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1/3: “Lieut. Ralph Lasday who has been spending the holidays with his parents in this place has returned to Camp Meade. He has charge of the ordnance department of the camp and will continue in service for some time. He is looking fine and enjoys the army life very much. His brother Louie, who is in France also writes that he is in excellent health and is seeing much of the country since the armistice was declared.” 1/7: “Lieut. Ralph Lasday, of Camp Mead, who on leave of absence, visited his parents, on Ninth avenue, returned to camp on Saturday night. He has made rapid advancement since he entered Uncle Sam’s army.”
- 1/17: “Lieut. Louis Lasday, of the medical department of the army who resides in Hazelwood, accompanied by his wife and daughter are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lasdusky, of Ninth avenue, Munhall.” (This is his brother, not his son.)
- 1/21: The letter Herman Samuels sent to his wife was published in the paper. He was in a small town 90 miles southeast of Paris. Now that the war was over, he, like, the other letter writers, could finally give their families specifics of their location and experiences.
- 1/29: Homestead organized a Pershing Club whose members subscribed for $1,000 or more of thrift stamps. Members included Dr. David Reiter, B. Hepps, H.L. Little, Sam Glick, Ben Little, Isaac Lincoff, Emil Leibovitz, Emanuel Swartz, A. Mellnick, Harry Solomon, Joseph Weinberger, R. Schermer, Louis Hilk, Joseph Fried, Mark Fischel, Sam Margolis, Max Mallinger, Sam D. Mervis, Morris Trau, and Leon Trau. Homestead sold $300,000 worth of stamps, far aheadd of any other community in Allegheny County (the paper claimed).
- 1/29: Private Schwartz and two other “Homestead boys from the old Eighteenth Regiment” which was turned into the 111th Infantry during the war, “are home from France…Schwartz was only slightly gassed and is again in good physical condition.”
- 2/19: West Homestead printed its honor roll of soldiers in the paper, including Louis Glucksman, who they did not list as injured or dead or missing.
- 2/22: Private John Jacob Rome was buried in France. He died on October 2, 1918. A lengthy article with photo described his service and his death. “Private Rome was a well known business man of Homestead, he having conducted a grocery store at 330 Eighth avenue. He was also a well known young man of Pittsburgh and well liked by all who knew him. He was a member of the Y.M.H.A., also the Odd Fellows of Pittsburgh.”
- 2/28: “Jacob Little of the Victor Shoe Co. is rejoicing in a gift which he received from his son who is in the commissary department of the army. Knowing his father’s natural interest in shoes, both large and small, he sent him one which ought to hold the record for size. It is an army shoe size 16 1/2, just twice the size that father wears.”
- 3/8: Isadore Glick sent a letter to the paper on February 13 to write that of the whole AEF Combat Division, the “Eightieth Division outshines them all.” He described his unit as a “disgusted, homesick bunch.” In France he met “Friedlander, Alec Cohen and Samuels, also Homestead boys, who join me in sending best regards.”
- 3/22: The town’s Soldiers and Sailors executive committee was chosen. It included Mrs. Jos. Lasdusky and Mr. Ben Schwartz.
- 4/26: To kick off the Victory Loan drive, a special section of the paper honored the Homestead boys who died in the war. None of the members on the synagogue’s honor roll were included, though I can guess at why (most were technically not from Homestead; one they may not yet known was dead). The section was supposed with ads by Half Bros. and others.
- 4/30: “Victory Loan Gets Big Boost – Money Pours In.” Emil Lebovitz subscribed to $5000 in bonds; Mark Fischel, I.J. Goldston, M. Grinberg, Half Bros., H. Sapeer, and Ruben Schermer all subscribed to $1,000.
- 5/5: During the Victory Loan drive, H.S. Swartz subscribed to $1000 in bonds.
- 5/21: “A family reunion was held Sunday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Margolis of 507 Ninth avenue, Munhall. The honor guests of the evening were: Messrs Louis Margolis, Harry Margolis, Sam Margolis and Ralph Fargotstein, who were recently discharged from the service of Uncle Sam. Covers were laid for fifty. The color scheme was carried out in red, white and blue. Diversions of the evening were music and dancing.”
- 5/21: “In the Victory Loan Campaign conducted by the Homestead Boy Scouts of American Troop 2 of Homestead is proud of their record.” The article below details how the scouts raised $9,600.
- 6/2: “Mr. and Mrs. Jos Lasdusky are now in New York with the Mayor’s Welcoming committee to meet the 319th Infantry of which their son Lewis is a member. Mr. Lasdusky writes interestingly of the welcome of the 320th Infantry which arrived last week. About 200 relatives of the local boys paraded up Broadway singing and yelling and then took an all-night ride up the bay and escorted the big transport into dock. The welcoming scenes were touching. Miss Frances Friedman, of Boston, who has been visiting the Lasduskys for some time accompanied Mrs. Lasdusky to New York Saturday night.”
- 6/4: “Soldiers From Homestead, Members of the 319th Infantry, Who Arrived in New York From France on Monday…Headquarters Company…Hyman Samuels, private in medical department…Company F…Cook Alexander Friedlander, Cook M.L. Nidorff (sic)…Louis Lasday…Company K…Harry Markowitz…”
- 6/6: “‘Homestead boys in the 319th are all well and anxious to get home to see their folks. They are all many boys, well set up and the picture of health.’ This is the message Joseph Lasdusky, Homestead representative on the mayor’s welcoming committee, brings back with him to the anxious relatives of the local soldier boys. While East Mr. Lasdusky greeted both the 319th and 320th many miles out at sea on a Government tug and again spoke with the boys at the pier and followed them to Camp Fix. One of the first soldiers he recognized on the big transport as it steamed up the way, was Mr. Lasdusky’s own son, Lewis, who went over with the 319th Infantry a year ago. A pleasant reunion occurred at the pier, Mrs. Jos. Lasdusky also being present.”
- 6/10: “Homestead and vicinity were in the city” — Pittsburgh — “en masse last night to see the heroes of the battle fields of France, the Three Hundred and Nineteenth Infantry parade previous to leaving for Camp Sherman, where they will be discharged from service…A large number of the stores closed earlier to allow their employees to take in the big parade of the heroes, and Half Brothers and others furnished trucks and hauled the clerks to the city.”
- 6/10: “Lewis L. Lasday, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Lasdusky, who left for France a year ago, returned yesterday with the 319th Infantry. During the day many friends and relatives called on him. After spending a few hours in Homestead he left for Camp Sherman where he will discharged.”
- 6/14: “Alex Friedlander, son of Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Friedlander of Third avenue, has been honorably discharged from overseas duty. Young Friedlander was drafted and left for Camp Lee September, 1917, being there in training for 9 months, after which he went across with the famous 80th Division in May, 1918. Serving with overseas units for 12 months, until last Monday, June 2, when he arrived in New York and received his discharge yesterday afternoon.”
- 6/20: “Mrs. E. Glueck of 305 West Eighth avenue, West Homestead, received a telegram this morning that her son, Robert J. Glueck, of Corps 303 motor transport division had arrived in New York yesterday and was sent to Camp Mills. He has been in the service for the past 16 months. Mr. Glueck left today for New York where he will visit Camp Mills and welcome his son back on the American soil and home.”
- 6/28: “An interesting modified marathon race was held [last] evening under the auspices of the Homestead Club American Expeditionary Forces, and a large crowd were attracted by the event.” A mix of soldiers and boy scouts ran. “Permission was granted Troop No. 7 of the Boy Scouts in charge of Scoutmaster Harry Margolis to enter.” One of the prizes was a necktie from Gross Department Store.
- 7/8: “What promises to be the largest reunion in the Jewish community of Homestead will be the banquet and reception in honor of the 50 Jewish soldiers and sailor to be held Thursday evening, July 10th, at 7 o’clock. The committees representing all the Jewish organization of the town are working day and night to make this celebrate one to be remembered by all the honor guests as the greatest reunion of their lives. Full program below, including Leonard Levin, Esq., and Lieut. David Glick.
- 7/12: “The Homestead Hebrew Synagogue Thursday evening was the scene of an elaborate banquet and reception given in honor of the returned Jewish soldiers and sailors of Homestead under the auspices of the Homestead Jewish Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Welfare League. About 300 guests sat at the festive boards in the vestry rooms of the synagogue… The guests of honor of the evening–45 Jewish boys who helped to swell Homestead’s quota to the cause of humanity occupied one section of the hall.” Participating were Joseph Lasdusky, Arthur M. Grossman, Lieut. David Glick of Pittsburgh, L.S. Levine, Esq., chairman of the Jewish Welfare Board of Allegheny county, Dr. Philo of Pittsburgh, Rev. Widom, Miss Ruth Grossman, Miss Florence Goldston, Benjamin Schwartz, William Siegel, and Mark Fischel. A long article below, by R.H. Lasday, one of the honorees (!) runs through the rest of the evening.
- 7/25: In late July the Homestead district formulated plans for a “Welcome Home Outing” on Saturday, September 6th, to thank the 1500 local boys who served. “Of course, this will require money. The district which gave so liberally while their boys were in danger can be depended upon to subscribe just as liberally to celebrate their safe return.” Mr. B. Friedlander attended a meeting the evening of 7/28 of the Finance Committee of the Celebration Day. He, Mr. Leo Half, Mr. Joseph Lasdusky, Mr. Morris Grinberg, Mr. Mark Fischel, and five others were appointed to canvas the business men of the district for funds. On 8/4 the business men met at the Chamber of Commerce headquarters and agreed to close their stores for the day. It seemed, though, that some business men refused and others were giving paltry sums to the affair.
- 7/25: “Mr. Ben Rosen, brother of Mrs. Louis Freeman and Mrs. J.W. Moss, has just returned from two years over seas. Mr. Rosen is the brother of Mr. Sam Rosen who returned two months ago.”
- 8/16: “Some of those who subscribed…to the fund for the expenses of the celebration of Home Coming Day” included Jos. Lasdusky 50.00 and Homestead Ornamental Iron Works 50.00 (this was Joseph Katz). 8/18: B. Friedlander 25.00, Friedlander Bros. 15.00, Jesse Wolk 10.00, Morris Grinberg 10.00, H. Sapeer 10.00, N. Cohen 10.00, Louis Hilk 10.00, Dr. M.H. Moss 10.00, J. Gross 10.00, Max Mallinger 10.00, I. Grinberg (sic?) 10.00, Louis Freeman 10.00, Ben Little 10.00, I. Lincoff 10.00. 8/25: Sam Fogel 5.00, Jacobson & Hebovitz (sic) 5.00, Sam Margolis 5.00, Harry Solomon 5.00, Wolk Furniture Company 5.00, Dr. J.W. Moss 5.00. 8/26: Jacob Solomon 2.00, L. Schwartz 2.00, Chas. Glick 1.00, Mr. Fox 1.00, I. Neman (sic?) 1.00, Samuel Seigel 1.00, David Fogel 1.00, A. Weiss 1.00, Samuel Bordy (sic?) .50. 8/27: Victor Shoe Co. 10.00, Sam Glick 10.00, Max Adlersberg 5.00, I.J. Goldstone 5.00, D. Saron 5.00, Mark Fischel 5.00, F. Broinsky 2.00, L. Jacobson 2.00, H. Haupt 2.00, M. Salamon 2.00, R. Schermer 2.00, James Schwartz 1.00, Averbach & Bornschau (sic) 1.00, A. Lefkovich 1.00, Liberman & Cohen 1.00, Yee Sing 1.00, I. Grosssman 1.00, L. Hadburg 1.00. 8/29: Robert Davidson 5.00, Miller & Port 5.00, Sam Lewis 2.00. 9/8: Half Bros. 0.50, H. Lazirovitz 1.00.
- 8/23: Ralph H. Lasday wrote an article about the latest meeting of the Homestead Post of the World’s War Veterans of the American Legion. Most of the discussion dealt with their participation in the upcoming Home Coming Day.
- 9/8: “1004 Soldier Boys Feted Saturday by 25,000 Citizens — The Gallant Boys of the District Cheered by Big Throng on the Streets as They Marched in Military Array and Wearing the Khaki.” One of the staff officers who led the parade was Lieutenant Ralph Lasday. “The veterans of the World War whom every person was impatient to see in line were formed into three battalions.” The “line officers” included J.M. Hepps.
- 9/18: “The Jewish people of Homestead next Sunday will dedicate their memorial tablet which will be presented by Homestead Jewry to the Synagogue in honor of all the Homestead Jewish soldiers and sailors who have been in service during the great war. The massive bronze tablet will have inscribed thereon 50 names, five of which have stars–these boys having met death on the battle field. The dedication services will take place in the Synagogue on Tenth avenue and promise to be very interesting and worth while with such promising men as Dr. Samuel Goldenson, rabbi of the Rodelph Shalem (sic) Temple of Pittsburgh, Attorney Leonard J. Levin of Pittsburgh and Burgess P.H. McGuire as speakers. All those present are well assured an enjoyable evening. The public is cordially invited to attend.”
- 9/20: The dedication of the Bronze Memorial Tablet by the Jewish people of Homestead in honor of all the Homestead Jewish boys who were in service, will take place at the Synagogue on Tenth avenue, Sunday evening, September 21, at 8 p.m. The tablet will be presented to the Synagogue by the Jews in the community through the efforts of the Homestead Jewish Soldiers and Sailors Welfare League. Mr. Joseph Lasdusky, president of this organization, will be in charge of the dedication exercises…The program is as follows: Memorial Services–Rev. Widom. Unveiling of Tablet–Jos. Lasdusky. Speakers–Burgess P.H. McGuire, Rabbi Samuel Goldenson, of Rodelf Sholem Temple, Pittsburgh; Att’y Leonard J. Levine, of Pittsburg. Presentation of Victory Loan Medals–Mr. Holsinger, to Troop No. 2, Jewish Boy Scouts of Homestead. Ed Haupt, Scout Leader.”
- 9/22: “At the Jewish Synagogue last evening a tablet bearing the names of Jewish boys who were in the service of their country was dedicated. The names of fifth were inscribed on the tablet, and give who died in service. Joseph Lasdusky president of the Jewish Soldiers and Sailors Welfare League, who had three sons in the service, was chairman of the service and unveiled the tablet. A fine program was carried out. Rev. Widom was in charge of the memorial services and addresses were made by prominent men. At the close of the program Victory Loan Medals were presented to Troop No. 2, Jewish Boy Scouts, of which Edward Haupt is the Scout Leader.” (For context, the 1919 steel strike began that day, too.)
- 9/23: An article explaining Rosh Hashana noted, “Army and navy commanders have received orders to grant furloughs to soldiers and sailors of the Jewish faith that they may observe New Year and Day of Atonement. Services will be held in all huts of the camps and naval stations in this country and in France; also on transports bringing soldiers home.”
- 10/2: “The urgent appeal made by the Jewish War Relief committee of Western Pennsylvania for funds to sustain the six million souls who are on the verge of starvation in many European countries will be needed alike by Jew and Gentile. The pertinence of contributing to this campaign October 6 to 13, is beyond measure, in which the principle is so humanitarian and so broad in mercy. A high mass meeting is being arranged for Sunday evening at 8 o’clock, at the Synagogue, Tenth and McClure, by the local committee to initiate activity in the Homestead district. Prominent speakers will portray the necessity for immediate funds. It is virtually a non-sectarian move sponsored by the Jewish War Relief Committee.”
- 10/4: “With a gathering of local Jewry and non-Jews tomorrow evening in the Synagogue, Tenth avenue and McClure street at 8 o’lock the Homestead district committee will launch a drive for money to aid in the sustenance of the six million Jews in the poverty stricken nations of Eastern Europe. During the campaign week October 6th to 13th, spirited American citizens of every creed will cooperate to raise $35,000,000 so that the Jewish War Relief Committee may continue supplementing the notable accomplishments of the Red Cross relieving that organization of part of its burden.” The article, below, went on to detail the work, concluding, “Attorney A. Grossman is chairman of the local committee, Mrs. H. Sapeer and Mr. I.J. Goldston are serving as secretary and treasurer respectively. Others on the general committee are Mr. B. Friedlander and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Grinberg. On the publicity committee the following have been appointed: Mr. Hyman Sapeer, Mr. Leo Half and Mr. Benj. Trau.”
- 10/6: “An enthusiastic meeting of the Jewish War Relief campaign was held last night in the Synagogue on Tenth avenue and within an hour more than $1,5000 in money and pledges were received, which is a fine sum for the opening of the campaign which will be continued throughout the week. Attorney Arthur Hepps (sic!) presided over the meeting and addresses were made by A. Hepps and others in the interest of noble work. It is safe to say the quota will be raised as both Jew and Gentile will respond to the appeal of humanity. In all the campaigns in the past the local Jews have given great aid to every worth cause and all should continue liberally to this fund to save the starving Jews left destitute in the war zone. Many families attended the meeting and the opening prayer was made by Rev. E.S. La Mar of the First Reformed church.”
- 10/7: The articles from the past 5 days apparently paint too confidence-inspiring a picture. “Due to a misunderstanding the Central Office in the Union Arcade Pittburg, the Homestead District has had no organized campaign for raising $35,000,000 in the United States, for the relief of starving Europe,” although “a campaign should have been started three weeks ago among all the churches, clubs and lodges in the Homestead district, and nothing has been done. An emergency Committee of the Jewish people of Homestead has been formed to have Homestead in her proper place–over the top. The quota for Homestead is $8,000. Last night at the local Synagogue nearly $2,000 was raised to start the campaign. The Jewish people have pledged $4,000 towards the $8,0000 quota. They hope to raise the other $4,000 from the non Jewish community. The Ministerial Association wanted to help raise this quota, and wanted to make an organized effort to push the Homestead district ‘over the top’ but the time was so short, and notice given them at such a late date that their efforts cannot produce the maximum results.” The rest of the article, below, pleas for support, inviting people to their headquarters at the Y.M.H.A. hall on the third floor of the Homestead Savings Bank Building.
- 10/7: “Allegheny county school children will be given an opportunity tomorrow to aid the children of Central and Eastern Europe…[Wednesday] has been set aside by Superintendent of County Schools Samuel Hamilton as the occasion for collections form the pupils in county schools…” The article below outlines this effort, including that “practically every town of 1,000 or more population, in this extensive territory, has its own hustling committee. The canvass of these workers, he said, is so planned that even the smallest community to help…”
- 10/8: “The Jewish Relief Committee of the Homestead District started the mammoth task of calling upon every individual in the Homestead District for his or her contribution towards the relief of starving Europe. The task is an enormous one, the workers few, and the cause most holy,” began a long letter by Arthur M. Grossman, chairman of the drive, who detailed the drive and invited the community to a meeting Wednesday evening.

10/9/1919: An ad for the Homestead Jewish War Relief. Note the names on the Homestead Executive Committee, including leading non-Jews and Jos. Lasdusky, A.C. Hepps, Dr. M.H. Moss, Mark Fishel, Jas. Katz, and Leo. L. Half. An earlier version, which ran on 10/7, named the leaders of the overall Western Pennsylvania Campaign, which appear to be mainly Pittsburghers. The date of the second ad and the differences in names seems to reflect the coordination difficulties mentioned in the 10/7 article.
- 10/9: “The meeting of the captains and team workers of the Jewish Relief Campaign which was held last evening in the campaign headquarters in the Homestead Savings Bank building was largely attended by some of Homestead’s most representative non-Jewish residents. These men came at the invitation of the local campaign managers who felt that without their support and activity, Homestead would not be able to make the excellent showing which has invariably been made in every campaign inaugurated for common good. During the course of the evening those present decided that the campaign should be conducted much more successfully by an executive committee and one has only to read the personnel of that committee to know that as far as Homestead’s quota is concerned, it is practically assured…” Full update below, include the committee men (listed also in the ad at right).
- 10/10: “The newly formed executive committee to aid in the successful handling of the local Jewish War Relief campaign met last evening and formulated a number of good plans” including “[extending] the campaign up to and including October 15, thereby enabling the workers to have additional time in which to thoroughly cover their districts.” The rest of the article was propaganda for the cause, including a verse from “Our Own,” a poem by Israel Zangwill.
- 10/11: “There are two races that have suffered greatly as a direct result of the war–the Armenian and the Jewish,” began the latest appeal. “This is a time when the non-Jewish world has an opportunity of reciprocating the liberality of the Jews in times past to the non-Jewish appeals…” Full article below.
- 10/11: A determine spirit to emerge over the $8,000 mark, Homestead’s quota in the tremendous Jewish Relief Fund drive, marked last evening’s meeting of local campaign workers in Y.M.H.A. quarters last night. Chairman A. Grossman introduced Mr. Arthurs, a non-Jew, who is accomplishing exceedingly commendable work in organizing Western Pennsylvania committees…The treasurer of the local organization, B.J. Schwartz, reported $2,395.85 collected to date in cash subscriptions…It was permanently decided to hold a mass meeting Monday evening the Synagogue, Tenth and McClure…” Full article below.
- 10/13: “One of the most important activities in connection with the Jewish War Relief campaign will be the mass meeting which will be held in the Homestead Synagogue…Major H. Ratner who served on Herbert Hoover’s food commission will be the principal speaker. ..[He] will give some first hand and thoroughly reliable information regarding the frightful conditions existing in the regions where the Hoover commission were distributing food, etc., for the relief of the starving inhabitants…” The article, below, also notes that people who wish to donate by check should mail them to I.J. Goldston, the treasurer of the campaign.
- 10/14: “It was estimated that over 200 people attended the mass meeting int he interested of the Jewish War Relief campaign held in the Homestead Synagogue last evening.” The article below reviewed Major Ratner’s speech. In addition, “Another interesting speaker was Mr. O. Robbins who spoke in Yiddish and particularly impressed the older members of the audience. The meeting was very excellently presided over by Dr. M.H. Moss. The appeal for funds brought a generous response and it is estimated that over $1,500 in cash and pledges was raised…”
- 10/15: “Every worker, on the Jewish War Relief Fund, whether team captain or lieutenant is urgently requested to attend a general meeting which will be held in the headquarters rooms…Mr. Arthur Grossman chairman of the Homestead district campaign attended the final meeting held in Pittsburg last night and acting upon the instructions issued by the Western Pennsylvania chairman, the local campaign will be continued until Saturday night…” Full article below.
- 10/16: “An interesting meeting of the captains and some of the workers of the local Jewish War Relief campaign was held at the headquarters last night. Additional reports which were turned in showed that the quota had not yet been reached but by conducting the campaign until Saturday and renewing the efforts on the part of the workers every one present seemed sure that the fund would go “over the top.” The chairman of the industrial committee reported that he was still to hear from the member of his committee who was taking subscriptions at the general office of the steel works and the Mesta Machine Co. When these contributions are turned in they are sure to give the fund a substantial boost. Unless a special meeting is called the chairman, Mr. Grossman, announced that there would be no further meetings of workers until next Monday, when the captains and workers are requested to be at the Homestead Synagogue for final meeting.”
- 10/28: “The Western Pennsylvania district for the Jewish war relief campaign contributed $1,200,000, an amount sufficient to provide sustenance for 1,000,000 people for 60 days under the existing rationing system. This was announced yesterday at the closing dinner of the campaign at the William Penn Hotel. The guests at the dinner were members of the committees which had charge of the campaign in 100 communities in Western Pennsylvania, outside Allegheny county. They were brought together to make reports. The total of contribution they gathered was $520,000. The Homestead committee reports between $6,000 and $7,000 raised in this district.”
- 11/7: “The end of the Campaign was celebrated with a ‘Hot Dog’ banquet, which was held in the Synagogue.” A long article detailing the campaign celebrated the contributions of chairman Arthur Grossman; I.J. Goldston, treasurer; B.J. Swartz, assistant treasurer; Emil Lebovitz, financial secretary; Lee Half and Jos. Katz, in charge of industrials; captains Mrs. B. Friedlander, Mrs. Keizler, Mrs. Reiter, Miss Hepps, Mrs. Alex Hepps, Morris Grinberg, I. Lincoff, and Mark Fishel; advertising committee Half, Sapeer, and Trau; and Lasdusky on the executive committee. The speakers were toastmaster Dr. M.H. Moss, Dr. Reiter, Louis Freeman, and I. Grossman. “Last year the total amount collected for the War Sufferers was $4,000. This year the total amount sent to central headquarters was” $5,545.32 in cash and $1,041.00 in pledges for a total of $6,536.32.
- 5/21/1919: Troop No. 2 Make a Good Showing
- 7/8/1919: Reception to Jewish Soldiers and Sailors
- 7/12/1919: Reception and Banquet in Honor of Jewish Soldiers and Sailors
- 10/4/1919: A Mass Meeting for Jewish Relief Tomorrow Night
- 10/7/1919: An Apology and Plea
- 10/7/1919: School Pupils Drive for Jewish Relief Fund
- 10/8/1919: Jewish Relief Campaign Starts
- 10/9/1919: Jewish War Relief Gets a Big Boost at Citizen’s Meeting
- 10/10/1919: Good Progress Being Made in the Local Jewish Relief Campaign, New Executive Committee Holds Meeting
- 10/11/1919: Appeal to the Heart of Humanity
- 10/11/1919: In Aid of Those in Need
- 10/13/1919: Major Ratner to Speak
- 10/14/1919: Crowd Attends Meeting
- 10/15/1919: Jewish Relief is Extended to Sunday
- 11/7/1919: Jewish Relief Returns
- 1/7: The business men decided to change the name of their organization and broaden its aim to be more of a Chamber of Commerce or Board of Trade. The committee to form the new organization included Joseph Lasdusky, Morris Half, and four others. The committee to establish community athletic groups included H.L. Little.
- 1/15: B. Hepps was re-elected director of the Homestead Savings Bank and Trust Company.
- 1/21: The new Chamber of Commerce was formed with Leo Half on the membership committee and Jos. Lasdusky on the war memorial committee and the committee to nominate board candidates. On 1/24 the committee made its nominations. Morris Half was a candidate for First Vice President. 1/28: He was not elected, but a 24-member board of directors was proposed, opening up additional positions. 2/25: Sixty-six men were nominated. 2/27: They included: Joseph Katz, manufacturer; Joseph Lasdusky, business; Morris Half, business. 3/5: Only 6 men received majority of votes cast, including Morris Half, who won a three year term. Joseph Lasdusky won a two-year term. Mark Fischel and Joseph Katz came in at the bottom of the voting. 3/7: The new directors chose officers, and now Morris Half was First Vice President. 4/1: Morris Half presided over “that which may be called the first regular meeting of the Homestead District Chamber of Commerce” because the president was sick.
- 2/4: The membership campaign for the new Homestead District Chamber of Commerce, with chairman Leo Half of membership committee, “already had their plans layed (sic) for the campaign which could start this evening.” They were meeting with their workers to organize a systematic canvass for members. As for the directors, the nominating committee included Lasdusky.
- 2/15: “The Business Men’s Valley Ball League season will open at the Library gym next Tuesday afternoon.” A. Silverman was a player on a team called “The Machine Gun Squad.”
- 2/19: Among the first 25 men to join the new Chamber of Commerce were Half Bros. and Harry Haupt. 2/20: Adolph Hepps and Max Mallinger were in the next group. 2/2/2: Then Leo Half, Robert Davidson, and Harry Glick. 2/24: Dr. J.W. Moss. 2/25: Albert Gross, I. Grossman, Hyman Sapeer, L. Jacobson, Jacob Freed.
- 3/22: The Chamber of Commerce committees were announced. The list, separate from the membership, shows what issues concerned the business men at this time: Americanization, charities, education, entertainment, finance, hospital (Morris Half), housing conditions, industries (Joseph M. Katz), legislative, membership (Leo Half), mercantile affairs (B. Friedlander, Joseph M. Lasdusky, Morris Grinberg, Isaac Goldstone), municipal affairs, public utilities, recreation and parks, sanitation, and public improvement.
- 4/29: At the latest Chamber of Commerce meeting, “Joseph Lasdusky announced the death of A.D. Slocum, the late editor of the Daily Messenger and a director of the Chamber of Commerce.” He and four others formed a committee to attend the funeral.
- 5/20: At a “very interesting session” of the Chamber of Commerce, Morris Half was appointed to the publicity committee and a committee “to be always on the job for the good of the Chamber.”
- 6/21: As the Chamber of Commerce membership campaign continued, Bernard J. Weis published an article, “Why Should I Join the Chamber of Commerce.” (On 6/19 they reported confidence they would get to 1000 members; they had 681 a month prior.)
- 9/13: A mass meeting in Turner Hall that evening was announced to promote the Homestead District Republican Organization. Amongst the “representative citizens behind this movement” were Barnard Hepps.
- 11/8: “Today is expected to be the high water mark of the Red Cross campaign…As there will be no house-to-house canvass this year, booths will be strategically placed on the avenue.” Located included Lasdusky’s Department Store, helmed by Mrs. Ralph H. Lasday, and Half Bros., by Mrs. F.E. Mesta.
- 11/25: The nominees for the next selection of Chamber of Commerce directors included Leo Half.
- 1/6: As in the previous year, Benj. Trau regularly wrote sports columns for the paper. His columns appeared regularly throughout the year, most often on boxing and high school football, though there was a break between 9/27 and 11/8 due to his father’s illness and death on 10/2.
- 1/20: The high school honor roll (neither absent nor tardy in December) included Harry Feinstein, Morris Muhlhauser, Sidney Schwartz, Frieda Hilk, Regina Weis, Samuel Jacobson, Morris Kardon, Esther Widow (sic), Sarah Jacobson, Anna Rosenthal, Robert Hilk, Isadore Forkosh, Jack Mervis, Samuel Seldis, Goldie Schwartz, Sara Freeman, Selma Goldstone, Isadore Eskovitz, Nathan Rosenthal, Ralph Kartub, Bernard Grinberg, and Sarah Carpe.
- 1/22: J. Numerosky, Morris Trau, J. Fogel, and H. Saron were named as players in the senior class basketball league at the library.
- 1/22: The Munhall high school basketball team was defeated. Two of their five players were Lasdusky and Saron. 2/1: But they won later with Saron at forward. 2/12: And again with with Lasday, center, who scored two field goals.
- 2/11: The high school honor roll (no absences/tardiness in January): Dorothy Rosenbaum, Isadore Eskovitz, Harry Eskovitz, Arthur Glick, Daniel Schwartz, Sidney Schwartz, Anna Fogel, Mollie Mervis, Albert Schwartz, Sarah Carpe, Bernard Grinberg, Allan Widom, Ida Friedlander, Sadie Eskovitz, Regina Weis, Isadore Forkosh, Frieda Hilk. Perfect attendance: Sara Freeman, Ralph Markowitz, Gillian Fogel.
- 2/17: Ralph Markowitz played center on the Columbia Midgets team and scored 1 field goal in their recent game.
- 2/18: High school honor roll of people who did not fail any subject (* not below C in any branch): Samuel Jacobson, Morris Kardon, *Sadie Lefkowitz, Albert Schwartz, Jacob Little, Mollie Mervis, Anna Rosenthal, Sara Jacobson, Anna Fogel, *Rose Glick, *Sadie Weiss, Esadore Iskovitz, Harry Weinberger, Herbert Hepps, Sheffield Friedman, Daniel Schwartz, Sidney Schwartz, Arthur Glick, Harry Feinstein, Abe Keizler, Harry Eskovitz, Harry Feinstein, *Freeda Hilk, Julia Valinsky, Jack Mervis, Isadore Numerosky, *Goldie Schwartz, Samuel Seldis, *Regina Weis, Ida Friedlander, Eva Little, Esther Widom, Lillian Fogel, Francis Friedlander, *Sara Freeman, Selma Goldston, Ralph Markovitz, Sadie Eskowitz, *Mamie Mervis, *Morris Berger, Morris Grinberg, David Freedman, Ralph Kartub, *Allan Widom, Martin Hepps, Harry Mervis.
- 2/20: The Munhall High School Seconds, with Margolis as guard, lost to Peabody. The regular Munhall team, with Markowitz as forward scoring 4 field goals, beat Homestead. 2/26: But then Homestead swamped Munhall, with Saron and Lasday playing for Munhall.
- 3/1: The Homestead high school senior class play was “well received.” Robert Hilk “handled” a “prominent” part; he played Monsie Kent, a “fussy student.”
- 3/3: More basketball games. Lasdusky/Lasday (he was called both in the same article!) played forward for the winning Munhall sophomores. And the C.L.C. Jrs., with Numerosky at forward and Mervis at guard, also won (scorer: S. Carpe, Y.M.H.A., timer: B. Carpe, Y.M.H.A.). 3/17: The C.L.C. Jrs. met with their first defeat; Numerosky was at guard this time. 3/20: Another win for the C.L.C. Juniors. Mervis made 4 field goals, Numerosky 6, and Widom 3.
- 3/5: Markowitz played forward for the Munhall 8th grade team. 3/18: In an 89-5 victory, Markowitz made 13 field goals. 3/22: And 6 in a victory against Colfax.
- 3/8: The 8th grade team of Homestead defeated the seventh grade team. Hepps played forward for the losers and Friedman for the winners.
- 3/8: High school honor role (neither tardy nor late in March): Mollie Mervis, Anna Rosenthal, Regina Weis, Albert Schwartz, Eva Little, Samuel Hepps, Jack Mervis, Dorothy Rosenbaum, Selma Goldston, Ralph Markowitz. 3/10: Arthur Glick, Daniel Schwartz, Lillian Fogel, Frances Friedlander, Frieda Hilk.
- 3/13: Saron played a game for the Munhall 7th grade team.
- 3/21: D. Freeman authored his first sports column for the paper.
- 3/26: Munhall high school lost a game with Lasday at center, but he made 5 field goals and “played an excellent game at center notwithstanding the fact that he ruptured some ligaments of his thumb in the first few minutes of play.” The 8th grade team won 48-8 with Markowitz at forward.
- 4/7: Homestead high school honor role (neither absent nor tardy for the seventh month of school): Albert Schwartz, Ida Friedlander, Sarah Little, Mamie Mervis, Sadie Weis, Anna Fogel, Mollie Mervis, Anna Rosenthal, Samuel Hepps, Isadore Numerosky, Herman Magram, Morris Berger, Bernard Grinberg, Allen Widom, Sarah Carpe, Sheffield Freedman, Arthur Glick, Morris Mulhauser, Sidney Schwartz, Samuel Jacobson, Sara Freeman, Robert Seiavitch.
- 4/10: The Munhall sophomores, with Averbach at guard, beat the seniors, with Lasday playing forward.
- 5/28: The Homestead seniors had their class play this evening. Sadie Weis was in it. 6/2: Thirty-one seniors from Homestead high were set to graduate that evening, including Sadie (who earned a “diploma of distinction”), Rose Glick, and Robert Hilk. 6/3: The paper noted Sadie finished the four-year course in three-and-a-half years.
- 5/28: The Munhall senior class play, performed the previous evening, “exceeds all expectations.” Herman Saron played the character Thos. J. Vanderbilt, an attorney. He, Victor Averbach, and Fannie Schermer were set to receive their diplomas that evening. 5/29: At their graduation ceremony, “Miss Fannie Schermer, president of the class, in a neat speech introduced Dr. J.M. Mecklin of the University of Pittsburgh who gave an interesting address on ‘America Coming of Age.'”
- 6/24: “Among the graduates at the Pittsburgh Academy for the semester of 1918-19 is Benj. Trau of Homestead. Commencement exercises will be held at Carnegie Music Hall in the city Thursday evening. The local boy is writing the lead article for ‘Remarques,’ the monthly news medium of the school,” and of course he was a frequent sports writer for this paper, too!
- 7/3: The class of 1918 of Homestead High School “will hold the third of their series of dances at Homestead Park July 31.” Samuel Hepps was on the committee of four. “Coordinated works in this organization has been slackened for the past 3 years, due, no doubt, to the war. With a graduate body of over 3,000, an active alumni association is a certainty.”
- 7/16: The “revivified” Homestead alumni group held another meeting, during which it appointed a committee “to arrange for a dance to be held in the future at Homestead Park.” Jerry Davidson was on the committee. 7/29: The dance was scheduled for August 21.
- 11/6: Homestead High school honor roll (neither absent nor tardy during October): Dorothy Rosenbaum, Rose Fisher, Samuel Hipps, John Schwartz, Goldie Schwartz, Regina Weiss.
- 11/29: Homestead High School Honor Roll (neither absent nor tardy during November): Wm. Fogel, *Sidney Mulgauser (sic), Rachel Grinbberg (sic), Lillian Fogel, Francis Friedlander, Mollie Mervis, Martin W. Hepps, Minnie Gross, Albert Schwartz, Harry Widom, Harry Weinberg, Allan Widom, Bernard Grinberg, Herbert Hepps, Morris Mulhauser, Daniel Schwartz, Sidney Schwartz, Sarah Carpe, Samuel Hepps, Regina Weiss, Ida Friedlander, Esther Widom, Jack Mervis, Evelyn Mervis, Elsie Rosenbaum.
- 1/23: “One of the best sale of resident property made this winter was reported this morning when it was stated that Harry Glick, a wholesale liquor dealer of Sixth avenue, had purchased from Thomas H. Bridges the large dwelling at 212 East Eleventh avenue. This property is known as the Laweson property. The price is said to be $15,000.” 1/24: “The purchase of the property at 312 Eleventh avenue from Thomas H. Bridges, was Samuel Glick proprietor of the meat market at 349 East Eighth avenue and not Harry Glick his brother, the wholesale liquor man on Sixth avenue.”
- 2/1: “The Girls Club of Half Bros. Store gave a very enjoyable dance Friday evening in the hall of the Munhall Borough building. This is one of a series of good fellowship affairs which the firm and the employes hold every little while and they are always delightful…”
- 2/7: “Ben Little, the shoe dealer, who ever since he was burned out last May, has been occupying a small storm room between Ann and McClure streets, will soon be back in his old square, with a larger and finer storeroom, he having leased for a term of 10 years the room next to the Palace Theatre…Mr. Little will get possession about April 1st and will spend several thousand dollars remodeling and improving the building, and will put in an entire new set of fixtures. Today is old store is closed, while he is readjusting his prices for a big removal sale which starts tomorrow morning. He intends to dispose of his entire stock before April 1st…”
- 2/14: “Mr. Morris Half and Mr. Felix Half were…in New York” with their ladies’ ready-to-wear buyer “and as a result of this trip the ladies of Homestead are promised the most exclusive and at the same time the most complete showing of ready-to-wear garments ever offered in this vicinity…”
- 2/15: “There is some great hustling being indulged in for business location on Eighth avenue, never has the demand for store rooms between Amity street and McClure street been so great…Ben Little, the shoe man, will move into the room now occupied by the Homestead Paint and Glass Company…B. Gross, the clothing man, has leased [an] entire building and will remodel it into a high class business block which he will himself occupy at the same time retaining his present location. Gross is going to have one of the finest stores in the valley.”
- 2/18: “B. Friedlander, a well known merchant of Eighth avenue has returned from New York and the East, where he attended the National Dry Goods Merchants Association. He selected his Easter stock and all the latest designs for the patrons of the big store.”
- 2/25: “Friedlander Bros., meat dealers, have purchased…the Lincoln Hotel property at 241 East Eighth avenue, the price being $40,000…The interior is one of the best built in town. The first floor now consists of two business rooms” including their meat market. “The location is among the best in Homestead’s business district where business locations are so much in demand. The firm of Friedlander Bros. consists of Morris and Joseph and they have been in Homestead for about 15 years. They are cousins of Benjamin Friedlander…”
- 3/1: “A new meat market will be opened Saturday morning at 615 East Eighth avenue, with new fixtures and a full and complete line of meats and groceries. Our aim will be to help cut down the high cost of living. Call and get prices. Harry Fox, proprietor.” (This was a paid article.)
- 3/6: In the real estate listings: “24×100, Third ave, Nachame Levin to H.S. Jacobson, Feb. 3… $5,000,” “23×110, Fifteenth ave, Harry N. Michael to Elek Lemberksy, Feb. 28… $9,000.”
- 3/11: “Two additional sales of business property on Eighth avenue indicate the confidence in the future of Homestead and the great demand for locations here for the future. David Jacobson, proprietor of the dairy at Highland Station, has purchased…the Casino building at 418 Eighth avenue, Munhall, for a consideration of $20,000, consisting of a two story brick building. The Casino is now occupied by [another] Homestead garage…Mr. Jacobson will acquire possession of his new property May 1st and states that he will building an additional story to the property and in conjunction with opening up a first class garage will install a repair shop.”
- 3/19: “The annual spring opening at Half Bros. store has come to be a sort of community affair and is looked forward to with much interest by the people of the Homestead district.” For the details of the “elaborate preparations,” read the whole article.
- 3/20: A nice article reviewed the spring openings of Lasdusky’s, Friedlander’s, and Half Bros.
- 3/21: “Half Brothers‘ opening last evening took on the appearance of a social gathering. Everybody was glad to see everybody else and people rested around in the comfortable nooks provided for them and chatted with their friends. Every one enjoyed the display and the music and had a general good time.”
- 3/21: “Samuel Fogel, the confectionery dealer, has remodeled his store at 315 Eighth avenue which presents an attractive appearance and enables him to better provide for his trade.”
- 3/28: “This afternoon H.L. Little is conducting an hour shoe sale in which he is selling 200 pairs of men’s fine patent leather dress shoes of high class makes, worth $7.00, $8.00 and $9.00 for $1.95. By istake these shoes were advertised at $9.50 in yesterday’s Daily Messenger. This is a rare chance to save money.”
- 3/31: “Work will be started tomorrow morning on remodeling the building at the corner of Amity street and Eighth avenue formerly known as the Realty building, to transform it into one of the most up-to-date clothing and men’s furnishing goods stores in the Homestead district. John W. Gross, proprietor of the store at the corner of McClure street and Eighth avenue…will open out another store in addition to that he is now conducting…Mr. Gross stated this morning that he would open one of the finest stores of its kind in Homestead…it will be known as the ‘Nifty Shoppe’…” More of his plans in the full article.
- 4/7: “Joseph Lasdusky, a well known business man of Eighth avenue, has left for New York on a business trip. While there he will look after the interest of his patrons and will purchase all the latest designs and goods for his big store.”
- 4/7: A foot specialist of the Scholl Manufactoring Company “is at H.L. Little‘s shoe store for four days and will be pleased to meet any one suffering with foot trouble of any kind. Consultation is free. He is arranging to give free moving picture demonstrations later in the week.”
- 4/18: “Ben Little‘s Removal — Was to have taken place earlier so he could have been in his new store for Easter. But, owing to the delay in remodeling, he found it impossible to be in the new location,” but, this paid article continues, you can find his larger stock of Easter goods crammed into his old store and on sale.
- 4/29: “To the Public and My Patrons: Fred C. Morgan, doing business at the Homestead Garage, wishes to announce that Jacobson & Hiedovitz have not purchased the business of the Homestead Garage, but only the building,” explained a paid article presumably submitted by Morgan himself.
5/2: “The new ‘Nifty Shoppe,’ Homestead’s newest store, is just opening and bears out its name in every way.” The full article describes it in some detail, concluding, “The opening of the Nifty Shoppe is Saturday, at which time the general public is cordially invited to just come in and look around and enjoy the artistic display.” 5/8: A new concrete side walk was placed around his store “which will add to the appearance of that corner which has undergone much improvements during the past month.”
- 5/6: “Ben Has a Store But Can’t Use It — Ben Little, the shoe man, is not doing business today. If he were it would be out on the street, as Ben has no business home today.” He vacated his previous location on the first, but repairs on the new one weren’t yet finished. He put his goods in storage in the meantime.
- 5/8: “Ben Little, the shoe man, was happy this morning over his new store at 210 Eighth avenue being placed in good shape to permit him to open us next Tuesday for business.”
- 5/8: In real estate notices, “also sold for St. Francis Congregation of Munhall to Max Aldersberg (sic) lot 25×60 situated on Eighth avenue, Munhall; $3,750 cash.”
- 5/13: “Morris Half, of the firm of Half Bros.’ big store on Eighth avenue, left last night for Jamestown, N.Y., where he will visit the furniture market. The object of his visit will be to purchase the latest designs in furniture. He will be away several days and will buy the best in the market for the firm’s patrons.”
- 5/17: “While the formal opening of Ben Little‘s shoe store in his new location with souvenirs and so forth will be next week, he is open for business today in the new store. It is a little over a year since the disastrous fire caused the opening of the small store near McClure street, but Mr. Little intends to serve his patrons in the ‘before the fire’ way in his new quarters.”
- 6/10: “Tomorrow will be the twentieth anniversary of the founding of Half Brothers Furniture Store,” and of course there was a nice article about the store’s history. 6/11: The paper was 12 pages, instead of the usual 8. The extra 4 were a special section with advertisements and history about the store. “Half Bros. celebrates the 20th anniversity of the founding of their big store today and this paper wishes to extends its congratulation on this occasion.” 6/12: The sale “started off remarkably well and promised to be the greatest in the long history of the firm.”
- 6/11: “Robert Davidson and son Harry, have left on a trip to New York and Philadelphia. The length of their stay will depend upon the expediency of their purchases. It is certain they will not return until they have gotten the latest creations in ladies’ and children’s wearing apparel.”
- 6/23: Bess Hudson, a popular saleslady from a rival store, “has accepted a position in Ben Little‘s new shoe store where she will have full charge of the ladies’ and children’s department…[she] will be glad to serve her old friends at the new store.”
- 6/24: An article described the “important changes” at Lasdusky‘s during these “busy days” — many enlarged departments, a “fresh air draught going through the store,” new policies “to present to the Homestead district a Metropolitan Department Store.” And now that Mr. Lewis Lasday was back from France, he was taking over the credit department.
6/25: “Friedlanders are celebrating the twentieth anniversary of their entering into business in Homestead this week, and very appropriately are having a huge birthday cake which weighs 200 pounds…Everybody is invited to come in and get a piece,” but the best part was that it had $20 in gold inside it! The paper was 12 pages that day, with two dedicated to Friedlander advertising. The paper noted, “Attention is called to the celebration of the Twentieth Anniversary of the founding of one of Homestead’s solid business houses, that of Benjamin Friedlander.”
- 7/2: “Dr. J.W. Moss, dentist, announces the removal of his office from corner 8th and Dickson street to 208 E. 8th avenue.” (A paid notice.)
- 7/7: During July and August Half Bros. and some of the town’s other leading department or chain stores agreed to close at 5 PM.
- 7/15: “Quarter of a Century of Service Rewarded — A better example of diligent, constant, consistent labor, as exemplified by our co-citizen, Mr. Morris Grinberg is indeed a rare find, but couple that with intelligent, square and fair business dealings and one has a neighbor imbued with civic pride and progress that any community would be justly proud of.” And thus begins an article, with picture, celebrating his 25th anniversary of going into business in Homestead.
- 7/31: “One of the largest sales of real estate made this season in Homestead was completed last evening when Samuel Magolis (sic) purchased…two large lots fronting on Eighth avenue and City Farm lane, Homestead” with building known as 709-709 1/2 Eighth avenue (future location of my grandfather’s beer distributorship!) and 554-556-558 City Farm lane. “This property makes a very good investment for Mr. Margolis at the price of $21,400 cash. It is considered a good investment.”
- 8/6: “B. Friedlander of ‘The Store Ahead’ and his daughter Jeannette, left last evening for an extended Eastern buying trip. Mr. Friedlander, assisted by Miss Lebowitz, cloak, suit and dress buyer, who was also in the party, will purchase a complete line of authoritative styles in Fall ‘Ready-to-Wear.’ While on her trip Miss Lebowitz will represent ‘The Store Ahead’ at the Nemo Corset Convention, and will take a special course in corset fitting at the ‘Neo School of Corsetry.'”
- 8/27: “Morris Grinberg, an Eighth avenue business man, has returned from an Eastern trip where he purchased an extensive line of fall and winter merchandise.”
- 9/3: Buster Brown and his dog “Tige” were set to pay a visit to Ben Little‘s shoe store the next day to “give an entertainment to the boys and girls,” answer questions, and give out souvenirs. 9/6: They “made a big hit… the street was jammed and traffic was suspended for a while.”
- 9/18: “Homestead devotees of fashionable wearing apparel will be given an unusual treat tomorrow night at Lasdusky‘s Fall opening when living models will present style’s early favorites for the coming season. Six models, including a junior, have been engaged and will promenade the main aisles of the big store. Lasdusky’s orchestra will furnish the music.” An article described the full plans for the evening, “The first of the many fall social activities planned by the employdes of the big store.” 9/20: “About 500 people braved last night’s rains to be present at Lasdusky’s fall fashion promenade of living models…Approximately 75 garments were shown and required 1 1/2 hours for their exhibition.” Full details here.
- 9/19: “We doubt very much whether there has ever been greater interest shown in a display of women’s garments than that which was evidence by the ladies who attended Half Bros. fall opening yesterday.” Full description here.
- 9/19: “Friedlander…presents many attractions in its Fall Opening ‘Dress Up’…The store will be open this evening and the public and friends are invited to attend.” The attractions are described here.
- 10/2: “Friedlander Bros., meat dealers, the present owners of the building previously occupied by the Lincoln Hotel, have removed their market to their new and permanent location, previously the Lincoln bar room, and next door to their old location. It is without a doubt the most beautiful market in this vicinity….The place has been the scene of hundreds of people from its opening day. Friedlander Bros., who are composed of Morris, Joseph and Alex Friedlander, Jr. (sic?!), the latter having joined the above firm upon his arrival from France, wish to thank the public for their kind patronage shown to them in the past years of business…” (Full article — really an advertorial by the firm — here.)
- 10/15: The management of H.L. Little‘s Shoe Store invited everyone to hear a talk about how to prevent foot trouble given by a representation of the Scholl Mfg. Co. foot appliance specialists.
- 10/17: “NOTICE The undesigned has purchased from the executor the confectionery store of the late Steve Osmongya, 536 Fifth avenue. All claims against same should be presented immediately to the undersigned. MAX MARKOVITZ“
- 10/29: “The second of the series of Fall social affairs given by the Lasdusky Employes Association will be held this evening at the store. The program includes dancing, fortune telling by Mme. Fifi, direct from Paris. The Lasdusky Store Orchestra will furnish the music. The affair is open to Lasdusky Employes and their friends.” 10/30: It was “a huge success. About 30 couplese were present and tripped the light fantastic to the melodious tunes of Lasdusky Store Jazz Orchestra.” The full article better captures the Hallowe’en spirit of the evening.
- 10/31: “While building material is high it did not defer Meyer I. Grinberg, an enterprising business man, from awarding the contract” for his “new three-story brick business block…Ground was broken this morning…and the Eighth avenue end of the building will be completed in the spring.” Full details in the article, including a reminder that all this stemmed from the fire a couple years ago.
- 11/1: “M. Mervis and M.C. Jacobson, two well known young men have purchased the Eighth Avenue Garage from I. Heidocitz (sic) and assumed charge today. Mr. Mervis is an old Homesteader who has been in business at Starford, Pa., for the past eighth years. Mr. Jacobson recently returned from overseas where he was in the service of his country. He has a wide circle of friends in this vicinity. J. Heidovitz announced that he will return to the business of buying and selling live stock.” A couple days later they published this item to announce their new business formally.
- 11/6: “Joseph Lasdusky, of Lasdusky department store on Eighth avenue, has left for New York and other Eastern points where he will buy spring goods in the latest designs for the patrons of the big store. He expects to be absent a week.”
- 11/10: “National Blouse week is being celebrated this week at Homestead’s mercantile establishments…At Lasdusky‘s in particular…one entire window has been given over to Ladies Blouses and the display is one of the most beautiful seen here this season…”
- 11/18: “One of the largest Real Estate Deals negotiated recently” was when Half Bros. purchased the warehouse they had been renting for some time. More details about their storage needs in the article.
- 11/22: “Unusual interest is being manifested in the display and exhibition of imported Japaneseware at Lasdusky‘s.” Apparently, the article explains, Lasdusky’s had been trying to import these pieces since 1916, but the war interfered!
- 12/9: “People who suffer with their feet will be glad to know that Ben Little…has secured the services of a good specialist for a couple of days only–today and tomorrow. Every one is cordially invited…”
- 12/10: “While the steel strike has been fought and lost some are still fighting over the strike. The last was that between two Lithuanians in a club on Fifth avenue Sunday night…Attorney Abe Hepps appeared for the defendant.”
- 12/19: “Santa Claus will be at Morris Grinberg‘s Department Store, 515-17 Eighth avenue, near Dickson street, Saturday afternoon from 3 to 4. Bring the kiddies.”
- 12/31: “Sam Fogel, the Eighth avenue candy man, has been made Homestead representative for the Versailles Center Oil and Gas Company, of McKeesport. This company has a lease on which a well will be started in a short time.”
- 1/2: “Harry Szeinbaugh (sic), a merchant of 540 Fourth avenue” was robbed on New Year’s Eve and “reported over $74 in money, a good chain, twenty pairs of shoes, jewelry, and several pairs of trousers taken. The robbery was one of the largest that has taken place for some time…”
- 1/3: “The confectionary store of David Hansrith (sic), 530 City Farm lane, was entered last night, the place ransacked and over $100 in cash taken. It is believed that the robbers used chloroform as the occupants of the place slept so soundly…It is thought that the robbers are the same that robbed Harry Szeinbaugh (still sic)…as there was a strong odor of chloroform in the house…”
- 2/13: “Word has been received from Harry Feldman, of Ann street, who left a week ago for the bedside of his mother in the East, that his mother died this morning at Cottstown (sic), Pa. She was 56 years old and had been in the hospital for a year. Her son Joseph Feldman, of Co. G, 319th Infantry, was killed in France. She is survived by two sons and one daughter.”
- 2/20: “A divorce has been recommended Frances Kartub from Dr. Nathan C. Kartub, who is a convict in the Western Penitentiary…” Full article here.
- 3/11: “Emanuel Feldman, the 11 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Feldman, of 1215 Ann street, who was injured on last Friday when he fell from a telephone pole in front of his home is improving. He had climbed the pole and in some manner lost his balance and fell to the ground. He is in the West Penn Hospital and no serious results are anticipated from his injury.”
- 5/1: “The mystery surrounding the fire which destroyed Louis Glick‘s slaughter house at West Run on November 27 was cleared up” with two arrests yesterday. “Mr. Glick, owner of the building, preferred the charge against the men. He was a heavy loser, having lost $600 on the building, and was put out of the hog killing business for the winter.”
- 6/26: A “slick check kiter” fooled numerous Homestead merchants. He “passed checks” on Isaac Lincoff, B. Gross, and others. The next day he would have a hearing “on the charge of obtaining money under false pretense preferred by” Lincoff. 6/27: “At the hearing this morning I. Lincoff, B. Gross, I. Grossman and John McConegly, who has cashed the forged checks recovered most of their goods.” 7/18: He was sentenced yesterday after a trial featuring witnesses J. Gross, I.S. Grossman, I. Lincoff and C. McConegly. His lawyer was Arthur Grossman, son of I.S.! He got six months in the workhouse and a fine of $5 and costs — considered a light sentence. All the witness were satisfied, because they “were given the amounts of the checks presented to them.”
- 7/1: “B. Glick, a meat dealer of 339 Eighth avenue, has reported that robbers entered his market and stole one create of eggs, 30 pounds of butter and sides of bacon from the stock room in the rear of the shop. The robbery was discovered when Mr. Gross (sic?) opened the shop and found the rear door had been broken open.”
- 7/8: “An aftermath of the Fourth of July celebration took place last evening before Magistrate P.H. McGuire when Harry Szeibach (sic) and his wife, Mrs. Esther Szeibach, of 540 Fifth avenue, were given a hearing. The arrests were made by Patrolman George Horner and the station was crowded to the door to hear the case. It appears that on the night of the Fourth Szeibach was discharging firearms and was placed under arrest by Patrolman Horner.” It was illegal to use firearms on July Fourth. “As the officer and the prisoner were starting to the police station Mrs. Szeibach objected to her husband going with the policeman and is alleged to have kicked the officer several times causing him to gasp for wind. After recovering his second wind Patrolman Horner placed Mrs. Szeibach under arrest for interfering with an officer. Later in the evening Mrs. Szeibach waived a hearing before Justice John B. Jones on the charge of assault and battery preferred by Patrolman George Horner.”
8/13: “Hyman L. Little, one of the best known business men on Eighth avenue died suddenly this morning at 4 o’clock of acute indigestion, in Atlantic City, according to a telegram received by his brother, Ben Little.” A sizable obituary appeared in the paper. 8/29: “The H.L. Little shoe store will be open tomorrow for business as usual.”
8/18: “Felix Half, aged 52, senior member of the firm of Half Bros. on Eighth avenue and one of the best known business men in this section of the State died suddenly of acute indigestion at 10 o’clock last night in his home…” The full obituary is here. 8/19: A follow-up article reported, “The funeral of Felix Half, a pioneer business man of the Pittsburgh district and the senior member of Half Bros.’ store on Eighth avenue was held at his residence…”
- 10/2: “Leon Trau, until a few months ago active head of Trau’s new Bon Ton store, 225 Eighth avenue, is in grave condition. He is in a semi-conscious state and attending physician expects end momentarily. Mr. Trau has been confined to invalid chair 11 years.”
- 10/6: “Leon Trau, age 44 years…died at 7.30 o’clock Saturday night after a long illness. He was born in Bielystock, Russia, and was a member of a large manufacturing firm until 14 years ago when he came to America to be free from the military oppression of the country…” The obituary detailed his business history in the U.S. before and during his time in Homestead. During his eleven year illness, “he would have his chair placed in front of his store and always had a cheerful smile and never complained during his long years of suffering.” It concluded, “He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Anna Trau, two sons, Morris and Ben, and one daughter, Miss Elizabeth Trau, all at home.”
- 10/25: “Leon Trau, late of Homestead, left an estate valued at $20,000. He made a bequest of $3,000 to Annie Trau; $7,000 to his daughter Elisabeth Trau; $2000 to his son Morris Trau; $100 to his son Bennie Trau; $1,000 to his brother Morris Trau, residing in Moscow, Russia.”
- 11/22: “Ralph Victor Lefkowitz, aged 4 years, son of Adolph Lefkowitz, a well known poultry dealer of 521 Dickson street, died at 10:30 o’clock last night in the West Penn Hospital. He had been ill for some time and was operated on yesterday morning, and rallied, but later suffered a relapse and died last night. Funeral services will be held on Sunday and interment will follow in the Jewish cemetery.”
- 12/27: “Mrs. Betty Brown, aged 85 years, died last night at 7:15 o’clock in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Yetti Glick, 528 Ninth avenue, Munhall. She was one of the oldest Jewish women in Homestead and was a resident of this vicinity for the past 16 years. She is survived by three children, two in Austria and Mrs. Glick in Munhall; also 16 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren. The funeral will be held at 2.30 tomorrow afternoon, Rabbi Widom officiating. Interment will follow in the Jewish cemetery.”
- 12/27: In Glick’s Meat Market on Sixteenth Avenue and Andrew street, “rubbage (sic) in the cellar had become ignited and the flames spread under the stairway and under the weather board and plaster…the damage to the dwelling [where Mr. Glick lives] is estimated at only $500, while the loss to Mr. Glick of meats and goods stored in the cellar is put at $2,000.” (This either Joseph or William Glick.)
- 12/30: “Yesterday afternoon when Scoutmaster Harry D. Margolis was on his way to lunch he noticed a small congregation on Eighth avenue.” A child “was subject to a severe case of freezing and so he took the boy to H.L. Little‘s shoe store and there he placed him in charge of one of his scouts who happened to be present at that moment. The scout administered first aid. Scoutmaster Margolis presented him with some needed materials, including a lunch, after which the Scoutmaster directed his scout to take the boy to the proper authorities.”
- 3/10: “Louie Moss, of Washington, D.C., is here on a business trip.”
- 4/15: “Dorothy Goldman of Third avenue has returned home after spending a few days with relatives in Artmore.”
- 5/24: “Mrs. Joseph Lasdusky is spending a week or ten days at Cambridge Springs.”
- 7/2: “Louis Lasdusky who recently returned home From France…is visiting friends in Boston, Mass…while away he will visit other points of interest in the East.”
- 7/5: “Mrs. Joseph Lasdusky and sons, Ralph and Harry left Tuesday on a touring trip to Philadelphia. While away they will visit New York for about 10 days.”
- 7/7: “Miss Rose Hilk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hilk of Dickson street, has left to spend the summer in the east.”
- 7/15: “Al Gross, owner of the nifty shop and gross gents’ furnishing store is spending his vacation motoring through the East and stopping at Wildwood, N.J. Mr. Gross is accompanied by his family and Mr. Arroson and his family.”
- 7/25: “Miss Regina Haupt, a teacher of the Homestead High School, left for Atlantic City this morning for a vacation. Mr. J.W. Gross a well known clothier of Eighth avenue, and family have returned from a motor trip which included Wildwood and the Great Lakes.”
- 8/21: “Joseph Ladusky, a well known business man of Eighth avenue, is spending a couple of weeks vacation at Nantucket, Mass.”
- 8/26: “Mrs. I. J. Goldston of Eighth avenue left today for a two week’s stay at Cambridge Springs Youngstown.”
- 8/27: “Bernard Weis, a well known artist of 209 East Fourteenth avenue, has returned from Confluence, Pa., where he had been for the past two months landscape sketching. Mr. Weis made several posters during the Liberty Loan drives which were accepted by the Government, one of which won a prize in a contest. He won a medal as a four minute speaker and while, owing to an injury, he could not pass the examination to enter the army he did his bit.”
- 11/27: “New York Visitors are Entertained — Miss Rose Hertz entertain last evening at the home of her sister, Mrs. Samuel Glick, 212 Eleventh avenue, complimentary to visitors from New York City. Among the visiting guests were Mrs. Teitlbaum, Mrs. Engle, Mrs. Sleemo and their daughter, Miss Dolly Sleemo. Thirty in all were present and dancing was the feature of the evening. A buffet luncheon was served ad the ladies were each presented with chrysanthemums while the gentlemen received boutonnieres.”
- 1/20: Miss Anna Unger of Pittsburgh was married to Harry Davidson of Homestead in a double-wedding with her sister at New Light Synagogue.
- 2/3: “Louis Freeman, well known fruit dealer of 214 East Eighth avenue, has purchased a 1919 model Studebaker automobile.”
- 5/28: “Miss Fannie Mervis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mervis, of Ninth avenue, has chosen Sunday evening, June 8, as the date for her marriage to J. Harvey Philiips, of Cincinnati.” The ceremony would be family-only at the Rittenhouse.
- 6/13: “Mrs. Samuel Cohen of Butler is spending the week here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Mervis of Second street. Mrs. Cohen came to attend the wedding of her cousin, Miss Finella Mervis, of Homestead, whose marriage to Harvey Phillips of Cincinnati, Ohio, was an event of last evening.–Braddock News-Herald.”
- 7/2: Rabbi and Mrs. Widom’s daughter Elizabeth Cecelia married Mr. Lawrence A. Metz of Pittsburgh in “one of the most beautiful and elaborately arranged weddings of June.” The wedding was officiated by Rabbi Widom and Rabbi A.M. Ashinsky. The matron of honor was Mrs. Harry Arons of East Liberty. Her siblings Esther, Louise, and Allan took part, as did Leonard Arons. The rest of the article describes the clothes and the reception.
- 8/6: “Miss Genevieve Mervis was hostess yesterday at a pleasant birthday party tendered in honor of her 8th birthday. About 20 little guests were present. The diversions of the afternoon were singing, dancing and games.”
- 8/15: “Mrs. Joseph Lasdusky and son Isadore will leave this evening for New York where they will join Mr. Lasdusky and son, Louis Lasday. The party will then proceed to Boston where Mr. Lasday will be married to Miss Frances Friedman of Boston next Tuesday.”
- 9/24: “Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Little of Forward avenue, Squirrel Hill” and Victor Shoe Store “announce the engagement of their daughter, Pearl Teenie, and Jacob Kwalwasser…”
- 9/30: “Ralph H. Lasdusky, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lasdusky of Lasdusky’s department store, has left for Philadelphia where he will be married on next Sunday evening, October 5, to Miss Adele Katz of that city. Mr. Lasdusky’s parents will leave here Saturday evening to be present at the wedding. The guests will include the families of both the young people. Miss Katz visited several times to Homestead and is well known to many young people here. After a wedding tour through the East Mr. and Mrs. Lasdusky will make their home in Squirrel Hill.”
- 10/18: “Tomorrow evening at 5:00 o’clock will occur a very interesting wedding when Miss Jennie Lebovitz, daughter of Mrs. Fannie Lebovitz, of 539 Ammon Street, becomes the bride of M.A. Gordon, of California, with Rev. Widam (sic), Rabbi of Rodelf (sic) Sholem Synagogue, officiating. Following the ceremony a wedding supper and reception will be held at the home of the bride and attended by immediate relatives and friends. Miss Lebovitz was formerly a school teacher in the Homestead public schools, and Mr. Gordon has recently been discharged, after having seen service with the A.E.F. forces in France, being a member of the 158th Brigade, 32nd Division, Heavy Artillery, for two years. The young couple will reside in California.”
- 10/20: “A wedding which has been of much interest the past few weeks is that of Miss Jennie Lebowitz, daughter of Mrs. Fannie Lebowitz, to Mr. Abe Gordon of California, Pa., which took place last evening at 5 o’clock. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Widom of Rodef Sholem at the home of the bride. The wedding was followed by a reception and a supper at which the decorations were in pink. There were about 200 guests present many of whom were from California, the home of the groom…”
- 10/22: “Ralph Lasday and bride, nee Miss Adele Katz, of Philadelphia, have returned from their honeymoon trip which was spent at Delaware Water Gap, New York and Atlantic City. They will make their home in the Squirrel Hill district.”
- 11/18: “Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davidson of Eighth avenue are receiving congratulations over the arrival of the daughter at the Wechsler hospital in the city on Saturday. This is the first visit to the young couple. Mother and daughter are doing nicely.”
- 2/1: “The semi-annual installation of officers of the Hebrew Ladies Aid Society was held Tuesday evening, January 14th, at the synagogue on Ninth avenue (sic). Mrs. I. Grossman installed the new officers. With eloquent remarks in behalf of the society she presented Mrs. H.S. Schwarz, ex-president, with a beautiful Japanese serving tray for her faithful service. The following were the new officers installed: Mrs. Joseph Lasdusky, president; Mrs. Alex Hepps, vice president; Mrs. B. Glueck, treasurer; Mrs. Hyman Sapeer, secretary. Luncheon was served later in the evening.”
- 3/5: “A very elaborate banquet and miscellaneous shower were given Monday evening, March 3, by the Homestead Hebrew Ladies Aid Society in the vestry of the local synagogue in honor of Miss Edith C. Widom, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Samuel Widom, whose engagement to Mr. Lawrence A. Metz, of Pittsburgh, has recently been announced. Great credit is due the social committee, Mrs. Harry Feldman, chairlady, and her aids, Mrs. Enoch Greenstein, Mrs. Alex Hepps, Mrs. Dr. D. Reiter, Mrs. Joseph Lasdusky and Mrs. B.J. Schwartz, for the beautiful program rendered and dainty lunch served. Miss Florence Goldston, accompanied by her sister, Miss Esther Goldston, delighted all present with her charming vocal solos, and Miss Elsie Hepps rendered some very beautiful numbers on the piano. The bride-elect was the recipient of many beautiful and useful gifts. Toasts were made by almost all of the 75 members present and all voted this affair, the first of its kind ever given by the organization, a very pleasant event and a huge success.”
- 3/7: “The newly organized Zionist District of Homestead has secured the services of Solomon H. Metz of New York to deliver a timely lecture upon Zionism, in English, on Sunday, March 9, at 8 p.m. at the Synagogue…It is needless to mention that the U.S.A. is heartily favoring the movement.” Full article below.
- 3/8: “The Hebrew Ladies Aid Society of Homestead, has been very active of late sewing dresses for the orphans of Palestine and in the near East. The sewing circles take place at the Synagogue on Tuesday each week and last Tuesday the Synagogue almost assumed the resemblance of a busy factory, about 25 ladies participating in the work.” The full article below suggests that Hadassah helped motivate the sewing circle. “The following ladies participated in the last sewing: Mrs. Morris Grinberg chairman; Mrs. Joseph Lasdusky, Mrs. H. Sapeer, Mrs. Kahn, Mrs. E. Hepps, Mrs. Greenstein, Mrs. Gluck, Mrs. Gutfield, Mrs. Emil Schwartz, Mrs. H.S. Schwartz, Mrs. B.J. Schwartz, Mrs. M. Markowitz, Mrs. Klein, Mrs. I. Grossman, Mrs. B. Friedlander, Mrs. Widom, Mrs. I.J. Goldston, Mrs. Leibowitz, Mrs. A. Weiss.”
- 3/24: “The Hebrew Ladies Aid Society announces that a whist and euchre will be held Wednesday evening, March 26th at 8 p.m. at the Realty hall. Same was arranged by the social committee consisting of Mrs. D. Reiter, Mrs. Alex Hepps, Mrs. H. Feldman and Mrs. E. Greenstein. A very pleasant evening is assured. Do not fail to come. Tickets can be secured at door.”
- 4/3: “The I.O.B.B. of Homestead will be addressed Sunday morning, April 6, at their lodge rooms, Odd Fellows Hall, by Sergeant Major A.H. Friedman, recently returned A.E.F. soldier…The last monthly meeting of the I.O.B.B. was addressed by Lieutenant David Glick, an A.E.F. man, who at one time was an instructor in the Homestead High School.” Full article below.
- 4/15: “Jewish Passover Began Last Night,” and the rest of the article (below) provided a fairly accurate description of the holiday, concluding, “The holiday services in Homestead today and tomorrow will be conducted by Rev. S. Widom in the local synagogue.”
- 5/13: “The Hebrew Ladies’ Aid Society will met at 8 o’clock this evening at the synagogue on Tenth avenue and a large attendance is desired by the officers. Important business will be transacted and all members are urgently requested to be present.”
- 5/31: “Shabuoth, the Feast of Weeks, falls this year on Wednesday, June 4th.” A fairly reasonable, if lengthy explanation, in the article below, ensued.
- 6/19: “Under the auspices of the Homestead Zionist organization a very interesting lecture will be given this evening at 8 o’clock, sharp, at the synagogue, by Mr. M.P. Raskin, the well known author and poet of London, England. All members and friends are requested not to miss this great treat.” This is probably Philip M. Raskin.
- 9/9, 9/23: “Jewish New Year is September 25,” “Celebrate of Jewish New Year Tomorrow.” Both articles below.
- 9/26: “The Jewish New Year.” The article below notes that, “Jewish merchants closed their places of business during the holiday in order to attend services at the Rodef Sholem synagogue and to exchange visits and good wishes to relatives and friends.” (For context, Rosh Hashana started early in the 1919 steel strike.)
- 10/1: “A very important meeting of the I.O.B.B. Lodge will be held Sunday morning, November 2, 1919 at 10:00 o’clock, the meeting to be held in the regular meeting rooms Odd Fellows Hall. business of the utmost importance to the lodge will be transacted in addition to which officers are to be nominated for the ensuing year. All members are requested to be present. In addition to the above business to be transacted a smoked (sic?) is to be held at the meeting rooms a half hour to be devoted to smokes.”
- 10/2: “On Saturday the Jews of Homestead and the country will observe the most sacred day prescribed by their religion. …Services will be held in the local synagogue by Rev. S. Widom.” The full article below includes the usually lofty explanation of the day.
- 10/15: Among the post nuptial affairs which are being given for Miss Jennie Lebowitz whose marriage to Mr. A. Gordon, of California, of California, will be an event of Sunday, October 19, perhaps one of the most enjoyable was the shower given by Mrs. Ignatz Grossman Sunday evening in the Homestead Hebrew Synagogue. Mrs. Grossman had as her guests principally the Hebrew Ladies Aid Society of which there were about 65 present. Many talks appropriate to the occasion were given by the ladies with Mr. Joseph Lasdusky as toast master. The hostess thanks her aids who helped make the affair such a success among whom were Mrs. Sam Glick, Mrs. Joseph Lasdusky, Miss Lena Lebowitz, Mrs. H.S. Swartz, Miss Rose Hertz and the Misses Goldston for their rendition of excellent music.
- 11/1: “A very important meeting of the I.O.B.B. Lodge will be held Sunday morning, November 2, 1919, at 10:00 o’clock, the meeting to be held in the regular meeting rooms Odd Fellows Hall. Business of the utmost importance to the lodge will be transacted in addition to which officers are to be nominated for the ensuing year. All members are requested to be present. In addition to the above business to be transacted a smoked (sic) is to be held at the meeting rooms a half hour to be devoted to smokes.”
- 12/19: “A very interesting Channukah entertainment will be given Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock in Carnegie Library by the pupils of the Homestead Hebrew Religious School…Through the courtesy of the Hebrew Ladies Aid Society candy will be presented to the children of the school. The article below has the complete program, including the Hebrew school orchestra providing the music.
- 3/7/1919: Zionist Lecture Sunday
- 3/8/1919: Sewing Clothes for the Poor of Palestine
- 4/3/1919: Major Friedman Will Speak Sunday in Odd Fellows Hall
- 4/15/19: Jewish Passover Began Last Night
- 5/31/1919: Shabouth
- 9/9/1919: Jewish New Year is September 25
- 9/23/1919: Celebration of Jewish New Year Tomorrow
- 9/26/1919: The Jewish New Year
- 10/2/1919: Sacred Day to Be Observed, War Relief Drive of Local Jews
- 12/19/1919: Hebrew Pupils Will Entertain In the Library — It is Called Channukah and Will be of an Unusually Interesting Nature
Community: Y.M.H.A. and Y.W.H.A.
- 1/11: The Y.M.H.A. and Y.W.H.A. organized a meeting for the next day to open a drive for membership. The meeting was set to take place in the synagogue, with Dr. J. Moss, president of the Y.M.H.A., was the one local speaker, along with Hon. A.C. Stein and Mr. Silberstein, president of the Pittsburgh Y.M.H.A. Full article below. (The president should have been Dr. M.H. Moss.)
- 1/13: “Young Hebrew Associations Getting Busy — At the meeting of the young and young women Hebrew Associations last evening in the synagogue on Tenth avenue a big drive was open for membership. Dr. M.H. Moss presided and a musical program was rendered. Addresses were made by Hon. A.C. Stein, of Pittsburgh; L.K. Patley, president of the Y.M.H.A. of Pittsburgh; M. Marcus and others. The local association has 46 boys in service and a campaign will be started to build a new home for them.”
- 1/18: “A campaign in the interest of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association of Homestead will start next Monday morning and last a week, the object being to boom the membership and raise a fund for the purpose of obtaining a suitable permanent home for the organization. The Y.W.H.A. is also interested in the movement and will help in the campaign. At a meeting held Thursday evening teams were named and the town districted and a systematic canvass of the community will be made. The organization has about 35 young men in the service and the committee in charge of the campaign hope to have the new home opened by the time they return home from France.”
- 1/23: “The membership campaign being conducted in the interest of the Y.M.H.A. and the Y.W.H.A. is meeting with fair success and if the teams only keep up their good work until Saturday evening when the campaign closes, larger and finer quarter for the organization is assured. Tonight a mass meeting is to be held in the synagogue on Tenth avenue when the teams will make their reports. There will be speech making and other features and new life is expected to be infused into the campaign which is expected to close with a grand round up of all the Jewish people of the community.”
- 2/3: “The Y.M.H.A. entertainment conducted conjunctively with the Y.W.H.A. pleased a large crown (sic) at the Savings Bank and Trust Co. Hall last night. Mr. Joseph Lasdusky presided and read a report of the campaign activities. It was announced that the intensive campaign permits $1800 at the disposal of the Y.M.H.A., with which to facilitate distension (sic?). This was the first of the regular monthly entertainments contemplated by the organization. Last evening excellent musical numbers were rendered by Master Leonard Arons, Miss Florence Goldstein (Sic), Miss Fanella Mervis and Miss Ruth Grinberg. Amusing sketches by Miss Gertrude Friedlander and Mr. M. Marcus were well received. The speakers were Miss S. Mazer and Mr. J. Seligshon (sic?), both of Pittsburgh.”
- 2/21: “The Homestead Young Men’s and Young Women’s Hebrew Association will hold their initial social event of post bellum days. The affair is to be a jubilee dance on Wednesday next, February 26 at Elks’ Temple, Homestead. The presence of several of the Homestead boys who were in service will aid in the jollification and help to make the dance everything its name implies.” Full details in article below.
- 2/22: “The second in a series of entertainments given under the auspices of the local Y.M.H.A. will take place tomorrow night at the Savings Bank and Trust Co. Hall. A program of musical merit has been arranged by the board of directors…The present officers of the club are: Dr. M.H. Moss, president; Ben Carpe, vice president; Paul Numerosky, financial secretary; Benj. Trau, corresponding secretary, and Ben Little, treasurer.” Full article below.
- 2/27: “The joint hop by the Y.M. and Y.W.H.A.’s of Homestead, in the Elks’ Temple last evening, was acclaimed an usually fine affair by all attending…Personnel of committees in charge as follows: For Y.M.H.A., Messrs. I. Lasday, chairman; M. Goldman, J. Hepps, J. Markowitz and J. Seigle. For Y.W.H.A., the Misses F. Mervis, chairman; G. Friedlander, R. Grinberg, O. Hepps and S. Seigle.” Full article below.
- 3/13: “Last evening in the Y.M.H.A. quarters, Eighth avenue, a club formed by a group of energetic members to perpetuated principles of good fellowship gave a unique stag, which was enjoyed immensely by all present. Vocal solos and renditions on violin, banjo and mandolin by boys of the new club furnished the divertisement for the evening along musical lines, while short stories related by the several members were well received. Luncheon was served at 7:30. J. Fogel, B. Carpe and O. Cohen served on the committee in charge. Among those present were J. Hepps, G. Davison, M. Trau, I. Lasday, J. Seigel, J. Hepps, Jr., C. Fisher, A. Katz, R. Hilk, S. Israel, and B. Trau.”
- 3/14: “Because of the elaborate program for its next open meeting the Y.M.H.A. announces that the date has been set back a week from the 23rd to the 30th. Regular entertainments are scheduled every fourth Sunday in Savings Bank Hall. The educational features of the coming gathering are being planned most carefully. Pertinent problems in the limelight today will receive thorough discussions by several members of the club. A diversified musical entertainment is to be included in the evening’s proceedings.”
- 3/26: “Capt. J. Clyde Miller of this place, recently returned from the battle fields of France with the incidents of first warfare fresh in mind, will delivery an address before the Y.M.H.A. members and friends Sunday evening in the Savings Bank and Trust Co. hall…The board of directors, Ben Little, Paul Numerosky, Julius Markowitz, Harry Margolis, and Ben Trau, arranged for the entertainment. President J.W. Moss will preside.” The program also includes vocal and piano solos by Miss Adlesburg, Miss Elsie Hepps, Mr. Jacob Fogel, and Misses Gertrude and Jennie Friedlander. Full details below. (Capt. Miller had been speaking at many local clubs and churches at this time.)
- 5/22: “The local Y.M.H.A. will give an entertainment for members and friends Sunday night at 8.30 in the Savings Bank and Trust Co. building hall…The following program is offered as a fitting climax to the accomplishments of the organization during the winter and early spring.” Full article below lists the contributions of Sidney Schwartz, Miss F.C. Goldston, Miss Esther Goldston, Attorney A.M. Grossman, and Miss Sarah Freeman.
- 5/26: A long article, below, reviewed the recent program of the local Y.M.H.A. “Mr. Arthur Grossman, a young lawyer, one of the organizers of the Y.M.H.A. here, opened the proceedings with an interesting and appealing talk on the…constructive work of the Boy Scout movement. A comedy sketch was then presented by Gerald Davidson, formerly of the Carnegie Tech Glee Club and…Jacob Fogel…The youthful artist, Sydney Schwartz, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Schwartz, of Dickson street, rendered a highly appreciated number at the piano. The gathering was presided over by Dr. M. Moss, president of the Y.M.H.A…”
- 5/28: “Arrangements are being made for an informal dance to be held by the Young Women’s Hebrew Association of this vicinity at Homestead Park Wednesday evening, June 11. The Maggio Orchestra has been secured to furnish the music. The following young women have been selected to serve on the Committee. Miss Sadie Siegel, president of the organization; Miss Ruth Grinberg, chairman, Miss Birdie Weiss, Miss Rose Glick and Miss Regina Haupt. The committee will be assisted by the members of the Board of Directors, Miss Elizabeth Hepps, chairman, Miss Rose Marks, Miss Florence Goldston, and Miss Fannie Friedlander.”
- 6/2: “Plans are being evolved by the Board of Directors of the Y.M.H.A. for a rousing welcome to members returning with the 80th Division. The present tentative plan is to hold a huge stag affair with plenty of refreshments and entertaining features. It has not yet been ascertained as to the exact number of boys in the contingent, but irrespective of number, nothing will be spared to convince the fellows that their services are appreciated beyond measure.”
- 7/18: “The Y.M.H.A. hall in the Savings Bank and Trust Co. building, taxed to the capacity by members and friends, rang out with unrestrained joy last evening in the intense welcoming celebration honoring the 38 members who returned safely after serving the Stars and Stripes…The Club president, Dr. J.B. Moss presided. The stag was carried out minus a hitch under the direction of the Board of directors, Ben Little, Harry Margolis, Paul Numerosky, Lou Lasdusky and Benj. Trau…Attorney A.C. Hepps, ex-soldier and former president of the organization was called on for a speech.” Joseph Lasdusky, Attorney Charles Frankel, Arthur Grossman, F. J. Grossman, and B. Friedlander made speeches, as did “Joe Freed of ‘we lead, other (sic) follow’ notoriety.” Harry Fox was one of many performers. Bob Glick, Lou Lasdusky, Meyer Jacobson, Max Wiedhof and Alec Friedlander responded. There was a special tribute to Joseph Wolfe Feldman, Oscar Cohen and Ben Harrison (sic).
- 8/6: At the Munhall borough council meeting, “Joseph Lasdusky and J.W. Moss appeared before council, representing the Young Men’s Hebrew Association and stated the arranging (sic) to lease a room on Eighth avenue for a club house where entertainments would be held, and asked for a permit which was granted.”
- 8/15: “Considerable importance is attached to the meeting to be held Sunday afternoon by the Y.M.H.A. in the Savings Bank and Trust Co. building club rooms. Discussion concerning the new quarters will be taken up. Members are much enthused since learning that a permanent home may be secured.”
- 8/15: “The Y.M.H.A. will give it second summer dance next Wednesday evening at Homestead Park. A large turnout is anticipated, and a committee is completing arrangements. Drake’s novelty jazzers will furnish the music.” (This event first appeared in the list of summer events at Homestead Park printed in the 6/14 paper.)
- 8/19: “The Y.M.H.A. dance will be held tomorrow night at Homestead Hall.”
- 8/21: “About 60 couples enjoyed the dance given by the local Y.M.H.A. at the Homestead park pavillion last evening. Many automobile parties constituting out of town guests swelled the attendance to that mark. The dancers jazzed to the syncopated refrains emanating from Drake’s Novelty Jazz Band. The efforts of the committee men, Gerald Davidson, Jack Fogel and Julius Markowitz, aided considerably in making the evening a success.”
- 9/27: “A regular meeting of the Y.M.H.A. will be held at their rooms Sunday, September 28, at 2 p.m. Business of importance.”
- 11/15: “One of the most successful social events of this season was the Armistice Celebration Dance at the Elks Temple this week given by the Homestead Young Women’s Hebrew Association…One hundred couples were led by two discharged soldiers, Lieut. J. Hepps and Harry Margolis…Many thanks are due the chairlady Miss Ruth Grinberg, and also the president, Miss Elizabeth Hepps…[and] the rest of the committee including Miss Jeanette Friedlander, Miss Anna Gross and Miss Rose Glick…” Full article below.
- 11/27: “Elaborate preparations are being made for a bazaar which will be held by the Y.W.H.A. Sunday evening, December 7th, in the vestry rooms of the synagogue. Miss Regina Haupt, chairlady, reports that all committees are actively engaged planning in making the bazaar out of the ordinary in many movie (sic?) and unique ways.”
- 12/1: “A telegram has been just received that Madam Fanta La Crue will be present at the bazaar to be given by the Y.W.H.A. Sunday evening, December 14, at the Synagogue. Madam La Crue has won wide fame as a fortune teller and her presence at the bazaar is anticipated with interest. The Homestead Hebrew Sunday school for whose benefit the bazaar will be given is actively co-operating with the Y.W.H.A. for the bazaar.”
- 12/5: “What promised to be one of the attractions of the Young Women’s Hebrew Association bazaar will be the ‘Country Store’ in charge of Miss Mollie Markowitz and Miss Sadie Siegle. This committee has been very busy arranging this feature but they will not divulge any secret of it until the night of the bazaar. The bazaar will take place Sunday evening, December 14th, in the Synagogue. Admission free.”
- 12/11: “Final arrangements have been made for the Homestead Young Women’s Hebrew Association’s bazaar which will be held Sunday evening in the vestry rooms of the Synagogue. There has been a very generous response in the call for donations and all committees are actively engaged in their respective duties. Troop No. 2 boy scouts who are aiding for the bazaar will call for donations from business men on Friday and on Sunday for donations from the housewives.”
- 12/17: “The greatest social and financial success in the annals of Homestead Jewry was the bazaar held Sunday evening by the Young Women’s Hebrew Association in the vestry rooms of the Synagogue, which were in gala attire for the evening. The proceeds of the bazaar will be used for the Homestead Hebrew Sunday school. The association, which is composed of 35 young women, deserved credit for this success. The chairlady, Miss Regina Haupt, wishes to thank the committee and the Jewish women and men of Homestead who so generously donated and patronized the bazaar, and Troop No. 2, boy scouts and girl scouts who did active service.”
- 1/11/1919: Meeting Tomorrow Evening — Y.M.H.A. and Y.W.H.A. to Open Drive for Membership at Synagogue
- 2/21/1919: Hebrew Young People to Hold Dance
- 2/22/1919: Entertainment Tomorrow Night
- 2/27/1919: Y.M. and Y.W.H.A. Dance a Success
- 3/26/1919: Capt. Miller to Speak on Sunday — Will Appear Before the Y.M.H.A.
- 5/22/1919: Entertainment Sunday Evening by Y.M.H.A.
- 5/26/1919: Y.M.H.A. Close Winter Meetings
- 7/18/1919: Brilliant Welcome Home to the Hebrew Soldiers
- 11/15/1919: Armistice Day Dance an Enjoyable Social Event
Community: Troop 2 of the Boy Scouts
- 2/7: “Old [Boy Scout] Troop 2 which disbanded about two years ago…is now being organized by all new members. It has as its scoutmaster a man who is very popular in Homestead, especially in Scout activities. This man is Mr. Wyman. They also have a former member of Troop 2 as assistant scoutmaster, Mr. Edward Haupt. A t the last meeting Bernard Grinberg was appointed Scout scribe. Made big showing at Scout rally which was held a few weeks ago…The troop had its first experience on hiking which was held one night a few weeks ago when the thermometer read about zero…To show the spirit of boy scouting eight boys have passed their tenderfoot test within the last two weeks. These are: Harry Feinstein, Saul Feinberg, Herbert Hepps, Martin Hepps, Morris Hepps, Isadore Numerosky, Nathan Rosenthal and Sidney Schwartz…There are three boys who are working to be qualified as second class. Arthur Glick has only a few things to finish until he becomes a second class. Bernard Grinberg has observation to pass and he will be a second class. Allan Widom knows the whole second class test but is waiting for a chance to take it….It is also to be noted that Troop 2 has a basket ball team…Games wills be arranged with William Numerosky who was elected captain…” Full article below.
- 2/10: At the Father and Son meeting at the Ninth anniversary of the Homestead Troops of Boy Scouts in the Library Music Hall, Troop Two 2 performed (?) “Scout Laws Dramatized.”
- 2/19: “The fast Troop 2 quintet clashed with Troop 69’s quintet of Pittsburgh on February 18…This being the first time Troop 2 played but they far outclassed their opponents.” The players include Numerosky, Grinberg, Feinberg, Max Hepps, Feinstein, Martin Hepps, Sam Hepps, Freeman. The rest of the charming article, written by “Scribe Grinberg,” is below.
- 2/21: “Troop 2 takes a walloping at the hands of Homestead’s initial troop.” The players included Numerosky, Greenberg, Feinberg, Hepps, and Freeman. Game described in the article below.
- 2/25: “At the meeting last Sunday Scoutmaster Hyman (sic?) was not present…Assistant Scoutmaster Haupt took his place…Assistance Scoutmaster Haupt and Mr. Sam Fineberg are working very hard on the vaudeville show which is to be pulled off by Troop No. 2 on April 11…The boys did their best in gathering clothes for the Jewish Relief Committee on last Wednesday and Thursday…to get them for the Palestine sufferers…Troop No. 2 has also a promising basketball team…The boys are getting more ‘pep’ in them and will rank among the best among the troops before long.” Full article below written by Scribe Grinberg.
- 3/11: More by Scribe Grinberg: “The hike was the second held by Troop 2 on Sunday…Assistance Scoutmaster Haupt set about building a fire and showed the boys how to build one with two matches for their second class test…” Full description below.
- 3/15: “The Court of Honor, Boy Scouts of America, spent a busy session at the Library Tuesday night. The following men of the court examined the boys in the different requirements…Second class badges were award to…Arthur Glick of Troop No. 2…These boys have worked hard and are entitled to much credit.”
- 3/19: Scribe Bernard Grinberg wrote, “At a meeting held by Troop 2 on March 9 some very important business was transacted. As Mr. Wyman, their scoutmaster, was not present, Assistant Scoutmaster Haupt conducted the meeting…At the last conference of the local Court of Honor Scout Arthur Glick of Troop 2 appeared before them and passed his second class test. At the next meeting of the Court of Honor many more scouts of Troop 2 are expected to appear as some have almost finished their preliminary test. Don’t forget and set aside April 11 and come and see Troop 2’s vaudeville.” Full description below, including a speech on cleanliness and why they “should not advance so rapidly.”
- 4/10: “At one of Troop 2’s recent meeting Scoutmaster Wyman of that troop gave the boys a review. Most of the boys had already taken some of their second class tests.” He questioned the boys on various matters, enumerated in the article below, and “most of the boys answered the thing assigned very well…At the recent meeting of the Court of Honor the following boys passed their second class test: Herbert Hepps, Martin Hepps, Bernard Grinberg…” (This news was also reported the following day in a report about the whole session at the Court of Honor.)
- 5/12: At the most recent Court of Honor, Samuel Morgan of Troop 2 was promoted from tenderfoot to second class scout.
- 9/9: “At a meeting held on Friday evening by Troop 2, Assistant Scoutmaster Ed. A. Haupt was the presiding officer.” The article detailed the contents of the meeting, noting when the Wild Cat, Panther, Eagle, and Stock patrol meetings would be (sub-groups of the troop). “The first anniversary of Troop 2 will be held on January 1, 1920. The plans for this event are already being planned. These troop meetings are held in the Carnegie Library in room A on Friday evenings.”
- 9/15: “Troop 2 of Homestead met at the assembly rooms of the Carnegie Library Friday night. The meeting was opened by the assistant scoutmaster E.A. Haupt, and one of the topics of business discussed was the scout participant (sic) in the mass meeting which will be held in the near future for the taking of the bronze tablets bearing the names of the Jewish boys in Homestead that were in the service of their country. In addition to this several scouts will receive their medals for selling ten or more bonds in the Victory Liberty Loan. Some of the best work in the district was done by the boy scouts of Troop 2. Scout Scribe B. Grinberg was unanimously elected scribe for another year with Allan Widom as assistance in keeping the records of business and activities of the troop.”
- 9/18: “Troop Two has been very fortunate to obtain Mr. Holsinger, one of the Scout officials of Allegheny County, to present the Victory Loan Medals to this troop. These medals will be given to all boys in Troop 2 who sold their ten or more bonds. The medals will be awarded next Sunday night at the Jewish Synagogue when a magnificent tablet will be dedicated to the boys who served Uncle Sam during the World War…It must be remember that Troop Two had a great average [of bond sales?] than any other in Homestead. The medals…will be presented to the following boys of Troop 2: Scouts Bernard Grinberg, Leonard Hepps (sic!), Morris Hepps, Samuel Hepps, Samuel Jacobson, Oscar Freedman, Isadore Schermer, Samuel Magram, Leonard Miller, Harold Grossman. Scout Arthur Glick has also taken part in the Fourth Liberty Loan drive and has sold 12 bonds therefore, he will also receive a medal.”
- 9/19: “There will be a meeting of Troop No. 2, Boy Scouts in room C, Carnegie Library at 8:30 o’clock this evening.”
- 10/1: “Troop No. 2 is starting into its winter activities,” reported Scribe Bernard Grinberg in a lengthy article below. At last meeting 35 scouts of troop 2 were present as 12 Daniel Boones of troop 2 present and assisted Scoutmaster Ed. A. Haupt and his assistant Samuel Feinberg, the total number of persons present being 49. The boys showed great scouting abilities at this meeting. Everyone must remember that troop 2 is now on the ‘firing line’ and will continue so. The meeting was opened by Assistant Scoutmaster Haupt. Five new scouts asked for admittance into the troop, these being Maurice Margolis, Daniel Schwartz, Albert Schwartz, Leo Schwartz and Daniel Fogel…An athletic meeting was held on Tuesday, a good many boys in same reported at troop 2 meeting room. It was decided that troop 2 should have a football, basketball and other teams. Harry Samuels was elected as temporary captain of team football team…” The full article, below, also details that the troop had an orchestra!
- 10/10: “Troop Two held a joint sporting and regular meeting last Sunday at 1:30 p.m. in the Synagogue meeting room. Assistant Scoutmaster E.A. Haupt took charge. The main part of the meeting was devoted to sports. It was decided to give $20.00 to the Jewish War Sufferers…An orchestra practice was called for Wednesday, October 7…” Then the boys to the street car to football practice. “Any troop wishing to play the said troop a game see or phone Captain Harry Samuels P. & A. 76-X.”
- 10/23: “At the Court of Honor meeting last Monday, of the 11 scouts present, five were from Troop 2. The scouts of Troop 2 who qualified for merit badges were Martin Hepps, Herbert Hepps and Maurice Hepps. For the first class Harry Feinstein and Maurice Hepps qualifier.”
- 10/30: Scribe Bernard Grinberg wrote, “At the last meeting held by Troop 2 last Friday at their usual meeting place all members were present…” They heard a speech by the scoutmaster of Troop 11. “His speech was one that went in both ears and stayed in the boys’ minds as if it was written on their brains. With most boys when they go to hear a lecturer the address goes in one of their ears and comes out the other.” The rest of the article, below, discussed the reorganization of the troop and elections.
- 11/5: “Troop No. 2 has a big treat in store for next Saturday evening. Assistant Scoutmaster E.A. Haupt has been fortunate enough to obtain permission to take 28 boys to the Allegheny Observatory…” Full article below.
- 11/29: “Troop 2 had a very successful Weiner Roast on Wednesday…The evening was spent in games and music and later with refreshments…” Full, hilarious details in the article below, including how “the music of the singers was better than Caruso, maybe.” Although unsigned, it reads as though Bernard Grinberg wrote it.
- 12/9: “Despite the inclement weather of last Saturday afternoon the local scouts and scout officials put across their first annual roundup at the Second Avenue playgrounds in a very creditable manner…Fully 200 scouts were present…” Troop 2 came in third place in the 50-yard dash, first and second in the one-mile scout pace, fourth in the standing broad jump, second in the knot tying contest, first in the signalling contest, first in the first aid race (Carpe was the winning scout), and second in the relay race. The only event in which they did not place was the obstacle race. “Troop No. 2 being the winner was given the much coveted trophy. Assistant Scoutmaster Edward Haupt of the troop accepted the much coveted trophy. Assistant Scoutmaster Edward Haupt of the troop accepted the loving cup and made a speech in behalf of the troop which was very appropriate for the occasion…As soon as Troop No. 2 was announced the winner they gathered in a circle and gave the cheer–America—in locomotive style. This not only expressed the spirit and patriotism of the troop but of the whole scout organization. The losers then in true sportsmanlike manner cheered the winners. Hats off to Troop No. 2. They were the real dark horse in the roundup. The scouts fought hard and honestly for every point. And when victory came they took it in the right way. They won and everybody was glad they carried off the trophy…”
- 12/19: “Troop 7, Girl Scouts helped greatly at the bazaar held Sunday last. The girls had a private booth and the donations were brought by all girl scouts. There were several girls in the booth and the rest of the girls helped by patronizing the girls. All members had a nice time and the girl scout booth did very nicely.”
- 12/24: “A play was given on Sunday afternoon in the Carnegie Library hall at 2.30 and a large crowd was present. Several Girl Scouts of Troop 7 and Boy Scouts of Troop 2 were in the play. The play was coached by Mr. and Mrs. Metz…” After this play one by younger girls, “candy was given out by several women of the Ladies Aid Society.” Then the scouts went for a hike led by Miss Birdie Weiss and had a party at the synagogue (full details in the article below). “The evening was spent in telling camp stories, holding Bolsheviki meetings, eating, playing piano and playing ring games.”
- 12/31: “The first Anniversary of Troop 2, Homestead Boy Scouts, will be held Sunday evening at the Rodelf Shalom Synagogue at 2 o’clock…During the short existence of Troop 2, the Jewish lads have injected unparalleled enthusiasm into every activity of scoutdom, so it seemed the most natural thing in the world for them to carry off the highest honors and the silver loving cup at the Round-Up of Boy Scouts in the Homestead district.”
Emulating the same spirit of Judaism which gave to Uncle Sam many Homestead boys of Jewish faith far beyond its given quota and with a corresponding high percentage of death casualties, the achievements of the Homestead Jewish Scouts are cause for pardonable pride on the part of the Jewish parents of the community.
In the face of repeated allegations that Jews are behind the Revolutionary plots to undermine the government, that Jews do not assimilate into the American social fabric, that Jews are worthy of all the bigoted discrimination and prejudice against them, the war records and the Scout success of the Homestead Jewish youth stands as significant and unquestionable proof to the contrary.
The article belong includes the program of the event, which included Mr. Joseph Lasdusky, Bernard Grinberg, Harry Feinstein, and E.A. Haupt.
- 2/7/1919: Troop No. 2 Reorganized
- 2/19/1919: Troop No. 2 Won First Game
- 2/21/1919: Scouts Vs. Scouts
- 2/25/1919: Troop No. 2 Notes
- 3/11/1919: Scout Notes
- 3/19/1919: Troop No. 2 Notes
- 4/10/1919: Troop No. 2 of the Boy Scouts
- 9/9/1919: Meeting of Troop 2 Boy Scouts
- 10/1/1919: Troop 2 on the Firing Line Again
- 10/10/1919: Twenty Dollars Given War Sufferers by Troop Two
- 10/30/1919: Troop 2 Organizes
- 11/5/1919: Boy Scouts Will Visit Allegheny Observatory
- 11/29/1919: Weiner Roast Much Enjoyed by Boy Scouts
- 12/24/1919: Girl Scouts’ Entertainment
- 12/31/1919: Anniversary of Troop Number 7 (sic) Of Boy Scouts
Community: Troop 7 of the Girl Scouts
- 10/8: “A Girl Scout Troop has been organized in the Homestead and Munhall district. This troop is designated as Troop 7 and consists of Jewish girls above the age of 12 years. This section was established last Wednesday evening at the Carnegie Library at a meeting called by Scout master Edward Haupt, at which there were present 28 girls, a very commendable number for initial organization. This troop anticipates doing good work and expects to be a credit to the Scout movement. At the meting of last week a scribe and treasurer were elected and plans were formulated for a social meeting to be held Wednesday evening, October 8, at the Library. Miss Holland, of Pittsburg District, Scout worker, will be in attendance to instruct the girls and imbue in them the Spirit of the Scout movement.
- 10/30: “Troop 2 of the Girl Scouts gave a Hallowe’en party Tuesday evening at the library. A general good time was the result and the girls had as their guests a troop of Boy Scouts. Miss Bella Freed won the prize for the best costume.” Did they mean Troop 7? Or was Bella in another troop?
- 11/20: “Troop No. 7, the new ‘Girl Scout Trip’ that has been formed is doing good work. It is fairly organized and will continue with its good work. Mr. Haupt, the assistant scoutmaster of the boys, has been drilling the girls and a little signalling has been taught. The assistant scoutmaster is Miss Birdie Weiss. The troop has been divided into four patrols and each patrol contains eight girls. The patrols are doing their best and will do their best for the troop. Miss Weiss conducts the meetings and meetings are opened by pledging to the flag and a short prayer said. After all business is talked over the girls are called to attention by Miss Weiss and some drilling is done. After the drilling the meeting is adjourned. Meetings are held every Wednesday evening at 7:45.”
- 11/28: “Troop 7 Girl Scouts held a meeting Wednesday evening at 7:45 and nearly all members were present. Mrs. Goodfield visited the scouts and helped a little in playing games. Most of the girl scouts have volunteered to help with the bazaar which will be held in the Synagogue, December 7. Don’t fail to be there. The next meeting will be held Wednesday, December 3 at 7:45 p.m. MOLLIS MERVIS, Scribe”
- 1/6: The Pittsburgh YMHA team was desirous of booking the Ray Pryel All-Stars, the local basketball team (reported by Benj. Trau!).
- 2/13: “In the annals of the Great War there shines resplendent the devotion and the daring of the Jewish fighting man,” began a long article about Jews who served in the U.S. army (beginning, conclusion).
- 3/21: A sizable obituary appeared for Morris Baer, the president and founder of Kaufmann & Baer Company, a large department store in Pittsburgh.

4/24/1919: Enrolling in Jerusalem Under British Flag for Military Training. (This photo appeared in the Homestead paper on this day without a caption; the image with caption was better reproduced in The Muncie Morning Star on 4/19, from where I got this copy.
- 4/29: “The fighting is over but the suffering is not. Two appeals on behalf of destitute peoples serve to remind us that the necessity to give is with us yet.” The first was for the Serbs. “In Palestine, Poland, Galicia, Siberia and other countries the aftermath of the war is worse for the Jewish than the war itself. Refugees are returning to their former homes to find neither shelter, employment, food nor clothing. ‘Their gaunt faces,’ says Mr. Warburg, ‘are turned toward America, their only hope.’ Americans need to be urged to give. Their previous benefactions have proved that they need but to be reminded that want and privation still exist among these stricken people.”
- 11/28: An obituary appeared for Councilman Enoch Rauh of Pittsburgh, who “was a leader in educational philanthropic and business affairs in the city. He had many friends in Homestead and several years ago delivered an address before the Men’s meeting in the First Presbyterian church.”
- 12/3: The paper published stats from a report by the American Jewish Relief Committee and allied Jewish agencies about the relief they provided for Jewish refugees in Siberia (see below).
- 12/17: An article quoted the commissioner in Poland for the Joint Distribution Committee about how terrible conditions were there (see below).
- 12/23: An article previewed a campaign the Zionist Organization of America would launch in January 1920 to raise $10MM to purchase “large tracts of land in Palestine and the preparation of the country in every way for the masses of Jews who, according to authoritative reports, are eager…to escape to Palestine from lands of persecution everywhere” (see below).
- 12/30: “The Secretary of State’s reception of the American Jewish protests against programs in Ukrainia leaves much to be desired. His statement virtually admits that he does not know the facts, has no means of investigating them and is powerless to alter [them],” began an article discussing the complicating political circumstances there (see below).
- 12/31: “The Ladies Hebrew Aid Society of Duquesne, will give a Leap Year dance in bank Hall, Duquesne, on Tuesday evening, January 13. Dancing will be from 8:30 until 12 and the following committee will be in charge Mrs. Jacob Grossman, Mrs. H. Silverman, Mrs. S. Hershkowitz (sic?), Mrs. S. Newman and Mrs. B. Kaufmann.
- 12/3/1919: Much Money Donated to Aid Refugees
- 12/17/1919: Helping Poland
- 12/23/1919: Zionists Campaign for Ten Million
- 12/30/1919: Pogroms and Protests
2/10/1919: Numerous such ads appeared throughout the year, taking advantage of people’s impatience to wait for the bonds to mature. Starting in late February, a counter-campaign began, urging people to keep their bonds. “There is no better investment.” Mallinger and Lincoff were others who places such advertisements during the year.
Half Bros.
- Lasdusky’s (337-339-341 Eighth Avenue)
- Friedlander’s (221 Eighth Avenue)
- Davidson’s (239 Eighth Avenue)
- Morris Grinberg’s Department Store (515-517 Eighth Avenue)
- Ben Little (210 Eighth Avenue)
- H.L. Little (321 Eighth Avenue)
- The Victor Shoe Company (311 Eighth Avenue, J. Little Proprietor)
- Gross (corner Eighth Avenue and McClure)
- N. Eskovitz (503 Fifth Avenue)
- H. Lazirovitz (415 Eighth Avenue, West Homestead)
- J. Max Moss (Eighth Avenue and Dixon St.)
- Albert Jaffe (652 Eighth Avenue)
- Harry Glick (Sixth Avenue and Amity St.)
- J. Glick’s Market (1611 Andrew Street, Munhall)
- Fox’s Meat Market (615 Eighth Avenue)
- Trau’s, The Bon Ton Store (225 Eighth Avenue)
The Nifty Shoppe (Eighth and Amity)
- Mallinger’s (407 Eighth Avenue)
- Kahn’s Ladies Store / Kahn’s Speciality Store (131 East Eighth Avenue)
- Glick’s and Greenstein’s (319 Eighth Avenue)
- The Model Bakery (241 E Eighth Avenue, operated by Friedlander Bros.)
- Glick’s Meat Market (349 Eighth Avenue)
- E. Greenstein (501 Amity St.)
- Freeman’s Fruit and Vegetable Market
- Meyer I. Grinberg (216 Eighth Avenue)
- Samuel Lewis (509 Eighth Avenue)
- A. Lefkowitz Poultry Market (519 Dickson)
- I. Lincoff (345 East Eighth Avenue)
- Sam Fogel’s
- Eighth Avenue Garage (418 Eighth Avenue, proprietors J.Hiedovitz, then M. Mervis and Meyer Jacobson)
- L. Hadburg, 611 Eighth Avenue
- F.H. Weis / A. Weis, 14th and West Street
- A.L. Hepps, 313 Dickson Street
- E. Schwartz, 525 Fifth Avenue
- I. Roth, 490 West Seventh Avenue, West Homestead
- M. Levin(e?), 521 Fourth Avenue
- Harry Solomon, 430 Third Avenue
- Chas. Glick, 409 Fourth Avenue
- Sam Schwartz, 311 Dickson Street
- Wolk Furniture Company, 509-511 East Eighth Avenue
- Rosenbaum & Glick, 510 Fourth Avenue
- Max Adlersburg, 330 Eighth Avenue