth avenue, entertained last evening in honor of her nephews, Herbert Macy and George Macy, of New York City. The party was an informal affair and a splendid musical program was rendered which was enjoyed by the guests. Dancing was a feature of the evening and a delicious luncheon was served by the hostess.”
- 11/5: “H.L. Little arrived home from Baltimore this morning.”
- 11/24: “Morris Frankel, formerly a councilman from the Second ward, Homestead, now of Duquesne, was a visitor here on Saturday…Mrs. Morris Frankel is visiting her son who is attending Harvard university at Cambridge, Mass and took in the Harvard-Yale football game Saturday.”
- 1/16: “Mr. and Mrs. Henry Glick, of Fourth avenue, announce the engagement of their daughter, Celia, to Enoch Grinstein, of Braddock.”
- 1/28: “Mrs. Fannie Lebovitz, of 525 Fourth avenue, has announced the engagement of her daughter, Miss Ida Lebovitz, to Louis Weiss, a young business man of Braddock. The wedding will take place in the near future.”
- 2/3: “An elaborate cut glass shower was given last night by Mrs. Harry and Samuel Glick, at the resident of the latter, 510 Eighth avenue, complimentary to Miss Celia Glick, whose engagement to Enoch Greenstein will be followed by their marriage on February 23. It was one of the largest functions of the kind ever held in Homestead, there being 90 guests present from Pittsburg, Braddock, Duquesne, McKeesport and Homestead. The presents to the bride by her numerous friends consisted of the finest specimens of cut glassware of every design and for every table use. A sumptuous dinner consisting of every seasonable delicacy was served. The table decorations were in pink and white and the rooms were made tropical with ferns and flowers. A pretty solo was rendered by Miss Rose Hertz.”
- 2/15: “The Y.W.H.A. of H. held a Valentine linen shower at the home of Blanche Seigle in honor of Miss Celia Glick, whose marriage to Enoch Greinstein will be an event of Feb. 23. The decorations were carried out in red and white valentine colors, the favors being small cupids holding gold slippers. The centerpiece was of tulips and carnations. The evening was spent in cards and music and at a late hour a sumptuous lunch was served and the bride-elect received many beautiful gifts. Many elaborate affairs have already been held in honor of this most popular bride-to-be.” The list of marriage licenses published in the paper the previous day included them.
- 2/24: “Miss Celia Glick, a well known young Hebrew woman, of 514 Fourth avenue, was married yesterday afternoon at the Jewish synagogue on Ammon street, the ceremony being attended by a large number of friends of the bride and groom, the latter being Enoch Greenstein, of Braddock, a popular merchant of that place. After the ceremony a reception and wedding dinner was held, which was attended by the many relatives and friends of the young couple. After a wedding journey through the East Mr. and Mrs. Greenstein will make their home in Homestead.”
- 3/17: “Miss Ida Lebovitz, daughter of Mrs. Fannie Lebovitz, of 525 Fourth avenue and Louis Weiss a merchant of Braddock were united in marriage at 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon at a pretty home wedding at the residence of the bride’s mother. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Isabel and the groom by B. Hepps of Homestead. Rabbi Widom of Rodef Sholem congregation officiated. The ceremony was performed in the presence of a large number of relatives and friends of the young couple after which a reception and wedding supper were given. After a short wedding journey Mr. and Mrs. Weiss will reside in Homestead.”
- 4/7: “One of the prettiest home weddings of the season took place last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Friedlander, 224 Tenth avenue, when Miss Minnie Lebovitz became the bride of Solomon Rattner, a young business man of Braddock…Rev. D. (sic) Widom, pastor of the Rodef Shalom Hebrew congregation of Ammon street, officiated…The bride is a sister of Mrs. B Friedlander, of Tenth avenue. The newlyweds will make their home in Braddock…”
- 6/3: “Joseph Lasusky moved yesterday from Homestead to Munhall. Mr. Lasdusky resided in Homestead 21 years and during that time took a lively part in politics, he having served two terms on the school board two years of which he was president of that body. His moving into the adjoining borough will take him out of borough politics, but he will still be in a position to take part in all movements looking to the advancement of the town and can be depended upon to do so.” Munhall was considered a nicer place to live than Homestead.
- 7/14: “Adolph Lefkowitz, a well known business on Dickson street, is all smiles over the arrival of a handsome daughter, which has arrived at his home. His family now consists of six daughters and one son. Mr. Lefkowitz was formerly a member of the police force and his host of friends are extending their congratulations.”
- 9/9: In the section of marriage licenses taken out, one is listed for Nathan C. Kartub and Fannie Schwartz.
- 10/25: “Mrs. Morris Grinberg will celebrate her fifteenth weddin anniversary Sunday evening at her home on Twelfth avenue. Many out of town guests will be present along with friends from Homestead.”
- 12/19: “Their (sic) is great joy in the home of Jacob Weiss, on Ninth avenue and morning (sic) when it was announced that the stork had called and paid the young couple a visit and left a charming daughter. Mr. Weiss, is manager of the steamship and foreign department of the Monongahela Trust Co. and was given a royal welcome when he arrived at the bank this morning.”
- 5/13: Lefkowitz riot
- 6/4: Banquet to Graduate
There was much activity this year related to the start of construction on the new synagogue! These articles are organized elsewhere on the site; I’ve provided links to them here.
- 1/20: “The Homestead branch of the I.O.B.B. installed officers for the ensuing year and also celebrate the eighth anniversary of the founding of the local society at an interesting meeting held last night in Odd Fellows’ temple on Ninth avenue. There was a very large attendance, visitors being present from Pittsburg, McKeesport, Duquesne, Braddock and Turtle Creek. The installation ceremony was conducted by Joseph Lasdusky, assisted by Charles Sloan and was dignified and impressive.” The full program, with many local participants is below.
- 2/21: “Y.W.H.A. will hold its second annual dance, Tuesday evening, Feb. 25, at McDougall’s hall, Penn and Shady avenues, East End. Miss Sadie Grinberg and committee are working hard to make this dance a big success. Tickets can be bought at the hall the evening of dance or from members.”
- 3/3: The contract for the new Hebrew synagogue
- 3/7: “The confirmation class of the Homestead Hebrew school had a surprise party on their teacher, Rev. S. Widom, last night at his home. The evening was spent in music and games. At 9:30 a dainty lunch was served, and the guests left at 10:30. Those present where Master Edward Haupt, Robert Hilk, Samuel Carpe, Jacob Schwartz, Solomon Kardon, Leonard Aarons, Harry Lasdusky, Jacob Siegle, David Lebovitz, Morris Margolis, Harry Samuels, Alex Wido and Misses Bertha Israel, Eva Samuels, Esther Margolis, Esther Goldston, Esther Widom, Edith Widom, Ethel Smidt, Mrs. Widom, Harry Widom and Rev. S. Widom.
- 3/10: “A surprise party was given in honor of Morris Margolis by the F.B.B.’s of Homestead Sunday evening.” What are the FBBs? Future B’nai B’rith? “Many delightful games were played which were followed by a dainty lunch. Those present were Rose Glick, David Lebovitz, Eva Samuels, Jacob Schwartz, Esther Goldstein, Robert Hilk, Selma Goldstein, Morris Hepps, Florence Goldstein, Anna Margolis, Edward Haupt, Rose Goldstein, Harry Lasdusky, Bertha Israel, Morris Margolis and Esther Margolis.”
- 3/15: A medium-length article explaining Purim appeared (below).
- 3/18: The third annual masquerade ball of the Independent Order, B’rith of Abraham, will be held this evening in Casino hall. The affair promises to be the social event of the week, and a large number of out-of-town guests from Pittsburg and towns along the Monongahela river will attend. The committee in charge as secured the Kramer orchestra to furnish music for the occasion and ten handsome prizes will be awarded…The committee in charge of the ball tonight at (sic) Nathan Eskovitz, Edward Hertz, Abraham Zeiger, Joseph Glick and H. Podosky. The officers of the order are: President, Nathan Schwartz; vice president, Morris Frankel; secretary, I.S. Grossman; treasurer, Joseph Freed.” (A second, smaller article appeared on the same day, too. “Many of the members have arranged for fancy masques and costumes and quite a variety of showing will be made. There will be many handsome prizes to be given out for the different winning costumes and makeups.”
- 3/19: “The Casino hall was too small to accommodate the large crowd which attended the third annual masquerade ball given last evening by the Independent Order B’rith of Abraham. The costumes were exceptionally fine and the judges had difficulty in selecting the winners for the grand prizes. The committee, composed of Nathan Eskovitz, Edward Hertz and A. Zeigler was showered with compliments on the successful affair.
- 3/24: Young People Working For Good Cause
- 3/25: Play Tonight
- 3/25: “A very enjoyable Purim entertainment was given by the Homestead Hebrew school Sunday, March 23, at the synagogue on Ammon street. The entertainment was the first given by the Hebrew school and the people did very well. The entertainment was under the auspices of Rev. S. Widom and Miss Edith Widom. The parents of the children examined the pupils and after the examination the entertainment began. By the courtesy of the Hebrew Ladies Aid society a treat was given to the pupils.” The article below has the full program.4/16: A longish, generic article explaining passover appeared. “Although the Passover has certain features in common with the universal Spring festival, it is its historical significance which gives it lasting vitality.” More below.
- 5/31: A Mass Meeting
- 6/19: Ready to Break Ground
- 6/20: United Hebrew association to help
- 6/24: Broke Ground
- 6/28: “The school conducted in connection with the Homestead Hebrew congregation will give an exhibition and entertainment tomorrow afternoon in Carnegie library which will be of unusual interest. Besides the program to be given by the children which will consist of two plays, and recitations, solos, duettes, etc., there will be addresses by two or three prominent men form out of town as well as by some local men. The general public will be welcomed to the entertainment.” Full program in the article below.
- 6/30: The paper reviewed the concert favorably! “One of the nicest entertainment given by children in Homestead in a long time was the annual school exhibition held yesterday afternoon in Carnegie music hall by the Homestead Hebrew school, which has just closed one of its most successful terms having an enrollment of nearly 150. There was a good sized audience out to witness the performance given by the children and all were delighted.” Full review below, including a mention of superintendent Mr. Jacobs, whom I can’t help but wonder if he’s this guy. (Though the article said it would print Ruth Grinberg‘s speech in full the next day, I did not see it. 🙁 )
- 7/3: “The annual outing of the Homestead Jewish Religious School will be held at Homestead Park on Sunday afternoon July 6th. All children are requested to meet at the Synagogue on Ammon street at 1:30 o’clock and from there to go in a body.
- 7/7: “The Hebrew school children had a nice time at Homestead park yesterday afternoon, the occasion being their annual outing. There were about 150 children present and many more grown people. Games of all kinds were played and dinner served.”
- 8/5: In a list of picnics booked at Homestead Park, we read that the YWHA were to have an evening on the 25th. The 8/22/1913 Criterion elaborates, “The Y.W.H.A., of Homestead, will hold their second dance of the season, at Homestead Park, Monday evening, August 25, 1913.”
- 8/7: Tax petition
- 8/8: Synagogue Property is Sold
- 9/22: To Lay the Corner Stone Next Sunday
- 9/27: History Making Day for the Homestead Jews
- 9/29: Impressive Ceremonies at Laying of Corner Stone
- 10/1: “Jewish Holiday Starts – Stores Will be Closed for Two Days – Will Worship.” As with the past many years, services could not be held in the shul due to the size of the community — this time they were in Turner hall for two days. (Full article below.)
- 10/2: “Ushered in with sundown, the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, began last evening, and in all the Jewish synagogues and templates orthodox and reformed, impressive services were solemnized just as they have been held for thousands of years.” (Full article below.)
10/9: Although their store had to be closed during the day, the Half Brothers store was determined to get at least some of the payday business in the evening.
10/4: From the “Short Messages” section: “The next Jewish holiday falls on next Saturday, which is pay day at the steel works yet the local Hebrews intend to close their places of business.”
- 10/9: “Lodge No. 586 I.O.B.B. which is made up of the leading Hebrew residents of this place will give the first of their series of select dances in the Elks temple, Tuesday evening. Admission will be by invitation only. The lodge conducted a very creditable affair in the same hall last winter which was attended by many out of town people, a notable feature being the handsome gowns worn by the ladies. The dance this year will be conducted on the same scale and a nice evening is promised all who attend.”
- 10/10: “All arrangements have been completed for the opening of the Jewish Religious school on next Sunday and a large attendance is anticipated. The school will be held in the Odd Fellows hall on Ninth avenue and will open at 10 o’clock. Nathan Jacobs has been selected as superintendent again and will be in charge. The I.O.B.B. will have direct charge of the school and expect this year will be a banner.
- 10/10: “Another Jewish Holiday – It Will be Strictly Observed by the Local Hebrews – Stores Closed.”
- 10/13: An editorial from a couple weeks later
- 10/15: “The first of a series of winter dances under the auspices of the I.O.B.B. was held last night in the Elks temple on Ninth avenue and was a delightful social affair. There were over 100 couples in attendance, there being guests from Pittsburg, McKeesport, Duquesne, Braddock and McKees Rocks who were nicely entertained by the home people. The dance was from 8 until 1 o’clock and excellent music was furnished by the Markowitz orchestra which was concealed behind an embankment of palms and ferns. The proceeds of this and the remainder of the series to be held this winter will be devoted to the maintenance of the Hebrew Religious school.”
- 10/21: Committee for Annual Ball
- 10/25: “The Homestead Hebrew Ladies are much interested in the coming lecture of Hellen (sic) Keller and her teacher, Mrs. John Macey under the auspices of Jewish Women of the Greater Pittsburgh, October 30th. This will be a notable event and many Homestead people will undoubtedly attend. Tickets can be had of Mrs. I. Grossman, 147 Eighth avenue.”
- 11/12: Ladies to Give Dance
- 11/20: “The local lodge of Independent Order of B’nai B’rith is greatly interested in the Anti-Defamation league, recently organized, and at their request we give below the principles of the organization and some of the things it hopes to accomplish.” You can read the article below, too. The ADL was founded as a part of the IOBB in response to the Leo Frank affair.
- 11/25: Dance Tonight
- 11/26: Enjoyable
- 12/15: The Drawing
- 12/17: Lucky Ticket
- 12/23: The paper published a long article explaining Chanukah (below).
- 3/10: The paper wondered where Solomon’s temple had been located.
- 6/2: The paper printed a long column entitled “Why the Jews Get Ahead.” It is an excerpt from an article from McClure’s. “He is the greatest ‘shoe-string’ capitalist in the world. He can do with one dollar what the average citizen cannot do with ten.” The paper editorializes, “In order words the Jewish people prepare for their opportunity.” At least read the article below, if not the full piece at the link above. Really.
- 6/13: “Mrs. Enoch Rauh the widely known charity and settlement worker of Pittsburg, will deliver a free lecture in the auditorium of the McKeesport High school on Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. Mrs. Rauh is one of the most prominent women in the country in philanthropic work, and is at the head of some of the leading organizations. The subject will be of interest and importance, that of ‘Social Hygiene.’ Many Homestead people expect to attend the lecture.”
- 7/14: An article mentioned the boxer “Leach Cross, the ghetto champon of New York, whose real name is Louis Wallach.”
- 8/22: A front-page article with a picture reported that Henry Morgenthau, “a real estate man and banker of New York…has been nominated by President Wilson for minister to Turkey. Mr. Morgenthau was treasurer of the Democratic National Committee in the last campaign, and was largely instrumental in raising the money by which President Wilson was elected. He is very wealthy, and he will be able to maintain his position in Constantinople out of his own means even if the salary of minister is not sufficient.” Interestingly, Morgenthau had hoped for a cabinet position, but he became the third Jewish ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, since Christians assumed Jews would make a good bridge between Muslim Turks and Christian Americans. Rabbi Stephen Wise convinced him to accept, in part because he could aid the cause of Zionism in his role. He became one of the most prominent Americans to speak out against the Armenian genocide.
- 9/6: In the regular “Sunday School Lesson” column a reverend wrote about the history of the Jews, which “teaches fundamental lessons in nation building. They have influenced the history of the world more than any other nation. There is an ardent patriotism in them which the vicissitudes of time cannot destroy. There is a bond which binds the together which the changes of time has not severed.” The rest of the sermon examined their secret from the lens of the Bible, reminding readers that “worship lies at the foundation of both individual and national character. Worship is not less important for American than it was for Israel. Let every American do his part to maintain institutions of public worship.”
- 10/21: The paper published pictures about burning Volturno liner, telling the story of one particular Russian immigrant, who threw his children over and his wife jumped after them. His sisters met him at the pier. Apparently many of the passengers were Russian-Jewish immigrants. HIAS organized a big effort to meet the at the pier. The New York Times had extensive coverage.
- 12/11: “‘The Black 107’ a picture founded on the celebrated trial of Mindel Beillis (sic) in Russia, will be shown at the Elite tomorrow. The sorrowful plight of the Jews in Russia is shown in this picture, and a lot of scenes of historic value. The pictures are shown in three reels. Three other pictures will also be shown.” This trial took place 9/25-10/28/1913.
- 12/17: In the controversy about whether it was right to spend money on a municipal Christmas tree for all three boroughs, the paper editorialized, “Nearly all our holidays excepting Christmas are exclusively American, but Christ died for all and national and racial lines are here obliterated…some at least of the foreign population are as devout as we and the interest attached to their service will be interesting as being characteristic of a different civilization, but at the same time for the same purpose as all others, our nation included…There is no town better qualified to give variety to a week’s festival such as this than Homestead.” Obviously no consideration of the Jews!Another editorial on 12/23 spoke on similar themes. “In a community like Homesteader, with its many nationalities, one of the sweetest thoughts for Christmas is that Jesus is the International Christ. Outwardly Chris was a Jew, he lived and taught in a little land called Palestine, but no one ever thinks of confining him within national boundaries. He is international. He is universal. Moses is Jewish. Confucius and China are inseparable. Goethe is German. Hugo is French. Emerson is American…But Christ has stretched the local into the universal and has leaped over all natural and national limitations. ..He is like the sun–He belongs to everybody…”To that on end on 12/23 the town had a community Xmas tree program for three nights. Thursday evening was Hungarian night, featuring Hungarian music with trained Hungarian singers. The second night was Slavonic night.
- 1/20: Lodge Held Nice Affair Last Night
- 3/15: PURMIN!
- 3/25: Children Give Play
- 4/16: The Jewish Passover (as opposed to all the other Passovers?!)
- 6/2: Why the Jews Get Ahead
- 6/28: A Fine Program Sunday
- 6/30: A Nice School Concert
- 10/1: Jewish Holiday Starts
- 10/2: Jewish New Year
- 10/10: Another Jewish Holiday
- 11/20: Looking After Welfare
- 12/23: The Feast of Dedication
Advertisements for the following Jewish-owned stores appeared in the paper this year.
- Half Bros (126-128 E. 8th Avenue)
- The Victor Shoe Co. (311 Eighth ave)
- Little’s (319-321 Eighth Ave, between Ann & McClure, moved to just 321 next to Hutsons)
- Ben Little’s Shoe Store (207 8th Ave near Amity)
- Friedlander’s (213 Eighth Ave)
- Lasdusky (335 Eighth Ave)
- Friedlander Bros. (239 Eighth Ave)
- I. Grossman (147 East Eighth avenue)
- Morris Grinberg (605 Eighth Avenue near Dickson St.)
- Meyer I. Grinberg (209 Eighth ave, near Amity)
- I.J. Goldston (617-619 Eighth ave, above Dickson St.)
- Segelman’s (corner Eighth and Amity, “Old reliable” jewelry store)
- Gross (401 Eighth avenue)