Some thoughts on Gettysburg vs. Homestead, written on the anniversary of both.

From Milltown to Hometown: How the Homestead Strike Shaped a Community
To kick off the commemoration of the 125th anniversary of the Homestead strike, I examined the lessons of the decades-long interdependence of the town’s merchants and millworkers.

Homestead and Its Hebrews, 1881-1914 and Today
Reconstructing Homestead’s early years of integration through the words of the local newspaper and the first Jewish residents creates a narrative with unexpected resonance for this post-election climate.

D’var Torah: Parshat Chukkat
A d’var Torah delivered at Young People’s Synagogue in Pittsburgh connecting the Torah portion to the founders of Homestead’s synagogue.

Speech on the Hundredth Anniversary of the Synagogue’s Dedication
On 9/6/2014 I delivered this D’var Torah to commemorate the 9/6/1914 dedication of Homestead’s synagogue.